4 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans -- including immigrants themselves and their children -- to earn a middle class wage,"

      This is a common myth about immigration. Immigration expands the work force, and is economically beneficial to America.

    2. While most of Trump's brash rhetoric has focused on ending illegal immigration peppered with charges that immigrants coming from Mexico are "killers" and "rapists," Trump has also advocated for streamlining the legal U.S. immigration system.

      Trump's claim that immigrants who come here are immigrants are false. Most people who immigrant to America are looking for work and a better life for their family. This is an example of nativism.

    1. Fixing our legal immigration system is the key to stopping unauthorized immigration and allowing our economy to attract the workers it demands

      There is a need to fix our legal system from both perspectives. It is clear that what we have now isn't working.

    2. Worse, there are no visas available for yearlong work in almost all occupations and thus little labor market flexibility.

      This shows the little options that immigrants have to legally move here.