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  1. Sep 2017
  2. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Somo language differences represent diverse dialects, or specialized variations of a language. Cultural and social difforences and geographic locality influence the development of a dialecl.

      So important to recognize as future teachers, each class room we will be in will be different. Some are filled with diversity and its important to realize that one's cultural or social differences may have an impact on their learning styles.

  3. Aug 2017
  4. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. In the inleractionist perspec-tive, the role of adults in the communication process is crucial in supporting chil-dren's language development (Bruner, 1990; Vygotsky, 1978; \i\lertsch, "1991). Because the child is a novice communicator, an adult in the conversational dyad serves as lhe expert who often creates conditions that make for effective communication. The difference between what a child can accomplish alone and whal she can accomplish with an adult's (or more capable peer's) mediation or assistance is termed Lhe zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978). What a child accomplishes independently is her developmental level.

      interesting to apply a child's zone of proximal development with language, I've always associated it with moves and actions, but its also evident with language development as well. So its important for adults/parents/caregivers to recognize that.

  5. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Children learn that word order, or syntax, is important in creating meaning and in comprehending another's message. The queslion ''Did you hil Jack?" asks for dif-ferent information than "Did Jack hit you?" Knowledge of the importance of word order is known linguistically al an unconscious level before children can verbal-ize their understanding of that language concept.

      Interesting, especially important as future teachers for children who may have a language barrier (English as second language).

    2. ·when you create classroom posters and other displays involving print, you are showing children how written language can be used to communicate. Through these interactions, you will have a significant influence on children's language development. As you prepare for your role as an early childhood professional, it is important that you acquire knowledge of how children develop language competen-cies. This knowledge will enable you to provide guidance, support, and mediation to enhance children's development.

      Explanation on how even the set up of ones classroom can impact your students, for example your posters on the walls display the role of written language.