- Jun 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
hearing a story about how one tweet can threaten to undo a lifetime of promising work?
social networks of all variety is like a double edge sword it can help the user and hurt him/her as well, because a thought or a personal oppion can be twisted into something offensive, all it takes is one persons reaction
The challenge of being a public scholar is not just in being accountable for your words to a vast, diverse audience; it’s in being responsible for demanding that the vastness and diversity be preserved in the face of pressure to close it off for the profit or comfort of the elite.
It is a challenge to say the right thing to keep everyone in a good mood when talking about certain issues, however they should be able to talk about the uncomfortable in hopes of trully understanding an issue at its core
- Sep 2015
edtechchat.wikispaces.com edtechchat.wikispaces.com
What could have been done better is organization to have a question have a discusion and when everything was said they moved on to the next topic of discussion
Being a chat full of people from multiple states and difrent profesinal backgrounds evey one in the chat where mature and respectful in the comments and were open towards all oppions
kemp_troyA2: Data and design...Show them the need & what it can do. Also key is an excitinginitiative people want to be a part of. #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:15RossCoops31RT @ziegeran: Come see an Apple Distinguished Program in PA #edtechchat #PAedchatOct 21 @SalisburySchool http://t.co/18IYLYntiD http://t....9/14/2015 20:16:18AlexaSchlechtera2: You have to prove that its useful! Im doing this right now. How can Ss be moresuccessful w/ tech? Its my job to show them. #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:24teachchrstnA2) Having the right make up of the implementation team will be key to buy in at all levels.#edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:28terrieichholzRT @KatrinaStevens1: @cherylabla Great that you added Board members. They can becrucial to the success and community support. #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:31morganxmartin@raspberryberet3 I like your thinking! #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:31drvhooverA2: doesn't hurt to conduct some action research/pilot to build support #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:33KatrinaStevens1@spaul6414 Glad you're fully recovered! #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:35spaul6414@s_bearden @RossCoops31 They are the main stakeholder in the process but they doget overlooked. #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:39ugafrankA2: empowering voice in planning as well as in ongoing evaluation and course modification#edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:41EricAfterSchool@enh109 Plus, jealousy and fear of falling behind are powerful motivators. #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:48WardBiologyA2: SHOW the power of the technology. Bring examples of student work to the board.Invite admin into your classroom, etc. #edtechchat9/14/2015 20:16:49ajpodchaski@EricAfterSchool but isn't that just keeping up with the joneses? Most people want toinnovate #edtechchat
News to me personal on who to properly motivate students in to step up their game in completing work, being the empowering voice for students
In terms of Experts many of the followers were profesionals in their field of education teachers and princples alike and in terms of noobs their are several education major students who are trying to make their start,the chat is very diverse in skill level
From the start the modritors have the other users introduce them selves to break the ice and have everyone meet each other in a sense
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
In fact, urban youths (40 percent) are somewhat more likely than their suburban (28 per-cent) or rural (38 percent) counterparts to be media creators. Girls aged 15–17 (27 percent) are more likely than boys their age (17 percent) to be involved with blogging or other social activities online.
the world wide web is availble to all people, who are prepaired to share there work on a global scale
more than half of all American teens—and 57 percent of teens who use the Internet—could be consid-ered media creators
where living in a time were our generation has the most powerful tool created by man, in the form a flip opened square which gives us access to so many other greater tools to create music, art, literture, etc