- Nov 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
This would leave us then without those callings which depend on education, or send us to other countries, to seek the instruction they require.
Our University still lives up to this statement: education is boundless. The University heavily promotes study abroad designing one's own educational experience.Education is not supposed to be constricted, and the founders understood that a very important part of cultivating a mind is through guided experiences. Therefore, it is extremely important that there is a support system in which the institution is based on. Education is very much dependent on the circumstances of the times, and without public patronage the University would not exist nor would it be as great of a Think Tank as it is.
To develope the reasoning faculties of our youth, enlarge their minds cultivate their morals, & instil into them the precepts of virtue & order
My time at UVa has done justice to this written mission. I have first hand seen and experience the University's culture of honor. The acts range from taking people safely home to our vast system of volunteer programs. The University has cultivated this environment of sharing and caring, so anyone who has spent time here will become one with the University's mission. Because the University esteems honor, many students choose to partake in activities associated with the concept. From only my first semester I have both helped people get safely home from parties, and I have joined a volunteer program to help refugees with English. This is only the beginning of my education here. Over the course of the next four years, I am sure that not only will I contribute to the University's identity but also my identity will change along with the University's.
- Sep 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
The human character is susceptible of other incitements to correct conduct, more worthy of employ, and of better effect. Pride of character, laudable ambition, & moral dispositions are innate correctives of the indiscretions of that lively age; and when strengthened by habitual appeal & exercise, have a happier effect on future character, than the degrading motive of fear; hardening them to disgrace, to corporal punishments, and servile humiliations, cannot be the best process for producing erect character.
This speaks the inherent parts of human nature: to take the path that is easier. However, in order to prevent people from doing what is inherently wrong, there are measures set up to discourage such actions. This parallels to the Honor Code of the University. It sets up an environment of trust and hard work for all the students.