- Apr 2019
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Definition: Originally Hebrew, חַוָּה,which translates to Chavah/Havah – chavah, to breathe, and chayah, to live, or to give life. In conclusion, this is the weird middle age spelling of Havah/Chavah who is also Eve.
(I am posting this on both because i think its v important for everyone to see and i spent to much time on it for people not to appreciate)
- Mar 2019
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Wiroans was another word for Native Americans' Cheifs written in the diary of the first settlers of Jamestown, Virginia, 1607
a deciduous North American tree with aromatic leaves and bark. The leaves are infused to make tea or ground into filé.
she was followed with forty or fifty women always
This reminds me of the scene in The King and I where all the wives come out one by one with the kids and the servents and it feels like the stream of people is never going to end
twenty leagues long
About 69 miles in length
Definition: an early type of portable gun supported on a tripod or a forked rest.
Definition: a dishonest or unscrupulous man.
The Negros likewise
This feels like an afterthought. Does the full text go on and he just lays into them too??
meaning devoted to
So ignorant are they of naturall philosophie, that they imagine all the effects and operations of nature to be extraordinarie and divine.
I think some may consider this ignorance but some may find this to be pure and alive with the spark of magic in everyday life. I kinda wish we had more of that childlike wonder at basic consepts like rain or the stars or how the seasons change colors etc. I think in some way it could be rewarding to be "ignorant" in this fashion. I think it could also cause alot of gratitude that first world civilizations now lack on a everyday basis.
John Leo
Born 1494 Joannes Leo Africanus (/ˌæfrɪˈkeɪnəs/; born al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, Arabic: حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي; c. 1494 – c. 1554) was a Berber[2] Andalusi diplomat and author who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa (Description of Africa) centered on the geography of the Maghreb and Nile Valley. The book was regarded among his scholarly peers in Europe as the most authoritative treatise on the subject until the modern exploration of Africa.[3] For this work, Leo became a household name among European geographers.
naturall philosophie
like physical science
[. . .]
Is this the first non-christian intertwined thing we've read?????
definition: although
Barbarie or upon the coast of the Mediterranean sea
The term Barbary (Barbarie) Coast was used by Europeans from the 16th century to the early 19th to refer to the coastal regions of North Africa inhabited by Berber people. Today this land is part of the modern nations of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
Ce qui m’a fait autresfois rechercher les occasions, qui empeschent, que les Anglois, qui ont d’esprit, de moyens & valeur assez, pour s’aquerir vn grand honeur parmi tous les Chrestiens, ne se font plus valoir sur l’element qui leur est, & doit estre plus naturel qu’ à autres peuples: qui leur doiuent ceder en la structure, accommodement & police de nauires: comme i’ ay veu en plusieurs endroits parmi eux.
French: What has sometimes caused me to look for the opportunities, which prevent, that the English, who have wit, means, and value enough, to make a great honor among all Christians, no longer assert themselves upon the an element which is to them, and must be more natural than to other peoples, who must yield to them in the structure, accommodation, and police of vessels, as they have seen in several places among them.
the diuision of the earth into three parts
Contenents, ocean and islands?
- Feb 2019
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Saint John
I thought it note worthy (or for the non-Catholic and/or Orthodox folk out there): John was canonized by Pope Alexander VIII on October 16, 1690, and later named the patron saint of hospitals, the sick, nurses, firefighters, alcoholics, and booksellers. His feast day is celebrated on March 8. The royal eagle is a fitting symbol for Saint John the Evangelist, for the eagle is known for grace, strength, keenness of vision and powers of flight above all creatures.
defnition: agreeable; suitable.
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the style of this story grew on me. And i loved the addition of the art inbetween stanzas. It's mind boggling to think one story (especially this one with long dull periods) could insoire so many artists. Honestly I'm really drawn in and exciting to see how this story ends.
I feel like during the more talkative (or i guess tense) scenes the allituration dies down, but now that we're back to discriptions it's super heavy again.
I wonder if this horseman figure does this often. Like maybe this is a yearly tradition for him to quench some kind of blood lust. But he does it in such a way that he doesnt get repercussions from it because they made a fair deal?
How does Gawain reach his head if he (the stranger) is a giant?
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as became her breeding
Interesting word choice...
so both of these stories take place in the same time frame?
let his life run waste to Death.
me too man...me too
definition: money or food given to poor people.
she came at will and pleasure
She kinda sounds like complicated prostitute to be honest
Definition: Any of several weasels whose coats become white in winter usually with black on the tip of the tail
altar lily
White lilies symbolize chastity and virtue Pink stargazer lilies represent wealth and prosperity. The flowers are also often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death.
However, I couldn't find anything about the alter part.
definition: lack of ease. ie. discomfort, disstress
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Knows for certain who salvaged that load.
Wouldn't it be disrespectful to take someones funeral gold/treasures? Also wouldn't his boat have eventually sank rather then landed on some shore if it really was that loaded down with gold?