88 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. The public is not just a place we might be willing to work in; it’s a place we must be willing to work at

      In order for us to have success, everyone must put their effort at working towards the public compared to just working in the inners of the project at hand, not focusing on the big picture at hand.

    2. “open to the public,”

      people may know and read this saying but don't actually interpret it correctly such as posting some inappropriate things like nudity, etc which the people don't recall it being publicized and blame the world for their actions, not themselves

    3. the public only works when the public is empowered to speak in ways that the structures that contain that public might not endorse or facilitate

      It seems like a chain effect happens here. Once someone in public speaks about the topic at hand, others either get to disagree or agree with the person's opinions then the public, hopefully, continually gets involved in the matter.

    4. As Sara Goldrick-Rab demonstrates, public spaces are fraught with danger and stomach-aches… but they are intimately connected to the vision many of us have for the public commons as an accessible, learner-driven space for diverse voices to share and create knowledge.

      I agree. Public spaces may cause some belly churning of nervousness and anxiety, but a soon as we take the "leap," they connect us into public areas that guide us to all diverse opinions to then connect with one another to create a higher set of knowledge.

  2. Dec 2015
    1. WMV (Windows Media video), MOV (QuickTime Movie), AVI (Audio Video Interleave video file), MP4 (iPod, iPhone), iTunes-compatible video, MP3 (audio only), GIF (animation file)

      Now I know what all these acronyms mean. And I will say again, there are so many acronyms in the new literacy world!!!

    2. Screencasts are excellent for those learners who just need an aural as well as a visual explanation of the content presented.

      Image Description TRUE

    3. which is not always feasible in the classroom.

      Not always, I believe the author meant NEVER when it comes to reviewing content in lecture hall teaching environments. You have to go either for extra help, wait for the professors to answer an email, ask an other student in the class, or just struggle.

    4. Screencasts are an effective instructional format that can be used for tutorials, demonstrations,

      And that's where Youtube comes in clutch because I find loads of hair, makeup, and pretty much anything I can think of made in a simple tutorial!

    5. Students in both K–12 and higher education will spend all of their personal and professional lives immersed in a digital society.

      Being just born 20 years ago, it is incredible that 5 years old and even younger can navigate such advanced technology.

    6. eliminate awkward and unnecessary portions

      And this is why I have redone my screencast for this module 3 times already.

    7. instructors can create their own screencasts

      Professor McVerry did this actually during a class once and it was very interesting

    1. Connect with people in another part of the world

      When I participated in a Twitter chat, #spedchat, I noticed that most of the people involved in it was from Indiana compared to me being in little Connecticut. It was really fun to be able to connect to other special education future or current teachers.

    2. I encourage them to begin looking at other tools.

      I'm sorry but Shelly is teaching this to her 4 year old students....that takes a lot of patience and skill to teach such difficult lessons to youngsters. Great job Shelly!

    3. Learning happens together.

      There's no I in teamwork for a reason.

    4. more experienced educators.

      At first, I thought the author would want to learn from the most tech savviest social media experts aka teens because they grew up in a such a tech influenced generation. They are like the Einsteins when it comes to social media in my opinion.

  3. Nov 2015
    1. (ORCA)

      Image Description

    2. As the ORCA Project continues and as we learn more about the assessment of online research and comprehension, we are likely to discover additional limitations that are equally important. Nevertheless, the current assessments provide a useful starting point to understanding the assessment of online research and comprehension within authentic, performance-based tasks.

      I hope one day, I can see the ORCA Project be a reality and be used everyday in schools to understand how efficiently students can use the internet in research and comprehension.

    3. How Are We Doing?

      I read this title fast and all I thought of was Joey from Friends....Image Description

    4. Keyword entry in a search engine, for example, becomes an important new literacy skill because search engines are an important new technology for locating information.

      I really do enjoy some search engines such as Google using each word I put in the engine, it has suggestions of what I may be searching for. It makes it easier and most times, more successful for my research.

    5. use information in creative and innovative ways to develop new ideas and solve complex problems

      I like to think I do this when it comes to my blog posts. I always to make the reader feel like they are sitting with me, talking about the subject matter. I also try to include gifs or images to engage the reader in my material. Without this course, I wouldn't know how to post such things.

    6. for example, Internet use in U.S. workplaces increased by nearly 60% among all employed adults 25 years of age and older (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002)

      I defiantly think in the past 13 years, this statistic had to have increased.

    7. Today, global economic competition requires that organizations abandon these traditional command-and-control structures and instead harness all of their intellectual capital, unleash innovation and creativity, and generate greater productivity.

      I'm so happy that I live and work in the current day to be able to work with the most advanced way of thinking and learning. Image Description

    8. we mean that literacy is not just new today; it becomes newevery day of our lives.

      Besides literacy, life also becomes new everyday. We never know what today or tomorrow will bring.

    9. we live in new times, with new literacies.

      definitely found this out by taking this course....

    1. Just seeing my words in that beautiful font and layout makes me feel like a real writer and not a “mindless blogger.”

      That's exactly how I feel when I blog on withknown when I can personalize it to be my own such like usually watercolored background and gifs relating to the subject matter I am discussing. zIt makes me believe that my writing is mine

    2. Basically socially complex texts are authored by opposing forces discussing an issue with equal passion and often mutual disdain.

      Socially complex texts remind me of debates in during class discussion or even political elections but it's online compared to live tv and in the classroom setting.

  4. Oct 2015
    1. Students who succeed in online environments skimmed more websites and spent more time engaged with sources when they judged them to be relevant.

      Skimming is like a word search, in order to find out about a subject, I scan through the source to see any keywords then read on and skip the spots that don't necessarily relate to the subject.

    2. The students who could manage multiple tabs

      I could manage multiple tabs but defiantly get annoyed with having so many tabs open that aren't particularly necessary at that moment of time. It's just one of my pet peeves.

    3. how divergent thinking allows some to create more complex models and more frequent simulations of the future.

      Divergent thinking has made me experience new ways of expressing myself in a more intricate way in my tasks such like blog posting. I try to make it more inviting and expressive of how I actually am compared to typical blogging.

    4. New and more complex skills and practices are required to read in online environments.

      I really thought I was going to struggle in this particular class because I'm not a huge reader of online articles, etc but I feel as though I actually started to comprehend more than I have before. I think it's due to the repetition of reading two articles a module.

    5. Two percent. Just 2% of code separates us from our Chimpanzee brethren.

      It's still pretty remarkable that we are just 2% different in our DNA coding that separates us from Chimpanzee brethren.

    1. Creation can be viewed simply as the act of producing, or causing to exist.  Construction is the building or assembling of an infrastructure

      I see how both of these words seem to mean the same thing but putting the definitions alongside each word, it's now noticeable that they are similar but not exactly alike.

    2. (ORC)

      Why is there just so many acronyms involved in New Literacies? Image Description

    1. All these are social meanings, specific to a particular culture. At the same time they are chosen, put together for their potential to mean, by the deliberate action of the designer. The sign - a complex message of words, of letters, of colour and font-types with all their cultural resonances - reflects the interests of its designer as much as the designer’s imagined sense of those who will see and read the sign. The sign is based on a specific rhetorical purpose, and intent to persuade with all means possible those who pass by and notice it.

      I would call this consumer behavior because once you see how the public reacts, you'll adjust or keep what you have to better promote yourself.

    2. Semiotics takes the sign - a fusion of a form and a meaning – as its basic unit. In making signs we –embedded in our cultures - select forms in such a way that they expresses the meanings that we ‘have’ always ‘aptly’; hence signs always express, through their form, the meanings that the makers of signs have wished to make.

      Now would the "hang loose" sign be considered a semiotic?

    3. Wherever I place it, someone looking at the image is entitled to assume that the nucleus actually is where I have placed it in the circle/cell – whether I intended to or not, or whether it actually belongs there or not. Each mode forces me into making certain kinds of commitments about meaning, intended or not. The choice of mode has profound effects on meaning, and textbook designers, for instance, need to be aware of such meaning effects of different modes.

      Reading this quote over and over again makes me realize that people really do nit pick such things to no end because that's how things can be learned or argued about.

  5. networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
    1. Changes in media, from page to screen, make ‘‘it easy to use a multiplicity ofmodes...in particular the mode of image – still or moving – as well as other modes,such as music and sound’’ to convey one’s message.

      That's exactly why I always engage the use of gifs in my each of my Witknown blog posts because it helps to express what I am trying to say in an easier way.

    2. we as educators need to move beyondcustomary views of these media as simply curriculum-delivery devices, teaching aidsor ‘‘neutral’’ tools for learning (p. viii) to find ways of engaging with them morecritically and creatively as ways ofrepresentingthe world, ofcommunicating,and associalandculturalprocesses

      I stated back in a previous annotation from Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture where newly hired teachers I know made a custom fundraising website (gofundme.com) to raise money to purchase new technologies in order to better their students' learning.

    3. hyperpersonal,even more friendly, social, and intimate than face-to-facecommunication

      I always thought that interpersonal interactions on the internet was very antisocial so this is news to me.

    4. boyd (2006), however, describes how the meaning of ‘‘Friend’’ connections inMySpace differs from traditional conceptualizations of ‘‘friendship’’ offline. Withinsocial network sites ‘‘Friendship’’ can mean a variety of different relationships (

      I agree with Boyd because I can be friends with thousands of people via SNS due to knowing one another from education, etc but actually be friends with someone on a physical and emotional level in real life.

    5. A form ofself-publishing, personal home pages also canbe viewed as online multimedia texts constructed through a process of ‘‘inclusion,allusion, omission, adaptation, and discovery’’ (para. 11) and shaped by one’sassociations, connections, and conventions in Web subcultures.

      I believe the Withknown blog I made for my EDU16 class is a form of self-publishing and it does make me feel a lot more intelligent on the internet.

    6. The majority use MySpace (65%) with Facebook (37%) being the second mostpopular site,

      I'm thinking that those numbers have now flipped flopped because having a Facebook profile seems to be a lot more popular among others I know compared to having a MySpace profile.

    7. The majority use MySpace (65%) with Facebook (37%) being the second mostpopular site,

      I'm thinking that those numbers have now flopped because having a Facebook profile seems to be a lot more popular among others I know compared to having a MySpace profile.

    8. devoting an average of 9 hours

      I feel as though that average amount of hours has increased since this paper was written in 2009.

    9. An important goal of this paper is to articulate how the insightsfrom this research might help us make education more engaging for all studentsand more meaningful to their present and future lives in a technologically mediatedworld.

      This social experiment makes me want to test it again for possibly finding out new results due to the boost in social media and online environments over the past 6 years for when this was first done in 2009.

    10. Threequestions guided our investigation: How do young people themselves talk abouttheir social network site and its role in their lives? How are social network sitesseen to be supporting young people’s interpersonal needs? How are young peopleusing social network sites for creative and communicative purposes, if at all?

      These three questions to be asked to those 11 high school age people seem to be appropriate and basic enough to get the most answers out of the students.

    11. Madden,

      so close, yet so far away to being a distant relative of mine

  6. Sep 2015
    1. This research suggests some tendency to read “professional” sites as more credible than “amateur” mate-rials, although students lack a well-developed set of standards for distinguishing between the two.

      I believe I understand how to distinguish "professional" and "amateur" materials; I usually use sites from an .edu website or even a library database compared to using community based webpages like wikipedia because anyone can write information in the page.

    2. Ex-panding access to computers will help bridge some of the gaps between digital haves and have nots,

      I have recently saw newly hired teachers make a gofundme.com page in raising money in purchasing new technologies for the students such as iPads because they actually use programs to better educate students.

    3. Children and youths do indeed know more about these new media environments than most parents and teachers.

      it sure seems like the younger the youth, the more they understand new media environments such as my 6 year old 2nd cousin knowing how to maneuver an iPad and IPhone better than me

    4. David Buckingham argues that young people’s lack of interest in news and their disconnection from politics reflects their per-ception of disempowerment.

      I have never really been interested in politics anyways because it just confuses the hell out of me, but I do attempt to follow news.

    5. While formal education is often conservative, the informal learning within popular culture is often experi-mental.

      informal learning makes me believe that it's more hands on compared to simply reading and writing things being discussed

    6. Participants in the beta-reading process learn both by receiving feedback on their own work and by giving feedback to others, creating an ideal peer-to-peer learn-ing community

      I wonder, is this what we are supposed to be doing to one another's blog?

    7. Participatory culture is emerging as the culture absorbs and responds to the explosion of new media technologies that make it possible for average consumers to archive, annotate, appropriate, and recirculate media content in powerful new ways.

      participatory culture is like a domino effect; usually when a person in my friend group recommends an app, for the most part, the app is then downloaded among the rest of the group.

    8. The tools available to a culture matter, but what that cul-ture chooses to do with those tools matters more.

      tools are made everyday, but it really depends on how people interpret it to make people use or not use it. That's how I feel like how things have always been like fashion trends for example. You can go with the last new hairdo, or you can do what you want.

    9. Rather than dealing with each technology in isolation, we would do better to take an ecological approach, thinking about the interrelationship among different communication technol-ogies, the cultural communities that grow up around them, and the activities they support.

      People criticize the use of technology, but I open my arms to what it can actually offer me and others in society.

    10. every child deserves the chance to express him- or her-self through words, sounds, and images, even if most will never write, perform, or draw professionally.

      I am an arts and crafts coordinator at a day camp during the summer so I make sure I to remind the children everyday that they choose whatever they want their project's look to be, because it's their chance to interpret themselves individually, artistically

    11. One-third of teens share what they create online with others, 22 percent have their own Web sites, 19 percent blog, and 19 percent remix online content

      I would never think I'd become part of these percentages before starting this class.

    1. In most cases where people share to maintain privacy, they do because they do not want someone to have power over them.

      that's just disturbing that someone would actually attempt to have power over someone rather than worry about themselves.

    2. tchotchkes

      as embarrassing as it sounds, I had no idea that this is how you spelled tchotchkes and I've used it so much.

    3. Some admitted to using this freedom in problematic or destructive ways—recounting acts of ganging up on girls whom they deemed annoying or using a combination of wits and trickery to manipulate Facebook administrators into providing data.

      all i am reading is cyberbulling

    4. image-based bulletin board site 4chan.

      first time hearing this web bulletin board

    5. Although some teens choose to use the same handle across multiple sites,

      it's just so much easier for me to remember when logging on social media so hence, why I keep all my usernames the same if I am able to

    6. may be amusing to watch Kramer face embarrassment when he and George accidentally run into Kramer’s mother on Seinfeld,

      not may be, but it is amusing watching Kramer's face and body movements basically with anything he does besides running into his mother with George

    7. it’s easy to get lost in the back-and-forth on Twitter.

      especially when there's a fight between celebrities or even people in my town Image Description

    8. The ability to understand how context, audience, and identity inter-sect is one of the central challenges people face in learning how to navigate social media.

      that's basically making assumptions on people just based on what you see on the outside instead of knowing what they are feeling and thinking inside, which is wrong on all levels.

    9. Without knowing the teen, my guess was that he was genuine in his college essay. At the same time, I also suspected that he would never dare talk about his desire to go to a prestigious institution in his neighborhood because doing so would cause him to be ostracized socially, if not physically attacked.

      extremely hard to choose a side so as of now, still indecisive.

    10. as adults have started participating in social media and, especially, Facebook.

      not my mother, she thinks Facebook is the "devil," hahaha

    11. For Heather, social media is not only a tool; it is a social lifeline that enables her to stay connected to people she cares about but can-not otherwise interact with in person.

      I have the same opinion of social media as Heather because as time goes on, people go their ways and I want to stay in touch and without their personal info, it can difficult to do so. Social media assists me letting me know people's current situation instead of hearing it in a gossip form.

    12. AIM screen names either,

      perfect example of throwback thursday

    13. Teens’ determination to set their own agenda can be nerve-racking for some parents, particularly those who want to protect their children from every possible danger. Coming of age is rife with self-determination, risk taking, and tough decision-making.

      parents' need to read this quote to understand that teens do all these things to grow up like they did when they were younger but why is it so hard for them to understand?

    14. . Most teens are not compelled by gadgetry as such—they are compelled by friendship.

      gadgets are fun and all but I do believe that friendship does fuel the use of gadgetry.

    15. Teens continue to occupy an awkward position between childhood and adulthood, dependence and independence. They are struggling to carve out an identity that is not defined solely by family ties. They want to be recognized as someone other than son, daughter, sister, or brother. These struggles play themselves out in familiar ways, as teens fight for freedoms while not always being willing or able to accept responsibilities. Teens simultaneously love and despise, need and reject their parents and other adults in their lives. Meanwhile, many adults are simultaneously afraid of teens and afraid for them.

      this whole paragraph is so true in my eyes. it explains fully the struggles of teens and the issues adults deal with that pertain to those teens.

    16. A popular T-shirt designed by John Slabyk and sold on the website Threadless sums up the disillusionment with failed technological utopias:they lied to usthis was supposed to be the futurewhere is my jetpack,where is my robotic companion,where is my dinner in pill form,where is my hydrogen fueled automobile,where is my nuclear-powered levitating house,where is my cure for this disease

      that's actually hilarious

    17. The Walkman music player was viewed as an evil device that would encourage people to disappear into separate worlds, unable to communicate with one another.11

      I believe that walkmans and iPods defiantly give people a "walking soundtrack" which is rude because how can people ask simple questions and requests when people can't hear what they are saying due to the lack of attention to the world right in front of them. At least be courteous and put the volume to a level where you can listen to the music while engaging in what the world has to say.

    18. Search engines make it easy to surface esoteric interac-tions.

      that's why search engines can be dangerous

    19. many adults fear networked technologies for the same reasons that adults have long been wary of teen participation in public life and teen socialization in parks, malls, and other sites where youth congregate.

      understandable but most times, teens use their tech as a resource more than anything else

    20. Rather than being seen as a subcultural practice, participat-ing in social media became normative.

      social media really did become a norm

    21. Friendster, in particular, was designed as a matchmaking service. I

      the early Tinder

    22. ols like email, instant messaging, and online forums are still used by teens. B

      i'd say email is used the most out of three

    23. eens turn to a plethora of popular services to socialize, gossip, share information, and hang out.

      beyond true

    24. “If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist.”

      such a typical quote about social media

    25. As in many schools I’ve visited over the years, friendships at this school in Nashville were largely defined by race, gender, sexuality, and grade level, and those networks were immediately visible based on whom students were talking to or sitting with. By and large, the students were cordoned off in their own section on the sides of the stands while parents and more “serious” fans occupied the seats in the center.

      sounds very similar to my high school football or other sporting events

    26. how little things change. I’m guessing a lot of the drama is still the same, it’s just the format is a little differ-ent. It’s just changing the font and changing the background color really.”

      this reminds me of life as well from when you were a teen to early-mid 20's; life still happens with drama but it's just the way things are perceived that's different

    27. the more things had changed, the more they seemed the same.

      very interesting line

    28. déjà vu

      literally get deja vu all the time

    29. 2005 to 2012

      7 years of fuel adds up...jeez louise

    30. she thinks that everything online is bad, and you seem to get it, and you’re an adult.

      being a 90's born, I relate to how he thinks his parents believe the internet is bad to use but compared to 2006 to currently now, my parens came around to the internet and use it frequently