184 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
  2. Jan 2021
    1. Grades

      The link between this issue and your overall claim is not clear, I suggest to find a transition paragraph or sentence to introduce the issue of grades and make the connection clear to the reader, this helps the reader to understand where are you coming from

    2. instruction

      there is evidence about this, it would be excellent to include some of those here

    3. a lockdown period

      The report you link here is quite long, I suggest to point the reader to some of the points you think are important and serve as the evidence you have used to write.

    1. journals:

      Excellent idea!!

    2. hoto by Serpstat on Pexels.com

      What is the function of this picture?

    3. misrepresented.

      excellent point, I suggest to extend on this, giving examples, finding relevant literature and explaining this more in depth

    4. Artificial intelligence gathers a lot of information

      AI uses data. The data is gathered through other means, not AI. AI is related with using the data to train the system

    5. cognition.

      And how is this advantageous for education?

    6. more important advantages of artificial intelligence.

      More than what?

    7. anticipating

      I am not sure that this example is related with the point you are making in the post. You are exploring how Ai is used in teaching, this is more a problem of the use of biased data, etc. but is not related with the effects of AI in teaching and learning

    8. artificial intelligence

      How did they used AI? What is the role of algorithms here>?

    9. . Chat bots are particularly important because they provide students with services such as contact with their teachers and support services

      Can you give an example? Who has used this in education? What are the outcomes? etc.

    10. AI is important for students because they must be prepared to live and thrive in a world which being impacted by technology. 

      And how does AI influence students so that they are prepared?

    11. There are different kinds of AI that can be used for educational purposes,

      reference ?

    12. To most people, the phrase suggests something cinematic such as the films 2001: A space odyssey or Star wars.

      I suggest you give a reference to backup this claim

  3. Dec 2020
    1. internet.

      this issue of access has become more nuanced than having access or not, many people that have internet lack other skills to navigate sites, to find the relevant information, to upload documents, etc. This is an important aspect that is missing in the post

    2. ‘receive and impart information’.

      Is this a quote? If not then what do the ' ' mean?

    3. Jaeger

      reference is needed, year and the link is possible

    4. ‘The gap between those who do and those who do not have access to new forms of information technology’

      This is an incomplete quote, at least so it seems to the reader

    1. University for some students may be the only source of interactivity

      This needs support and there is plenty out there documenting this issue

    2. ITV News (2020)

      A link here is useful

    3. from an article provided by the Guardian, argues that delivering lectures online will be of benefit to students who would find it difficult to afford a university lifestyle, on campus, as they will avoid paying for 3-4 years worth of accommodation; giving a more equal opportunity to all students who are interested to venture into a degree.

      And what is your view on this? How do you interpret Andrews' point of view?

    4. need to learn a stronger sense of self-motivation in order to retain structure.

      It would be interesting to explore why is this so.

  4. Nov 2020
    1. Overall the design of the blog is nice, the heading works really good. I suggest to change the subheading in the title and customise it so that it serves your purpose. Links should be put in the text instead of in the reference list. The use of headings is excellent, you need to work on the size of the fonts, they should be bigger than the text. The main problem I see is that you have not included anything about technology and how it can be used in multisensory learning, and that is key for this post. Also, images or maybe a video that could illustrate some of the things you explain can be helpful. In particular when exploring the use of technology for this case.

      Good job and excellent first attempt. Hoping to reading more soon :-)

    2. Klinger, 2015

      add a link here instead of at the botton. Select the work and add the link, that helps the reader

    3. tests.

      This first paragraph should have some interesting point about how does technology support multisensory, this is what the blog is about the impact of technology on learning. I suggest to do some edtis. i also encourage you to look for evidence other than one that has no date. There are plenty of references in the chapter in innovating pedagogy. It is important to evidence the claims you are making

    4. Praveen, n.d

      A link here helps the reader

    1. lack of finances

      to do what? Professional development, or to buy technology?

    2. digital competences and utilisation of ICT

      here you are referring to the digital competences and not so much to the technology, this is excellent. So look into how this is in Estonia so that you are comparing on the same or similar grounds

    3. books

      these are all reasons that relate only to the technology used, I suggest to add some elements that are related with how is the context of use, how are teachers supported in order to be able to use that technology, what is the socio-economic context. Remember that Estonia is one of the more advanced countries when it comes to technology. That means that the use of technology is supported by a wider context. Maybe research a bit into that to make your argument more rounded

    4. Estonia in particular is known for its digital advancement in across all levels of society. This summer the country announced that to support other nation’s during this crisis they will share all of their digital education tools

      These two paragraphs should be one, I think

    5. Teachers and  educational leaders are raising the concern on the fact these initiatives are not enough to combat the growing disparities in learning progression. This  because these systemic inequalities were already in the realities of many students Evidence: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-54753088

      why do you have here bullet points? It seems to me that these is like any other paragraph, or not?

      This is excellent, I think you want to show here what I mentioned above, that is super!!

    6. POINT)

      could you find a counter point here showing that there is much more than the technology, maybe working parents, busy house life, small siblings, showing how the problem is not only the technology but all the context around it.

    7. the report informs.

      Can you merge these two paragraphs? they are almost saying the same, maybe the NFER report has interesting points to mention so that you can have one idea but with two different examples or maybe contexts?

    8. For i

      I would do one paragraph with all the similar ideas. It reads better

    9. . Anthony Tattersal

      I suggest to configure your links to open in a new window, so you don't take the risk to lose the reader

      The image is great!! I suggest to insert a caption with its author and/or source. Is it creative commons license? Is all rights reserved? etc.

    10. Excellent title!!! It made me laugh :-) That is an excellent start for the reader

    1. Anthony Tattersal

      I suggest to add a link to his biography or any other link that tells the reader who he is

    1. t is hard for the education gap not to grow as the majority of the children without internet, computers and tablets are among the poorest in the UK. This is not their fault and they shouldn’t be deemed less worthy of an education than children that are from families better off financially. Everyone should have the same quality education which is inclusive and caters to all needs regardless of wealth.

      This has already been said. I suggest to think about something that you have not said yet

    2. as well as their wellbeing and confidence being affected

      In this paragraph you are repeating some things you said before, but this idea of wellbeing and confidence being affected is excellent, I suggest to inquiry more into that idea, look for evidence and explore the impact of this in learning and write the paragraph about that idea. When the text becomes repetitive the reader tends to lose interest and leaves, so this will be a good strategy to keep the attention of the reader

    3. BBC, 2020

      link to this is useful

    4. However, not having access to technology is the main obstacle

      be careful with overgeneralising, someone with the computer and the internet but with mental health issues can't do much, and this extends, so be careful.

    5. using technology as the primary source of learning.

      I suggest to rephrase this, technology is a means to mediate some aspects of education but it is not a source. Rethink maybe what you want to say.

      I also suggest to pause and think of a more catchy and attention grabbing first paragraph so that you can hook the reader in

    1. /2020)

      I am not sure this is the best image? It is not that clear what you want to illustrate? Also, I suggest to use color images or black and while, so that you have a style

    2. may have

      There is plenty of evidence out there already showing how this HAS BEEN the case. I suggest to find some of those studies and add them here, just give a brief explanation and provide the links for the interested reader

    3. s could be:

      excellent start but you need to give some references here, so that the claims you are making are backed up

    4. (https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/school-pupils-and-their-characteristics)

      Don't give the whole URL here, wordpress allows you to insert links in the text, I encourage you to try that function out.

      I am not sure the format of the first paragraph is the best choice. Why don't you try to use a justified format and not italics. Or have you chosen this for a particular reason?

      I can see that the centred text is used during the post. I am not sure there is a reason for that, but it is not the best option for the reader

    5. about the impact children in the world,

      This has a structural problem

    6. CDC (2020). Coronavirus. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/k0KRNtqcjfw (Accessed: 11/11/2020)

      could you find a way to add a caption to the picture, maybe that makes that the credits don't show in the middle of the image.

      Excellent image!!

    1. algorithms adapt

      I am not sure that algorithms adapt? So if you have an example that helps to understand

    2. This type of technology is allowing education to become more accessible for students who do not have the ability to go to their classes in person

      But you learn online and there is no AI involved in that. I am not sure what do you mean?

    3. In the increasing technological world that we are living in, we need to get used to the fact that AI is here to stay whether we want to embrace or not.

      Maybe some examples of how schools or HEIs have used AI successfully can help here and then contrast it wit some bad uses.

    4. worst yet best thing

      wow! this needs to be explain :-) How can these two things happen at the same time: the worst yet the best

    5. possibly

      why bold?

    6. education?

      You said this in the paragraph above, so I am not sure if the title of the subheading is adequate?

    7. additionally

      additionally to what? I suggest to revise the structure of your paragrpahs, what is the main idea you want to address and what are the examples you will need and then how can you conclude the idea. That will help the reader to have a clearer grasp of the claim you are making

    8. intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)

      where in the report? ANother suggestion is to configure the links so that they open in a new window, so the reader stays in your blog

    9. planning appropriate activities

      examples are useful

    10. not only benefit

      in which way? Examples help to clarify

    11. algorithm

      I suggest that you give the reader a brief explanation of the case and leave the link for more details. What I mean is that don't leave all the job to the reader, give him/her some guidance and then he/she decide what to do

    12. it

      who is it?

    13. with the use of computers rather than actual people

      I am not sure this is always the case. I would give an example so that you make clear to the reader what are you thinking about in this particular case

    14. rapidly increasing

      examples here help

    1. they are given the resources

      I wonder if every child with this level of difficulty is entitled to such technology? That would be superb, but I am not sure. I say it because if yes, then it allow for equality but if the answer is no, then you have to be careful.

    2. SEND.

      I think you can use a bit more the example of the video to explain the reach of such technology. Maybe finding some examples that are available to read so that you can show how this extreme case of severe difficulties is addressed with the technology

    3. Eye Gaze Edge


    4. hallenges

      You could maybe add that those interested in knowing more about PECS the link gives them a detailed account of what it is, etc. It is good to give some reference to the links that are in the text so the reader has a bit of guidance

    5. The Makaton Charity

      I would introduce this earlier when you mention makaton, or maybe tell the reader that you are illustrating this with a video in the next section.

    6. No-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication

      I suggest a level lower of heading, so is the one above is H2 then this should be H3, it is subheading as I see it

    7. handwritten.

      This section is interesting, I suggest to look for one or two good examples that illustrate the reader what you are saying. Maybe a video that shows how someone learns something using one of those AT you mentioned?

    8. Makaton sign language or technological systems such as Eye Gaze Technology.

      Makaton sign language is not known to all of us, I suggest either explaining it briefly and if possible ad a link, the same goes for eye gaze tech

    9. udy Heumann

      excellent quote. The picture is also excellent, can you please write a caption with the source of the image and if it has an author, etc.

    1. In general, the look and feel of the blog are great, the topic is interesting. The use of headings helps the reader and the images also. Nevertheless, I suggest to work in the structure of the post, what is the main idea you want to communicate, what is the evidence you have to make some of your claims and how do you link them together. The majority of the links are broken and the relationship between the links and the text is not always clear, it helps to write the link so that the reader knows where you are coming from.

      I think you have to work in the coherence of the text and in making the links relevant to the claim you make.

      Good start! Still, work to be done :-)<br> I am looking forward to reading the final version.

    2. d teachers across the globe are under increasing pressure to incorporate new technologies

      I am not sure how this book links to the idea of the increasing pressure that teacher experience

    3. Many people fear that AI in education means robot teachers.

      This is an overgenralisation, be careful with those.

    4. There are different kinds of artificial intelligence. The most obvious ones are the personal assistants on our mobile devices such as Siri, Cortana and google assistant. Personal assistants like these play a massive role in our lives however there are other types of AI which we may not realise play a role like this. For example, when we are watching videos on YouTube or when we are browsing social media we always get advertisements. These adverts are based on the things we have previously looked at. Sometimes these adverts are personalised. This is down to artificial intelligence. Another example of AI is when we are sending emails. Based on previous and current emails we have sent, so when we are writing a new email it can predict what we are trying to communicate.

      remember that the link with education is the important one to bring to the fore

    5. is different

      to what?

    6. artificial intelligence has had many interpretation

      link is broken, check all the links and remember that if you are linking to a database it will be problematic for the reader that is not signed in

    7. Welham

      year of the reference

    8. However, these are films meaning they are not real

      This is a strange claim. The film does not claim to be based on a real story it is science fiction, and that is stated in the synopsis of the film, so I am not sure what is the role of this example in your paragraph? Consider if you really needed, and if yes, what from the film can be related to AI.

    9. g cinematic

      the link is broken

    10. If you are wondering the answer is yes

      I would leave this answer to the reader. Maybe for the reader the answer is not yes, so leave that space open

    11. paying for universitie

      How can AI influence in the reduction of students' fees? How will it increase the effectiveness of staff or students? This needs to be explained to the reader.

    12. belief that such new technologies

      This link does not work

    13. Considering this, AI is increasingly being deployed in schools, colleges, and universities

      It seems from the structure of your sentence that due to the influence of AI in our shopping habits AI is being deployed in schools, which I am not sure is the case. Then the link is to the report of innovating pedagogy, but you are not indicating to the reader what chapter or what information is relevant for him/her to read from that link. The reader will be lost if he/she opens the link and sees the whole report. My advise is to refer to the chapter/section in the paragraph and use the link but tell the reader where to look for the relevant information

    14. this,

      what? How AI shapes our shopping?

    15. we are buying things online.

      I suggest you give a brief explanation of this example, expanding a bit for the reader.

      This article is about data collection and how ethical it is

      "What we really need to understand is what impact data collection and profiling has on different sectors of society. Is it profiling people based on race, social economic status, sexuality?"

      This then should be something that you briefly explain to the reader and then if he/she wants to know more she/he reads the article in the link

    16. Is artificial intelligence helping or hindering education?

      I would use this as your title

    1. interactive.

      Can you explain what is this about? If you mention it then some explanation of why is important

    2. Within technology,

      reconsider this, I am not sure you can be within technology.

    3. Technology, like interactive whiteboards, tablets, etc, can be used to encourage engagement within schools. Many children seem to learn better if their lessons are more interactive and they can visually see the information, therefore some schools use particular apps that can help children wit their maths, writing, etc, for example TT Rockstars.However, these types of technology would not be suitable for children who have difficulties in their sight as they will not be able to see the content being shown to them off the technology.

      And how does all of this connects with multisensory learning?

    4. ip3Z3

      For this photo you need to include the name of the author, as it is registered in Flickr.

    5. I do agree with them.

      Why? The link is again to the same page. I suggest tp include all of the information that liks to the article in one paragraph. I don't recommend writing paragraph that have one sentence. You can make one paragraph including the 5 blocks of text you have in this section, start a new paragraph with the Montessori approach

    6. Child1st

      Not sure about this word

    7. brain:

      In this case, all of the 4 links are to the same document, my suggestion is to write a paragraph instead of a bullet point list and find a meaningful sentence to introduce the link to the article. To me it is feels strange to be linked to the same article 4 times.

    8. be better and more effective if it was combined with traditional learning from books.

      Configure y our links so that they open in a new window, this leaves the reader always inside your blog. Also the link talks about hands-on learning. It is good to find a way to introduce hands-on learning so that the reader understand the link to the article

    9. multisensory learning!

      maybe giving a brief definition is a good idea

    10. activities.

      I suggest to start with a more catchy paragraph, something about multisensory learning that hooks the reader in, something unexpected or something that people might not imagine, a curious note, est.

    1. ‘emphasis on the skills that make humans uniquely human’

      could you point to the chapter you are referring to? It is hard to know

    2. reviews

      could you maybe find a review that is more pedagogical oriented? I think it will make it more informative

    3. has somewhat moved on since 2004

      This is not clear when I read this, how has it moved on and where can I see that this has happened. The book is too long for me to be able to make that conclusion. I suggest the same here, look for a better evidence that allows you make this claim clearer

    4. this article by William Pflaum

      this link takes me to a Google book, not an article. Be careful to define AI as the combination or computers and internet, this is not the case.

    5. this therefore categorises nearly any task that involves using a computer, or the internet, as using AI.

      uhhh I would be careful saying this, it is certainly an overgeneralisation. for AI you need big data sets, you need algorithms, etc. So I would suggest you rethink this bit. The paper you are using in the link states the problem of defining AI, is there something there that you could use? If not maybe you can look at simpler sources for the sake of this post. I suggest to rethink this paragraph looking for a different source to work out the problems of the definition of AI and moreover why is that a problem in the context of AI and education?

    6. So, if we have Artificial Intelligence, do we really need teachers?

      I think this is a big leap, there is a bit more of transition needed. Providing some examples of the use of AI in education in COVID times could be a way to show that teachers are needed so that you can introduce that question without making such big jump

    7. potential solution

      I am reading this article and I am not sure how do you connect this to educating children. The article is about how to improve conference formats for medical students. Check it out. It is a good idea to maybe give a sentence about how you connect the evidence to the claim you make

    8. digital natives

      excellent resource and source of evidence. Now the article is rather a critique to the idea of digital native, which I find brilliant, but you seem to forget to point to some of that in the paragraph. It would be super interesting to maybe say something about the wrong idea of digital natives

    9. it.

      I also suggest to maybe devote one sentence to the main idea of the article you link the reader. It helps her/him to continue reading and leave the article for later without loosing context

    10. g increasingly deployed

      Excellent resource to link. An advice I give you is to configure the links so that they open in a new window

    11. Tech over Teachers?

      great title!

  5. emilymitchelleducation.wordpress.com emilymitchelleducation.wordpress.com
    1. I suggest that in the initial page, where you have the title of your post to link the learn more to the post.

    1. Research and referencing: Here I think your post is of good quality Quality and Balance of Arguments: Here is I suggest to work more towards balancing your argument as I suggested above. Take the position of the lecturer at times and find literature that talks about the experience of the lecturer and the university in general. I think it will add quality to your text. Writing (structure, tone, flow, precision, spelling and grammar): The structure of the post is good, the tone is also adequate for a post, there are some sentences that are somehow strangely structured but nothing that influences the understanding of the post. Design of the blog: Here I suggest you can improve the design somehow. Customising the blog and maybe adding a comment section for each post will help to improve the design a bit.

    2. has divided students.

      how is that divide? In what groups has it divided students?

    3. system was a new and challenging task;

      There are plenty of studies and information that you can link to here.

    1. have greater anxiety and stress

      new idea, so think about transitioning from one to the other

    2. With reduced interaction and creativity in online lessons it can hinder the education of students , particularly below seven years old who use flexible physical learning equipment and group tasks to understand the curriculum.

      This is so interesting, I suggest to find evidence about this to make this paragraph more juicy

    3. the correct online lessons

      what is correct? For whom?

    4. (I feel like a robot teacher : Teachers, 2020


    5. An opinion from reddit.com

      link here helps

    6. With the coronavirus, students and teachers are being required to isolate which can lead to the feeling of loneliness

      This is a new idea, I suggest to find a smooth transition from one idea to the next

    7. By teachers limiting their resources for online lessons it restricts children and young people’s growth in creativity as there is no freedom in online activities.

      I would give evidence for this claim. This is also the case when the learning happens face to face. Teachers are quite tight when it comes to follow the rules of their lesson plan and there is evidence about the lack of creativity that this affords in the learner.

    8. (Adapting teaching practice for remote education, 2020).

      link to this can help

    9. Government website

      a link to this website can be useful to the curious reader

    1. In general terms, this is a good post that requires improving some sections that I highlighted. In particular, there are empty paragraphs that offer little insights into something relevant, they fell rather like fillers, nevertheless, they have the potential with a little tweak to be powerful.

    2. chart.

      I suggest to rework the ending section, try to wrap your key ideas instead of introducing new ones.

    3. s modern learners

      I am not sure this link illustrate the point you are making. Rethink it, I suggest

    4. In our modern world which revolves around being ‘technologically literate’ in most career paths and ways of life, the growth this year due to being pushed online has promoted this change and development to the traditional processes

      I suggest you use the content of the link you have used. They make a point about doing stuff with technology, and I would complement this with what you already now about Web literacies, the Mozilla wheel we have been working with. This paragraph is not strong but it could be

    5. as a grey area by many in education.

      This claim would need to be backed up with some sort of reference, report, study, or relevant literature

    6. d teaching.

      maybe you can explain a bit further what impact it has had in your learning if any, I guess it makes the paragraph more relevant to the topic of the post. It adds also something about your experience which is great

    7. taught.

      I suggest to find a transition here to introduce the image. The image is an excellent resource and the source is also excellent

    8. the closure of schools

      I suggest that you configure your links to open in a new page so that you don't loose the reeder

    9. society.

      I would think about something really puzzling for the first paragraph, something that hooks the reader in.

    1. In general this is an excellent post, there are some suggestion I have made along the text to help improve it.

      Good job!

    2. A study

      the link is broken Watch the font as it is different than the rest.

    3. I am sure when it comes to SEN students they would have found this difficult too.

      I am sure there is some evidence for this somewhere

    4. GTN

      The video in great, but I would look for something more UK based, as this is the context of your post This comment goes for all videos, I think they are excellent but it seems that they do not depict the situation in the UK. Maybe you can made it clear that you are interested in this issue worldwide, and then for each video a brief introductory sentence saying and in Australia this is happening and so for all of them

    5. Physical

      why capital P? And Specific as well

    6. &

      I suggest avoiding this symbol and write and

    7. behind

      Excellent first paragraphs, they hook the reader in!

    1. Broadband communism’

      This heading is provocative! Excellent. My suggestion is make it a question, so that you are inviting the reader to answer it. And then maybe shape a bit the tone so that you end up suggesting an answer

    2. One family in Bristol had only one phone to share among their six children for schoolwork. This meant that each child only had a limited time in order to take part in online schooling.

      This is an extreme example and therefore very illustrative!! Good choice. You could expand on the fact that schools not necessarily design for smart devices, so that the inequality is more evident

    3. a human right.

      Excellent chain of ideas, connecting one thing with the other.

    4. Eleanor Roosevelt (1948)

      What an excellent quote to explain this!!

    5. concerns.

      Maybe you could add here some of the most striking consequences of this divide

    6. study by OFCOM

      hyperlink helps

    7. engagement.

      Excellent choice for a first paragraph, you have the reader hooked!

    8. a 2019 study by Lloyds bank

      a hyperlink would help the reader to explore this further is he/she wishes. be kind to the reader!

    1. I suggest to choose a more catchy title The firs paragraph should hook the reader in so I suggest to write something that sparks the curiosity of the reader rather than something too general. I encourage you to rethink the post including a particular issue, say the impact of games in education or the impact of the Ipad in the teaching and learning dynamics. It is a good first attempt that will improve with a bit more focused work

    2. The Scottish Government (

      I suggest to find a transition between these two paragraphs

    3. This suggests that, if technology is used as a learning aid towards education, it would better education as a whole. Furthermore, Laurillard (2008, p.8) claims ‘now we can ask ‘So what can the technology do for us?’

      This is an interesting idea, I think you need to explore it further so that you can include it and expand on it

    4. improving. 

      this paragraph for example does not add any new idea to your text

    5. education plays a crucial role in achieving digital technology

      do you achieve digital technology?

    6. go hand in hand

      hand in hand with what?

    7. independently

      I suggest to have a paragraph that is less general so that it can spark the curiosity of the reader and hook her/him in

    8. are inevitably

      i would be careful with this idea of technology being inevitable. Being more critical will help you

  6. Oct 2020
  7. learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
    1. stimulate action for change

      this is analogous to the web we want, the carta magna and these initiatives

    2. This praxis of reflection and action was the means for knowing the world more deeply and accurately, since it involved ‘testing’ it to see how it works in the light of concepts and theories developed collaboratively in discussion of experiences and beliefs.


  8. Sep 2020
  9. May 2020
  10. learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Issues identified include the exclusivity of research which over represents one

      Could you explain what does exclusivity in this context mean?

    1. As Irish higher education seeks to prepare for a new academic year, one that will no doubt be delivered in a manner like never before, all stakeholders within the sector will be keen to learn from the digital pivot we have undertaken over the last few months. The quick switch to digital teaching & learning over the course of just a matter of weeks is not in itself an example of best practice in online learning, but instead provides a good example of crisis management and resilience within the sector. In order to build on this, and to develop an enhanced digital teaching & learning environment for all, it is important that the sector listens to the experience of students and those who teach them, and combines this with expertise in pedagogy, digital innovation, and student engagement. The INDEx survey results provide an excellent foundation which the Irish sector can use to build a truly engaging and inclusive digital learning environment together


    2. Students and staff often make assumptions about one another’s digital capabilities, for example, students relying primarily on lecturers for support in using technology for learning, and staff assuming that students are aware of and know how to use (and make the most of) various digital tools.

      again the idea of digital native

    3. It is these organisational digital capabilities that motivate, enable and support the individual digital capabilities and digital practices of students and staff

      This is what underlines the normative structure of the university when it comes to digital practices

    4. 70% of staff who teach had never taught in a live online environment; looking at the benchmarking data, this compares with 74% in the UK.

      74% has not taught in life online environemetn this can be part of the reason for the institutional culture when it comes to the use of the VLE

    1. If I use the 8 elements of thought in this text: 1.

    2. Indeed,nomancanbegoodwithoutthehelpofGod.

      What about the atheist, the agnostic? And where is tolerance here?

    1. “There is a tradition in European education of starting school later in life, and much more inquiry through play.

      inquiry through play will forge a completely different character than learn to be the best because if you are not you are dead!

    2. After-hours activities such as a robotics club are intended to instil a love of scientific inquiry, as well as prepare for a more automated future. “We want to prepare them for the 21st-century workplace and we also want to meet the needs of the economy,

      what does this means for the society in the long term? How about the importance of the humanities and the ability to maybe question robotics, or AI?

    3. schools served a dual purpose: to forge a unified English-speaking nation from a multilingual population, and to supply factories with workers

      How do you materialise this in the educaiton system?

    4. “To survive, you have to be exceptional.” The alternative, he warned, was being “pushed around, shoved about, trampled upon; that’s the end of Singapore and the end of us”.

      This is already a different mindset than England. They are not afraid, on the contrary, they have an empire mindset, they are the winners

  11. Oct 2019
  12. learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
    1. To be clear on this point, the term technology refers toeverykind of artifactwe use, as well as to the embodiedroutinesrelated to them.

      This is important to consider. The embodied routines related to any technology are something that shape how we do things and in the long term, who we are

    2. see literacy as a complex phenomenon that is itself part ofsocial practices, and to appreciate that there are many literacies next to the mere technicalability to read and write.

      how would you define the skills and knowledge you need to learn to use Twine?

    3. passionate affinity spaces

      This is lovely metaphor: affinity spaces! Those are needed to learn new practices thus literacies. I see Twine as such an affiniti space

    4. Literacy, according tothis school of thought, is part of ‘a social and cultural practice in the lived lives of people’

      This is important and it is related with the idea of digital technologies being everywhere. They mediate the majority of our social and cultural practices.

    5. being literate is the result of having become familiar with particular socialpractices, which renders themerely technicalactivity of reading and writing intosomething meaningful

      This is the idea to work with Twine, it is a tool that allows to tell stories (cultural practices) in different ways, mediated not only by your voice or the words but also the web. It then allows to tell stories in different ways

    6. Guidelines for this reading:

      The idea with this paper is to understand digital literacy using knowledge we already have experienced, namely traditional literacy. Vliegue takes us from there to what he considers is needed to become digitally literate to be able to understand and interact with a digitally mediated world. Think about these questions while you read:

      1. What is the role of the 'grammatised body' presented in the paper and digital literacies?
      2. Do you remember that painful process of learning how to read and write? The one that Gee is refering to in the paper? Reflect on your answer as to the why aspect of it.
      3. How does that process can be analogous to digital literacy? Do you see that any of the activities we will be doing in the next weeks are related to improve your digital literacies?
      • Aim of the chapter: How COPI relates to children and their empowerment within society
      • Claim: children have been given a voice in a tokenisitc sense and that their voice is limited and controlled by adults withn society.
      • The idea of child as citizen is explored and is considered in terms of right and responsibiities
      • The role of the child will be reviewed. It is suggested that the child has been excluded of the space of moral issues and the political world
      • Proposed solution: COPI to be active participants including the political dimension
    1. Highlight the passages you don't understand so we can clarify those grey spots using this tools but also use our seminar to discuss them :-)

    2. These are the questions to think about:

      1. How do your views of what children are (like) fit into the conceptual framework outlined in the lecture and in the reading?
      2. Have your ideas changed as a result of the reading and lecture? Why not?
      3. What further puzzles or questions do you have about what children are (like)?
      4. What will you read next?
  13. Oct 2018
    1. E data infrastructures need to be seen not just as technical programs but as practical relays of political objectives to reform the sector

      I am not entirely clear what this sentence really means?

  14. Apr 2017
    1. I think that the element of INCLUSION is really important. For me the adjective of 'open' has implications that cannot be forgotten or ignored. The part of this idea that I like the most is the importance of establishing digital inclusion transcending utilitarian limits. My view is that students are sometimes used for a political agenda and they are not given the guidance, time and scaffold they need to be digitally included. Nowadays inclusion is not so much about having or not having access to the internet but about what people do when they are connected. DIgital inequality is bigger than we think. It is complex and nuanced, all but not straitforward. It deserves a critical pedagogy so that at the end of the work every one is able to enter to that learnign space called open.

    1. It seems from what you are saying that support is key for digital literacies to improve. My research shows similar ideas. Thank for sharing your ideas and the know-how you have.