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  1. Mar 2024
    1. Book Summary:PART 1: FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN HANDLING PEOPLEPrinciple 1: Don't Criticise, Condemn or ComplainCriticism is futile, it makes the other person strive to justify himselfCriticism doesn't correct a situationWhen you give a person criticism, they will never make lasting changes in the things you criticised them forDon't criticise anyone; "they are just what we would be in similar circumstances"📝Action Step: Ponder and journal on all the instances when you criticised someone on something they valued or were making progress in (e.g. studies, business, sport). Journal on why you said that, really get to the roots of your beliefs. Go and message the person you criticised and tell them you're sorry. Next time don't criticise ANYONE."Don't complain about the snow on your neighbour's roof, when your own is unclean"🤔Action Step: Think of all the times when you complained in the last week or so. Write it down/type it out, then write next to the complain, what an alternative for the complain could be. Next time NEVER complain."I will speak ill of no man ... and speak all the good I know of everybody"Principle 2: Give Honest And Sincere AppreciationHumans all want to have the feeling of importance in societyAndrew Carnegie praised his associates publicly and privately to handle them better"Don't be afraid of enemies that attack you, be afraid of friends that flatter you"If someone makes a mistake, don't condemn them, appreciate their good points, and reward them through praise🗣️Action Step: The next time you see someone making progress or working really hard, go and give them a compliment (give them honest and sincere appreciation) - Go to AG wins and comment on a win —> DO THIS RN OR YOUR A JEFFREY"Every man I meet is superior to me in some way, in that way I learn of him"Principle 3: Arouse In The Other Person An Eager WantThe only way to influence other is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it💡Action Step: The next time you come across a situation where you have to make someone do something under your responsibility/leadership, ponder for a second, "How can I make this person want to do it?", really get into their shoes - journal/ponder on it, then apply it to the person in real life — or, if you sell a product, ask yourself, "How can I make this person want to buy it?", use the feedback and apply it"If there's a secret to success, it's the ability to get into the POV of the other person and see thingsPART 2: 6 WAYS TO MAKE PEOPLE LIKE YOUPrinciple 1: Be Genuinely Interested In The Other PersonYou can make more friends in 2 months by becoming interested in others, than you can in 2 years by being interested in yourselfMake yourself do things for others — things that require time, thoughtfulness/unselfishness😢Action Step: Whenever you see someone that is in need of help in their life, or is struggling, go and give them advice. Be genuinely interested in helping them improve rather than helping yourself —> Do this in AG right NOW."We are interested in others when they are interested in us"Principle 2: SmileWhat one wears on one's face is far more important that the clothes on one's backHappiness doesn't depend on outer conditions, it depends on inner conditions😀Action Step: Start SMILING RIGHT NOW, Literally, Just put a smirk on your face and wear it for the rest of the day (see how people respond to it)"There is nothing good or bad, it is thinking that makes it so"Principle 3: Remember A Person's Name To That Person Is The Sweetest Sound🤝Action Step: Whenever you meet someone new, find out their complete name and associate it with an image in your headYour name to you is more important than 1000 other names of othersPrinciple 4: Be A Good Listener, Encourage Others To TalkListening is one of the highest compliments we can pay to anybodyGood conversationalist = Good Listener (be attentive)To be interesting, be interested🗣️Action Step: The next time you socialise with someone, make them to 80% of the talk, ask them open-ended questions, and let them freely answer (follow the 80/20 principle)Principle 5: Talk In Terms Of The Other Persons Interest💡Action Step: When talking to someone else, talk about something that they're interested in (e.g. self-improvement, sports), then let the conservation freely flow on that topic, pick their brain on that topic, ask them questionsPrinciple 6: Make The Other Person Feel Appreciated And ImportantAlways make the other person feel appreciated and importantUse phrases like, "I'm sorry to trouble you", "Would you be kind as to ____", "Would you mind"🤷‍♂️Action Step: The next time you have to call someone, or tell someone to move, use of the phrases abovePART 3: HOW TO WIN PEOPLE TO YOUR WAY OF THINKINGPrinciple 1: The Only Way To Get The Best Out Of An Argument Is To Avoid It, You Can't WinWhy argue?"A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still""Hatred is never ended by hatred, but by love"😠Action Step: The next time you're talking to someone and you notice them starting to escalate into an argument, end it right there by showing love (e.g. give them a compliment, express gratitude)Principle 2: Show Respect For The Other's Opinion, Never Say "You're Wrong"If you're going to prove something, don't let anyone know it"Be wiser than other person if you can, but do not tell them so"If someone says something wrong say, "I thought otherwise", "I may be wrong ____"Telling someone directly that they're wrong can cause a lot of damage💬Action Step: When you're in a discussion with someone, let's say one of your JEFFREY friends at school, he says Junk FOOD is fine, instead of saying "you're wrong", use one of the phrases above, repeat in a much friendlier tonePrinciple 3: If You Are Wrong, Admit Quickly And EmphaticallyAdmit quickly that the other person is right and you are wrong in a friendly toneYou need to have courage to have the ability to criticise yourself🤨Action Step: The next time you find yourself having made a mistake in front of others, admit it straight away in a friendly manner. Make sure you don't cause damage to others while doing so.Principle 4: Begin In A Friendly Way"A drop of honey catches more flies than gallon of gall"Always begin the conversation in a friendly manner and friendly tone💭Action Step: The next time you have a conversation with someone, start the conversation with a positive vibe, and friendly tone.Principle 5: Get The Other Person Saying "Yes" "Yes" ImmediatelyDon't start a convo with things you differ from, start with things you agree onAt all costs, keep the person from saying "no" at the startIt is much more profitable to set things from the other person's view point and make them say "yes"🙌Action Step: After bringing the positive vibe to the conversation, start talking about things you agree on to the other person, and ask them questions which deliberately provoke a "yes" response. Brainstorm a little on this in your brain before proceeding the person.Principle 6: Let The Other Person Do A Great Deal Of The TalkingEncourage them to talk, if you disagree, hold silent, listen with an open mind"If you want enemies, excel your friends; if you want friends; let your friends excel you" - keep quiet about your accomplishments, don't talk about them, unless somebody asks🏆Action Step: Follow the 80/20 rule when talking in convo, only talk about the other person, their interests, don't show off in the conversation to look cool (e.g. saying you earn $10k/m online), keep quiet, remain humble in the conversationPrinciple 7: Let The Other Person Feel The Idea Is TheirsMaking someone feel that the idea is theirs is like giving them a compliment💡Action Step: The next time you come up with a great idea and you implement it, and it gives your reasonable success, thank the friend that helped you generate the idea (e.g. tag someone in AG because they helped you start a profitable business)Principle 8: Try Honestly To See Things From The Other Person's POVPeople may be totally wrong, but don't condemn them, try to understand them, their situation🧐Action Step: The next time you're in a conversation, and someone has said something that is completely wrong, and you thought to yourself "why did he/she say that!" - empathise their situation and see things from their POV (e.g. say to yourself, "I would've done the same if I was in that situation)Principle 9: Be Sympathetic With The Other Persons's POV3/4 of people which you meet crave sympathy, go give it to themPut yourself in the shoes of the other person at the start of a conversation, or deal😊Action Step: Another tip to just keep at the back of your head is to see things from the other person's POV, have sympathy for the situation their own. Really put your shoes in the other person, make yourself feel that you're the other person, see things from a new REALITY.Principle 10: Appeal To The Nobler MotivesAlways choose a nobler motive when you assume something about othersBe the kind of leader who appeals to what really matters and, even when the feedback is tough, reminds people why they're really therePrinciple 11: Dramatise Your IdeasTruth isn't enough, the truth has to be made vivid, interesting dramatic🕺Action Steps💡Make your ideas more obvious, interesting, and vivid to peopleUse drama and showmanship to capture attention and imagination to make your ideas more impressiveWhen presenting an idea, make it more exciting than it really isPrinciple 12: Throw Down A Challenge"The way to get things done is to throw down a competition"🥵Action Step: When you're doing something that many others are doing (e.g. participating in a challenge), ask someone participating and throw down a challenge to them (e.g. whoever finishes the challenge first wins)PART 4: BE A LEADER - HOW TO CHANGE PEOPLE WITHOUT GIVING OFFENCEPrinciple 1: Begin With Praise And Honest AppreciationAppreciate the person first before bringing up your problem for resolution🗣️Action Steps:e.g. if someone did a random act of kindness for youTell the person that you appreciate the actTell them how it made you feel goodCongratulate and tell them that it was beyond expectationsPrinciple 2: Call Attention To People's Mistakes IndirectlyWhen indirectly criticising someone, never use the word "but", use "and" insteadThis technique works well for sensitive people who resent criticism💭Action Step: Praise a quality, and also a quality that you want to see the improvement in of someone else (e.g. if someone doesn't keep his house clean, say, "I appreciate the effort you put in to make the house clean")Principle 3: Talk About Your Own Mistakes Before Criticising The Other PersonTalk about your own shortcomings, before judging someone (e.g. asking them to improve)😆Action Step: If again you want to see a direct improvement in someone, before telling them, talk about your own mistakes in that area you want to see improvement in from the other person, tell them a joke about you, a story about the mistakes you madePrinciple 4: Ask Questions Instead Of Giving Direct OrdersAlways give people the opportunity to do things by themselves through questionsResentment is caused by a brash order that may last a long time😤Action Step: When you need something done by someone else, don't give them a direct order. Give the person an opportunity to do things by asking questions (questions must be relevant to the task that you need done)Principle 5: Let The Other Person Save FaeFinding faults in the other person will make them resent you❌Action Step: Instead of directly pointing out the faults in the other person, let them save face and find their own mistakes (or point it out indirectly)Principle 6: Praise The Slightest Improvement, And Praise Every ImprovementFaults start to disappear after you give praise😊Action Step: When you see someone making progress, or you see growth, praise them on their hard work, and praise the improvementPrinciple 7: Give The Other Person A Fine Reputation To Live Up To💡Action Step: If you want to improve a person in a certain area, act as though that trait was already one of his or her outstanding characteristics (e.g. make it seem as if they already have that trait)Principle 8: Use Encouragement, Make The Fault Seem Easy To CorrectLet the other person know that you have faith in their ability to performa task💪🏿Action Step: When you see a fault, and they're trying their best to fix it, let them know that you have full faith in themPrinciple 9: Make The Other Person Happy About Doing The Thing You SuggestGive some reward for performing what you want to the other person, and take away a little for something which they do not doRules for making other person happy about thing you suggest:Be sincere, do not promise anything you can't deliverKnow exactly what it is you want the other person to doBe empathetic, ask yourself what it is the other person really wantsConsider the benefits the person will receive from doing what you suggestMatch those benefits to the other person's wantsWhen you make your request, put in a form that will convey to the other person the idea that he personally will benefit from

      how to win friends and influence people summary

    2. Go outside and spend time in nature (20mins)Walk outside barefoot in nature (triggers primal instincts of bonding with nature)Pick a leaf and start to play around with itSmell the trees and leavesDeep breathing meditation or guided meditation

      how to fix stress

    3. As soon as you wake up, view sunlight (not through windows or artificial light, direct sunlight exposure for a min. of 5 minutes within 30-60 minutes of waking up)Ingest caffeine 90-120 minutes after waking (this tip is for those who drink caffeine) - drinking caffeine before this time period can trigger the afternoon crash which occurs in the afternoon and triggers sleepiness and laziness in your body, as a result of ingesting caffeine to early in the morningAvoid large meals in the morning (breakfast) as they can trigger sleepinessTake a cold shower/ice bath (this increases your core body temperature early in the day)Exercise (this helps kickstart your day and give you energy for the rest of the day)Don't use a regular alarm to wake you up (you lose testosterone) - invest in a light alarm clock: https://shorturl.at/wIT26

      things to take in consideration in your morning routine to have better sleep