- Apr 2019
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Raphael answer’d heav’nly meek. Nor are thy lips ungraceful, Sire of men, Nor tongue ineloquent;
Thanks Raphael helping out the homies of the earth with them answers, because you know humans just mess everything up.
And Earth self ballanc’t on her Center hung.
Man he went hella detailed on the creation of the Earth like damn could like make it shorter.
Godlike Angel
Oh you know, as apposed to Hell-like Angels.
If they transgress, and slight that sole command, So easily obeyd amid the choice
You had only one command to follow and yet you would it be so easy to think : " hey I can do that" and yet they still fail.
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Part 2 of 4 of Paradise lost. The Book that makes us like Satan like gee gosh this story is really good, I enjoy so much. But this one felt a bit harder to read but like after each paragraph I reread and its really good, still enjoying this.
Bad influence
Bad ? maybe i mean whats the worst that can happen...I guess I'll wait.
Faithful to whom? to thy rebellious crew? Armie of Fiends
I mean when you put it like that. But also armies can be faithful to the leader and such.
Lives ther who loves his pain?
So there are people that Live to love the pain of God? Since Satan is speaking this is a crazy deep message.
Here in close recess
Milton really likes to give EVERY detail about the garden.Like what happens to the trees the plants and even the creatures that are in the garden,
Rose a fresh Fountain, and with many a rill Waterd the Garden
This is some fancy gardens here , like man getting all that prime water and everything this place be the best.
Cedar, and Pine, and Firr, and branching Palm
I think you mean a Texans worse nightmare.
Came furious down to be reveng’d on men
Welp this is not good, Thanks Satan. Oh wait that was his plan.
Satan now in prospect of Eden
Hello MTV welcome to my garden, were we gonna tell some girl to eat an apple.
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Smooth talking Satan and his plans to mess up mankind, the beginning. While at times this feels very hard to read, I will agree that this was WAY easier with an audio-book version. But also once again I'm not too deep into the religion as most people so most of the imagery went right over my head and I was just left wonder uh? What is going on her but there is at least a lot of resources to like understand what is going on in the certain part you are reading, Overall I'm enjoying this.
Thir boasted Parents; Titan Heav’ns first born
So the Greek gods boasted about their sons the Titans.
Optic Glass
We call that thing a Telescope in this day and age, on the newspaper page.
Doubted his Empire, that were low indeed,
So this dude has a pretty meh army, so like the bottom barrel army men here.
Heav’n, with all his Host Of Rebel Angels
Why are the angels rebels, aren't they like supposed to be like the perfect people?
The infernal Peers there sit in Councel.
THE HELL COUNCIL we about to get spooky in here.
Satan in the Serpent
This sounds like the best name to a metal band ever. They might have a lot of songs about the bible.
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for he could never have done half that mischief without great parts of courage
Dang that's some words of truth right there. I feel like there is a kid and all of us and sometimes the mischief leaks out, and you gotta be daring sometimes to pull those good pranks.
HOLY CRAP this is like unfun Law & Order, im like read the script to the parts where nothing exiting happens. Like jeez spice this up with like a dude getting hit with a hotdog SOMETHING. Like I get that you have to explain the who, what , when ,where ,why, and how but like mannn this was so boring I left like a pancake in water, there is something there but no substance( lets call it that for now).But I cant help to notice that something is missing but I dont know what.
Mankind is naturally endowed and born with freedom
Sure, Mankind has all this freedom but it sure doesnt feel like it.
walking on foot through the Park
I mean we cant go all out for this dude , like horse nah just walk on foot you silly goose , you have legs dont you ?
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Holy hot mess of a story and I LOVED IT, a bit long winded like at the questions part but I overalled loverd this world she mad reminds me of sci fi a lot. I had so many star wars and star trek vibes. The world is so vivid and colorful its like the utopia of some sorts but yet she just comes in and becomes queen. Her self-insert sorta feels overpowered with a great deal of plot armor.But hey I was mostly in this for the mythos and world building she provided in this story. Solid Story
That as it was natural for one Body to have but one Head, so it was also natural for a Politick body
So you telling me that the people making politics only have one body and one head , no two headed people allowed here.
everal Cities, some of Marble, some of Alabaster, some of Agat, some of Amber, some of Coral, and some of other precious materials not known in our world
It's like Rome Deluxe Super 2. Now with the talk about made stone and metals
a great number of Boats
With all the talk about the boats you would think she is still on one and this is all one crazy dream.
Sea-men: Besides, they were excellent Augurers
Of course this is the new aquaman all over they know the future and stuff.
men whereof were of a Grass-Green Complexion
Jolly green giant people over there. Always green with envy.
They must be the assholes of the story since they are in real life.
Boat swim between two plains of Ice
So like an ice breaker? or like is the ice above the boat
two Suns at one time
Tatooine vibes here, next thing you are gonna tell me its a hive of scum an villainy.
Appendix to my Observations upon Experimental Philosophy
From what I know this shit is about to be real experimental.
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woorth remains.
Saying that the queen holds the worth of the kingdom.
great Ladie whom I loue and honour,
Well this is genuinely nice to honor a women. Especially in this time it feels like that on paper women weren't treated with honor but as property.
Giuing to Adam
DUDE those apples looked mighty tasty, but hey We all know how this one ends.
Well this for sure had way better tones about women , since a women did right it ,But I very much enjoyed reading this. To be honest I am not religious at all, never read the bible but so far I enjoyed the imagery and the themes. But a much more positive approach but I cant help to feel like this is somewhat satire, Its just what i feel.
ill speaking
So to become property you lose many things, virtures and all speaking in most ways, Which all in all still bad , treating people as property is still bad bad
That Goodly Creature
Talking about Women???, I think that's what its referencing, but then the next line doesn't make sense.
In all her richest ornaments of Honour, That you faire Queene
Which Queen is she talking about, if they are getting THE RICHEST ornaments of honour. That's pretty crazy.
Reflecting light to all those glorious stars
That person must be really great to be compared to the stars, thats like the top of the top.
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This feels like a very big opinion piece or someones twitter rant because their paper got turned down. that's how it feels to me. Like here's why this thing that has been the way for a long time and I want it to change. Don't get me wrong, change is good but I feel like the stuff to back up these opinion are very weak and it feels like complaints.
The titles and names, whereby an husband is set forth, do imply a superiority and authority
Man i never read the bible and this already kinda sounds like its bull, But hey people will believe that the earth is flat in the current year.
Nature hath placed an eminency in the male over the female:
I feel like this is true in most cases, isn't there other animals were females are the dominate role ?
Man was the onely obiect, which she did resemble.
Making comparisons about females in the wild then the human female which is very different than the male counter part. This feels like it has power but I don't personally feel it.
can no good fish be expected,
Rotten water makes rotten fish, it makes evil.
all these are nothing so terrible as the fury of a woman.
Well this is a very true statement, and also a very great comparison.
straightway her mind was set upon mischief,
So is it saying that right off the bat, women tend to be mischievous ?
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A very mean meaning.
Nothing good could come from a statement. I feel bad for Kat here.
The story of a misunderstood woman, but boy gosh i would really want this to be played out, reading this is so darn hard, the back and forth of this just made go crazy and i felt like it was going at a snails pace. Overall the context and the meat is there and it seems really fricking good but sitting here and actually reading it kinda sucked
Guess your gifts arent that good, stop hitting the dollar store you nerd.
Faith, as you say, there’s small choice in rotten apples.
there is such a small amount of faith in the world, just as there is the same amount of rotten apples.
Such as the daughter of Agenor had
Agenor, must make some great children. hes like the fabio of this story.
Mi perdonato
I forgive you/myself
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Reading Shakespeare, its a love hate relationship. On one hand they provide great insight into humans in general. Bur on the other hand its so damn hard to read sometimes, its like i got tab on the reading and tab on the definitions.This was pretty enjoyable to read with not a whole lot of looking up.
When wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils root out the work of masonry
War often does often bring out great advances, but the work of masonry must have some relation to war and the war effort.
Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen
Is this the fancy way of saying that you are drawing the line in the sand ?
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
THIS IS A STAR TREK QUOTE I REMEMBER THIS HOLY GEE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45VAelC_QsI holy fuck im a nerd to notice this as a star trek and not Shakespeare.
When I do count the clock that tells the time, And see the brave day sunk in hideous night
I guess this how we took the term waiting out the clock. Or just a really boring way to spend your day.
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
So have pity on the world, then the someone's gluttony will like proliferate.
art now the world’s fresh ornament
Art is the fresh new thing on like Christmas tree of life? this line sounds strange.
- Mar 2019
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So the poems read like a smooth river almost like it’s out a story book, like they spent a great amount of work to make these. But the meaning in the line just hits in so many spots its like an action movie. The Lie is my favorite and I as I read it I was like damn, that means something to me. Then the last part kind of seemed like a it was out of left field. But their descriptions of ports, rivers lead back to what I said. I feel like that the inspiration of water flows thought the poems that they wrote.
iew the strange overfalls of the river of Caroli, which roared so far off; and also to see the plains adjoining, and the rest of the province of Canuri.
I have such a grand image of what they are seeing likes something out on Indiana Jones
14,000 pesos of gold
That's a lot of gold, the Spaniards made out like bank heist.
Fear not to touch the best
Don't always feel bad that you are not the best at something.
A maze wherein affection finds no end
This feels like a line that describes life in general.
Mother of sighs,
This person must really hurt you, like gee man do you need a hug.
A mortal foe and enemy to rest
So much death in just one line like damn.
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Shockingly I really liked this one. The fact that this all happened with in the same-ish time span is just cool. Very interesting topic, almost makes me want to be a history major this stuff is just soo darn interesting. Elizabeth's has to be my favorite, the fact she went to jail to escape execution and just how crazy of a childhood she had. But I loved all the stories, I wish there was a part 2 to this that went into a little bit more detail. Lady Janes was pretty sad the fact that she got to rule for such a short time really goes to show just like how bad the conditions were back then, at least now queens and kings are just figure heads but overall this was really fun to read.
humble submission immediately to yourself
Well gee, he went out like a wet noddle, I guess for the royal family you have to be like that.
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Then this creature
Shit, at this point I really dont care about what meant back then, in my book she pretty much is a creature, just doing whatever it is to live.
he slandered her husband, her friends, her own self;
Down the rabbit hole of hate and despair.
Okay I may need to read this again but like to me this just sounds like someones journal about going thought the stages of grief like she just like complaining, bargaining, and just sounding like an absolute loony. I like the first part really had me going with all the demons and shit but then after I was just rereading and I felt like I got nowhere with it. Really cant wait for the in class thing about this.
ir, if it like you, ye shall grant me my desire and ye shall have your desire
If I give you my desire and you should have your desire, uh why? Was it taken away, Im soo lost with all this.
to that or that place., combo of there to
that will I not grant you, for now I may use you without deadly sin and then might I not so
Use? for what purpose? and then to use with our deadly sin, this sounding like some fucked up stuff here. But then says later on in the sentence nah ? Am I understanding this right?
From or since the time that.
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since then, after that.
Well this story is to be expected, but like hey love and war. What more am I looking for in Arthurian legend. But Overall it would seem pretty dense in words but you can read it just fine. I did joy how Lancelot was like what if I like the Queen and then all my friends turn against me. I was thinking to myself the whole time, this is like that time in Star Wars and just the parallels to Star Wars kept me going for the story.
Sir Lionel, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Blamore de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Gahalantine, Sir Galihodin, Sir Galihud, Sir Menadeuke Sir Villiers the Valiant, Sir Hebes le Renoumes, Sir Lavaine Sir Urre of Hungary, Sir Nerounes, Sir Plenorius.
Sir Bigusdickus, I just see a role call and like, it pans to like a bottle and give a name and just keep going.
Sir Mordred cried: Traitor-knight, come out of the queen’s chamber, for wit thou well thou art so beset that thou shalt not escape.
THIS THE POLICE COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP, this is the medieval police just you fellow round table boys and some knights. Like bruh get away from the Queen
I pray you and charge you move no such matters no more afore me, for wit you well
I mean after the last time Gawaine knows what he is talking about. I would trust his word Agravine, like listen bro.
- Feb 2019
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My holy pardon cures and will suffice,
Sure it will dude, as long as they are paying you the dollar bills.
And you shall kiss the relics, every one,
Kissing relics , hmm is this a euphemism for something or are they straight up kissing old ass metal.
This Story has feels like a confession. The pardoner is trowing all his cards down on the table. He is giving out all his desserts what he does to trick and gain the system. Like man you really must trust those people. The one thing that got me was the fact that he just says yeah I say the same shit and I still get away with it. Like man this feels like a washed up comedian to me but this is the pardoners tale.
Nay! I will drink good liquor of the vine And have a pretty wench in every town.
YO this dude is knows how to get down with the normal people. Im liking this dude?
‘Radix malorum est cupiditas
is a Biblical quotation in Latin that means "greed is the root of evil"
Let one make of this water his pottage And nevermore shall he his wife mistrust,
hmmmm big think there, sounds like you are selling me so prime cut bull dookie.
Then show I forth my hollow crystal-stones,
Got a real snake oil seller here! come get your useless shit here.
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Boy hooty, the Preestes tale. Yeah I want to think this story is an allegory but, read thins I just want to thinking this is a true to life retelling of how she lives her life. This story has a very heavy nature theme with the birds the foxes, and the owls and apes. Also Okay there is one thing that still peeves me is that damn jape dreams like this lady makes me unhappy. Like oh boy if all I dreamed about is apes and owls I would be working at the rain forest cafe.
Mark now these happy birds, hear how they sing
Happy birds sing well at least its better that jape dreams.
For visions are but fantasies and japes. Men dream, why, every day, of owls and apes, And many a wild phantasm therewithal;
Look every time I'm dreaming there is no japes and I don't dream about owls and apes. Like lady you must think life is a jape is owls and apes is all dudes are thinking about.
keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive.
having a sophisticated charm
A poor widow, somewhat advanced in age,
Advance in age, dang that sounds pretty rude.
Your tale annoys the entire company;
Oh come on we haven't even started and I dont feel like that. Please tell more Monk.
Saint Paul’s great bell
Rupaul's drag race before the television.Must have been a good one.
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Meek husbands, and young ones, and fresh in bed, And good luck to outlive them that we wed
So you telling me that I should be married early so i can out live the person i marry. Seems like solid advice.
Well here we are part 3 unlike the second story this one has some very strong sexual tension in it. Give what I read this reads like something he wrote in just pure hate and anger. I enjoyed it, it sounds really strange to say that, but I like the fact this shows that there is more to him and this spite filled rant was a nice departure from the last story and this gives some great detail about Chaucer.
Kiss me before I die, and let me be.
Well heck if you say so.
‘Of all men he’s in wisdom the highest That nothing cares who has the world in hand
Well Dan you seem like a swell dude, this qoute is very true.
the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person.
I say, save he and she 100 Would lead their lives throughout in chastity.
Well we know how he likes to live life and that is the way to sum up what I just read.
He’d have condemned all marriage as not good
I mean based on the past actions I feel like this is a good thing. So yeah marriage is not as good.
soon; shortly.
I never should have married more than once.
The regret of having more than one seems to one that is very taxing to her.
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Round 2 of Canterbury, this one was pretty wack honestly. We got some cheating, we got tubs hanging from the ceiling, pokers, butts. Like man this is just getting pretty crazy but what still makes me laugh is the lie of the flood like bro how in the world would anyone believe that but I guess that’s why I called him Loki in my head dude could trick a mirror.
a frame to confine an unruly horse or ox for shoeing
Fell in with this young wife to toy and play,
Is Nicholas the authors self insert in this story it feels like hes got all that everyone is looking for.
clever Nicholas
Might as well call him Loki at this point. his cleverness is like too high.
This carpenter had recently married a wife Whom he loved more than he loved his life;
Dang that's some dedication my dude, liking someone so much that they are worth more than your own life. That's some real romantic shit right there.
a plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end.
A poor scholar was lodging
Being poor and lodging this seems like two things that shouldn't go together.
rude in a mean-spirited and surly way.
Why are you angry with my story’s cue?
Im angry because you keep butting in, like jeez im here to read a story.
I pray; For I will tell a legend and a life
Knowing how this is goes down a legend it will be.
You are a fool, your wit is overcome
I guess this is 14th century way of saying you a dummy.
By the arms and blood and bones,” he swore,
Taking a blood oath I guess, or is this like a brother in arms situation?
Let’s see now who can tell another tale
Wooo More stories
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You go to Canterbury
NAME DROP... end the story here, we did it , oh wait there is more.
We drank, and went to rest ultimately
I mean before you go on a great trip, I feel like thats the right thing to do.
So far I like where this is going, I really like the introduction of the characters really. It gives you time to really get the idea of who they are and what motivations we are supposed to car about and I hope this remains because with this cast I want to see how they develop who kicks the bucket, and much more. So I'm for sure waiting to read the next parts coming up when I can get to them.
This same monk let such old things slowly pace And followed new-world manners in their place.
He seems like one to have old world ideas while embracing the new world stuff.
A manly man
A macho man if you will... OH YEAH !!!
Of grease, when she had drunk her draught of wine.
Was it common place for people of god to get drunk, or are the canterbury tales a tale of misfits ?
Her greatest oath was but “By Saint Eloy!”
Catchphrase time!
A sheaf of peacock arrows bright and keen 105 Under his belt he bore very carefully
Is it apt to call this one the colorful one ? with peacock feathers.
He’d ridden sometime with the cavalry
Got a real anikin skywalker here, dont we ?
A lover and a lively bachelor,
I like this guy so far. lol
he’d fought for our faith at Tramissene Three times in duels, always killed his foe.
I would hope a knight would fight for faith, this might be some foreshadowing?
the quality or character of a heathen
In fellowship, and pilgrims were they all That toward Canterbury town would ride.
So 29 people on a pilgrimage... how many of these people gonna die?
That sleep through all the night with open eye
Like Clint Eastwood, Sleeping with one eye open, something must want them dead then.
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Gawain and its strange adventure of the green knight. I mean I love this even if it is a bit confusing at most times. I knight’s tale about love, fighting, and being chivalrous it’s like everything I asked for in an Arthurian legend. Overall, I really enjoy this especially with the fact that the green knight is like the badass knight and how the green knight’s wife is just like temping Gawain with gifts that go from deer to a gold ring and then that final gift of the belt of not getting harmed
Your are welcome to my body, Your pleasure to take all; I must by necessity
Well if you put it that way sure but... wait a minute I feel like this is a trap or something.
But would you, lovely lady, but grant me leave and release your prisoner and pray him to rise,
Im lost , what prisoner , why would it be her responsibility?
bent her way to the bed; and the knight ashamed,
You can see here this were Gawain knew..He fucked up.
deer drove for the dales, darting for dread,
Darting for dread, such is life for woodland animals. but also this makes a great setup for imagery , like seeing deer running away from a predator.
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Besides the sideshow of food in the beginning Im really enjoying this a whole lot. I kinda wish Gawain wasnt such a basic knight like to me he felt kinda plain. But also the green knight woo wee this dude radiates this bad-ass aura of im the biggest cheese you'll seen. I love the story so far I cant wait to read the rest of this. Im so into this. It reminds me of like video game in a sense bring out this dude thats all powerful and Gawain is like maybe a level 5 basic knight but yet he adheres to his code...for now.
A green horse great and thick, a steed full strong to restrain,
I want to say that the Green Knight is painted as like the picture perfect knight to challenge a knight of the round table like a David and Goliath situation.
Wonder at his hue men displayed, set in his semblance seen; he fared as a giant were made, and over all deepest green.
This man must be real deep in the dye trade to have the "deepest green". If I remember correctly dyes at he time were really weak almost like they were faded from the start.
Dainties drawn in therewith of full dear meats, foods of the freshest, and in such files of dishes
All I can see is like just these long tables just full of food, The hunters mush have had taken a lot of time to get all that meat.
But Arthur would not eat till all were served, he was so joyous a youth, and somewhat boyish
Man with such honor to wait until everyone has their food. But what makes that boyish? Did kings always eat before everyone ate?
There tourneyed tykes by times full many, jousted full jollily these gentle knights,
Good to know that in medieval times they still had great parties that everyone enjoys.
I aim to show
Starting off cocky now are we ?
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Milon’s love was tender as her own.
Awww, its like they were made for each-other.
When the lady heard of her lover’s purpose, she thanked him for his courtesy, for greatly was his counsel to her mind
Reading that I want to say she took it well but I feel like deep down shes like you could do better.
Boy howdy, if you were ever looking for a saucy story about love and hate, and all the other stuff in between. Overall I think this was a pretty okay story would probably read it again when Im like wanting to pass out. Overall soild 7/10
richly, than the Queen
where is she shopping to be richer than the Queen.
she and three ladies of her fellowship
Sisters of the Pants and the fellowship, bad lord of the ring reference.
him whom so fondly she desired to love
Will this prove that all guys in history are and always will be as the kids say "thirsty"
The knight came before the bed, and stood gazing on so sweet a sight
Well with all this talk about her. The King better have a sweet sight.
her throat and the rondure of her bosom showed whiter and more untouched than hawthorn in May
Some saucy text going on here, talking about butts lewd. woo wee.
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This story is like a play made in to a paper story. So much dialogue and so much unneeded stuff. I felt spoiled by Beowulf, like gosh compared to each other Beo had better characters and even though it was dense it was manageable, but this is just a headache to me.
Tristan slept in the King’s chamber with his peers
All I can see in this is like Tristan and his peers just actin like its a sleepover.
When the song ended, the King was silent a long space
This just makes a good scene in my head. Kinda like siting in a class that you dont like.
Frocin the Dwarf; for he knows the seven arts, and magic and every kind of charm.
Geez he sounds so overpowered, like he knows the seven arts and magic, and every kind of charm. Like what can't he do,
At his leisure and his dalliance, night and day: for he slept in the King’s chamber as great lords do
Where are else are you gonna sleep the ground ?
Iseult lived as a queen, but lived in sadness.
I feel like this is a feeling that many of had.
possession, especially of land.
Two days she watched them, seeing them refuse all food or comfort and seeking each other as blind men seek
I see we are taking the silent treatment, but hey to each their own.
Then Tristan showed the dragon’s tongue and offered the seneschal battle
That's pretty metal to just show up the with a dragon's tongue.
Father, first give me the kiss of peace and forgiveness, as a sign that you will give him the same.
Man getting greedy with two kisses, gosh gee are you just fancy.
the steward or major-domo of a medieval great house
Daily it leaves its den and stands at one of the gates of the city
I feel like you are just wasting your time, doing that on the daily.
For seven days and seven nights the sea so drew him; at times to charm his grief, he harped;
Sad boy for seven days and nights must have been the big sad.
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Well at least its over. The same thing applies to the one about 1 & 2 its so dense it is meant to be told and not read like we talked about in class, reading it hurt but hey it was a solid read overall.
His whole strength behind a sword-stroke And connected with the skull. And Naegling snapped.
All I see in this is like Mortal Kombat fatality just a brutal neck snap. Like oof ow that's gonna leave a mark or death, probably death.
Yet his shield defended
Holy gee, who ever made that shield needs a promotion. Making a shield that survives a dragon and it;s attack.
Many a skirmish I survived when I was young And many times of war; I remember them well. At seven, I was fostered out by my father, Left in the charge of my people’s lord.
Some inspiring words, I'm sure that kids when they listen to this story when it was spoke they probably wanted to be like Beowulf, kinda like superman in a sense.
The veteran king sat down on the cliff-top. He wished good luck to the Geats who had shared His hearth and his gold. He was sad at heart,
Like bro needs a chill pill after all this battling and party wrecking. I shed tear for the veteran king.
To dominate the dark, a dragon on the prowl
This so grim stuff right there, like such a vivid image.
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he grabbed thirty men From their resting places and rushed to his lair,
He really was a demon 30 people like geez that's like a a whole village.
Of a gem-studded sword in the Geat treasury. This he laid on Beowulf’s lap
I hope this is just for show becasue that would seem uncomfortable to use.
This story at least this half of it is DENSE. Like wow wee gee I love the amount of detail but did they find it necessary to have every little bit about everything. I love all the heroics and the tales but wow its it dense with the wording. I feel like you could skip half of this and beowulf is gonna recap you like its dragon ball z. I liked it overall.
my awesome strength. They had seen me boltered in the blood of enemies When I battled and bound five beasts, 420 Raided a troll-nest and in the night-sea Slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes And avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it Upon themselves, I devastated them).
He really had to talk about all the things he has done tough out his life.
Their mail-shirts glinted, Hard and hand-linked; the high-gloss iron
This is just some nice detail. They really liked to give out the details.
His kindness Watch over your exploits.
Well at least they know that they are exploiting in these battles.
What kind of men are you who arrive Rigged out for combat in coats of mail, Sailing here over the sea lanes In your steep-hulled boat
Why ask this question of morality when you are the path to war. Is it trying to give them more of heroic/ human feeling or ask are they the savages ?
So that troubled time continued, woe That never stopped, steady affliction 190 For Halfdane’s son, too hard an ordeal. There was panic after dark, people endured Raids in the night, riven by terror.
This is gives me a very grim picture of what is happening during Grendel's rule.
For twelve winters, seasons of woe,
Is it me or did he not rule for very long, 12 years seems kinda short but I don't know the average amount of time for kings in this time.
A gleaming plain girdled with waters; In His splendour He set the sun and moon To be earth’s lamplight, lanterns for men,
Surprising that this early in literature we have some amazing imagery and world building to give us an idea how people of the past see the world.
Its gables wide and high and awaiting
A gables is the part of a wall that encloses the end of a pitched roof. This gives you a sense of scale of the hall of halls which is quite amazing.
In the end each clan on the outlying coasts
It's kind of like a viking Romeo and Juliet
- Jan 2019
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‘”It is more wonderful alive,” said the charioteer; “it is not every one who can do it so. Dead, there is not one of them who cannot do it. You cannot do this, to carry off any of them alive,” said the charioteer.
This charioteer seems like appreciates life more than death like the other soldiers in the story. this surprises as contrast to the other charioteer and to Cuchulainn's blood lust in this section.
‘He cast the spear at him, so that it reached him in his ——. Then He went to him and cut off his head. Cuchulainn gave his head and his accoutrements to his own charioteer.
It seems like Cuchulainn really likes taking heads and just giving them to people. Was this a common thing to do in Irish lore ?
‘”May it not be for his happiness,” said the champion; “and may it not be for his prosperity, his first taking of arms. Let him not be in our land, and let the horses not graze there any more,” said the champion.
These guys really knew how to push Cuchulain's buttons for beating them up. Calling him a boy that's like a big no no in this story.
Loch Echtra
This was know as a "Lake-burst" these are common in Irish myths where a lake appears out of nowhere usually where graves are dug. This might be why Conall never went past that, spirits might attack him.
‘”A wonder of might,”
He really does have a high horse here, proclaiming he is a wonder of might, like wait a bit until you can say that.