- Aug 2021
openeducationconference.org openeducationconference.org
Draft Strategic Vision
Thanks to those who put this together, and for opening it for review by all of us! <3
fiscally sustainable
It seems like you are mixing two different things here-- empowerment and fiscal sustainability. I get that they are linked, but maybe they should be separate bullets? Not sure.
Seems fine, but maybe this is not the perfect verb? Honestly just not sure what it would look like to support recognition. But really I am quibbling because this is all good! I am just trying to write stuff so I CAN BE PARTICIPATING HELLO!!!!
distribute leadership
I like this a lot. Been reading a lot about distributed leadership in my own work, and it's pretty transformative stuff.
- Jul 2020
duckofminerva.com duckofminerva.com
the environment in which the expectations of academia are entirely divorced from the realities in which so many students exist is both important and noteworthy.
This actually may be my #1 interest in my professional life right now-- thinking about developing institutions that are fully integrated with those realities. What would that look like?
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
you take away its finalityopening the possibility of other futures
The answers will not emerge from friendly understanding, and indeed require a dangerous understanding of uncommonality that un-coalesces coalition politics-
My mind is trying so hard to think about practicing this?
decolonization is not accountable to settlers
What will be the consequences of decolonization for the settler?
Basically, jettison this question. The framework resists the answer, casts it as irrelevant, maybe even problematic?
The U.S. carceral state is properly called neo-slavery, precisely because it is legal. It is not simply a product of exceptional racism in the U.S.; its racism is a direct function of the settler colonial mandate of land and people as property.
Not racism as hatred, but the carceral as colonialism.
In contrast to the settler labor of occupying the commons, homesteading, and possession, some scholars have begun to consider the labor of de-occupation in the undercommons, permanent fugitivity, and dispossession as possibilities for a radical black praxis.
Ultimately, the Declaration abolished slavery but not property, and effectively stipulated that property trumped emancipation.
Land (not money) is actually the basis for U.S. wealth. If we took away land, there would be little wealth left to redistribute.
Keeping land rather than wealth at the center is also a transition from symbolic (money) to actual (land). My head is exploding.
The beliefs that land can be owned by people, and that occupation is a right, reflect a profoundly settling, anthropocentric, colonial view of the world.
Really seeing this all in a new light. And ashamed I never really thought about this aspect of "Occupy"
does not inherently offer any pathways that lead to decolonization.
This is not a bad-good dichotomy. This is in some ways about what violence inheres in using the wrong name for something that is meant to be literal.
conceal the need to give up land or power or privilege.
And even so I think metaphorically: "what would this look like?" It wouldn't look LIKE anything. It would be.
It is not converting Indigenous politics to a Western doctrine of liberation; it is not a philanthropic process of ‘helping’ the at-risk and alleviating suffering; it is not a generic term for struggle against oppressive conditions and outcomes. The broad umbrella of social justice may have room underneath for all of these efforts. By contrast, decolonization specifically requires the repatriation of Indigenous land and life. Decolonization is not a metonym for social justice.
A rad community action center at Prescott Coll is named after Fanon. Their director is someone I would like to invite to talk at the CoLab. Someone remind me! That center does some pretty cool stuff and I think its foundations are in Fanon in some interesting ways....
THIS. Maybe (esp in education) it's about practice inside or even in front of theory...as opposed to (if you are lucky?) afterwards.
a gesture towards Indigenous people without addressing Indigenous sovereignty or rights,
Land acknowledgements?
For many people of color, becoming a subordinate settler is an option even when becoming white is not.
Because the alternatives are perhaps not to exist?
King adopts Hawai’i and negates the necessity for ea, Kanaka Maoli sovereignty. Decolonization is stillborn-rendered irrelevant because decolonization is already completed by the indigenized consciousness of the settler.
In what ways do colonial powers (racist powers, oppressive powers, etc) work to co-opt decolonization in order to stop it?
pain is the token for oppression, claims to pain then equate to claims ofbeing an innocent non-oppressor.
This is fascinating, and related so much to Trump's victim status, leveraged as a tool of oppression...
absolves them from the inheritance of settler crimes and that bequeaths a new inheritance of Native-ness and claims to land (which is a reaffirmation of what the settler project has been all along).
At its heart, the adoption narrative shores up the settler's claim to land.
Indigenous identity and tribal membership are questions that Indigenous communities alone have the right to struggle over and define, not DNA tests, heritage websites, and certainly not the settler state.
Implications here seem radical for all sorts of identities. I like this construction.
That is, Native American is a racialization that portrays contemporary Indigenous generations to be less authentic, less Indigenous than every prior generation in order to ultimately phase out Indigenous claims to land and usherin settler claims to property
Wow-- this seems obvious now that I read it.
This is precisely the habit of settler colonialism, which pushes humans into other human communities;strategies of rape and sexual violence, andalso the ordinary attractions of human relationships, ensure that settlers have Indigenous and chattel slave ancestors.
Slavery and sexual violence inherent in the mythic grandmother narratives.
Elizabeth Warren
If she ends up VP many progressives-- myself included-- will likely celebrate. But it seems totally NOT coincidental that she has this issue in her narrative to ascend into the top leadership spots in the country. Thinking of how this juxtaposes Trump at Mt Rushmore, and what the liberal alternatives have in common with the more explicitly racist candidates.
attempt to relieve the settler of feelings of guilt or responsibility without giving up land or power or privilege
What you are willing to give up is maybe not as salient here as what you are NOT willing to give up.
The easy adoption of decolonization as a metaphor (and nothing else) is a form of this anxiety, because it is a premature attempt at reconciliation
THIS SEEMS LIKE THE HEART OF IT, and so so so related to the conversations around Black Lives Matter right now.
he presence of Indigenous peoples-who make a prioriclaims to land and ways of being-is a constant reminder that the settler colonial projectis incomplete
he settler wants to be made indigenous,
Instead what is warranted is to be uncomfortably unsettled? De-settled? Explicitly settling?
murmuring in approval
To a certain extent, all supportive (content, settled, understood, approved) intentions are colonizing, since they obscure the "unsettlement" that must accompany decolonization.
I think settle/unsettle is something I'd like to talk more about when we meet to discuss this with #PSUopen.
Immigrants are beholden to the Indigenous laws and epistemologies of the lands they migrate to. Settlers become the law, supplanting Indigenous
Protest at Mt. Rushmore (Black Hills) trump rally July 2020
This is both because the settlers make Indigenous land their new home and source of capital, and also because the disruption of Indigenous relationships to land represents a profound epistemic, ontological, cosmological violence.
Trump gave a racist speech at the foot of Mt Rushmore the other day, as protests by the Sioux and other Indigenous people stopped traffic to the rally. That hideous speech is such a demonstration of so much of what this essay is arguing here.
had to look it up: A colonial or imperial power, considered in relation to its colonies or empire; The capital city of such a power.
particularized modes of control-prisons, ghettos, minoritizing, schooling, policing-to ensure the ascendancy of a nation and its white3elite. These modes of control, imprisonment, and involuntary transport of the human beings across borders-ghettos, their policing, their economic divestiture, and their dislocatability-are at work to authorize the metropole and conscribe her periphery.Strategies of internal colonialism, such as segregation, divestment, surveillance, and criminalization,are both structural and interpersonal.
Wow this 2012 article sure is feeling current reading through the lens of 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.
Interested in this language. Clearly, think about colonialism in education. But thinking easily is not helpful. Clarity of purpose must yield to complication in how it is done.
another form of settler appropriation
Also thinking about Achebe on "colonialist criticism."
When metaphor invades decolonization, it kills the very possibility of decolonization; it recenters whiteness, it resettles theory, it extends innocence to the settler, it entertains a settler future.
Interest association of metaphor with whiteness-- is it just the metaphor of decolonization, or is the slippage from action to representation that is associated with whiteness? Ibram Kendi seems to gesture at this as well in "How to be an antiracist."
language of decolonization has been superficially adopted
Is all language superficial?
The metaphorization of decolonization makes possible a set of evasions
Wondering how much is attached to the role of language. So much connected to the controversies over white liberal BLM statements of support....
“decolonize our schools,”
This was a 2012 article. I feel like in 2020, what we mostly hear is "decolonize your syllabus."
- Jun 2020
www.hastac.org www.hastac.org
learning from a place of dislocation, anxiety, anger, and trauma
We assigned this post as a reading in a faculty learning community before the Floyd/Taylor murders and the eruption of BLM protests. It would be hard to exaggerate the degree to which the ideas here seem even more salient now.
- Nov 2019
xolotl.org xolotl.org
better access
So interesting to wonder whether "access and use by diverse participants" is it for inclusivity. Could something fail to be inclusive even if everyone on the planet could access and use it? I kind of think maybe?
Materials and activities
Noticing that most things in the rubric are about what participants do, but this is what the materials or activities are. Not sure that matters. I am wondering if the whole rubric wants to be more predictably parallel across the three domains with when it is "participants [verb]" and when it is something else? Does that even make sense?
I am thinking that in open experiences, skills are less taught than they are developed? "Training" maybe seems like it's about transmission and replication, but maybe as you go along, you don't just have to learn skills that someone else can teach you because someday they will be helpful, you have to learn skills that are required to do what you want to do, so you learn them as part of the experience itself. I guess I am just wondering if there is something beyond training and practice that looks more like "development."
- Sep 2019
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
will be
Getting our institutions to stop competing with one another and to start recognizing that they have more to gain from collaboration than they stand to lose in the rankings is no easy task.
Do you ever read an article and feel like this is the article you would have written if you were better at doing things?
Some people argue that the best means of ensuring the sustainability of such projects is economic: simply eliminate the free-rider problem by enclosing the commons, requiring individuals or institutions to pay in order to access them. But this privatization is, in many cases, the exact problem that community-developed projects were developed to evade. It is incumbent on us to find the self-organization and self-governance models that can keep these projects open and thriving.
Going to have to give a big old Amen to this one.
sustainability and solidarity
Hey if anyone is reading this, check out my colleage Matt Cheney on these ideas. So brilliant: https://finiteeyes.net/philosophy/five-values/. He also has a review of "Generous Thinking" a couple of posts before this one.
"Community" becomes, in this sense, an alibi for the creeping privatization of what should be social responsibilities.
Yes now I am on a table applauding and my dog is giving me side-eyes.
But sustainability broadly understood extends to domains beyond the economic.
Say it one more time for the people at the back. And at the top.
reserving our investments, and our labor, for systems and platforms and infrastructures whose missions genuinely align with our own, whose values mirror our own, and to whose governance we can contribute.
Yes. I have recently in my work been trying to link on the one hand the demoralization that many of us feel when we receive accolades for our work nationally but can't get traction at our institutions when we want to make structural change based on what we have learned through research and practice with, on the other hand, the general rush to outsource university innovation in a quest to find a solution to the higher ed crisis. On many college campuses, I think there's a sinister corporate thrust to fracture community and alienate powerful community-builders from their teams in order to better feed the machine that's driven by market feshization. For goodness sake, I teach at a college that TEACHES COURSES in human resource management. Why do we hire outside HR firms to run searches for our most important administrative searches? We teach web design and computer science, but we sub out all of our web design and construction to an outside company who radically misunderstands education and what we do with the web. Newfield lays a lot of the blame on top university admin who don't value public infrastructure and who overestimate (by a lot) the payoffs from privatization. I am inclined to agree at this point.
paradigm shift
Agreed, and Newfield was so instrumental in helping me see this. One thing I am batting around is coming to me from spending a lot of time in community (generally 2-yr) colleges in the US, and working in my own program with many more older and transfer students, and many students struggling with poverty and disability and mental illness. Listening to these students and how much they want to and feel they need to learn, I think we have it backwards when we chop learning into smaller more kills-based bits to make them easier to consume. We don't need easier consumption. We need better community. So could we instead think about a TRUE "community" college model that offers a more comprehensive environment for learning, rather than just a less intrusive or more flexible one. Community models would be, I think, different from models aimed at consumers. And would require a shift toward public infrastructure that both Newfield and Fitzpatrick gesture towards. Anyway, these thinkers (including Goldrick-Rab and McMillan Cottom) are inspiring to me, and I hope to many of us.
- Mar 2019
4re.referrals.selectminds.com 4re.referrals.selectminds.com
and irony...don't forget irony...
What is the impact you are trying to make? I am impressed with your ability to write an entire ad about OA without revealing any commitment to anything open. Bravo!
Previous employment for a commerical organisation
Keep away, all thee of the nonprofit and public educational domains
Educated to degree level
Is this a thing????
Extracting data
upward reporting
that's generally what we aim for in open: upward reporting.
Identify and extract useful data from external sources
open data! yeah!
that sounds dirty
work streams
deliverable the work streams across the action stakeholders for external team conditions of critical management dependencies
so that we are viewed as an organisation which supports OA
Two of the three main reasons for existence of this team: support commercial goals and improve your reputation. Consider me not super impressed.
- Oct 2018
econproph.com econproph.com
That's a nice word. I am trying to end with something nice since my last comment was a downer. So that is a nice word.
Further, as the public in general comes to see higher education as just another capitalist industry feeding large publishers, they lose sight of the value to society of supporting higher education with public funds.
Story of my fucking life. Seriously, next to the fact that the world is apparently going to incinerate in 2040, this is a close second for things that just make me hideously depressed.
The books aren’t the CPR. We are.
Ah yes. So the "seeding" is not for the resource. It's for the time. We value the people. This is why the contingent labor issue is an OER issue.
perception of unfairness or lack of reciprocity
But when there IS unfairness or a true lack of reciprocity, what do we do? I hear these concerns especially from contingent faculty who have so little job security and barely make a living, so it's harder to feel generous with one's learning materials when one feels that their specific academic labor is being exploited. How do we address this? Because I do get what you are saying here, Jim.
CC-BY-SA and NC.
Reminder to self: you drank the kool-aid on CCBY and you better think this through on your own, girl. It's ok not to know yet, but work on it.
Care Framework
Faculty and students become consumers, not producing-using learners. They adopt and buy instead of creating and learning. The commons fails and is enclosed.
So "students as contributors" is not just a high-impact-practice: it's a public infrastructure. Wow this is a lightbulb moment for me.
the faculty
And now I am interestingly seeing this not just as about expertise or academic labor, but also as humanity-- as a relationship of humans learning with each other. Displacing that relationship with something that flows less dialogically or cyclically.
The educational publishers extract value from the same source of resources as all higher learning but the existence of profits (economic profit rates of return) means they remove more than they return – an unsustainable drain on the commons.
There you go.
I think the real reason faculty and students join and engage in the learning commons is because they want to learn.
I am stuck on this in my own work. I bristled recently reading a book about the future of libraries where the love of learning was conceptually so forward. I had just come back from a few days working with adults in a resumed-education college completion program, and they loved learning, but so so so much urgency around how education was tied to equity and survival and power and (I will say it again) survival. So I am trying to layer all of my vision and conviction and experience and observations and getting kind of messed up in it all.
Even some non-profits, such as Western Governors, are doing that in my opinion.
This is helpful to think about. Is the relationship to the commons and the way education is configured as a commons or as a market product as important or even MORE important than the status as private/public/nonprofit/forprofit?
learning commons instead of “education commons” or “knowledge commons”
Ok, I think I am on board and actually will start revising my language right away, since I was on board with the knowledge commons before but I get this and it makes good sense to me.
Though what part of speech "learning" is here (and "education" and "knowledge")...errr...I dunno. PhD in English btw.
OER is more of an output pool of artifacts of previous learning.
This is interesting.
The commons is the response of a group of people to a shared social dilemma.
Sets the commons up as reactive though? Is that right?
hard place of state organized and run public bureaucracy
THESE ARE MY PEOPLE and they are sucking my soul dry.
state-leviathan paradigm
Pretty sure this is not about a whale.
institutional, social, economic, and technological structures and norms
That seems juicy. Also what is the difference between a structure and a norm? Is there one?
institutional structures and norms
This gets at something I will be looking to understand further: what role do institutions play in the commons? Hearkens me back to an early Groom-Caulfield debate on the role of institutions in education (I was on Team Caulfield then, and now, though I don't know if I understood the teams correctly) (and Jim's anti-institution, which I envision being both Italian and from the '90s, I imagine would be mad fun compared to my public university nightmare that I am currently living).
if we allow unrestricted free access and usage to anyone without regard to reciprocity or care for the commons, then OER is not sustainable. If we allow purely self-interested behavior by participants that emphasizes monetization and a purely transactional, consumer orientation regarding OER, tragedy will ensue. And, most important, if we continue to foster isolated users and isolated teaching while pushing for a commodification of “knowledge” into books and course materials, then our commons will fail. I don’t believe it must be that way.
Please forgive the boringness of my annotations, but this stuff is critical to what I am working on now, so I kind of just need to restate it all so it gets in my brain right. Basically, here we are looking at the tragedy behind the tragedy, which is that a commons without community standards (or whatever Jim is about to illuminate) is ripe for exploitation/clearcutting/etc.
- May 2018
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Students have taken the technology and used it for what the technology is able to do."
Ok, so here are the real points I was trying to make:
1) Quizlet (which I see in use in college quite a bit, but which I am more intimately familiar with because my kiddo is a first-year public high school student and Quizlet is probably about half of her homework and study time) is a banking model technology. Yeah, I am pulling out the Freire for this stupid story. Because if you want to pretend to talk about teaching, at least really try to TALK ABOUT TEACHING. What's cool is that students have taken that regurgative software and shifted it into a communication and collaboration tool. This seems compelling to me because "digital" stuff is much more interesting for how it can connect students and allow them to creatively contribute to architectures and ideas than it is for how it can enable notetaking or flashcards or whatever (this is why the laptop ban "research" is so annoying, right?). So first off, cool hacking done by students to show how the web connects them.
2) the "cheating" thing has nothing to do with Quizlet, really. I mean, THE GOOGLE (the Duck Duck Go, whatever) can retrieve all the factual information on the planet. Then it can also retrieve all the WRONG FACTS on the planet (Quizlet does this too, which is funny). Punishing students for retrieving facts using the net is way less helpful than showing students how to improve their search and retrieval skills, their critical evaluative skills, and their general digital literacy.
3) Quizlet may have been founded by a student who wanted to study French more effectively. Love that! But hey, it's funded by like 12+ million dollars of venture capital companies, most of which have no real mission related to education. So sit around and talk about how students are naughty if you want. I'd rather ask larger questions about what the end game is for these venture capitalists who want to scale quizlet so that instead of 1 in every 2 high school students using it, it is 1 in 1 high school students. I think Quizlet has like 20 million users a month (don't quote me. I'm not writing an article, I'm DOING HOTHEADED MARGINALIA!). Please exaplin to me what the end game is. Do we think there is no expected return on investment for all the millions sunk into this app? Do we think there is no real reason these "disruptive" companies focus so much on scaling? Who is the product if we can't easily see the product or understand where the money flows here. The problem with Quizlet is not students. The problem with Quizlet is that it's part of a larger commercial edtech trend that is becoming ubiquitous and which we don't question because we are too busy casting side-eye on small-potatoes distractions like DO THEY SHARE EXAM ANSWERS (like they have done since the first caveman exam BTW).
4) Watch how Quizlet proliferates cheaters. Demonize said cheaters. Create software programs to catch cheaters funded by same venture capitalists who proliferate them. TRACK EYEBALLS OF CHEATERS. Get bad cheaters and their families to send their taxpayer dollars to the venture capitalists to pay for all of it. Begin again. (Don't make me whip out Foucault, people.)
That is what I was trying to say.
DeRosa, just sayin
- Feb 2018
ashleyhall.plymouthcreate.net ashleyhall.plymouthcreate.net
two 3-4-month long art classes, inspiring and helping inmates to express themselves in a positive way.
being in the wrong place at the wrong time, trumped up charges, and false allegations made by loved ones.
Hmmm...so he never did anything wrong? That seems less like "stupid reasons" and more like wrongful imprisonment. Something seems off here...
who may have the closest personality trait”
I am not sure what this means...
drugs. ” caught
Remember to be careful about your periods! Don't end a sentence unless you mean to!
This seems to be reinforcing their loss of self and disempowers their original identification as a human being, am I right?
Yes, I am totally seeing the way that art humanizes, and counters the dehumanizing currents that flow in the prison system.
Together African Americans and Hispanics comprised 58% of the prisons population in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately a quarter of the US population.
You really MUST see the film "13th." It streams on Netflix now, I believe. It's totally worth it, and really helps explain how this all happened. Amazing film.
As art therapy is less about accuracy of the art being produced but rather about the emotional experience that unfolds when the art is being made.
A helpful way of describing it.
physical? or psychic? or psychiatric?
I don't think this is what you mean!
wildhands.plymouthcreate.net wildhands.plymouthcreate.net
But your public is 7 billion individuals of infinite needs, mental and physical disabilities, varying levels of intuition and common sense, cultural and language barriers, economic and ecological considerations, available materials, machines, tools, and machinists. Making something consistently and universally simple to use is the most complex process in product design.
Love these final sentences.
How do you think a smartphone could change our physiology over time?
Scary and interesting question.
If anthropologist called C. Loring Brace is correct
the role silverware had in changing our jaw structure.
also that engineers are aware of the societal consequences of product design and the matching responsibility of the designer as an actor in a societal context.
Agreed-- love this.
This necessitates introspection about how this rapid change can look like in various other socio-economic and governmental facets.
Kind of an awkward sentence?
The rise and fall of civilizations happen in between updated versions of your Iphone.
Beautiful sentence.
Oh my gosh that tire video is amazing. So many possible things to hope for in the future but now 3D print-on-demand biodegradable tires is like WAY UP AT THE TOP OF MY LIST.
I want to know what it takes to break one of these tires, what to do with a broken tire, how it behaves when its broken on a moving vehicle, how much pressure the tires can withstand.
Yes-- and this really explains how so much about design happens in research and observation rather than in sheer creation.
Michelin is working on a 3D printed, biodegradable tire.
untested over time
It's a simple but profound point: that the untested and therefore less flawed nature of new things makes them more appealing than things that have failed a bit over time...even if the new thing will ultimately fail a lot MORE over time.
16,564 hospitalizations were caused by the leashes.
is very difficult to predict what they will do.
So interesting to have to design around accidents, around people using things incorrectly, and around the unpredictable.
Ha ha that video is as awesome as you promised!
multifaceted monolith
Interesting-- seems almost like an oxymoron?
- Jan 2018
blogs.ubc.ca blogs.ubc.ca
delete "
Do we mean disciplines? Or maybe communities?
- Dec 2017
madisongroberge.plymouthcreate.net madisongroberge.plymouthcreate.net
I did not ask questions. I did not know how to ask questions.
So interesting to think about how the permission to ask questions and the confidence-building to help students feel comfortable doing so needs to be part of an effective Sex Ed curriculum...
I became a mom a week before my 17th birthday.
Powerful. You are able to offer the kind of insight we should be hungry to hear more about, so we can effectively plan curriculum that would actually be worthwhile and helpful.
Rely on participatory teaching methods, implemented by trained educators and using all the activities as designed.
I'm struck in reading these that there is still so little discussion of pleasure or of sexual subjectivity and the idea that one's sex life should ultimately enrich a person's happiness and wellbeing...
three key areas
Helpful areas-- I am not sure I ever saw them broken down like this.
30 states
I had no idea it was that many... Sigh. Have you seen the film "The Education of Shelby Knox?" WATCH IT!!!!
A whopping $250 million for abstinence and $75 million for comprehensive evidence based research and education
Sexual education is interdisciplinary in nature, but it is the goal to modify the mixture to meet modern values and expectations.
A great intro that gets to the heart of the interdisciplinarity here, but also to the heart of the irony that governs how we talk-- and don't talk-- about sex in the U.S.
Hooking up, nookie, making love, doing the deed, bumping uglies, knocking boots, horizontal tango, baby making, getting lucky…. SEX.
I should have known this would not start out as a regular old research paper.
victoriatobin.com victoriatobin.com
This could be used both to evoke a humbling feeling with vertical element being in contrast with guests, or, it could be used to provide a powerful feeling through the elevation of the guests.
ha ha! So Alice in Wonderland!!
It has been proven through scientific research that a person’s physical environment translates directly to their psychological state.
I believe this given the effects of environment on me (especially when I am working), and this really does make me realize not only how important it is to understand this in order to plan good events, but also how important events can be to transforming people's moods and maybe lives!
I have been to way too many events that have not had the right music playing to upkeep the mood and energy.
Indeed! Such a major effect on an event, and sometimes people may not even realize the positive or negative influences are coming from the music...
There are four categories of composition that include closed, open, asymmetrical, and symmetrical. (Monroe) Starting with the entire composition may be a little over whelming. Tackling some of the line compositions may lead more into a better understanding of the overall composition.
So amazing how much art is involved! Really sounds like any drawing class here as you talk about composition...
no matter how perfect the venue look through photographs
I bet that really messes up a lot of weddings...
Maps, charts, floor plans, and other graphics
Everything down to parking maps! You did so well with the creative and logistical parts of the pre-event communications!
Other events professionals such as Lena Malouf offer the idea of constantly keeping up with industry trends and changes, not only the event industry, but the architecture and interior design industries as well. (Malouf) She also encourages the research of past decades for inspiration as well as to ensure accuracy of the display of the time period.
It's cool that two of the main tools for growing creativity are hooking up with your networks to learn and doing research into the histories that are relevant...which really correlates with main foci of our capstone course!
As the remark above illustrates, event management, no matter the category of responsibility, deals with directly with event design in all of their duties and decisions.
Event management and even design seem like two highly interdisciplinary fields that combine together to make an even MORE interdisciplinary field.
the energy to be drained
Not totally sure if we are talking about something like feng shui?
Oh yes! Reminds me of some of my favorite touches at Disney-- like one ride (Soarin) where they pipe in the smell of orange groves!
Event design
Even just that move from "Event Planning" to "Event Design" opens up whole new disciplines for the work...
katedasey.plymouthcreate.net katedasey.plymouthcreate.net
In conclusion if the state had reconstructed the old fishing bridge helping the fishermen recover then they might not have been left out of sorts and continue with their traditional way of life. Instead the state forced the communities to accept the housing located inland, by revoking their access to trade markets and services such as health care and education (361).
Excellent example.
Gift exchange is thus also about renewing social relations, including those that are founded on disparities of power
Great point.
Did people vote? Not sure you mean to use this word...
aid can potentially create incentives for government attacks on civilians.
ah yes, there is the answer to my question, above...
Humanitarian aid sites such as refugee camps and aid stations often concentrate large amounts of valuable resources in specific geographic areas.
Does this mean that aid stations can sometimes bring more violence and conflict to an area, or be responsible for more civilian deaths?
a book of quotes,
Where is this quote from? The Handmaid's Tale? If so, it would be worth acknowledging that feminist context, perhaps...
The ultimate goal is to improve the lives of others no matter the location or circumstance. The ecological framework of unequal exchange helps demonstrate this.
I am not seeing how the ecological framework of unequal exchange demonstrates that humanitarians want to do good. These seem like two really separate ideas to me...
It can be a dangerous slope for donors having the power to decide how their efforts can unfold, power has the potential to breed greed
A good point. This reminds me of conflicts in our own government as well, when political candidates are funded by the super-wealthy who then leverage power when it comes time for votes on legislation...
Quick note: semi-colons work almost exactly like periods, so generally you don't want to use one unless you would put a period there. For most of your semi-colons, you'd be better off with commas, or, in the case like this where you need punctuation to indicate that a quote will follow, you could also use a colon, which is
Hope that helps! If you want to polish this stuff up, Janina or I can assist you in the office after break!
Should occur necessarily outside the the domain of the marketplace, shaped by the logic of the gift—conventionally understood to operate beyond the constraints and expectations of contractual exchange. Humanitarian gifts, however, are inextricably bound to structures and practices associated with the formal economy, and as such cannot be viewed in isolation from the domain of commodities, markets, exchange relationships, and patterns of inequality that shape global, regional and local relationships”
Great quote-- good place to start.
selfish intentions.
Yes, though I wonder if we are also talking about the harm that can come even when intentions are pure and good?
but I needed a reality check, I needed to be put into check in order to truly know how to respectfully participate in this kind of humanitarian work.
The idea of designing a research question around your own gaps or naturalized thinking is just so impressive and important to me...
there will come a point where you really wish they had given you a subject and a freaking word count.
ha ha so true!
louisanoble.plymouthcreate.net louisanoble.plymouthcreate.net
“instead, they engage in regular, low-intensity physical activity, often as part of a daily work routine,”
This makes me feel hopeful, actually. Yes, it's a major lifestyle shift, but one that we really all could achieve...
people who engaged in leisure-time physical activity had life expectancy gains of as much as 4.5 years
That's wild. Totally amazing. Honestly, if I had read this years ago, I would have parented so differently...
Every Minute of Exercise Could Lengthen Your Life by 7-8 Minutes
a 140-pound woman jogging at 5 mph burns 173 calories in 30 minutes”, but “by comparison a ‘moderate effort’ circuit training routine burns 215 calories per 30 minutes,
That's surprising to me!
Try out this balance test
Good news!!!!!! I did this and I have at least one indicator that is LOOKING GOOD!
it’s essential for maintaining your ability to live independently as you age for it has been shown to slow cellular aging as well,
Again, I am really learning a lot here. I didn't realize this...
at least 5 days a week
I have heard some people suggest that it's ok to do it less regularly, as long as you hit the weekly amounts (for example, could I exercise for longer but only 2x per week?).
Watch this video
These embedded videos are a great addition to the article!
the more muscle mass older Americans have, the less likely they are to die prematurely
Wow. I know I have been saying that a lot, but wow. I really had no idea of this, and I feel like information like this is so important to get out there in the world. It's not just some ambiguous concept of "fitness" or "health": it's about staying alive!
inactivity, in causing 5.3 million deaths per year, is comparable to smoking as far as health dangers are concerned
That is an amazing statistic, and puts this in perspective. Wow.
it was discovered that 5.3 million deaths worldwide would be removed and on average, life expectancy would increase by 0.68 years
More than 80% of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active
This is sobering and I am going to share this paper with my daughter, who is 14. I think she needs to see and think about this.
The term “exercise” however, takes a different meaning. Acting as a subcategory for physical activity, exercise is planned, structured, repetitive and purposeful in the sense that the improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is the objective
I truly never thought about this, but in terms of academic disciplines, it's helpful to think about which ones focus around activity (Adventure Ed, maybe) and which focus around exercise...
The end of the Cold War is when fitness really took a turn however, after receiving the embarrassing results that 60% of children failed at least one test in muscular strength and flexibility,
So you think this has to do with something going on historically at the time? With the cold war? Not sure what the connection is here?
World War II was a huge turning point for fitness when it became aware to the public that almost half of the draftees were rejected or given non-combat positions due to their poor physical fitness performance tests.
Wow-- that is fascinating, and interesting to consider how healthy citizens matter to a healthy and strong state...in helpful ways and maybe in some problematic ways as well...
Not less than two hours a day
Me = feeble body
Benjamin Franklin supported physical activity and the incorporation of resistance training for health purposes,
Oh Ben. His 13 virtues do focus on fitness in so many ways, and yet personally, he had such a hard time following his own rules. I FEEL YOU, BEN!
Martin Luther and John Locke espoused the theory that high fitness levels enhanced intellectual learning during the Renaissance from 1400 – 1600 AD
Interesting that one is from the world of religion and one from the world of rational logic...
Your linking all of this so consistently to longevity is really waking me up...I mean, what could be more significant than adding time to your life?
distinguish physical activity from exercise
Interesting-- I never thought about this distinction myself...
I love that you start with metaphysical and existential ruminations on death, and then move to Plato... what a universal and sweeping way to engage your readers!
willdatilio.wordpress.com willdatilio.wordpress.com
his dog Trix
Just their existence makes you want to become a better athlete,
So interesting-- it's not even necessarily about a certain game or event, but just that mental sense of a competitor...
My father was a gymnastics coach
I didn't know this!
no matter what type of athlete a person is, they cannot coach themselves. Two, without rivals, an athlete will never reach their full potential.
So interesting. Maybe one reason I am so interested in this paper despite my general disengagement from the world of sport, is the connection I see here with teaching, and with helping students persist through trials they face as they work to complete college. Here, I am struck by the dialogic nature of coaching and teaching, and the social foundation of both sport and education.
everything that can be practiced having to do with the mind, ultimately can help you in any situation.
I might pin this up over my desk, to remind myself. Not just for athletes, really.
dreams matter.
This is an interesting mix of dreaming of the future and putting in hard work in the present. I imagine athletes sometimes come to you being better at one or the other of these, but that the key is helping them to do both in balance... Very interesting!
A little stress is important to being a human being and it helps you activate a fight or flight response which ultimately keeps you sharp and on your toes.
Fine point...but I would like to see more scientific evidence about the benefits of moderate, balanced stress...
Sport is full of adversity.
So interesting. In some ways, sport is actually about triumphing over artificial adversity, and so given that, when athletes encounter the real thing, it must be helpful to think about the skills they already have in playing their games...
I like to use this example with my athletes because many do not have an understanding of the untrained mind. Like the scapula muscle, we know we have one, we just don’t see the importance of training it to enhance our performance.
Oh my gosh great metaphor.
I was humbled by the revelation that the max weight I could achieve with correct form was a 2 pound dumbbell!
So interesting! I have a rotator cuff injury now and one of my PT exercises involves rotating my arm with NO WEIGHT and I was like, how could this possibly help me? But now that my therapist is explaining how the muscles work, how to build strength, and why inflammation is my enemy, it makes much more sense. Interesting how so much of this is less "commons sense" than it is true knowledge about the body and how it heals and works...
I like this idea that training is both mental and physical, and I can imagine this is something that elite athletes understand well when you ask them to consider it...
how better to assist athletes reach excellency.
I won't mark much of this, but some of the grammar here is rough, and we could work on this or the Writing Center could assist (or any peer editor). It's worth a revision just to polish up some of this so it reads more smoothly...
artandwords.plymouthcreate.net artandwords.plymouthcreate.net
very inspiring
Oh my gosh yes
These results suggest that group music therapy is a more effective intervention for reducing meal-related anxiety than standard post-meal support therapy in an inpatient setting
Powerful data!
Art therapy proved to be a positive experience and guided me towards living a better life.
This is just such a powerful addition to your paper. The case studies as a whole really offer detail and shed a light on the issue, but your own story is told with such clarity and insight, it adds so much to the credibility of the paper as a whole. It's moving and inspiring, too. <3
These case studies were collected in a thesis done by Elizabeth Helen Beck for the Masters of Arts in Creative Arts Therapy at Drexel University.
Helpful to have this.
The cyclops
These images are haunting...
Within the case studies that I have selected,
I think we need source info right up front. Link? Citation? Not just the Wolf reference, but more of a narrative intro to explain where you got the info...
Self-awareness is essential for any therapist.
Or for any therapy? Not quite sure I follow you here...
The results concluded that the BED group scored higher on depression and self-consciousness and lower on positive self-esteem than the NED group. This result is consistent with the negative self-awareness component of Heatherton and Baumeister’s theory. The finding is also mostly consistent with the escape from the negative self-awareness component. No between-group differences were found on dissociation in this study. Substance use turned out to be a significant, persistent variable, suggests that continued emphasize on substance use awareness and intervention at the college level is important. In relation to the two studies about anorexia nervosa body perception and binge eating negative self-awareness, eating disorders are complicated disorders that stem from internal processes in the mind. These negative mindsets make individuals with eating disorders, a lot of the time refuse treatment. The average eating disorder will last two to seven years once it has been diagnosed and the client enters treatment.
This section is a bit confusing. I am not sure how this specific study is supposed to inform where we are headed with Art Therapy, or exactly what it is supposed to foundationally teach me about eating disorders (besides that they are complicated). I need a bot more help understanding how THIS study matters to your paper.
read a journal article
This has the unfortunate rhetorical effect of making your research seem sort of random and haphazard...
The anorexic patient desires to become very small as to disappear. Which in a way is contradictory because extreme thinness is very noticeable. The anorexic patient not only pursues thinness, but also lightness. This pursuit is unrelenting to the point that lightness itself becomes heavy, burdensome and unbearable.
So many heartbreaking and poetic contradictions here.
Margaret Naumburg was a 20th century psychologist and she helped coin the term “art therapy”.
Cool-- seems like psychology was such a male pursuit during the era, that's kind of amazing!
In Guggenbuel’s Abenberg and Karl Kahlbaum’s Pedagogicum institution, aesthetic impulses were strongly applied. This impulsive progression led to the inclusion of some form of occupational therapy into practically every physical and mental health institution.
Whoa. This is a pretty rough start! I feel like I came on board in the middle of a sentence! Maybe something a bit more contextual or broad to help me understand what I am reading here?
katerburgess.wordpress.com katerburgess.wordpress.com
It’s the butterfly effect,” Whitman explained
And Steve has had an effect on me for sure... I think this is very powerful...
Those are ones that can be taken one step at a time, and if you’re still interested and the money works out, the big purchases like solar or wind can come later.
Seems like a good approach.
easier said than done if you don’t have the initial cash to make a down payment on solar panels
This is so personal to me and such a good point. Phil and I generate all of our power for heat and electricity through solar. We took a loan to install our massive solar array, but the monthly loan payment is EXACTLY the same as our propane and electricity bills were before the solar. And we will only pay those bills for about 8 years; when we are done paying off the loans, all of our heat and electricity will be free. But the huge catch is that in order to secure the loan, we needed MASSIVE collateral (equity and assets), which almost prohibited us from doing it even though we are squarely middle class. For so many people, big energy upgrades like this are totally impossible even though they actually cost no more than what we regularly pay for with fossil fuels etc. Such a corrupt and senseless system, that feeds corporate greed at the expense of our planet.
altering our perspective
Curious about how much of this inheres in the language. In other words, is there evidence that if we just start narrating differently-- to ourselves and others-- that the language shift could lead to a perspective shift, which could then lead to a change in behavior?
It’s not a substitute for formal education,
Also, I wonder if formal education could take a page from this approach and adapt its methods a bit...
expect us to ditch their vehicles and walk to work. What you can do, and what does work, is target what’s stopping us from making that choice on our own, and market it in a way that we feel requires “little effort, expense, and no dramatic change in lifestyle” (zie-Mohr, 2000, p. 546).
This makes good sense as you explain it.
Maybe I’m just bitter because of all the debt.
I am just continually struck by how the principles of sustainability could be applied to Higher Ed...
opulation growth lead to increased consumption of ecosystem services
And yet Paul Ryan says http://www.newsweek.com/paul-ryan-wants-you-have-more-kids-749328