32 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. TFA members attend a summer institute that involves observing veteran teachers, practice teaching in a collaborat-ing summer school, and coursework covering leadership, instructional planning, classroom management, diversity, learning theory, and literacy development

      thats ALOT

    2. Schools in these areas typically struggle to attract higher quality teachers—as measured by licensure tests, undergraduate institution selectivity, and SAT scores—and struggle even more to retain them

      thats why teach for america teachers are typically only in these areas for a couple years

    3. recruiting noneducation majors from prestigious universities, remaining selective, embedding members in a resource-rich social network, and increasing access and reducing the costs for its members to connect to nonteaching career ladders, has increased its credential’s exchange value relative to other preparation programs. T


  2. Dec 2016
    1. Winning an election does not entitle one to upend our basic values.

      !!!!!!!!!!! very important, the president should be held at even higher standards than we are

    2. But given what opposition to “political correctness” has licensed, it time to retire the term.

      Its very important that this is coming from someone who previously used this term, and criticized the way in which people used it so easily

    3. Black students, gay students, Hispanic students, Muslim students, disabled students, female students – all of them now fear that the basic security and acceptance on which they relied is at risk. Help lines are flooded with calls. Those who seek to count hateful incidents report an upsurge.

      All of these people being afraid should be a sign that something is seriously wrong with the President elect

    4. that term and its usage and the complex issues underlying it.

      Complex issues such as violence, hate crimes, aggression, the way Trump himself uses it, the word being an excuse to be hateful...

    5. Whatever rhetorical value the term may have once had is far more than offset by what has been unleashed in the name of resistance to it since the presidential election.

      The consequences of the word are now more important than the previous meaning .

    1. They have begun to do things they clearly don’t really want to be doing, and, to do so, they are (1) abandoning their sense of human dignity and (2) risking the appearance of cowardice.

      These people are becoming worse and worse. They are hurting innocent people who are just being themselves and expressing their views and this election has given them someone to agree with and use as an excuse for their actions.

    2. reduce their fealty to their native country and regard it as secondary, subordinate, in order to emphasize their whiteness

      This view and opinion has been shown plenty since the election. Several people from my hometown have told me this as well, that they expect immigrants to abandon their history and heritage for the US, but I disagree.

    1. I did not feel that I should lie to my new college friends, especially at N.Y.U., where we are supposed to be open to hearing opposing views, able to discuss them and put any bias aside.

      Ironic statement, but also true. Liberals are often seen as the people who are open-minded but there are situations like this where they are only open-minded with those who agree with them politically

    2. What I do not understand is hatred toward one another. Supporters of both parties have misunderstood and fueled hate out of reckless emotion and ignorance.

      Very true. Both sides are guilty of being rude and not very tolerant of the other side.

    1. Neumann says he is not just providing space and office supplies, but “building a community of creators” that “inspires people to do what they love.”

      similar to wonderbread and the family company --> people are going to work and loving what theyre doing

    2. but there are also lawyers, nonprofits, movie producers, political consultants, and a beef jerky brand.

      a variety of workers and companies

  3. Sep 2016
    1. Such pathetic illusions of privilege are linked to a general idea of happiness

      People aren't as happy as they seem. They're being manipulated by the media to think they want or need certain things, but in reality they may be missing out on the simple aspects of life.

    2. Seeing poverty exclusively as an economic problem takes its pervasiveness in humanity for granted because it ignores how the notion of homelessness can also be extended to talk about the mental state of refuge.

      Important idea. Poverty is not strictly an economic problem. It impacts millions of people mentally, and it is a strong political issue. It's very widespread, and does not only concern economics.

    3. hey are not perceived as privileged, active observers who search for social meanings in the space they occupy

      Is this going to relate back to homelessness and a peoples' need for some-type-of security?

    4. Human relationships and contact are thoroughly influenced by images of commodities people are made to feel they need,

      In some ways, this reminds me of the Jenny Rice article. Individuals are comfortable in this environment of mass media telling them what they need or want to know. Nobody is challenging each other, or learning ideas that are outside of their comfort zone. People are relying on what they think is safe, but they have no other thoughts to contrast these ideas with.

    5. ephemeral

      "lasting a very short-time" : http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ephemeral

    1. , current projects,

      x, y, and z

    2. d, i

      Intro element, IC

    3. y, institutional affiliations,

      x,y,and z

    4. s, w

      IC, DC

    5. p, t

      DC, IC

    6. s, but

      IC, fanboys IC

    7. r, w

      IC, DC

    8. lot of conversation between young and old people about how the city has changed, or why we live where we do

      There is such a huge generation gap between young and older people. Socially there seems to always be disagreements and differences. Both generations don't seem to be very unified concerning issues that face this country.

    9. cotton ball incident shows that racism is not a dead issue

      This is a similar incident to the banana incident that happened last week at AU. Both situations show that there still is a huge problem of racism and ignoring it will not solve anything.

    1. ‘neutral’ design

      Is this implying that there is no design that benefits everyone or all groups of people?

    2. becomes just another part of the landscape

      In some ways, racist thoughts and actions are normalized and blend into our culture. This is similar to unconscious bias where we don't realize that some of our thoughts can be offensive to other groups of people.

    3. Social norms encouraged some to threaten undesirable persons with violence if they were to enter or remain in certain

      Has the government issued any laws or statements recently or in the past to combat this type of violence?

    4. “allows government to shape our actions with-out our perceiving that our experience has been deliberately shaped.”

      This quote represents how manipulative the government is. They can use excuses to why the architecture or environment is changing when in reality their purpose may bet to change society and various cultures.