45 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. This disjunction between, user queries and their real questions on the one hand, and information retrieval systems on the other, makes understanding the complex linkages between the content of the results that appear in a search, and their import as expressions of power and social relations of critical importance.

      This is true.

    1. Women and young adults were more likely than others to experience harassment on social media

      Very true, as young people and women are more on social media than any other group. However, this doesn't mean that they deserve to be harassed.

    2. Online harassment tends to occur to different groups in different environments with different personal and emotional repercussions

      These can happen to anyone, we can all become victims of online harassment. It so sad because social media, internet is there for us all to learn from, entertain ourselves and to network.

    1. These include lowered self-esteem, sleep disruption, depression, and in some cases suicide.

      Someone could lose their lives while others are entertaining themselves. It shouldn't be allowed.

    1. These outcomes can include depression, social anxiety and low self-esteem

      These are just few of the example's of the consequences of online harassment.

    2. “Trolls” may pretend to be part of the group, but their real intent is to create conflict for their own amusement

      It is very childish and cowardness to engage in such behaviour.This are attention seeking individuals who have nothing to do but to amuse themselves at other people's expense.

  2. Nov 2022
    1. he deskilling process occurred as the factorysystem began to displace the artisan shop, and it picked up pace as produc-tion increasingly mechanized with the adoption of steam power (Goldin andSokoloff, 1982; Atack, et al., 2008a). Work that had previously been performedby artisans was now decomposed into smaller, highly specialised, sequences,requiring less skill, but more workers, to perform.

      Deskilling/reskilling/upskilling will all be needed in the specialisation process in order for humans to learn new skills to contribute effectively to the new economies.

    2. hile the computer substitution for both cognitive and manual routinetasks is evident, non-routine tasks involve everything from legal writing, truckdriving and medical diagnoses, to persuading and selling.

      Transportation, medical, advertising and marketing as well as Autos will be replaced.

    1. In terms of content, while it has given place for new ways to spread stories, and this is particularly true in terms of international news, newspapers are now able to reach a bigger audience out of national borders and to adapt storytelling to the context, thanks to a wider range of multimedia tools.

      The availability of all content together on the same platform globally via internet makes business sense and assist in strategic decision making process.

    2. Also while it is accepted that “good writing is good writing wherever and however it is published” (Hicks, Adams, Gilbert, & Holmes, 2008, p. 132) differences still apply between print and online news. One of the reasons being the readers’ volatility. Titles, style of writing and content were all important in print papers but it must now be adapted to the user interface of online websites.

      In my opinion, this refers to personal preference. Our daily lives are too busy to buy, sit and read newspaper while it could have been done while travelling in a taxi or a cap on my phone tablet. By the time I reach office/workplace, I'm up to date with what's happening in the world, therefore, most of us prefer online news.

    1. Therefore they demonstrated a commitment which was worth exhibiting. In a digital world this effort is greatly reduced, and as a result, so is the emotional attachment one feels towards them. How often would people say that their book collection or record collection would be the things they would want to save from a burning house? This simply doesn't apply anymore

      Yes,since everything is available in the digital format and easily available on devices such as phones, laptops, tv's etc. We listen to music when we are sad to feel lonely and or when in love, but it doesn't require spending too much money and or effort.

    2. Piracy is seen as the major threat to the music industry's traditional business model, with the IFPI (2009) estimating unauthorised file sharing at over 40 billion files in 2008 and accounting for about 95 per cent of downloaded music tracks.

      The music Industry needs to find alternative and more secure measures to protect latest/just released music.

    1. Most people experience the problem, but they have no idea that’s there’s a solution, and they have no idea that the manufacturers are behaving badly,

      Information regarding product repair should be made readily available to customers. Also affordances such as lay-buy or monthly installment repayment should be available to customers.

    2. Manufacturers have made it increasingly difficult for individuals or independent repair people to fix electronics. A growing movement is fighting back

      Electronics are normally very expensive, people safe number of years to buy electronics and cannot afford to take these products to expensive manufacturers for repairs and or to replace them with much more expensive products.

    3. It's just easier (and sometimes cheaper) to buy something new. 

      Not everyone can afford to replace products all the time. Also, deny local people the right to repair also takes away employment and funds from the small businesses.

    1. we pay for their vehicles. But we don’t own them. Not according to their corporate lawyers, anyway.

      I don't agree with this notion. What if I have the skills to do the repairs myself which will anyway be cheaper? Why must a pay for the service after I have paid of the vehicle or will consensus be made to buy the vehicle at at cheaper price with the service plan built in? Consumers should have the right to decide for themselves.

    1. activeparticipants, passive participants, drop-ins, lurkers/observers”, and “no-shows”

      I personally prefer this categorisation. Having been a teacher at a project school where the non-performing students were dump who didn't perform in normal schools have taught me patience and kindness needed to deal with this learners. They are already stigmatised as failures and some often act to proof a point while others just need attention.

    2. Lurkers, who are also known as silent learners, observers, browsers, read-only participants,vicarious learners, free-riders, witness learners, or legitimate peripheral participants (our preferredterm), tend to be hard to track in a course because of their near invisibility

      There are various reasons for lurking behind. Some maybe due to learning difficulties, attention seeking, no interest or just general laziness. However, no matter the reasons, we as educators must attempt to pull this learners through with the rest to make a difference.

  3. Sep 2022
    1. The best courses will be global in design and contribution, offering multiple and multinational perspectives.

      With technology, it is so much easier to be innovative and use all tools and pedagogies to cater for different learning styles of students. The one size fits all never worked before, however, it is possible with multinational perspectives.

    2. The right to create public knowledge

      With access to internet, students are co-creators of knowledge. They access information on their smartphones even in the classrooms and can contribute greatly to existing knowledge. It is now up to the teachers to change how they assess students knowledge in term's of portfolio of evidence, project based learning and collaborative learning they require of students.

    3. Online learning has the potential to ensure that this right is a reality for a greater percentage of the world’s population than has ever been realizable before.

      Everyone around the world has access to online learning, there is no limitation as long as you have internet access, you may improve your knowledge and access to information whether through formal qualifications, micro credentials, short courses or MOOCS. It is liberating to live in this era.

    1. The better educated or “digitally fluent,” students are, the more likely they are to make good decisions online, like supporting others instead of making negative comments

      Empowering everyone to be digitally fluent is necessary to make every day better decisions to affects and influence everyone on daily basis. People will make informed and safe decisions.

    2. Teachers can include Digital Etiquette as part of the classroom rules or academic goals. Whether in the classroom or online, being aware of others is an important idea for everyone

      In my opinion Digital etiquette should be compulsory and included in the school curriculum from primary through to secondary education. I believe, it should serve as life skill learners need in today's world.https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1311721.pdf Additional reading.

    3. Digital Communication and Collaboration

      In this world of constant information change, it is vital to communicate and collaborate all the time. It includes teaching and learning, assessment and research where information is exchange every second. Peer and collaborative research and practices enhance and speeds up knowledge.[https://www.teachthought.com/technology/best-digital-collaboration/]

    4. Digital Commerce

      I'm personally involved in digital commerce; buying and selling goods online. One has to be very careful about some sites to buy from. Safety is sometimes guaranteed as long as you don't leave your personal details/banking online.

    5. Digital Access

      My view is that tertiary education students are generally fortunate in that they have access to internet/Wifi in the libraries and around campuses. All Universities offer access to technology as students needs to learn and submit assessments online. However, much still needs to be done at primary and secondary schools as most government schools don't even offer computer literacy let alone computer skills. Students in the present age need both, free access can also be offered at primary and secondary schools. Most parents cannot afford to have internet at home.

    6. Digital citizenship is the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use.

      This is a comprehensive definition of digital citizenship which encompasses all aspects of being a digital citizen no matter where you operate from. To remain current in the digital world, investing in your digital learning is crucial.

  4. Jul 2022
    1. Educators will need support from their institutions in creating opportunities to develop coherent, transparent, and culturally sustaining instruction and assessment practices, and in recognizing their labor as creators, curators, and facilitators of deeper learning

      It is very important that Institutions at all levels, primary, secondary and higher levels should be trained/up-skilled to implement OERs, however, champions need to be identified to drive an action plan. There are so many opportunities created by the use of OERs that can only benefit us all.

    2. We need to prepare educators to support students’ development and exploration of their cultures and identities to encourage open practices like giving students voice in shaping lessons, and facilitating different learning pathways, so that every student develops the critical skills, mindsets, and agency that they need to succeed

      Students and educators need to actively become co-creators of knowledge. It stems from the educators to encourage this mindset.

    1. All students alluded to the need to developnot only academic skills but also self-management. This included skills such asdeveloping work/life balance, self-control,confidence, and become discerning in theirchoices around study

      University life is about developing self and time management skills. Students are expected to be adults, therefore, balacning all aspects of life is an important skills that students will realise and develop in order to servive, progresss and complete their studies.

    2. thiscontemporary environment, a sociallyinclusive approach must necessarily seekto understand the diversity of students’experiences and consider ways to developapproaches to learning which are inclusiveof all students irrespective of their level ofacademic preparedness and socio-culturalbackground

      It is only through understanding the needs and experiences of all students that we can use socially inclusive approach.

    1. If our curricula are guided by human rights principles and practices, then we are engaged in making a society that is humane, democratic, socially inclusive and collaborative

      The higher education curricula should cater for the needs and experiences of all students no matter their perspective regarding student different backgrounds, academic levels, performance and social standing. As teachers and educators, social inclusivity must take precedence over anything.

    1. Another higher education OER trend is collaboration across university roles to implement OER on campus. Grants to organizations like the Open Textbook Network, the Rebus Foundation, and Achieving the Dream have helped increase the diversity of open content and the number of faculty users. They are engaging librarians who support faculty adoption of OER, establishing and supporting communities of faculty who collaboratively author open textbooks, and supporting groups of faculty at individual institutions to adopt open textbooks and other open content for entire degree programs.

      This has not taken place in my country Namibia yet. Higher education instituions who fall under the umbrella of NOLNeT are all obliged to develop OER policies and to ensure that OERimplementation takes place,however, there is no collaboration regarding OER implementation or usage as yet.

    1. MOOCs and microcredentials provide flexibility—whether learners are looking to work full-time and take online courses to improve their career outcomes or they are mid-career professionals looking to skill-up or pursue a completely new caree

      In these compettitive world, we all need some kind of advantage, therefore supplementing your skills and knowledge with MOOCs and OERs will let the employers sit back and otice you.

    2. The boom in credentials that are alternatives to actual degrees might be a sign that the higher ed marketplace has strayed from this tried-and-true model. Alternative credentialing might be the “something” that employers and students are looking for.

      The relevancy and currency of degrees become extinct quickly as due to information technology, skills and required knowledge become obsolete fast. Alternative credentials can add value to your degree, therefore since online learning is free, you only pay for assessment whenever you are ready....this is the future for us all.


      Im interested in this course, I have signed up for more information, however, I first need to complete Lida2-4. Perhaps I will do this course in 2023.

  5. Jun 2022
    1. “What source or what kind of source would be the most credible for providing information in this particular case?” Which sources are likely to be fair, objective, lacking hidden motives, showing quality control

      It is also important to look at the number of citations if your search is for academic writing, the more people cite the source, the more likely the source is credible and reliable.

    2. Information is everywhere on the Internet, existing in large quantities and continuously being created and revised. This information exists in a large variety of kinds (facts, opinions, stories, interpretations, statistics) and is created for many purposes (to inform, to persuade, to sell, to present a viewpoint, and to create or change an attitude or belief). For each of these various kinds and purposes, information exists on many levels of quality and reliability. It ranges from very good to very bad and includes every shade in between.

      Lida101 I believe the purpose why we look for information on internet is also vital. For training and teaching purposes, I guess, we have to look for open access resources such as OERs, meaning we actively need to use OER search engines and be on the lookout for the type of licences used, while if its for research aim, we need to look for the journal, the timeframe(last 5 yrs) for published article etc.

      However, no matter the aim for searching information, it must be quality assured and reliable.

    1. Personal or team reflection Teachers can use the tool either individually or as part of a team, for example with a group of teachers within their school or with a team of subject teachers in their region or country. This can help planning within a school, network of schools, teacher education institution or local education authority. All responses to SELFIE for TEACHERS are anonymous and no personal data is shared. The data is not designed to rank or assess teacher performance but to empower teachers to learn how they can use technology effectively in their work and how they can foster digital skills of their students.

      Self reflection Both the teachers and students can use reflection as a learning tool by keeping a journal. It can be used in two ways: Self reflection after the weeks learning and make create a mindmap about key concepts OR students can be divided into groups to share their reflections in a team and provide feedback to each other.

    1. Innovative approaches based around use of creative media and onlinepeer and self-assessment; Accurate, timely and accessible evidenceon the effectiveness of curriculum design and delivery. (p. 9)

      Through the use of Learning Management systems, various innovative strategies can be employed to assess learning, this include self directed learning assessment activites identified by the tutors, peer assessment and the provision of feedback.

    1. ICTC’s primary research identifies the top technical skills required by educators (such as digital literacy, information/media literacy, and LMS fluency and awareness) and the top “human” or soft/transferrable skills (such as digital curiosity, interpersonal communication, and confidence). Similarly, interviewees identified the top technical and academic skills and competencies required by K-12 students for future success (such as digital citizenship, digital fluency, coding, etc.) as well as the top human or transferrable skills needed by students (such as critical thinking, communication, and adaptability, etc.).

      Getting tertiary students ready for world of work should be part of the visible curriculum, it needs to be scheduled just like any other module to prepare students for the workplace expectations, together with the industry involvement.

    2. In turn, this also requires teachers to be supported to develop the skills and knowledge required to fully utilize the capabilities of technology, whether in the classroom or in a hybridized model that utilizes distributed online learning.

      Digital skills need to start with teachers, hence my research topic on digital skills for teachers. Students are co-creatrors of knowledge therefore teachers need to be one step ahead of students. During school holidays scuh as this, teacher workshops should be organised to upskill and capacitate teachers.

  6. May 2022
    1. A digitally fluent instructor is able to compare, contrast, and analyze differences in technologies, and understand how those differences might impact their pedagogy, and adjust accordingly. This ability to adjust accordingly is, to me, one of the biggest traits that distinguishes the digitally fluent instructor from the digitally literate one.

      "LiDA101" Digital Fluency