4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2019
    1. The attribution of context is also an offscreen, imaginative process.

      Connections made during the video game

    2. This forces you to come up with a story in your mind and ascribe meaning to your journey and to the space. The filling in of narrative gaps is entirely in your mind. This process is not adjacent to play; it is an essential part of play itself.

      While imaginations happening, the meaning of what happening also comes up. (connections made during video game playing)

    3. While a majority of our focus rests in the moment to moment tactical decisions that we can carry in a game (“Do I shoot this barrel or do I shoot this dude?”), I think an important process happens offscreen as well in our imaginations.

      When we playing video games, between the moments that making the tactical decision, imaginations are also happening. (connections made during video game playing)

    1. In ergodic literature, nontrivial effort is required to allow the reader to traverse the text.

      Tells us what is important for ergodic literature.