11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. print(nx.info(G))

      Does not work in NetworkX v3 - deprecated and not replaced. Found alternative on Stackoverflow: print('Number of nodes', len(G.nodes)) print('Number of edges', len(G.edges)) print('Average degree', sum(dict(G.degree).values()) / len(G.nodes))

  2. Apr 2023
    1. Brev fra Christopher Hansteen til Johanne Cathrine Andrea Hansteen.

      Link goes to nb.no (nettbiblioteket), not specifically to the collection.

  3. Mar 2020
    1. “Research Article Cycles,”

      Is that really the "current funding cycle"? OA has been around for a while now, and I think it has already changed how scholarly communication is done. Sure, there are still publications in 'traditional' journals etc., but there is a significant amount of publications in OA journals, on OA blogs, and on repositories

    1. Charles Sanders Peirce  ‘abductive’ reasoning

      Be careful not to stretch this too far. Peirce's concept of abduction is underdefined…

    2. Both approaches advocate new literacies crucial for 21st century education and work. creativity and eLiteracy within a digital, increasingly networked society in which careers are no longer thought of as linear progressions through an organisation, but, for better or worse, less secure and more mobile. We know the technical skills we teach and learn today will not necessarily be the same we use in five, ten or twenty years. Hence it not about teaching skills, but rather ways of thinking about technology,  not as a set of skills that need to be mastered, but fostering a creative approach to new technologies, not only today's but the yet to be invented.

      Important. We don't just teach digital skills, but adaptability to a changing world of technology and culture.

    3. project-based learning and authentic assessments, which is a design feature of the IGNITE curriculum through its case-based approach.

      Very good! (Don't let learners create assignments for the paper bin!)

    1. drag to arrange the images in the correct sequence

      This exercise needs a rework. It is hard to understand what the concepts are that one is supposed to put in order. Where is that content explained? Not in the text above.

  4. Jan 2020
    1. more than 176 countries

      This phrasing makes no sense: if you already provide a concrete number then "more than" is making this concrete number again vague. You can write "more than 170 countries" or "almost 180 countries". Or even better: state the correct number of countries.

      Addition: the linked document https://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/treaties/en/documents/pdf/berne.pdf states "Total 177 countries"

    1. This video introduces the new strategy

      In my opinion, the video doesn't really talk about a new organisational strategy.

    2. harkening back

      I do not understand this phrase. What is it supposed to mean? I think the language should be revised in a way that makes it easier to understand the meaning for participants with non-native English or English proficiency background.