42 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. Lincoln’s Legacy

      this sums it all up; he was hated my many and loved by many as well.

    2. Lincoln refused to back down. “No human power can subdue this rebellion without using the Emancipation lever as I have done,

      He was not giving up, including this shows how brave and caring he was.

    3.  ‘A house divided against itself cannot stand,’ 

      Stating slavery and how important changing things were to him

    4. They saw no action, but Lincoln later recalled his election as captain as the most gratifying honor of his life.

      showing thankfulness

    5. Lincoln, Abraham (12 February 1809–15 April 1865), sixteenth president of the United States, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, the son of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, farmers.

      An important key fact and straight to the point

    1. Seeing the biography of Winston Churchill left in my classroom, I opened the book to the spot where a dog-eared piece of paper was sticking out. "Dear Winston," said the writing scrawl, "You have helped me a lot in facing my goals. Now I can know that I don't have to give up no matter how hard it is." I smiled, knowing that Wi

      I love this. A student was intrigued by Churchill and he made a difference for this teachers 4th grade student. You do not always have to be focusing on leadership, even though as I said on another annotation, independence is good. Being someone that wants to help and mentor, a friend, is important growing up in life too.

    2. Instead of the theme of leadership, teachers may want to emphasize biog raphies that deal with invention and creativity, space exploration and dis covery, business, or the fine arts

      I agree with teaching both, the theme of leadership and emphasizing biographies that deal with invention and creativity. Getting into leadership as well is a good quality because it could definitely teach independence. Not always leaning on someone or being a follower is a good concept to grasp as well.

    1. Children vicariously vent frustrations in healthy ways by subconsciously identifying with (fairy tale) heroes. They also are given a sense of hope about their ultimate abilities to succeed in the world. . .

      This should be the title of the article. Everyone who opposes fantasy literature needs to read this line and understand that it is okay for students to want to express their life differently.

    2. "Do fairy tales teach children to retreat into a world of wish-fulfillment - 'fantasy' in the technical psychological sense of the wo

      Let children express themselves how they want. This should not even be a worry when teaching students, there should not be a rule of certain genres kids should be learning? There are more important problems in the world than dealing with fantasy literature. Kids should be able to express their thoughts and actions, and maybe even relate to them in fantasy literature. (Especially if there are some students who feel as though they do not fit in, maybe this genre could be answer to them when it comes to help opening up their minds and attitudes.

    1. Fantasy is often criticized as inappropriate for class- room use. This list of resources provides ways to be in- formed about and responsive to censors

      These links below were very interesting. Fantasy should not be looked at as inappropriate for classrooms, then helllo why are students going through school being told to use their imagination and explore their ideas?

    2. Immersion is the time for our students to fall in love with the genr

      Falling in love with reading is what every teacher wants for their student, in my opinion. Differentiating certain lessons to grasps every students attention makes perfect sense in this article, I do understand that at times it will be difficult because not every student will understand in the same way, I know that I need to be patient and never give up on my students.

    1. It would be a shame to overlook fantasy literature in the classroom simply because it retains that stigma of not being serious writing, when it is clear that works of fantasy have merit in all fields of critical lit- erary examination. Fantasy literature that has some- thing to offer the classroom has at least two traits in common with the lasting work of other genres: humor and humanness

      I was going to annotate only half of this paragraph but this whole paragraph needed to be noticed. As we are young and growing up, we are taught to use our imagination and be creative, so fantasy literature should not be shut down. Amazing human beings that are able to express their wildest thoughts and ideas and make a mind blowing story out of it should be credited; mostly every young student loves something that will grasp their attention, and fantasy literature should seemed like it to me while I was interning last semester in a third grade classroom. I praise fantasy lit

    2. Women authors began to break into what was probably one of the most male-dominated arenas of literature, and to flouri

      Gender roles, in any type of literature, is similar to gender roles in our everyday society. Women being able to flourish as well and show their true creative colors is amazing

    3. the role of women in fantasy litera- ture is still evolving, just as is the role of women in societ

      Relating women in fantasies to women in everyday society to show how we are evolving is relatable

    4. 1. Students like it.

      This is a very important concept, I do love fantasy literature as well and once you grasp a students attention with something that they actually enjoy, whats better?

  2. Apr 2018
    1. Myths are Narratives of a Sacred Nature, often connected with some Ritual. Myths are often foundational or key narratives associated with religions. These narratives are believed to be true from within the associated faith system (though sometimes that truth is understood to be metaphorical rather than literal). Within any given culture there may be sacred and secular myths coexisting.

      Myths are going to be difficult to teach because I am sure students are going to be confused about learning a new form a literature, especially if what is happening in the story is not totally true... I would bring up a myth slowly before teaching it by talking to the class about their favorite stories and seeing if any of the ones the choose are myths (without them even knowing)

    2. Myths are Narratives Representative of a Particular Epistemology or  Way of Understanding Nature and Organizing Thought. For example, structuralism recognizes paired bundles of opposites (or dualities -- like light and dark) as central to myths.

      Making sure your students understand that a myth is usually a story that contains early history but, does not contain real people is helpful in case a story affects them the wrong way.

    3. 2. Characters are often non-human – e.g. gods, goddesses, supernatural beings, first people. 

      An important factor to remember when you are a chid reading a myth.

    4. They are often highly valued or disputed stories that still intrigue us even though many of us do not recognize them as a living genre in our culture

      Understanding a myth as a child will help open up your mind to different ideas.

    1. Students self-assessed and were aware of areas for improve-ment. For example, several felt that with more time, they would be able to learn their lines by heart and the stories would have better flow.

      Having students be able to determine their factor of self assessment is very helpful, especially when comparing this assessment to other peers to see if they are similar or different.

    2. Peer support probably contributed to overall success. Students were given the choice to work in pairs or small groups and to select their own roles. For example, confident readers read aloud to partners, skilled writers revised stories, and others created props and scenery

      This is perfect because there was something for every student to participate on. The students that were not as quiet were the speakers and the other students could still help and get involved by creating props or scenarios.

  3. edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com
    1. owever, adding to the problem of literature ’ s declining status in the elementary reading curriculum is the fact that the empirical work on com-prehending children ’ s literature has typically been restricted to traditional plot elements rather than layered interpretation (

      Have students understand something, short and sweet and to the point.

    2. is that schools must abandon literature in favor of informational texts. As writte

      I believe that they are very similar and should be kept the same way

    3. iterature teaches readers about the social world and how to navigate through difficult emotions and inevitable conflicts

      Literature brings about all different kinds of emotions when reading stories with different tones and conflicts. Having your mind being to engage in all different scenarios helps open up your mind to different outcomes.

    4. invites us to consider frames for understanding and feeling about the world that are likely to be novel” (p. 3)

      Puts your eyes and into a different learning perspective.

  4. Mar 2018
    1. Universal Themes

      Looking at a picture in a book, you can get a sense of a tone from the picture and the vibe that the story is giving you.

    2. Picture Books Across the CurriculumPage 13 of 27 klschoch@aol.comSites on Vocabulary:Just Read Now!Strategies for vocabulary development.http://www.justreadnow.com/strategies/vocabulary.htm11. Picture Books make abstract concepts concrete

      Could not have said it better, not grasping a concept when reading... looking at a picture following what you read can make everything make sense to you.

    3. Picture books waste little time and space, and even fewer words. Individual sentences and paragraphs can be pulled from context in order to examine the author’s craft, without losing an overall sense of the text’s content

      This is helpful because you will not loose the readers attention, especially when they are struggling. If what they are reading is short and sweet to the point, following a picture, then you might be able to understand the story better.

    4. Picture books allow you to activate not only prior knowledgebut also attitudes, beliefs, and misconceptions.

      Being able to look at picture and have a better understanding of what you are reading helps when you are having trouble grasping a certain concept.

    5. some reluctant readers, the thought of slogging through a 200-page chapter book (with absolutely no pictures!) is daunting. Shorter, simpler picture books offer a pleasurabl

      Having a student read with some pictures in a book makes them look forward to getting to that page, because it is almost considered a break from reading and puts your mind to a visual instead for a better understanding.

    6. because if a picture book can advance even one educational objective, in a way that no other instructional tool can, then it has served its purpose well

      If a picure book is considered the first step to helping a student grasp a certain concept of knowledge, then there is nothing wrong advocating picture books.

    1. e taught minilessons about different kinds of selected anthologies. (See List of Suggested Poetry Anthologies.) We ad dressed the facts that anthologies could be based on some theme (e.g., poems about cats), anthologies could co

      This is an interesting way to do it because teaching poetry seems like a struggle especially for the students who do not have interest in certain subjects.

    2. "things around us," and the third, "images." We envisioned placing students' poems in the "shapes of paper" as the workshop progressed. The children referred to the bulletin board regularly when responding to or writing po etry. Images, feelings, and things around us were now configured into understandable and workable categories. These categories served as reference points for all of our varied poetry. We did not, however, anticipate the discrep ancy that arose among the children in regard to the categories. Any poem could be inter preted as a poem about "feelings" for some children, "things around us," for others, and "images" for a few students. The class had ani mated discussions about where a particular poem belonged on the bulletin board. The children taught us that poems belong in differ ent places for different people. Poetry books were positioned on tables located at the front of the classroom, adjacent to the classroom library. (See List of Sug gested Poetry Anthologies.) They were orga nized into four categories: thematic anthologies, anthologies by a single poet, general anthologies, and books with a single poem. We defined and illustrated these cate gories for the children. They delighted in the realization that the categories would make it easier to find a specific book. Daily minilessons about poetry: An overview Throughout the poetry unit we used read ing and writing minilessons to introduce chil dren to some aspect of poetry. We made sure that each child had a copy of the poems to re fer to durin

      This is something that I would agree to as well because having the students take some extra poems home to read might make them a little more interested in understanding them why they realize that reading them outside of school is not so bad after all. I have came to the realization that reading poems is actually calming and releases stress for me, so I highly recommend them especially when you grasp the concept that each story is telling.

    3. hese include re spect for the child's efforts, the provision for diversity of experience, the use of

      Being a teacher in my opinion comes along with having patience and respect. Some kids have learning disabilities and some are more shy than others. Everyone goes through that and teachers need to understand the importance of making a student feel comfortable with his own self and to be comfortable about his or hers peers. Showing students that you have respect for them, they might begin to understand that they should be showing respect for all that you are doing as well.

  5. Feb 2018
    1. istening to the sharing of ideas and consulting the charts are especially helpful to students who experience dif ficulty selecting a topic.

      Being able to listen to the children and have them speak out and speak their minds really helps other peers feel comfortable as well.

    2. At college, I had practicum experiences at several grade levels, but I student taught in fourth grade.

      This was my situation too, I did not know what grade I would be getting for my interning and when I received third grade I was so happy to experience children learning at that age.

    1. e began to make a concerted effort to pick books that not only related to the students' lives and interests but also facilitated meaty discus sions (see Table

      Having the students' read books more about their interests and everyday lives makes learning possibly a little more interesting to the students, and also it might make the student want to read more and more.

    2. It helps us get to know each other and see what we have in common." Jennifer and I hoped these seedlings we planted w

      This is the right way to have students go through school, connecting with their peers and learning new interests; this opens up their minds to different possibilities in the worlds that they may not have known or understood before.

    3. here was a pervasive feeling of hostility between the students, and many of their everyday interactions seemed to be punctuated by verbal assaults such as "stupid" and "ugly," as if these words were to be rou tinely attached to the end of a sentence. T

      The bullying issue is definitely a big issue and needs to be addressed more thouroughly.

    1. t the only name anyone should be called is their given name. For the rest of the year, racial slurs disappeared as a major class- room issu

      this is nice to be able to read to see that even though it does happen all over the world today, some people do learn a lesson from using racial slurs and being violent.

    2. This story was adapted from my teaching journal and represents a turning point in my teaching car

      To me, she makes it seem like everyone has a turning point and sometimes in life there is no going back, only moving on and you have to accept that.

    3. community literacy, the wide existence and use of print in the real world, and how our assump- tions about diversity and social practices, language and literacy, shape us as teachers and lear

      Just a good way to start off this strong article. She dove right into the main topics.