- May 2017
colbydownes.wordpress.com colbydownes.wordpress.com
For example, when I was a cashier at the local ice arena concession stand, I was rarely a victim of stress and certainly did not battle with it as frequently as being a student.
good. first person experience
Here, I located a list of medical specialties with the highest burnout rate. This site discusses how work-related burnout continues to be a problem among physicians; however, more and more medical specialties are feeling this overwhelming stress.
Great Hyperlink and fact
take comma out?
Put comma after and
take this out? run-on?
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal fulfillment.
Bold these maybe? They're the main idea of the paragraph.
Organized set up and description
“Do I experience a lack of relaxation time or socializing time?” “Do I have a lack of close and supportive relationships?” “Do I face too many responsibilities and not receive enough help from others around me?” “Am I getting enough sleep?” (neither am I)
Comparison is great it shows the reader the difference situations an individual can face of burnout
Organized set up and description
“Do I feel as though I have little or no control over my work?” “Am I experiencing a lack of recognition or reward? “Am I completing tasks that are unchallenging or monotonous?” “Are my expectations unclear or overly demanding?” “Is my work environment too strenuous day in and day out?”
I like how this is set up. Stands out, looks neat!
Merriam-Webster prefers to define sociology as, “the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings.”
Hot link brings reader to website to learn more about discipline.
Good job giving definition. Helps reader better underestand how it relates to your topic.
Psychology, the science of mind and behavior, proves that burnout is just as much a pervasive issue of the mind as it is of the body.
Good job giving definition. Helps reader better underestand how it relates to your topic.
Intertwining of Interdisciplinarity The signs, symptoms, and negative consequences of burnout can affect any number of individuals who work across a large continuum of jobs.
Good title
Works Cited
Put these in alphabetical order
What are some common signs and symptoms of burnout? What are the various coping mechanisms used when suffering from this stress? Are there ways we can minimize or even prevent this on some level? Throughout this article, I will be addressing the history of the term, questions regarding possible reasons for the occurrence of burnout, different ways to positively cope with and manage this stress, and potential minimizing strategies within various susceptible medical professions. Included within these strategies, I will go over the specific reasons as to why this term is seen in such a negative light while incorporating various integrated disciplines.
Maybe seperate this section from the definition of burnout
How did burnout come to be?
Great section and detail! Maybe bold the years so it stands out to the read as they go through the history.
Worn Out: Burnout Among Medical Professionals
Quotes show valid history research
Well, what is burnout, anyway? Burnout is a term used to describe a physical, physiological and psychological stress reaction syndrome caused by long-term exposure to intense work-related emotional and interpersonal pressures (Biksegn et al, 2016).
Nice transition
Are you or someone you love working in a medical profession and struggling to make it through the work day? Are you finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed and face responsibilities at your job? Maybe your workload is becoming too much to handle and it’s starting to affect your personal life?
Compelling facts
- Mar 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Technological innovations present opportunities for advancing how education and knowledge are negotiated and enacted, but we must recognize that technology, and social media in particular, are not neutral.
Technology has really improved the way people are being educated. It helps us keep up to date with what is going on in our world within all the different types of fields of study. It does give us the opportunity to advance our education and knowledge and teach others on new skills and developments.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Education is, first and foremost, an enterprise of sharing. In fact, sharing is the sole means by which education is effected.
Almost everyday, a person will learning something new. I agree completely with this statement! It is important for people to read up on articles and materials because they can learn something outside their field and share with their peers.
- Feb 2017
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Connected learning is socially embedded, interest-driven, and oriented toward expanding educational, economic or political opportunity
I learn the best when I am really interested in the field or topic being taught. I am more motivated in a course to do well when the content is interesting and fun!
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
The academic disciplines of today and the modern concept of disciplinarity are largely the product of developments in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries
History has really created many different types of disciplines over time. I wonder how most of these types of fields were created.
Advancements in technology have allowed people from all over the world to attend universities, opposed to the first academy that was only able to educate people who were in walking distance.
It's really crazy to think that technology really has made a huge impact on educating people. More people today can now take online courses rather than commuting or having to live on campus to be able to attend a class.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Second, there are the methods of the discipline. Methods are the way that we study the content of a discipline. It is the how of a discipline.
It is amazing to think how disciplines can differentiate from one another. It is important to be educated on the different kinds of fields and how they work.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Both are very useful for interdisciplinarians, since breaking a problem or concept down may help us see the different disciplines that are involved, which will then allow us to organize our research approach.
I believe it is important to be aware of different disciplines and how they work. This concept can be key when trying to solve problem solve in the real professional world.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Outsider’s Perspective: a situation viewed by a diverse group of people to make the outcome as creative and diverse as possible.
It is so important for interdisciplinary students to understand and be educated on how different types of fields work. Keeping an open mind and learning different perspectives can help anyone in the professional world.
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Interdisciplinarity is like mixing paint. You can lay colors side-by-side to create beautiful paintings (multidisciplinarity), or you can mix them together to get totally new colors (interdisciplinarity).
I love this statement about multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. It describes how both disciplines work in such a unique way!
- Nov 2016
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Communicating with another discipline requires time and work. An extensive effort must be made to learn the language of another field and to teach others the language of one's own. Many have recognized that this barrier must be overcome before successful collaboration can occur
Communication is always key. In order to understand a certain kind of discipline you need to be educated on it especially when it is revolved around a person's profession.
www.iiisci.org www.iiisci.org
Encouraging students to reach beyond the typical constraints of a single contentarea and engage in interdisciplinary learning fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication skills
After creating my own program I have been open to new ideas and have learned new skills in both the disciplines I am focusing around. It is important for students to be able to see different perspectives and be educated on new ideas!
- Oct 2016
gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com gillianmccreedy.wordpress.com
The medical field is most likely one of the most specialized fields in the world, even though it seems the human body and its complex systems would be the number one use for interdisciplinary study.
The medical field is booming in American today. More and more people need health requirements and the job market in this field is growing and is a great career path for anyone.
shelbychapman1.wordpress.com shelbychapman1.wordpress.com
Many people as students observe professors and teachers in high school and middle school as being a part of individual social groups, kind of like cliques.
In high school, many of my teachers had close relationships with one another. I never observed them as being part of a social group or clique. Most of them had strong friendships but they all acted very professionally especially when they were working.
melissaaronis.wordpress.com melissaaronis.wordpress.com
Discipline was introduced as “discipline” by the Romans and was originally applied to the professions because of the need that was perceived to relate education to specific political, economic, and ecclesiastical ends.
Disciplines are used in many academic majors today. They make up most of the fields and educate students with the correct skills in the careers they want to pursue.
education.stateuniversity.com education.stateuniversity.com
Colleges and universities spend about $26 billion per year on research and development, of which $16 billion comes from federal agencies.
This number is not surprising colleges have to put in so much work to keep their campuses up running for their students and faculty!
www.cleary.edu www.cleary.edu
Each College or University has its own Unique Administrative Structure.
College and Universities are growing more and more each year. Some institutions have majors that are stronger and more successful than others, this makes schools stand out to students who are looking for a certain career path.
- Sep 2016
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
“To own one’s domain gives students an understanding of how Web technologies work. It puts them in a much better position to control their work, their data, their identity online.”
I believe that students having their own domain gives them the opportunity to show their work by doing it online. I love the idea of having my own domain, I have never used a website before but I find it fun and great opportunity to control what I post.
rebus.press rebus.press
While some schools are turning to social media monitoring firms to keep an eye on students online, rarely do schools give students the opportunity to demonstrate the good work that they do publicly.
I really do agree with this statement. Many high schools and even colleges check in on their students social media to see what they're posting. If teachers were more open with the idea of using social media for positive ideas then students would use social media more respectively.
www.uvm.edu www.uvm.edu
Within disciplines, of course, teaching should encourage students to draw knowledge together from many sources.
I believe that this statement is so true when it comes to teaching college students. We live in a big world with so many different opinions and information on a certain topic or course. It is important for students to learn about something certain from different aspects.