46 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait

      Briskly and quickly occupied Iraq; Iraq forces quickly overwhelmed the weaker Kuwaiti forces.

    2. international conflict

      Included UN countries, led by US

  2. Apr 2019
    1. Readers and viewers with this understanding have taken a crucial step toward demanding more of their media, whether broadcast or print.

      Critical thinking and skepticism is necessary to check back the false world that the media is creating, and denying the entertainment-ification of the media

    2. polarize society

      Impact of aforementioned media

    3. For decades, the development of propaganda has turned the job of creating enemies over to the media. But this process isn't limited to war.

      Propaganda has transcended war and is now just a part of our daily society; the media misconstrues items and destroys meaning, ruining public perceptions of events that take place.

    4. the stifling of alternative views

      Hypocritical of a country espousing free speech- in the face of major support of the war, media did not allow conflict that flied in the face of that opinion.

    5. flashy technology

      Media focus on US hegemony instead of the true consequences of it being exacted on groups of people.

    6. Researchers found that heavy TV watchers were more likely to support the war. They were also less (not more) likely to be well informed about its causes and consequences.

      Because the TV that people watched was full of acts of war, not the politics and humans behind them. The TV didn't focus on the tragedies and unimaginable horrors that people face, thus making it so that watchers of the TV became "fans" of what was effectively entertainment for them.

    7. What would happen if they held a war and nobody watched?

      People wouldn't be so desensitized to war; e.g. in our history classes when the documentaries we watch are just hours of guns firing, missiles flying, and other such stereotypic aspects of war. We become desensitized, and through the TV war becomes just another show, just action-packed. The media misconstrues war and paints a false image of what is truly suffered.

  3. Mar 2019
    1. sheer scale of its opponents

      They awakened a monster lustful for oil

    2. Without the serious impact the bombing campaign had on the Iraqi forces and the Iraq infrastructure, no one knows how the Gulf War would have developed, how long it would have lasted, and what other consequences there might have been.


    3. the Iraqi Government continued to experience financial difficulties as the rising costs of the war impacted across the country

      Further deepened the hole- akin to Germany having to pay for WWI. Economic aid should have been given

    4. Saddam Hussein possessed the ability to have influence over, or outright control of, 40 per cent of the known oil supplies on the planet by combining his own reserves with Kuwait and possibly, that of Saudi Arabia.

      Obviously Saddam shouldn't have this power- only the US/UK should!

    5. Nevertheless, what is also interesting in this debate is the suggestion that interest in the conflict from coalition forces came out of an attraction to Kuwait’s oil production. Oil is in increasing demand within the Western World and it is not surprising that many see it as a strong underlying motive for – or at least, a significant factor in – the Coalition’s engagement.

      Classic. Oil.

    6. As long after the war as 1996, Iraq was in a dire situation, with a humanitarian crisis, and the UN agreed to offer temporary oil-for-food (OFF) program where Iraq was permitted to sell oil under very stringent conditions.

      When Iraq was economically strained, the coalition just made it harder for them

    7. The worst civilian suffering, senior officers say, has resulted not from bombs that went astray but from precision-guided weapons that hit exactly where they were aimed at electrical plants, oil refineries and transportation networks.

      Destroying their livelihoods, instead of their lives.

    8. 75 aircraft losses out of 100,000 sorties

      Emphasis on positive statistics, again misconstruing the costs of war

    9. Therefore, even at the outset of the war, air played a part, by assisting Iraq to take over Kuwait in a very speedy manner.

      Speed of Iraq air attacks took Kuwait by surprise- quickly overpowering Kuwait

    10. These air tactics, Hallion argues, allowed coalition forces to control Iraq without causing large fatalities.

      Really? Seems to answer the question of whether or not the Gulf War was a "dirty" war, as in the dirty war article.

    11. Air power dominated the media images of the Gulf War. Video footage of precision-guided munitions hitting their targets with pinpoint accuracy remains embedded in popular memory

      Selected imagery implanted in the public's mind skews the real costs of the war- e.g. children

    12. Following this liberation the coalition entered Iraq and after four days

      Goal turned offensive, as predicted earlier

    13. Kuwait from seven months of Iraqi military occupation

      What life like in Kuwait under Iraqi rule for those 7 months?

    14. the price – we think the price is worth it

      oil > children


    15. The main aim of the coalition troops was to expel the Iraqi military from Kuwait

      The initial goal, which was honorable. But that goal morphed into something else entirely

    16. the UN was strongly encouraged to act and find a way forward


    17. 34 different countries led by the United States of America, against Iraq

      Rhetoric used is like the hero vs villain metaphor in the metaphor paper

    18. a $14 billion deficit as a direct result of Kuwait’s oil production

      Making the gap for the debt even larger- Kuwait was keeping oil prices down so that Iraq couldn't pay them back. But why?

    19. $2.4 billion

      Small in comparison to the debt- the details of the actual slant-drilling are unclear and I haven't read anything about that specific allegation

    20. offered assistance by effectively becoming Iraq’s major port

      Economic support outside of just compensation

    21. several factors

      economic warfare, individual assault, oil theft

    22. Iraq’s allegation that Kuwait was stealing its oil
      • economic warfare that ensued after the Iraq-Iran war
    23. Firstly, it can be argued that the Gulf War is significant as it gives the background to the overall recent warfare known as the ‘Iraq War’

      Sets precedent for conflict in the Gulf

    1. Iraq had been an ally with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War

      Cold War tensions spilled over, giving America further motive to join in on the fight against Iraq

    2. economic sanctions

      Just burying a deeper hole for Iraq- further efforts ensuring that Iraq couldn't pay back their debt

    3. Saddam Hussein decided that he had no other option but military might so he stationed 100,000 troops on the border and in early August invaded Kuwait. As the Iraqi forces invaded and took over Kuwait they set fire to hundreds of Kuwaiti oil fields on the way.

      Iraq retaliated again, using force this time

    4. While other countries may have agreed Kuwait did the opposite and asked to increase its quota by fifty percent, much to the dissatisfaction of Iraq.

      Kuwait retaliated by lowering oil prices- but why? This is preventing Iraq from paying Kuwait back, so Kuwait would be losing out on their money getting paid back.

    5. For a year they tried to resolve the financial situation but to no avail.

      Iraq didn't/couldn't pay back the debt

    6. when Iraq was at war with Iran. During this war Iran was not only attacking Iraq

      Iraq aggressive concerning oil, Kuwait aided Iraq to end the war

    7. actual causes of the Gulf War are lost on many.

      Why was there a focus on the war and postwar vs prewar?

    1. Member states of the UN Security Council, however, differed in their opinion of the degree to which Iraq had cooperated with inspections.

      Conflict about the post-war peace keeping tactics of Iraq

    2. There are no official figures for the Iraqi military operation, leading to vastly differing figures of combatants and casualties.

      Despite it being the first "war" to be media glorified, the statistics were inaccurate and unable to give a definite figure of casualties

    3. three days Arab and U.S. forces

      speed indicates power of the US + allies

    4. Over the next few weeks, this sustained aerial bombardment, which had been named Operation Desert Storm, destroyed Iraq’s air defenses before attacking its communications networks, government buildings, weapons plants, oil refineries, and bridges and roads.

      US led offensive against Iraq to liberate Kuwait.

    5. Saddam steadfastly refused to withdraw Iraqi forces from Kuwait, however, which he maintained would remain a province of Iraq.

      Saddam Hussein opted to stay in Kuwait, despite the threat of the West.

    6. Iraq’s invasion and the potential threat it then posed to Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer and exporter, prompted the United States and its western European NATO allies to rush troops to Saudi Arabia to deter a possible attack.

      Iraq invaded Kuwait because of a debt that Iraq owed Kuwait. After Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait, Saudi Arabia was thought to be threatened, so the US and other western Allies rushed to Saudi Arabia's side.

    7. Persian Gulf War

      I'm going to use this article as a base summary for the Gulf War. So my goal for this article is to outline the causes and effects of the Gulf War- by virtue of that goal my annotations will be mainly summary and clarification of happenings in the Gulf War.