- Oct 2017
languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
she concluded that children from ages 8 to 12 learn a second language more quickly than do children ages 4 to 7.
Maybe public schools in the United States should begin to teach a foreign language in middle school rather than in high school.
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I think that this is interesting because when I first learned German, we rarely focused on our oral abilities. We always focused on our reading abilities.
he three types of learning strategies that involve specific language competencies related to academic English register are:
Cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, and social-affective strategies are three types of language competencies used with academic English.
Because we each have learned language in our early years within our home and cultural sellings. we may grow up thinking lhal our way of speaking and using Ian· guage is the "norm" (Gordon, 200G) and are surprised when someone suggests that we speak. wilh a dialect.
Because I am from Ohio and live in South Carolina, I notice this concept whenever I refer to soda as "pop" or a buggy as a "cart".
For example, phonologica~ differences are heard in the way words are articu-lated. For example, the word creek may be pronounced with an extended e sound ("creek," as in beet) or with the short i sound (as in pick), as "crick." Semantic dif-ferences occur when different labels are used to refer to the same object or action. In some locales in the United States, a drinking fountain is referred to as a bubbler. Syntactic differences involve differences in the way sentences are structured, For example, "I don't got no time to help" and "I have no time to help" reflect syntac-tic differences. Morphemic differences are found in the way verb endings or other inflectional endings are used, such as gonna or goin' compared with going to and going. When people are communicating in different dialects, these differences may result in communication that requires more negotiation or clarification.
Very good examples of each subcategory.
Language Development Among Children of Linguistic Diversity * 61 Among these families, Hart and Risley (1995) identified five quality features in parents' language interactions with their children: 1. Language diversity. This is the variation and number of nouns and modifiers used by the parents. 2. Feedback tone. This is the positive feedback given to children's participation in an interaction. 3. Symbolic emphasis. This is the emphasis placed on focusing on names and associated relations of the concepts and the recall of those symbols. 4. Guidance style. This is parental interaction that uses asking rather than demanding in eliciting specific behavior from the child. 5. Responsiveness. This is parental responsiveness to requests or questions initiated by children.
Five qualities of language interactions are language diversity, feedback tone, symbolic emphasis, guidance style, and responsiveness.
Ono of the perspectives rosearche<l I.hen was tho verbal-deficit perspective. This perspective contended that anyone who did not use standard English did not have a valid language and thus was verbally deficient.
Anyone who could not use standard English had language problems.
i is important to 1111cl<Jrsla11d lm-;ic roncopts of linguistic divorsily and second language
I agree with this statement. Right now, I am somewhat fluent in speaking German along with being fully fluent in English. I hope to be able to improve my German speaking abilities and also become fluent in Spanish.
- Sep 2017
languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
Since the story was supported by detailed illustrations. Ms. Harper was able to engage Maria in a conversation (in English) about the story events. When the other Spanish-speaking children in the room heard their teacher reading in Spanish, they came over to join in the story sharing.
I think that this was a really interesting way for the teacher to handle the situation. As a future educator, I hope to be able to incorporate this in my classroom someday.
languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
Healthy infants are able "lo learn any of the world's 3,000 languages" (Rushton, Eitelgeorge, & Zickafoose, 2003, p. 13).
This statement has a lot to do with nurture aspect of nature vs. nurture because of being exposed to environmental factors. Children from diverse families could be exposed to different languages and different ways of pronouncing English words. For example, when my cousin was an infant, he learned how to speak English along with basic Spanish because his dad is Mexican and knows fluent Spanish. Now, he can speak both English and Spanish fluently and I believe that this has increased his cognitive abilities.
- Aug 2017
languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
Young children acquire knowledge of these prosodic features as well as the spe· cific sounds used in a language through interactions wilh people in their environ-ment. Children's auditory perception of these prosodic features contributes to both !heir phonological knowledge and their subsequent somantic knowledge. Infants' perception of the speech intonation of those around them is evident when they begin lo babble aud appear lo mimic the intonation of others. Infants learn to sense when U10ir parent or caregiver is happy, excited, calm, tense, or angry from the intonation, loudness, tempo, or rhythm of the adult's speech.
This is an example of how infants and children are very observant of their surroundings. This also shows how people can explain children in situations as a "product of their environment". Infants and children will tend to mimic and repeat the sounds and words they hear from their caregivers in places outside of their home environment.