12 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. Generation of embryoid bodies and spheroids just got better!

      Title case

    2. H3 AggreWell™: Reproducible, Uniform Embryoid Bodies

      I'm wondering if you can't just link the titles. This is not a standard element, but should be very easy for the designers (and may save "space")

    3. The new AggreWell™ plates offer the same ease-of-use, uniformity and reproducibility as the 1st-generation AggreWell plates, and now also feature improved imaging characteristics, and a lower price to help your research dollars go further.

      Long sentence, can probably be split in two

    4. period of

      just "available for a limited time"

    5. older,

      Maybe just "the 1st-generation..."

      I am not sure if describing them as "older" is the best way to go

    6. arn More

      Formatting lost on the links, this can be fixed by the designers.

    7. AggreWell™400 AggreWell™800

      Spacing will need to be adjusted, but the designer will take care of that

    8. ell


    9. ell

      Missing trademark

    10. AggreWell™ plates with microwells

      This reads a little weird. Do you need to say "with microwells"?

    11. :

      I don't know if there are any guidelines, but the colon looks weird to me in an H1. This may be a personal preference more than anything...

    12. H1

      You can remove the tag labels here unless they help you. They aren't needed by the designers.