8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. it is common to becomeso cognitively and emotionally engaged in the event that the body responds as if the eventwere unmediated

      In one of my previous classes that I took we practiced and learned about performance noticing where we use our bodies senses and etc in order to take notes on the performance. She spoke about although we're seeing it through a screen/online instead of physically in person, if you pay attention closely and allow your body to focus and notice you will still be able to end up with same reactions you would as in person.

    2. whether physical or digital in nature—are recorded in the same part of the brain.

      Although it may be thought of as two different things, in reality the brain picks it up either one as a real experience and our bodies are able to react accordingly equally.

    3. The burning of a flag, forexample, can feel like the actual destruction of the nation.

      symbolism and representation

    4. Shared symbols, such as language, images, sounds, gestures, and avatars, help peopleenvision, build, communicate about, and understand the meanings of these spaces

      However, we also ourselves begin to create alter versions of ourselves which we choose to show and portray within social spaces/digital environment. How we choose to be viewed or seen online.

    5. he notional space behind all ofthe computer screens would be one single universe... .

      everything connected

    6. Butthe conception of cyberspace as a “consensual hallucination” has become increasinglyproblematic over time because the experiences and consequences of computer use are nowwidely understood to be completely real.

      cyberbullying and its consequences

    7. People are farworse off (even more prone to suicide, Durkheim famously evinced [1897/1966]) whenthey are not firmly integrated within social groups and societies that have strong, cohesivenorms (expected behaviors) and values (beliefs)

      I feel like reason for this is because it allows the individual something to ground themselves to as well as gives them guideline or bases to form a sense of "self".

    8. The use of the term virtual ismisleading, though, for it implies that something is almost, but not quite, real.

      Example is like virtual reality where it is made to mimic the real world and seems the capture it exactly but it isn't real.