- Nov 2017
opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com
But surely the most consequential act of invention came in the fall of 1863, when the American nation itself seemed to be falling apart, and the persistence of a New England “editress” met its perfect partner in the presidential architect of a new American nationalism.
a hint of irony? that during the nation's greatest time of peril, a cherished tradition is born?
Football became a vital element. The turkey consolidated its place at the center of the Thanksgiving table
how sports and its industry target thanksgiving as means to make a profit. its fun for us to watch with our family, and makes money for the nfl
Lincoln could not have known that all future presidents would follow his lead, could not have known that Thanksgiving would become fixed as a single day in the nation’s calendar rather than an irregular response to specific events.
This allows us to understand the entire history behinds thanksgiving: that is was in response to singular specific events
Nobody knew whether it would become a lasting national tradition
another instance that surprises us since we thought Thanksgiving was a lasting national tradition since the first feast in 1692.
divine aid and strengthen the link between God and his chosen people.
main point of thanksgiving; the relationship between god and people =MAJOR THEME again
Fast days and Thanksgivings were emphatically religious occasions
Another piece of evidence that states thanksgiving and fast days were religious occasions. very important and consistent theme within the argument
Although nations are too large for every member to meet physically, a powerful sense of shared identity comes from the knowledge that one’s compatriots are undergoing similar experiences
another concept of nationality, it describes a mutual understanding amongst people who know that everyone is experiencing thanksgiving which leads people to a "powerful sense of shared identity"
“Everything that contributes to bind us in one vast empire together, to quicken the sympathy that makes us feel from the icy North to the sunny South that we are one family, each a member of a great and free Nation, not merely the unit of a remote locality, is worthy of being cherished.”
Hale's idea of nationalism
religious occasions, intended to invoke God’s help to cope with hardships, or to offer God thanks for positive developments.
thanksgiving was more of a religious experience; one where the relationship between God and the people was reflected upon and strengthened.
But it was not until the 19th century that it became enshrined as the progenitor of the modern event.
interesting and important point: we often think thanksgiving was a concrete holiday in 1692, but Paul argues it was spearheaded more by Lincoln