60 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. This can look like a small team making a decision together

      Well, we tried or are trying to set this up with a membership taskforce, but it's not clear what the mandate is, how to empower it.

    2. Moreover, the organization needs to have an ongoing commitment to training staff on decision making, role clarity, coordination, and feedback skills, which requires both financial resources and staff time.

      And well honed communication patters, systems.

    3. It can be time-consuming, especially if all participants are to be well-informed of a decision’s intricacies

      And what happens when there's endless discussion, no consent, and no action?

    4. Individual Decision-Making Cons

      I don't see the listing for situations where staff become dependent on the leader to decide, and then beome reluctant to take initiative

    5. The staff join because they care about the mission and they respect the leader. For this organization, staff are clear that if there are differences of opinion, they will fall in line behind the Executive Director (ED)

      Might not always be the case- i've seen excellent leaders do so without being autodrats

  2. Mar 2024
    1. many well-organised commons are among the most sustainable and long-lasting social and communal structures known

      Curious to know what are examples of these "well-organized" commons (I guess I have to follow the reference!)

    2. polycentric, nested structure that comprises many smaller networked commons

      Curious as to what are examples of this kind of "large commons"

    3. but was limited

      So it is exclusive by design?

    4. social imaginary

      Interesting, so its a noun rather than the typical use as adjective

    5. This chapter, like this book, is explicitly about higher education and the good it provides

      This annotation, like this chapter and its book, is explicitly about welcoming you to leave comments, questions, and highlights here as part of a HE4Good Chapter Conversation with author Jim Luke during Open Education Week 2024

    1. light is not harming the eyes as it is not too direct

      Light again! We can think about seeing light, but we are seeing more of light as an energy source, interrcting with the atmosphere. And then the idea of colors we see as being parts of the spectrum of light that is absorbed versus reflected, which indicates something about the surface it hits.

      Then you get into the physics and the historical grappling of determining if light was made of particles or waves, until Einstein told us how it was both.

      So we think light is simple, but its complex.

    2. Where are you in this landscape?

      Interesting to answer, temptation is for the peaks. I actually most would want to be in the light, that's what you chase and attend to as a photographer. But also the idea of choosing to be where there is illumination.

      Yet then again, the light moves, so it means I am not fixed to pick one place.

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Note for readers and suggestions for use

      And a special web annotation note and hello for participants in our Open Education Week chapter conversation on "Calm in the Storm"

      Hello! I always have high hopes for annotation for social conversation, so please make use of notes and highlights here to pose questions/comment or indicate key passages.

      Annotate away!

  4. Nov 2023
    1. I am inclined to hope for the efficacy ofsmall generous acts that can be undertaken while it is still difficult toimagine wholesale reform; and at the same time, I am concerned thatgenerosity can become a ruse.

      I so believe in the power of these small acts, but as I think you are asking, is that enough? Can it be that tree in the boat on the cover?

    2. They stoically faced their circumstances inthe hope of a new spring and new life

      Applauding this metaphor, that we almost take trees for granted in their stoic silence, yet massive ones improbably hold their ground by the sheer force of grip by the roots. And here where I live in winters of harsh wind and -40° (both scales) temperatures... they return.

      Also thinking of when I lived in high forests of southwest US (arid climate) where large trees overturned would be still gripping massive boulders in their roots.

      Yes, tree on a small boat, so good here.

  5. Oct 2023
    1. Together, in 2021, we chose to take a journey of radical hope; the resultis this book.

      Hear hear and let's celebrate the idea of radical hope. Without it, what do we have? Thank you Laura and Catherine for this work now out in the world, a blossoming tree in that boat on the cover.

      So in hope, I am wondering here, in annotation space, if we can build on, add, generate more radical hope?

  6. Feb 2023
    1. UNESCO Recommendation on OER offers a new opportunity to annually report on OER status and progress

      We had some hope previously that web annotation of the UNESCO Recommendation on OER could be a way to add value and examples to this important document.

      It remains open to annotation https://oer.pressbooks.pub/oeg2021/

    2. this paper argues that there is a need for creating a future OER research agenda. Such a global research coordination is currently lacking

      Just in time for Open Education Week 2023 can this be a call we can rally OEWeek participants around to respond by annotating this paper? We invite the open education community to add notes that help frame what this future OER research agenda can do and how to close the state coordination lack.

      During this week, why not identify phrases i this document where you can suggest research targets or where some research might exist.

      We want YOU to anntotate!

  7. May 2022
    1. solidarity between all countries

      An effort at the OEGlobal 2022 Unconference to locate OER for Ukrainian learners, specifically aimed at primary and secondary level needs identified by the Ministry of education


  8. Apr 2022
    1. a family recipe card

      I have many of these recipes where I have added notes.

    1. (三) 鼓励有效、包容、公平地获取优质开放式教育资源

      2022 年 4 月 26 日至 28 日,我们呼吁在 OEG Connect 中通过为期三天的焦点活动来注释这一行动领域。

      我们在那里提供了一个讨论的地方,提示注释此操作区域中列出的特定项目,以及我们可以一起讨论和注释的实时会话。还有一个 通过 OER22 会议提供的研讨会 研讨会的所有材料对任何人开放。




      在第 13 条下的 (a-f) 项中查找特定单词或短语,以附加注释或回复您在此处看到的现有注释。

    1. (iii) Поощрение эффективного, инклюзивного и справедливого доступа к качественным ООР

      26-28 апреля 2022 г. мы призываем отметить эту область действия мероприятием Three Days of Focus в OEG Connect.

      Мы предлагаем место для обсуждения, подсказки для аннотирования конкретных элементов, перечисленных в этой области действий, а также сеансы в прямом эфире, где мы можем говорить и аннотировать вместе. Существует также [семинар, предлагаемый через конференцию OER22] (https://oer.pressbooks.pub/oeg2021/chapter/oer22/), все материалы для семинара открыты для всех.

      Аннотируйте с нами, чтобы заполнить эту часть рекомендации новыми примечаниями или ответить на существующие.

      Что мы ищем? Мы хотим совместно расширить значение и применение конкретных слов в этом разделе Рекомендации по ООР, чтобы помочь сформулировать, что подразумевается под инклюзивным и равноправным доступом к ООР, и какие примеры этого существуют в настоящее время.

      Критически задать вопросы по рекомендации обсудить эту область действий? Что следует изменить? Чего не хватает?

      Ищите определенные слова или фразы в пунктах (a–f) статьи 13, чтобы прикрепить примечание или ответить на существующие примечания, которые вы там видите.

    1. (iii)

      Del 26 al 28 de abril de 2022, solicitamos la anotación de esta área de acción con un evento Three Days of Focus en OEG Connect.

      Ofrecemos un lugar para el debate, indicaciones para anotar elementos específicos enumerados en esta área de acción, además de sesiones en vivo donde podemos hablar y anotar juntos. También hay un [taller que se ofrece a través de la Conferencia OER22] (https://oer.pressbooks.pub/oeg2021/chapter/oer22/) todos los materiales para el taller están abiertos a cualquier persona.

      Anota con nosotros para llenar esta parte de la recomendación con nuevas notas o responder a las existentes.

      ¿Qué buscamos? Queremos ampliar colectivamente el significado y la aplicación de palabras específicas de esta sección de la Recomendación REA para ayudar a enmarcar lo que se entiende por acceso inclusivo y equitativo a los REA, y qué ejemplos existen ahora.

      ¿Hace preguntas críticas sobre la recomendación para discutir esta área de acción? ¿Qué se debe cambiar? ¿Lo que falta?

      Busque palabras o frases específicas en los elementos (a-f) del artículo 13 para adjuntar una nota o responder a las notas existentes que vea allí.

    1. (iii) Favoriser un accès effectif, inclusif et équitable à des REL de qualité

      Du 26 au 28 avril 2022, nous appelons à l'annotation de ce domaine d'action avec un événement Three Days of Focus dans OEG Connect.

      Nous y proposons un lieu de discussion, des invites pour annoter des éléments spécifiques répertoriés dans ce domaine d'action, ainsi que des sessions en direct où nous pouvons parler et annoter ensemble. Il y a aussi un atelier offert via la conférence OER22 tous les documents de l'atelier sont ouverts à tous.

      Annotez avec nous pour remplir cette partie de la recommandation avec de nouvelles notes ou répondre à celles existantes.

      Que cherchons-nous ? Nous voulons développer collectivement la signification et l'application de mots spécifiques de cette section de la recommandation sur les REL pour aider à définir ce que l'on entend par accès inclusif et équitable aux REL, et quels exemples existent actuellement.

      Poser des questions critiques sur la recommandation pour discuter de ce domaine d'action ? Que faut-il changer ? Que manque-t-il?

      Recherchez des mots ou des phrases spécifiques dans les éléments (a-f) de l'article 13 pour joindre une note ou répondre aux notes existantes que vous y voyez.

    1. (iii) Encouraging effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER

      On April 26-28, 2022 we are calling for annotation of this action area with a Three Days of Focus event in OEG Connect.

      We offer a place there for discussion, prompts for annotating specific items listed in this action area, plus live drop in sessions where we can talk and annotate together. There is also a workshop being offered via the OER22 Conference all materials for the workshop are open to anyone.

      Annotate with us to fill this part of the recommendation with new notes or respond to existing ones.

      What do we seek? We want to collectively expand on the meaning and application of specific words of this section of the OER Recommendation to help frame what is meant by inclusive and equitable access to OER, and what examples of it exist now.

      Critically ask questions of the recommendation to discuss this action area? What should be changed? What is missing?

      Look for specific words or phrases in items (a-f) under article 13 to attach a note or reply to existing notes you see there.

    2. catalyzing sustainability models

      The Improve It Challenge is interesting approach to incentivizing OER improvements from Lumen Learning

      Lumen Learning’s Improve It Challenge grant program invites anyone and everyone to engage in the continuous improvement of open educational resources. Our goal is to foster community engagement in the improvement of learning materials for all students. We want to leverage the power of community and collaboration by catalyzing and supporting efforts to make changes to existing OER, validate the effectiveness of those improvements, and share them with students everywhere.

      Lumen has identified a collection of OERs where student performance indicates improvements are needed. Similar to a "bug bounty" approach, educators are invited to apply with specific improvements that should be made. Ones rated the best will be awarded a $250 "bounty" but more, one selected to be implemented will be eligible for 10x bonus ($2500) of the improvements suggested lead to measured student performance gains.

      See more in a blog post from David Wiley https://opencontent.org/blog/archives/6963

  9. Feb 2022
    1. (v) Promoting and reinforcing international cooperation

      Hello and welcome to Action Area 5, the place we are asking for some annotation during Open Education Week 2022. How do the activities you are offering or participating in support the suggestions below for promoting OER via international cooperation?

      Select a few words, click Annotate, and add a short note stating how a resource, activity, project you have seen during Open Education Week support this action area.

    2. Open Science

      An excellent example of aligning OER and Open Science is the Creative Commons/SPARC/EFIL initiaitive Creating a Campaign to Increase Open Access to Research on Climate Science and Biodiversity

      The goal of this project is to create a truly global campaign to promote open access, open science and open data as effective enabling strategies to accelerate progress towards solving the climate crisis and preserving global biodiversity. It will develop effective messaging, strategies, and tactics to empower stakeholders currently leading critical climate and biodiversity work to embed open practices and policies in their operations, and make open sharing of research the default.

      We expect to identify the most important climate and biodiversity research publications not already OA and coordinate a campaign to open those publications, remove legal and policy barriers to applying open licenses to research articles, influence key funders (governments, foundations, and institutes) of climate science and biodiversity research to adopt and implement strong OA policies, and identify opportunities to open climate and biodiversity educational resources so students, teachers and citizens can learn about these global challenges and help contribute to solutions.

      Thanks Cable Green for mentioning this in one of our Open Annotation Labs

    3. encourage educational resources developed with public funds

      As one example, in a January 22, 2020 notice Using Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion Grant Funds to Meet the Basic Needs of Students the US Department of Education specifically recommended use of HEERF funds for OER:

      Institutions seeking to provide high-quality, free textbooks and supplies to their students can use their HEERF grant funds to establish a library or program of Open Educational Resources (OER) or form a partnership with an existing OER platform

      and citing as an example the Nursing Open Textbooks created by Chippewa Valley Technical College

  10. Jan 2022
    1. Nurturing the creation of sustainability models for OER

      Oops, a tweeed link for annotating Action area (iii) along with the UNESCO webinar was sent here by mistake! Find the correct placement


    2. (iii) Encouraging effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER

      On January 24, 2022 at 1500-1600 CET the UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition is hosting a webinar on this action area.

      We invite you to annotate along with us during or after the session

      Sign up for the webinar- we will post the archive once it is available.

  11. Dec 2021
    1. access to OER that most suitably meets both the needs and material circumstances of target learners

      This action area is contained within the Digital Open textbooks for Development project

      The primary, overarching objective of the DOT4D initiative is:

      To contribute to improving inclusion in South African higher education by addressing equitable access to appropriate and relevant learning resources.

    2. teaching

      In support of teaching, see the University of Capetown's Open Textbook Journeys, itself an open text, that shares the road taken by 11 UCT faculty to develop open textbooks:

      The UCT Open Textbook Journeys monograph tells the stories of 11 academics at the University of Cape Town who embarked on open textbook development initiatives in order to provide their students with more accessible and locally relevant learning materials. Produced by the Digital Open Textbooks for Development (DOT4D) initiative, the monograph contributes towards a better understanding of open textbook production by providing details related to authors’ processes and their reflections on their work. The collection aims to provide rich anecdotal evidence about the factors driving open textbook activity and shed light on how to go about conceptualising and producing open textbooks, and to aid the articulation of emerging open textbook production models that advance social justice in higher education.


  12. Nov 2021
    1. other repositories

      One of the longest running collections is MERLOT

      See also a long list of repositories from the OER Starter Kit.

    2. search engines

      Beyond single repositories, federated search tools for OER are important, like the Mason OER Metafinder (George Mason University), OASIS (SUNY Geneseo) , and for open textbooks, see the Open Textbook Library and the Pressbooks Directory.

    3. promoting

      Possible places to add notes include:

      • What are the key digital literacy skills for development and use of OER described here. What are the capacity building efforts that support them being learned?
      • Add examples of digital literacy development focused on specifically technical use of software, codes or open licenses.
    4. making available

      Here is a place to add notes with examples of the resources that build the capacity for OER users and creators.

      Possible points to attach annotations include:

      • Add examples of easily accessible resources but also perhaps describe what easily accessible means?
      • What are other OER-related topics covered by resources (and what are examples of them) besides the mentioned ones that follow?
      • There should be many examples to add for resources that address copyright and open licensing of educational material- add ones that have been effective broadly or regionally for capacity building.
    5. leveraging

      Here is a section that could be overloaded with annotations- the tools and technologies that support capacity building.

      Possible launch points for annotations might include:

      • What are important examples of either tools or platforms that enabled the finding, accessing, reusing, adaptation, and re-distribution of OER?
      • How and where does interoperation of metadata support capacity building?
      • What are examples of national and international metadata standards?
      • What are issues, requirements, examples of OER use that address using it in safe, secure and privacy protected ways?
      • Add examples of free and open source authoring tools, libraries and other repositories and search engines, systems for long-term preservation and frontier technologies for automatic OER processing
      • What is being done (and how) to support translation of languages for OER?
      • How and where is artificial intelligence being used to achieve this capacity building with OER?

      Or find any other words to attach notes that address the roles and capabilities of tools for OER capacity building.

    6. raising awareness

      Item (c) focuses on awareness of the relationship of OER and copyrighted works.

      Some possible words that could be places to attach annotations include:

      • What are specific examples of either a limitation or an exception of copyright? How is this awareness achieved?
      • Provide examples or issues that might be different or similar for educational and research purposes.
      • What are good examples of an integration of a wide range of works in OER?
      • What is meant by or what are examples of engagement with existing copyright protected works? How does doing this support fulfilment of educational goals or development of OER?

      Or select your own words here to use as annotation points for this suggested action.

    7. Preamble

      Welcome to the OEGlobal call to annotate the UNESCO OER Recommendation, launched at the OEGlobal 2021 Online Conference.

      The conference space includes an abundance of content, e.g. presentations, links, papers, videos, and discussion that can provide context and explanation to specific parts of the recommendation.

      Thinks of an annotation as something as simple as a short Post-It note attached to a few words, a comment, question, or a link.

      Annotation here can help collectively build context, meaning, understanding, and dialogue about the five action areas.

      Let's Annotate Together

      Learn more annotating here in this Pressbook or in OEG Connect.

    8. linguistically relevant OER

      The Darakht-e Danesh Library ("knowledge tree" in Dari) offers a collection of OER for learners in Afghanistan and is available in two official languages, Dari and Pashto as well as also languages Uzbeki, Munji, Nooristani, Sheghnanom Pashai.

      These open source resources include lesson plans, pedagogical tools, exercises, experiments, reading texts, work books, curricula and other resources for use in Afghan classrooms.

      These resources can be freely accessed by registered users, and we encourage users to add to the repository by uploading their own resources and expand this collection for the benefit of Afghanistan's teachers.

    9. free and open source authoring tools

      When fully implemented, the H5P OER Hub will be an invaluable tool for finding, reusing, and readily modifying interactive content that is platform independent and all of which carries rights metadata for the item and attribution for any media elements.

      A preview and opportunity to try this out early is available here https://kitchen.opened.ca/2021/07/07/inside-the-hub/

    10. copyright and open licensing of educational material

      A very excellent example of this in action is the Copyright First Responders Pacific Northwest that creates a network and directory of librarians who "have received training and, crucially, support one another in providing basic front-line triage for copyright questions in their home libraries and, in many cases, beyond." Sort of like 911 for copyright?

      The program is modeled after the program created at Harvard... one can wonder what if this was scaled or spread more widely?

    1. Preámbulo

      Dé la bienvenida a los anotadores españoles a la convocatoria de OEGlobal para agregar notas a la Recomendación REA de la UNESCO, lanzada en la conferencia en línea OEGlobal 2021.

      El espacio de la conferencia incluye mucho contenido: presentaciones, enlaces, artículos, videos y discusiones que pueden usarse para proporcionar contexto para partes específicas de la recomendación.

      La anotación aquí puede ayudar a construir colectivamente contexto, significado, comprensión y diálogo sobre las cinco áreas de acción.

      Como regalo para quienes lean esta nota, podrán ver una visualización de toda la actividad de anotación:


    1. Préambule

      Bienvenue aux annotateurs français à l'appel d'OEGlobal pour ajouter des notes à la Recommandation de l'UNESCO sur les REL, lancé lors de la conférence en ligne OEGlobal 2021.

      L'espace de conférence comprend une abondance de contenu, par exemple. des présentations, des liens, des articles, des vidéos et des discussions qui peuvent être utilisés pour fournir un contexte à des parties spécifiques de la recommandation.

      L'annotation ici peut aider à construire collectivement le contexte, le sens, la compréhension et le dialogue sur les cinq domaines d'action.

      En bonus pour tous ceux qui voient cette note, consultez cette visualisation de l'activité d'annotation pour cette version de la recommandation.


    1. even creating meme images

      I would have never thought of meme images as annotation!, but they are text added to an image (additional information). People can annotate the same image in different ways. Hmmm

    1. to actively participate in the emerging open education movement.

      We at Open Education Global, one of several organizations with similar aims, offer many means to be part of the open education movement, to name a few, honoring achievements via the Open Education Awards, engaging the global community via the annual event Open Education Week, and our annual conference.

      We also provide an open community space for all open educators.

      One new activity is a mission to use web annotation tools like Hypothesis to bring meaning, context, examples, discussion to landmark documents such as the Capetown Declaration. We hope you engage in our new effort to collaboratively annotate the UNESCO Recommendation on OER, a direct output of this declaration.

  13. Oct 2021
    1. joint research on OER

      It seems appropriate to mention all the work in cooperative research and also capacity building from GO-GN https://go-gn.net/

      e.g. the Research Methods Handbook is a fabulous guide for all researchers

    2. how OER can increase access to educational and research resources
    3. effective use of high quality educational and research materials

      Noting here University of Edinburgh's collection of OERs that support SD4 including

      • Foundations for All - supporting refugee scholars
      • Wikimedia in Education published in cooperation with Wikimedia UK "bringing together a collection of case studies from across the UK in order to provide insight into the use of the Wikimedia projects in education."
      • Critical Thinking in Global Challenges - a series of open licensed videos "to better understand what critical thinking is, and to practice and enhance critical thinking skills" and how they were applied in course activities designed around global issues

      There's much more here https://open.ed.ac.uk/tag/sdg4/

  14. Sep 2021
    1. encouraging and supporting institutions to develop or update legal or policy frameworks

      The OEGlobal 2021 presentation by C Ouyang at the National Open University Facilitating OER - A Comparative Review of Latest Proposed Copyright Law Amendment in Taiwan shows how efforts are being made to amend Taiwan's copyright laws to avoid confusion of that arises from concepts of fair use / fair dealing.

    2. areas of action of this Recommendation

      The OEGlobal 2021 conference was themed around the five action areas. For "raw material" to anchor here, you can find sessions related to each action area via these links:

  15. Aug 2021
    1. our recent online Colorado OER Conference

      See Alegria's portion of the roundtable session of the 2020 Coloado OER Summit


    2. because of the amazing work she does for our students and the leadership she shows in approaches to teaching.
    3. papered over in a kind of self-censorship to fit with the dominant American culture

      This is a bold and powerful statement that you can see as demonstrations of Alegria's work

  16. May 2021
    1. Member States are recommended to strategically plan and support OER capacity building

      This is an excellent place to add annotations for specific examples that demonstrate capacity building. Provide as much detail as possible, including web links.

    2. Stakeholders in the formal, non-formal and informal sectors

      Are there more stakeholders that should be added, or perhaps expanded? Either reply to this, or connect your thoughts to a specific stakeholder listed.

    3. Open Educational Resources (OER)

      We expect some debate or differences that many people might have with this definition of OER. Discuss what is missing from this definition.

    4. Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER)

      Welcome to an Open Education Global annotation project, as part of the 2021 conference, we are hoping to build a high level of discussion and activity around the UNESCO OER Recommendation.

      This test version is running on a PDF of the English language version downloaded from the UNESCO main site. In operation, we could offer links to work with copies of the Recommendation in any of the six supported languages.

      This would be a welcome, and we invite others to reply to let the world know who is participating.

      In particular the annotation tasks are:

      • Note any regional nuances to topic in the document. Where might it need more detail?
      • Make note in the Areas of Action of what they might look like in detail or examples that show where these are happening now
      • During the conference, connect, link, and discuss highlights of conference sessions that are related to a part of the recommendation.