15 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2021
    1. Many of our perspectives are Eurocentric, but not many of us are aware of it, especially ifour families are rst-generation immigrants.

      This also brings the idea of colorism in the Latino community because a lot of colorist's point of views are Eurocentric. It is important to realize this because of having Eurocentric perspectives, it has caused others to be look down on latinas who do not have any eurocentric features.

    1. As part of the region's colonial legacy, light-skinned or white-passing Latinos and Latin Americans have earned a social privilege often denied to dark-skinned Afro-Latinos or indigenous people. It's why Latin American media so often only featured blond hair-blue-eyed crooners, telenovela stars or news anchors.

      This also just proves the fact that Latinas with darker skin are looked down upon and are not seen as pretty while white passing Latinas are because they have lighter skin. Also the fact that Latinas with dark skin do not have as much representation in television than the white Latinas is an example of Colorism in the Latino community and how it affects dark Latinas.

    1. But we gain virtually none of the benefits of that fame, none of the glamor or the institutional support to help deal with the invasiveness of celebrity and how it can eat away at every boundary you ever took for granted.

      We simply just see what is happening right in front of our very lives. In the end, we are not famous, we are not friends with famous people, we are simply normal. Living a normal life and there are no changes in our life.

    2. Instead, all you have is that same vulnerability before a vast crowd that feels entitled to the most intimate parts of your life. How difficult would it be to conduct that relationship on your own terms?

      Having your intimate moments being shown for the whole world to see can be very nerve wracking and stressful because people you don't even know are watching your every move and that includes your most vulnerable moments.

    1. In First World Problems: A Fair Use Analysis of Internet Memes (2013), Ronak Patel says the amount of the work used in the meme probably supports the meme creators if the image was a still of another work, usually making up a small percentage of the original, but not if the original work was a photograph in which the whole of the work was being used.

      This is correct because people just pay attention to the text and the message rather than the actual picture and where it came from.

    2. Merriam-Webster defines “meme” (pronounced “meem”) as “an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture,” originating in the same root as “imitation.”

      This provides a great introduction to what the article will be talking about. Some people may not know what memes are or the true proper definition of it.

    1. In one of the earliest studies, darker and more indigenous phenotypical Latino/as reported less educational attainment (9.5 and 7.8 years, respectively), lower income ($12,721 and $10,450, respectively), and higher levels of perceived discrimination than their lighter skinned and more European looking Latino/a counterparts

      This also proves that dark skinned Latinos experience more struggles financially and educationally because they are being discriminated on their skin color compared to white Latinas.

    2. Although this term was initially used to connote that all individuals of Latino/a descent were racially mixed, the term was also constructed as a way to deny that a racial/color hierarchy had been established within which lighter skinned and more European-looking phenotypes had higher power and status than individuals with darker skin and more indigenous and/or African phenotypes

      This is the quote I am going to use and look back to because it really defines on what the term 'mestizaje' is and how does it impact dark skinned Latinas.

    3. Afro-Latinas (Latinas of African descent) report the highest levels of depressive symptoms when compared with European Americans and African Americans

      Afro-Latinas experience high levels of depressive symptoms when compared with European Americans and African Americas due to the comments made by their peers about their skin color, to how they are being treated and how they are treated by white people.

    1. Middle school is where colorism insults began. I would occasionally hear “platano podrido” which was aimed toward Dominicans’ dark skin, others included “tu piel está sucia” or “eres una prieta,” shouted to any dark-skinned Latinx.

      This also shows people's experiences with colorism because there were insults aimed at dark skinned Latinas. This is connected to my research topic because I am researching colorism in the Latino community.

    1. @intheheights is receiving stark criticism and allegations of #colorism for the lack of Afro-Latino community in the film and musical's setting of Washington Heights.

      This also proves that media does not have a lot of representation and can receive backlash for not having proper representation for the Latino community. Medias can also show colorism within many minority groups. This type of media shows an example of that/

    1. And in spite of the ADL’s report that white supremacists were responsible for 78 percent of extremist murders in 2018, the FBI still dedicates most of its time, money and manpower to investigating and stopping international terrorism.

      The FBI also needs to pay attention to the murders that are happening. Of course stopping international terrorism is extremely important. It is a horrible thing and should be stopped no matter what. But the fact that white supremacists were responsible for more than half of extremist murders and the FBI are not paying attention to it disappoints me to a great extent. This should change moving forward because this should not be avoided.

    1. But for the average user, a lot of what goes wrong comes down to failure to follow simple and quick processes of verification and contextualization.

      I find this to be interesting because this proves that people can make the simplest mistake because they did not verify and contextualize. This also proves that not of lot of us verify and contextualize our sources, which is something we have to do when looking at our sources.

  2. Jun 2021
    1. Stephanie Bennett, a Latina of Honduran descent told Hiplatina that her mother grew up in a household where she was told that having a lighter skin tone was favored over being dark.

      This is an example of colorism because Bennett was told that lighter skin was favored over dark skin. This is an example of colorism in the Latino community and it connects with my research topic which is colorism in the Latino community.


    1. Whenever we hung out, there was a definite difference in the way my friends treated someone who was darker, even if they were from the same community. They were more wary, a lot less engaged, and sometimes, I’d hear them whisper to each other in Spanish, the word negra standing out like a sore thumb.

      This is also an example of colorism in the Latino community because latinos with a dark complexion are looked down upon by latinos with a lighter complexion.
