44 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. ikipedians have discussed possible solutions to this prob- lem. For example, visitors could have the option of viewing only a version of an article that had been "patrolled," that is, checked for random vandalism, or users could have the choice of seeing an "approved" page or one "pe

      I did not know, one can set up their Wikipedia in "patrolled mode" , I wonder if it is patrolled mode, will teachers then allow students to use Wikipedia as primary source, since it is checked?

    2. lear, Wikipedia's controls and countermeasures are a work in progress, and van- dalism in infrequently read entries can

      I wonder if Wikipedia will be accepted by teachers as a primary source?.,, Once they separate between the facts and fake facts

    3. urid aspects of history, Wikipedia editors shy away from sensationalist interpretations (although not from discussion of controversies about such inter

      I wonder why

    4. t them out of business. Good historical writing requires not just factual accuracy but also a command of the scholarly literature, persua- sive analysis and interpretations, and clea

      FACTS!! Look back, I guess Wikipedia has taken jobs from Historians, but it is a good source for the rest of the world.

    5. ewer and well-reg

      New web source! ENCARTA :

      Did more research, this website is no longer available, but pdfs are still found...?

    6. Still, my view is tempered by the recognition that the encounter between professional historians and amateur Wikipedians is likely to be rocky at times. That seems to have been particularly true in the early

      I feel that Historians actually read history books, while Wikipedia educators, do their research online like everyone else. Since we are in the 20th century, fewer books are being read and Historians can be better they have likely read.

    7. My colleagues at the Center for History and New Media interviewed people who regu- larly contribute to history articles on Wikipedia, and a passion for self-education comes through in numerous interviews. A Canadian contributor, James Willys Rosenzweig (no relation), observed tha

      I hope he is getting paid for his work, but Wikipedia is a great site to post information for the whole world to see.

    8. But should we blame Wikipedia for the appetite for predigested and prepared informa- tion or the tendency to believe that anyt

      It does suck that we cannot use Wikipedia as citations, although I get professor aspects. Since many people can write into Wikipedia, it makes the information vulnerable, but this is not Wikipedia fault,

    9. Wikipedia's ease of use and its tendency to show up at the top of Google rankings in turn reinforce students' propensity to latch on to the first source they encounter rather than to weigh multiple source

      This is so true!! Every time I search anything up, Wikipedia is the first web to pop up. I wonder why Wikipedia is the first thing to pop up?

    10. sdom

      what is that ? "Wikinfo"

    11. overblown. You can find bad history in the library, and while much misinformation circula

      When one looks history through a library, one is willing to learn, but when one searches it up online, it can introduce other similar topics, to further expand knowledge.

    12. red historical.5 This is only a very partial and preliminary re- port from an ever-changing front, but one that I argue has profound implications for our practice as histo

      Because Wikipedia is free.. Does this majorly affect Historians , and how so?

    13. Can History Be Open Source? 119 the New York Times (50), the Library of Congress (1,175), and the venerable Encyclopedia Britannica (2,952). In a few short years, it has become perhaps the largest work of online historical writing, the most widely

      Wikipedia was ranked 18, and above Encyclopedia, could this be because Wikipedia is free to users?

  2. Feb 2021
    1. Professional historians have things to learn not only from the open and democrat- ic distribution model of Wikipedia but also from its open and democratic production model. Although Wikipedia

      Wikipedia opens the world to the truth, opens readers eyes somehow. This is good, more people will be wise, and may learn to help themselves for their future.

    2. ia and the Web in general?55 American National Biography Online may be a significantly better historical resource than Wikipe- dia, but its impact is much smaller because it is available to so few people. The limited audience for subscription-based historical resources such as American Na- tional Biography Online becomes an even larger issue when we move outside the borders of the United States and especially into poorer parts of the world, where such subscription fees pose major problems even for libraries. Moreover, in some of those places, where cen- sorship of textbooks and other historical resources is

      Wikipedia makes a huge impact in the web world, as it helps millions of people to be able to learn free information.

    3. 134 The Journal of American History June 2006 Franklin D. Roosevelt Frm Wldpedla, the ree encyclopeda Rwaits"n hioy (Latest I Earliest) View (r ious 50) (next 50) (201 50 100 250 500) To view a previous versin click the date for that versionm Legend: (cur) a difference wth current version, (last) = dfference wth preceding version, m minor edit .(,) (tent) ~03,00, 28 March 2006 Festtsyrnrewty m (-c ancy) cuMr)ast) 23,41, 27 Masrch006F2M ren se(t POV) S(cur)(last) O 22:39 27 March 2006 AdeiaMae m (-a-*Fr n cvy. t1933 I.t1 .comma) S(cur) (last) 20:00, 27 March 2006 (- Marriage and childreK) ? (cur) (last) 0 19:47, 27 Match 2006 Gwermo (Revert to revision 45743664 using ppus) S(cur) (last) 0 19:47, 27 March 2006 66.210.243,158 (-.Maniage and chi?drn) ? (cur) (last) O 1943, 27 March 200 199.227.112-41 (- *Privn crisi S(cur) (ast) C 19:42, 27 March 2006 199.227 112.41 (-Pritvate cAsi*.) ? (cur) (last) 0 , 19:30, 27 March 2006 No Guru m (Reverted edts by 199.227.112 41 to last version by 166t82.242.28) (c (cur) last) 19:00, 27 March 2006 199.227.112A41 (-E*E.ay li.e) ? (cur) (last) 18:30, 27 March 2006 166.82,242.28 (-- Oi rights and refi'u.ees) S(cur) (last) 08,57, 27 March 2006 Ajensen {ranks) S(cur) (last) 06:50, 27 March 2006 Adam Carr (restore early life section - this is a biogaplcal article and facts ike where he was educated ae what people epect to find in a ograpehy ? (cur) (last) 06:13, 27 March 2006 Feafulsymmetry mt (-* Legcy) S (cur) (last) C 06:12, 27 March 2006 Fearfusymmety (- Leay - added GVSU reatest wod irimpact'po) * (cur) past) C 05:45, 27 March 2006 Rjensen (-*Govemao& New Yor, il92 1~9 3- Tar- many) * (cur) (lat) C 05:27, 27 March 2006 RJII (-*GoCl.n oi New Y., .2 .193) S(cur) (last) 0 05:27 27 March 2006 RJIl (- Govor . iw ork, 1928-132 -he tumed a $15 miion surpus into a $90 mition deficit) * (cur) (ast) C 05:10, 27 March 2006 Modulatum m S(cur) (last) O 01:56, 27 March 2006 (- eclicn a PrKdet I 1932 - minor grammtr and spefirg) * (cur) (ast) C 01:53, 27 March 2006 FUIll m (-Eiyect as President 1.932- typO a (cur (last) C 01:48, 27 March 2006 (Cleaned up (as per Usert5. 190.27 197)) A portion of the revision history page for Franklin D. Roosevelt: The software for Wiki- pedia exhaustively records every change made to an entry and allows a visitor to the site to see each version of the article back to its origin. <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. php?title= Franklin D. Roosevelt&action=history.> (March 28,

      I wonder if this tool could only be used for the history page of Franklin D Roosevelt. If this tool is available for every cite in the Wikipedia, that would honestly be an awesome tool to look at.

    4. In coverage Wikipedia currently lags behind the comprehensive American National Bi- ography Online, which has 18,000 entries, but exceeds the general-interest Encarta. Of a sample of 52 people listed in American Nati

      Although Wikipedia may not be the best as ANB, they are free to use. The comprehensive may be behind, but for the amount of information the website carries, and upon being free to use, is best.

    5. ind the last exclusion surprising since we value original research above everything else, but it makes sense for a collaboratively created encyclopedia. How can the collectivity assess the validity

      I totally agree, Wikipedia is a collaboratively created encyclopedia. The style of the website allows for Wikipedia to be considered a digital tool. Before this class, I never thought that deep about that . AMAZING!

    6. Sanger designed Nupedia to ensure that experts wrote and carefully vetted content. In part because of that extensive review, it managed to publish only about twenty articles in its first eighteen months. In early January 2001, as Sanger was trying to think of ways to make it easier for people without formal credentials to contribute to Nupedia, a computer programmer friend told him about the WikiWikiWeb software, developed by the pro- grammer Ward Cunningham in the mid-1990s, that makes it easy to create or edit a Web page-no coding HTML (hypertext markup language) or uploading to a server needed. (Cunningham took the name from the Hawaiian word wikiwi

      WOW. I am shocked that they already had tried my idea of making Wikipedia a more reliable source by only allowing credible writers to write on Nupedia. At this point I am trying to think of a way for Wikipedia to be a credible source in classrooms, while allowing for people to continue to add on info.

    7. Welcome to WTikipelia, a collaborative project to produce a complete encyclopedia from scratch, We started in January 200) and already have over 14,000 articles. We want to make over 100,000 so let's get to work,--anyone can edit any page.-copyedit, expand

      I wonder if people freely volunteer to help Wikipedia to their goal

    1. History is narrative. We use Wireframe cc to storyboard and experiment with design. Historical narrators of the future will need to think as much about visual, aural, multimedia design.

      I totally agree! History is such a story, which is why I love history.

    2. t the digital age more historically.

      Learning about the age of digital history?

    3. So one of the working concepts for the course is that just as the digital can help us to better understand this historical phenomenon, so too this past episode in time—the folk revival (and one might say history in general) can help us get our bearings in the modern, wireless world

      With the all the new technology, the world is finally able to record more information with details for future historians.

    4. Future historians can study what a college student in 2013 made of a college student in 1963 of the folk revival.

      Why does this matter?

    5. How do we study ephemeral historical experience, particularly when it comes to temporary but very powerful aesthetic encounters?

      The ability to study a short lasting experience should still hold into the same efforts of a longer period. Beginning now, so history does not repeat, we need historians who are able to write in all details.

  3. Jan 2021
    1. For many undergraduate researchers, the SPP is the first time working on a group project outside of the expected institutionally-determined hierarchy.

      Is SPP a common tool in universities?

    2. and faculty researchers collaborate in a lab setting, utilizing a range of digital tools to explore how postcards and feminist DH practices might engender new historical narratives about the suffrage movement, especially in the United States and Britain.

      The post cards in the digital tool are made by undergraduate and graduate students ?

    1. been made to address issues of international access.49But at least for the moment,global disparities in access to sources for international or transnational history areprofound.

      I did not think how it would affect others who do not have internet connections. My family in Mexico, do not have access to the internet, ... I wonder how they get information.

    2. Computational tools can discipline our term-searching if we ask them to.

      This is good, but it can also be bad. When one is focus just one specific area, one tends to miss information that would have been helpful.

    1. it is important to note that historians are contributing to these new methods and the scholarly communications ecosystem through the development of and contributions to free and open source s

      In short words, we are understanding how the digital worlds has helped historians expand.

    2. but also to provide a voice

      How it should be, to many people have been silenced enough.

    3. The National Council on Public History and the American Association for State and Local History decided to publish The Inclusive Historian’s Handbook online as a free resource not only for their members, but also to open the practice of history for diverse communities of practitioners and directly support inclusive and equity-focused historical work

      The internet has helped communities reunite and talk about the past. Not only is the past discussed, but students are receiving opportunities to further expand their education.

    4. An important milestone occurred in the 1990s when cultural heritage institutions began creating digital copies of their holdings and sharing them online for free.

      Wow, this is so crazy to hear, because it has only been 30 years ago! I wonder where did people get their information, besides going to the library.

    1. rather than banning its use, for example, can help students become more digitally savvy and prepared for success in the world

      This is true, although I do have to disagree, that because of so much tech, grammar skills have gone done. Most writing outlets have suggestions on spelling, which slowly makes people forget to spell on their own.

      From personal skills, I feel when I write on paper, I tend to forget how to spell certain words.

    2. make better use of tools such as PowerPoint and learning management systems to improve the quality of your students' education.

      A reminder that we are in a new generation of education and in the near future paper will no longer be used when learning.

    3. very aspect of their academic and professional lives to involve using networked digital tools of one kind or another, often in the most quotidian ways—

      This class would be perfect for anyone who is going to do a PhD in history, as it teaches a lot of online webs that help other historians. This is a great resource to learn because it can be applied to other research as well.

    1. You may opt not to lecture or give tests.

      Wow, I did not know that in all digital history classes, it is recommended to opt out on lectures and tests. I wonder where this concept is coming from? Other subjects can learn

    2. Striking a balance between academic and “how-to” content allows students to see the big picture (why the class and their work in it is important) and to gain skills and digital literacy that will benefit them in other classes and in their professional live

      This is true! Videos help out to both kinds of learners as one can just hear the audio or one can also take in watching the video.

    3. well as how-to articles or videos

      How to videos on what?

    4. Blackboard but encourage the majority of students to post to the web,

      I am now realizing there is a difference between posting on a format that only the professor has access too, compared to the web, where everyone is able to see.

    5. Online discussion on learning and management systems like Blackboard will acquaint students with one another in a digital setting and make them more comfortable with commenting on each other’s assignments later in the course.

      This is the best way I have been enjoying online learning, where one reads assigned a reading, and then we give our thought on a discussion post. I'm glad they mention this for class well.

    1. Then 20 years,” the master responded.  Surprised, the student asked how long it would take if he worked very, very hard and became the most dedicated student in the Ashram.  “In that case, 30 years,” the master replied.  His explanation:  “If you have one eye on how close you are to achieving your goal, that leaves only one eye for your task.”

      Wow! This is very true, if one keeps applying pressure, one never achieves, because one is no longer doing it from the heart.

    2. They may skim books for what they’ll “need to know.” They’re less likely to wonder, say, “How can we be sure that’s true?” than to ask “Is this going to be on the test?”

      This is completely true! As a student we honestly do not care about anything, as long as our grade is an A. I hate that it is true, because sometimes as a student, I just want to really learn for a second. Although it is nearly impossible when pressured is applied based on a letter grade that may or may not affect one's life. This class is really helping realize that it is not me, is that pressure kills the beauty of learning.

    3. .Suddenly all the joy was taken away.  I was writing for a grade — I was no longer exploring for me.  I want t

      I wonder why did a grade become such an importance if what matters is what the person has actually learned. One can receive an A, yet know nothing about the course.