10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. massive scale. Facts, literature, and art

      The scale is massive and covers a wide spectrum, from formal education, self access learning,skills learning via video, hobby sharing and interest groups. COVID-19 has led to many changes, one major change is the traditional GLAM and even theaters try to use online mode to keep connected with the target audience and even public.

    2. need for new subscribers, advertising revenue, and profit

      I think mainland China is developing rapidly, for example, apart from audio books, I watched the tv shows about knowledge quiz 一站到底 , dating 非誠勿擾, and extract of book knowledge for tv viewers! That TV show, 羅輯思維脫口秀, the link as https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYpYY4G4T1PI-Jug8q6lNGA

    3. The Bottleneck of Attention: Connecting Human Thought with Motivation

      For this reading, I recalled my experience of studying psychology!

    4. “Attention Shoppers!” Wired Magazine. Retrieved from: https://www.wired.com/1997/12/es-attention/

      I am amazed by this reading as this was written in 1997 and the trend is developing in that way (luckily not to that extreme level described in that article)

    5. Some users feel helpless when it comes to controlling the amount of time that they spend on their devices

      Facing COVID-19 lead to more time staying in home, some of our friends regretted that they did not make a good use of time as WFH saves a lot traveling time. Instead of "WFH" work from home, they also WFH watch from home, watched a lot TV and mobile social media, with less energy and attention to do tasks.

    6. That is why sessions tend to be shorter on mobile than on the desktop: the chance of an interruption is high.

      Yes, the ad for the hk newspaper app "AM730" for mobile and computer are different, for computer, it showed short clip ad that could not stop playing but for mobile, it showed ad that you can close.

    7. One common complaint was that Siri or Google Assistant

      I recalled the experience that I visited my friend's home and the "smart" speaker suddenly turned on and played music as we mentioned some words about music and my friend tried to tell the speaker to turn off but the music volume covered his voice and turned out he had to unplug it!

    8. displayed for a certain length of time

      I think of Youtube premium service

    9. spend money or volunteer our time

      I agree with this observation and it also applied in Hong Kong. In the past, the non profit organizations asked for attention by flag selling but now the attention seeking and marketing expanded into social media, organize events such as walkathon or run or even inspire people to start donation such as by "ice bucket challenge". For the money and time for volunteer, in fact, I think that as per the saying of Chinese "一寸光陰一寸金, 寸金難買寸光陰", we can use time to earn money but we can not buy time by money...(some view that can use money to hire helpers or services to buy time, which is true in modern society)

    10. divert attention

      I think that the term "multitasking" is often misunderstood, especially in HK, a rapid and impatient modern city. Many would think that it is "efficient" and use less time for "mutitasking", in fact, for most cases, I think we switch attention or trained to switch swiftly instead of actual working on several tasks.