- Sep 2021
www.theblockchainxdev.com www.theblockchainxdev.com
actif digital
un actif digital es un bien immatériel
- Mar 2021
learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.com
What frequently happens is that one or two branches receives more attention than the others, and the group has an “aha” experience. Participants see the problem in a different light because of the diagram’s ability to illuminate patterns.
.qa What's the benefit of the Fishbone diagram? People can see an issue from different perspectives and then they have the aha moment
Remind participants of idea-generating ground rules prior to beginning any creative session: • No criticism of an idea is allowed. • Strive for the longest list possible. Go for quantity of ideas; you can trim the list down to the top few later. • Strive for creativity—wild and crazy ideas are encouraged! • Build on the ideas of others—“hitchhike” or “piggyback.”
.qa What can be done before a session of creatimng ideas? Sharing with the team or reminding them that No criticism fo an idea is allowed, Strive for the longest list possible. Go for quantity. Strive creativity (wild and crazy ideas are encouraged). Build on the ideas of others (hitchhike or piggyback)
According to research by Andre P. Walton and Markus Kemmelmeier (2012), organizational cultures that promote “collective norms” over “individual norms”—in other words, that strive for the benefit of the company as a whole rather than individual successes—tend to be less creative.
.qa What has been found in terms of creativity for the companies that promote sucess as a whole instead of individually? They tend to be less creative
These are ideas the group values enough to visit at a later date. For example, if, during a discussion about a client, the team begins to debate the pros and cons of building another satellite warehouse to accommodate them, you might suggest that discussion seems worthwhile, but best suited for another meeting. You, or another note-taker, may list it on the parking lot, visible to all. By documenting these items, the participants can acknowledge any ideas or questions that need to be addressed later and maintain focus on the current tasks. Placing items in the parking lot enables the group to keep moving forward while avoiding tangents that sidetrack the group’s progress. At the end of the meeting, the group can determine if the parking lot items should be included in future meeting agendas or if any action is required by group participants outside of meetings.
.qa How can you put in place a parking lot? Hava a parking lot where everybody can see it, it must be visible. Then acknowledge the point and comment that the item is noted and if we can come back to the main discussion, then if there's time you can discuss it or schedule it with the team to check them next time.
Ground rules are behavioral expectations that facilitators and participants have of each other. It is best to write out ground rules and display them every time the group meets. Don’t shortchange this process. The upfront time spent is well worth the investment. Not only do ground rules help to keep discussions on track, they also promote and maintain friendly group relations.
.qa Use ground rules as they help to have a good atmosphere. Don't shortcut it
Of course, there are meetings in which icebreakers and acquainters would not be appropriate, especially formal meetings, such as a board of directors meeting, or recurring meetings, such as a weekly sales meeting where participants already know each other.
.qa Which meeting do not require icebreakers? The ones like board meeting or recurring meetings
- Feb 2021
learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.com
Once you’ve established the what of the meeting—what it’s about, and what it’s meant to accomplish—you need to learn about who is involved. In an ideal situation, you should have all the information you need about your audience before you begin facilitating a meeting, so you can plan which facilitation techniques and activities will engage participants and help them reach their goals. It might be helpful to collect some information about the group’s experience with the subject matter, working together, and their personal expectations for the session. You may gather this information from the client or ask the group members themselves in advance of the meeting (Tool 2-3).
.qa What do you need to know after you know what is the puspose of the meeting (the what)? You need to learn about the WHO, that is the participants. Collect information about the group's experience with the subject matter
Use the following checklist to prepare for a successful facilitation session by ensuring the following: • All participants have a valid reason for being included in the meeting. • All participants know the purpose of the meeting and arrive prepared to fulfill that purpose. • The meeting is as brief as possible, and there is an agenda to keep it on track. • Participants understand their roles, respect the other participants, and feel responsible for the meeting content and outcomes. • The meeting atmosphere is safe and supportive—participants feel free to express their views frankly, without fear of repercussion. • Objectives—desired outcomes—are determined in advance, and there is adequate time to achieve them by the end of the meeting. • All parties leave the meeting knowing what was accomplished and what is expected of them in the future, due to sufficient communication before, during, and after the meeting about goals and roles.
.qa What are the characteristics of effective meetings?
- Valid reasons for all the participants to be there 2.All participants know the purpose of the meeting and arrived prepared 3.Meeting is brief and there's an agenda to keep on track 4.Participants know the purpose 5.The atmosfere is safe so everybody can share their thoughts 6.The objectives are determined in advanced 7.All parties know what's expected from them
- Jan 2021
frenchcrazy.com frenchcrazy.com
www.spanishdict.com www.spanishdict.com
spanish accents
- Sep 2020
www.lerevenu.com www.lerevenu.com
À compter du 1er janvier 2018, vos plus-values supporteront le prélèvement forfaitaire unique de 30%. Toutefois, si c’est plus avantageux pour vous, vous pouvez opter pour le barème progressif. Comme pour les dividendes, l’option est globale et s’applique à l’ensemble des revenus de placements (intérêts, dividendes…).
.qa how much is the tax for plus-value? 30% where 17,2 is prelevement sociaux
Les dividendes sont concernés par le prélèvement forfaitaire unique, ou PFU, de 30%.
.qa what is the tax to pay for dividends? 30% flat