14 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. Personal data, sometimes also called personal information, legally means any information that, alone or combined with other details, could directly identify an individual or a household.


    2. stricter requirements

      This is why Compuverse only collects name, business email and phone number.

  3. Feb 2022
    1. embraced

      If all Virginians would "embrace" these laws, we would truly have a peaceful, orderly land with justice for all.

  4. Dec 2020
    1. I highlighted things to change and put the modification below in the comment.

    2. Ministry: Religious Agent (Eternal Rewards - Remote)


    3. Sales: Referral Agent

      Sales: Affiliate Agent

    4. Sales: National Sales Director (Remote) Sales: Account Executive (DC Office) Sales: Account Manager (DC Office) Sales: Account Engineer & Project Manager (DC Office)


    5. solutions via consulting

      distributed workforce consulting, remote office solutions

    6. Our value proposition is an AI-based service and support offering that solves technical issues in near real-time.

      Our value propositions are programmatic- and AI-based services that accelerate business through robotic process automation (RPA) and workflow consulting.

    7. (next-generation MSP)


  5. Dec 2018
    1. For a detailed description of each section of the plan, you'll want to refer to the Guide to Writing a Business Plan Step By Step.

      This link looks promising.