- Apr 2017
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hose of us who have more of thiseumelanin in our skin are more likely to die at the hands of police.
May be true to some degree in the US but in the rest of the world, I'm not sure
Our social sorting by skin color can be put in more technical terms as aquestion of how much melanin our bodies produce
I like how the author bridges social issue into a scientific quantity
Had they, for some reason or another, been fascinated byearwax, chattel slavery might have been organized around whoever had theearwax that was deemed less valuable
Earwax is invisible both to our vision and to old European's scientific knowledge
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What exactly is the other world? Is it the other consciousness?
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Looking at the image, Lincoln holds the slave with left hand and points up with his right arm. Left hand is often associated with arrogance and impoliteness in many asian countries.
as if Lincoln himself were a master personally freeing his own slave
Hidden bias by the artist to show what type of people is more superior than the other. Similar situation happens in the world map. Majority of the printed atlas would have Europe as the center. Tracing histories, Europe was the early world mappers.
When it comes to art, after unit 2 readings, this word conveys a very negative connotation to me
But unlike Gray's mythical figure, who accomplished all this simultaneously with two bold strokes of the hand, Lincoln's proclamation merely accelerated a process that had already been set in motion by the slaves themselves.
I remember studying Theory of Knowledge in highschool where we learned that history isnt fact, history is what historians want you to know. How do we know which version of history we should pick?
- Mar 2017
ouexpo.crmintler.com ouexpo.crmintler.com
visibility; but the divisions of the ring, those separated cells, imply a lateral invisibility. And this in
This explains current information exchange across multiple social media platform. There will always be the authority that sees and has access to almost everything without being in the communication between individuals.
The plague-stricken town, traversed throughout with hierarchy, surveillance, observation, writing; the town immobilized by the functioning of an extensive power that bears in a distinct way over all individual bodies -this is the utopia of the perfectly governed cit
perfectly governed city to whose perspective? Most likely government because they want a city to operates as they want it to. However, would the people be happy under this intense surveillance and power penetrated to their life?
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Secondly,technicalreproductioncanputthe copyof the originalintosituationswhichwouldbe outof reachfor the originalitself.
Somehow aligns with Berger that reproduced graphics can be put into situations where they don't belong just to satisfy the reproducers' purposes.
Twopolar typesstandout;withone,the accentisonthe cultvalue;withthe other,ontheexhibitionvalue of the work.
Is the later one more common in today's art?
- Feb 2017
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Our eyes, spinning like propellers, take off into the future on the wings of hypothesis.
what does 'hypothesis' really mean here?
The machine makes us ashamed of man's inability to control himself, but what are we to do if electricity's unerring ways are more exciting to us than the disorderly haste of active men and the corrupting inertia of passive ones?
They are saying that the shadow in the cave from Plato's allegory is more pleasing
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The meaning of an image is changed according to what one sees immediately beside it or what comes immediately after it
This reminds me of something I studied in Theory of Knowledge class while I was in high school. The meaning of art can be articulated from at least three ways: 1) from our own interpretation 2) from what the maker authoritatively dictates us to know what the art means (I don't like this one because it breaks the freedom when we see art) 3) From public's interpretation.
We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves
There is something in Design called the perception effect (if im not mistaken) which states the exact same thing. We see objects collectively instead of its individually. And the order, the mapping of this collective objects affect the way we understand their functions.
Uhey.,....,-if they could-grab hold of anyone who tried to set them free and take them
Conventional reaction to people who have different opinions from public's perspective.
jects which were being carried along? Won't they only see thei
To me this depicts an image of people being attached, addicted to something that doesn't reflect truth because all they see is a shadow, which is an interpretation that includes bias. Its not the real image from the real, outside world.
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this light can extend its rays instantaneously from the sun to us.
Light would take approximately 8 minutes from the sun to reach Earth. Therefore, the use of 'instantaneously' is misleading. This implies the limit of our sight to understand something that moves extremely fast.
- Jan 2017
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Their product could, at all events, appear neither white nor black; and, as it must havesome colour, and can have neither of these, this colour must be of a mixed character- in fact, aspecies of colour different from either.
How? Black and white, when assigned with a magnitude of power and combined will only create the shades of grey
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When the light of the eye is surrounded by the light of day, then like falls upon like, and they unite and form one body which conveys to the soul the motions of visible objects. But when the visual ray goes forth into the darkness, then unlike falls upon unlike—the eye no longer sees, and we go to slee
These sentences sound like wave superposition in Physics; constructive and destructive interference. Interesting how people at this age had the ability to imagine such thing.
Sight is the source of the greatest benefits to us; for if our eyes had neverseen the sun, stars, and heavens, the words which we have spoken would not have been uttere
Sentences supporting ocularcentrism, emphasizing the significance of eyes as a part of human body. If human beings were crafted without eyes, would we, through evolution, develop another way to perceive our surrounding?
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vision has been frequently linked by psychologists to the "normal" emotions of desire, curiosity, hostility, and fear
emotions and sights; two different ways of knowing interconnected, showing that ways of knowing are not isolated. Had we only had eyes to see, without other ways of knowing -emotions, logic, faith, imagination-, can we still believe like we do now?
Human vision can see light waves that are only a fraction of the total spectrum-in fact, less than 1 percent with such phenomena as ultraviolet light, visible to other species, excluded.
Indeed, our eyes can't see the wave outside the visible spectrum, but some devices can. Should seeing through something that is not a part of our body (not directly connected to our nerves and brain) present equivalent degree of 'believing'?