- Nov 2018
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Miller translation, 1969 edition
- Oct 2018
www.counterpunch.org www.counterpunch.org
Democratic socialism is a redundant term. So is anti-democratic capitalism.
- Sep 2018
professorwerner.org professorwerner.org
This blog entry was linked to by Ellen Brown in a commondreams article. I downloaded an article and a presentation by Werner.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social, and the Kingdom of Brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of Communism nor the antithesis of Capitalism but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both".[44]
When did King switch from "the beloved community" to "the Kingdom of Brotherhood." This quote is very Hegelian - is this the Royce influence?
An interesting page. Definitely steers away from any explicitly Marxist understanding. Has the "monopoly capitalism" school ever identified "economic democracy" as the counter-movement?
professorwerner.org professorwerner.org
This is the best-looking academic web page I've ever seen.
monthlyreview.org monthlyreview.org
Use in socialize-finance talk
- Aug 2018
www.redpepper.org.uk www.redpepper.org.uk
The philosopher Karl Popper, author of The Open Society and Its Enemies, did not stay involved. He had a more nuanced view on markets and freedom, pointing out that ‘proponents of complete freedom are in actuality, whatever their intentions, enemies of freedom’. Popper saw the logical consequence of ignoring how power, unregulated markets and unrestrained individual behaviour would interact, reasoning that this notion of freedom would, paradoxically, be, ‘not only self-destructive but bound to produce its opposite, for if all restraints were removed there would be nothing whatever to stop the strong enslaving the weak’. By Popper’s definition, neoliberalism wasn’t liberal at all.
Is it fair to at least partially blame Popper for the advent of neoliberalism? If not, is it fair to question the use of the term "open" to describe the ideal society?
blog.okfn.org blog.okfn.org
www.joshuatan.com www.joshuatan.com
Significant variations of n-grams exist, for example smoothing (words that never show up in the corpus are modified to have non-zero probability)
Seems like you need the probability of a frequency when estimating from data. You would obtain counts of word transitions, then estimate transition probabilities from this data, with uncertainty on the transition probability.
Do you have different n-gram models per text?
dlicata.web.wesleyan.edu dlicata.web.wesleyan.edu
Bob Harper's student, developed adjoint logic with Mike Schulman.
www.leaderu.com www.leaderu.com
Critics have been uncomfortable with liberalism’s conception of law as rights, contending that liberals establish the rights of individuals without regard for the good of society. Liberals, it is said, think of individual rights as pre-political. Thus the modern conception of human rights is dissociated from the aims of society, resulting in a separation between rights and responsibilities. The liberal conception can justify rights against society, but it cannot justify obligations to the public realm. From this, critics charge, follows the decadence of modernity: public morality, social responsibility, even the motivational foundation for public democratic action must be sacrificed at the altar of the liberal conception of human rights.
Apel's version of discourse ethics tried to establish both norms and responsibilities with his Type A and Type B arguments.
- Jan 2018
dismagazine.com dismagazine.com
an information infrastructure, a kind of third nature, now commands the old manufacturing and distribution infrastructure, or second nature, which in turn commands the resources of this planet, which is how nature now appears to us.
Reminiscent of firstness in thirdness and firstness in secondness in Peirce's semiotics.
www.iupui.edu www.iupui.edu
Scolia to New Elements of Mathematics
- Oct 2017
wordpress.com wordpress.com
Whenever a commentator or an economist conflates the fiscal outlook for a nation that issues its own currency (for example, the US) with the outlook for a nation that uses a foreign currency (for example, Greece) you know one thing for certain – they have not understood what currency sovereignty is.
Another school of thought on sovereign currency is sovereign money (https://www.sovereignmoney.eu/).
This article reminds me to read "The Philosophy of Debt" by Andrew X. Douglas.
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
Criticism of technological utopianism, particularly Benkler's version, and the need to consider power relations within utopian proposals.
- Sep 2017
www.tni.org www.tni.org
Along with the market and the state, the Commons is a third mode of societal organization.
Note the parallel with transcendental semiotics. The "third mode" in transcendental semiotics mediates between public and private, whereas in the commons transition the third mode is between "the state" (which manages public goods) and "the market", which manages private goods.
- Aug 2017
users.clas.ufl.edu users.clas.ufl.edu
The other consists in making a subject out of a predicate. Instead of saying, Opium puts people to sleep, you say it has dormitive virtue. This is an important proceeding in mathematics. For example, take all "symbolic" methods, in which operations are operated upon. This may be called subjectal abstractions.
Peirce also calls this "hypostatic abstraction." Mathematical category theory applies this notion throughout - a functor is an operation on functions, etc.
www.fedscoop.com www.fedscoop.com
She also said the EPA is moving toward using an “Internet of Things” platform that supports data from different sources.
Time for a named-data-networking effort within EPA to support this IoT vision?
But Dunkin emphasized having data isn’t enough: EPA’s working to make it more accessible. To help crowdsource data from citizen scientists and regulators at the state, local and tribal level, it’s critical to create data standards, she said.
How can EPA's data standards be made inter-operable with RDF-based efforts such as researchobject.org.
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
It is necessary to subject the problem of bureaucratism both in the Soviet-bloc countries and the labor movements of the West to a scientific investigation and analysis, as a preliminary to devising the best safeguards against the menace.
To what extent are studies like "The Penguin and the Leviathan" helpful in the scientific study of bureaucracy?