- Nov 2015
learn.sju.edu learn.sju.edu
Now, though, the problems of production, reproduction, and distribution are much less serious. As a consequence, control over the media is less completely in the hands of the professionals.
This is an example of a cultural shift. The broadcast culture has transformed into the participatory culture. Because of the advances in technology, typically more people have the power to spread news quicker than the typical news or radio station can. This is also why, the emphasis on checking the credibility of news sources has become stronger and stronger, because many uncredited people and sources are the way we get our news.
- Oct 2015
learn.sju.edu learn.sju.edu
The Web didrit introduce a new competitor into the old ecosystem, as USA Today had done. The Web created a new ecosystem.
Because the web created a new ecosystem, do you think it will ever fully replace the existence of newspapers? Will newspapers ever go extinct? if so, when?
firstmonday.org firstmonday.org
While many may have posted it to show support for gay marriage equality, others may have placed it in their profile to follow the crowd — many other friends were doing it, so they joined in.
This just shows how powerful memes can be. Memes can gain a strong following, not only due to the followers being strong supporters of the cause, but by peer pressure. Memes can be a gateway of being in the "in" crowd. Nowadays, especially in my age group, the more memes you can identify, the more socially forward you are.
henryjenkins.org henryjenkins.org
Along the way, Crank Dat got performed countless times by very different communities — from white suburban kids to black ballet dancers, from football teams to MIT graduate students. The video was used as the basis for “mash up” videos featuring characters as diverse as Winnie the Pooh and Dora the Explorer. People added their own steps, lyrics, themes, and images to the videos they made. As the song circulated, Soulja Boy’s reputation grew — he scored a record contract, and emerged as a top recording artist. — in part as a consequence of his understanding of the mechanisms by which cultural content circulates within a participatory culture.
I remember this!! I was in middle school when this was extremely popular. He was my first memory of being in the participatory culture. It never occurred to me until now that those video imitations and remixes were memes. The only difference between now and then is that memes are being spread in more mediums and in more different mediums, and that they spread faster. It took about 6 months to a year for his fame to really spread, opposed to now when something like this would be rampant in a third of the time.
To some degree, it seemed the strength of a viral message depends on “how easy is it to pass”, suggesting viralness has something to do with the technical properties of the medium, yet quickly we were also told that it had to do with whether the message fit into the ongoing conversations of the community:
I think that the strength of a viral message depends more on whether the message fits within the community. It is all about the audience. A meme may not be valuable to one group of people, so it wont be spread, but if a meme is popular in another group, it will be sent and spread rampantly. Both group have the same ability to share the meme, but the importance of the message is just different.
A spreadable model emphasizes the activity of consumers — or what Grant McCracken calls “multipliers” — in shaping the circulation of media content, often expanding potential meanings and opening up brands to unanticipated new markets. Rather than emphasizing the direct replication of “memes,” a spreadable model assumes that the repurposing and transformation of media content adds value, allowing media content to be localized to diverse contexts of use.
This blurb reminds me of how popular pictures can circulate on twitter. One picture can be interpreted differently on different twitter accounts with different views. For example, the @CommonWhiteGirl twitter account can tweet the same picture as the @MensHumor twitter account, but will have a different caption because they are trying the cater a different audience.
vcu.sagepub.com vcu.sagepub.com
The grass mud horse and river crab are what I call social change memes, internet memes that express a sentiment for changing a social or political issue.
What is are the similarities of a political cartoon and a social change meme? What are the differences?
The Golden Shield Project, known popularly as the ‘Great Firewall’, ensures control of data in the country. However, it is just one part of a larger system of censorship, one that is decentralized, with a combination of coercion and self-censorship (Meng, 2011: 39).
This Golden Shield Project is almost exactly what Google does. Both ways of censorship create a "filter bubble". The only difference is that the Chinese government has this decentralized censorship because they want to keep some information from their citizens, while Google and other search engines do it to cater to their users preferences. Either way, restricting access to internet information can slow cultural diffusion, and can also mold people into being narrow minded about what is outside their surroundings.
twitter.com twitter.com
I am guilty of believing a lot of the false "breaking news" incidents that are listed below, unless it is completely outrageous. I guess I'm the gullible audience that tabloids aim for! Next time I see another "breaking news" post or video, I will think twice and consider some of the tips that were listed.
And finding the source becomes more and more important -- finding the good source -- and Twitter is where most journalists now go. It's like the de facto real-time newswire, if you know how to use it, because there is so much on Twitter.
Twitter's verified news accounts automatically pop up on my feed and are where I get most of my credible news. I honestly hate watching the news on tv (probably because it reminds me of old people). Through twitter, I can always keep up with the world events and happenings without torturing myself to watch channel 6 news. I can get the same amount of information in quarter of the time.
learn.sju.edu learn.sju.edu
By collaborative effort, the stolen SideKick was found. This collaborate effort was pushed by the internet. It is impressive to see how much the internet can help expand knowledge and information in a way that was not even possible 25 or 30 years ago. If it wasn't for the internet and Evan's webpage, that precious article of a bride-to-be would not have been found.
Because of the internet and the emergence of social media, almost nothing is sacred anymore. This is the main reason why one should be careful of how much information of themselves that they put out on the Web, because almost anyone can access it. Even if someone does not have a social media profile, if their name was googled, there is a very good chance that something would still pop up, maybe due to the type of job, status, felonious records, the people you are associated with, etc. All in all, this article be careful what you do on and off the Web and social medias.
The current change, in one sentence, is this: most of the barriers to group action have collapsed, and without those barriers, we are free to explore new ways of gathering together and getting things done.
This sentence reminds me of the element of group projects in school. Before, when I was younger and had to do group papers and presentations in my early high school years (before Google docs was introduced and became popular), putting all of the group's work in one place was always a huge task. Either one person had to set up the document/powerpoint and everyone had to email their work to that one person so it could be copy and pasted into one spot, or a flash drive had to circulate within the group so that everyone could put their work on it. Now, with Google docs, collaboration is easier now more than ever. Everyone can work on the same thing at the same time, and Google Docs always automatically saves work.
www.ted.com www.ted.com
I have always noticed that google filters the sources that it will give dependent on your personal website settings. Stricter google search settings give you less if not no nitty gritty sources than looser settings. Little did I know that was a part of the filter bubble
This continues to make evident that even though the users of the internet MAKE the internet, we still do not have as much power as we think. This power is in terms control over the how others handle the content we give out as well as the content given to us. This video opened my eyes about search engines and how we as people will see only what these search engines will let us see.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
This talk is my favorite out of the two videos that we had to watch. I learned that the internet tools that blind us from the outside views and events can be the same tools that can open our eyes to the outside world. It is not necessarily our fault that results are being catered to local likes and needs, but we can to something to open our eyes to different people, sources, types of thinkers, and information. Staying relevant with worldly topics is important, and even with filter bubbles, it is still possible to step out of the comfort zone of only what's going on around you.
Internet technology design increasingly facilitates rather than defeats censorship and control.
In the early stages, the surfing the internet freely gave more access to worldly happenings. Now, you only see what search engine generators want you to see. How can we encourage the search engine and social media companies to give us a more global view of news?
Internet technology design increasingly facilitates rather than defeats censorship and control.
Heavily censored internet bases remind me of how the internet is censored in China and other communist countries. I thought that the upside about having internet access in the US was because there was little censorship. We are a free country with a free democracy, but why are our internet searches filtered as if we are in a communist country? Democracy is definitely affected by this filtering. The less aware Americans are of foreign affairs outside of our element, the less educated decision we will make in our own government systems.
Remember blogs? Who here still keeps a blog regularly? I had a blog, but now I post updates on Facebook. A lot of people here at Black Hat host their own email servers, but almost everyone else I know uses gmail. We like the spam filtering and the malware detection. When I had an iPhone, I didn’t jailbreak it. I trusted the security of the vetted apps in the Apple store. When I download apps, I click yes on the permissions. I love it when my phone knows I’m at the store and reminds me to buy milk.
By the internet becoming centralized, easier to use, and catering mostly only to our preferred interests, we as users are put into a comfort zone. We don't usually seek coming out of that comfort zone either; and that in turn blinds us from what is happening in communities other than ours.
- Sep 2015
www.wordyard.com www.wordyard.com
Google the URL. Google the domain. Google the company name. Poke around if you have any doubts or questions. Then, of course, remember that every single question we’ve been applying here can be asked about every page Google points you to, as well.
This is one of the main ways I have always evaluated the credibility of a source. And because Google only points you to certain links and sources, sometimes I will use a different search engine like Bing or Ask.com. This way, I can get a wider pool of results on my search.