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  1. Apr 2019
    1. public ownership

      The language of public ownership is pushing, dilegating the blame, responsibility and work of environmental damage to all communities, when really it's the big industrial and corporate companies that need to take ownership.

    2. ending unemployment for good

      In my opinion, I believe this is a lie that they are feeding that says hey we're doing good, giving back to these disadvantaged communities -- when in reality, all it's doing is providing jobs that will continue to exploit the labor of disadvantaged communities to clean-up the damage the privileged/big companies have done to the earth and have them and their labor solve the problems of climate-crisis. Also, why should disadvantaged communities work to clean-up and fix the enviroment and their land, when privileged, industrials are the ones who destroyed it the most?

    3. in response to the global financial crisis

      Why is this the catalyst for legislative reaction/response?

    4. I'm trying to grasp how it is that we're so concerned and focused on global economy and global financial crisis when money, finances, wealth, economy won't matter if the planet and environment is dead/dies. Further on that, why does it take an initiative around sustainable economy to catalyze what should immediately be of concern which is sustainable natural environment and life. Money controls people in disturbing/wrong ways -- it has to effect the white man's pockets in order for them to care.

    1. I often feel the same, in not just ecological issues but around a lot of human rights and social justice issues. It's a pain that you hold knowing there is an issue, you're doing your best to become knowledgable and do what you can as an individual, but inevitability there is still loss, whether an ecological loss, a person of color's loss, a loss of rights. It is a sense of mourning that we hold, but unsure how to move forward when it seems larger than you and the issue isn't resolved.