80 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. a number of complex details including positioning, environmen-tal objects (rivers and trees), heroes playing specific roles, and adetailed sequence of more granular behaviors that the “gank" en-compassed. Such detailed contextual factors are not well capturedby most existing techniques

      구체적인 예시 상황

    2. But if oneasked the players involved what happened, they would likely de-scribe an in-game strategic behavior, such as a “gank", that involved

      구체적인 예시 상황

    3. This makes itdifficult to examine player strategies or problem solving techniquesthat are very much situated actions [56], dependent on and informedby the context in which they occur.

      detailed contextual factors

    4. But withso much revenue on the line, it is critical that the developers makingthese design adjustments are able to do so in an informed manner.In order to make these informed decisions, many have turned todata driven techniques in order to gain better understandings ofplayers’ strategic decisions and behavioral patterns [23]

      문제, 한계

    5. ethnographic

      What is Ethnographic Research? Anthropologists, ethnographers, and other social scientists may engage in something called ethnography. Ethnography, simply stated, is the study of people in their own environment through the use of methods such as participant observation and face-to-face interviewing

    6. context aware, data driven gameplayanalysis

      논문 키워드

    7. the factors inside the game

      factor 와 상황 차이점/공통점

    8. the context regarding when and how those actions occurred islost

      상황에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 결정과 행위(동작)에 대한 이해 필요



  2. Nov 2021
    1. 주의 외부 세게로부터 자극이나 정보 중 제한된 대상에 집중하게 될 때 작동하는 기제

    1. 주의는 시야의 한 영역이나 한 대상에 집중적으로 주의를 기울이는 것을 말한다. 이에 반해, 분산 주의는 선택이나 초점 주의와 달리 멀티태스킹(Multitasking)을 동시에 수행하며 두 개 이상의 대상에 주의를 기울이는 것을 의미한다
    2. 의(Attention)는 선택(Selective), 초점(Focused) 그리고, 분산(Divided)으로 나누어지는데, 선택 주의는 인간이 특정 대상을 탐색하고 이에 주의를 기울이는 것을 의미하고, 초점

      주의에 대한 정의

  3. Nov 2020
    1. we designed a reward function that isbased on a game-balancing constant and introduce itinto the Proximal-Policy-Opmitization (PPO) (Schul-man et al., 2017) algorithm, a reinforcement learn-ing method that directly optimizes the policy usinggradient-based learning.

      *핵심 reward function + PPO

    2. still because the player may have a wrong vision ofits own abilities (Missura and G ̈artner, 2009)

      의미 파악 ??

    3. remains inside a range around this constant during the training

      이 문장의 의미 파악하기

    4. a reward function based on a balancingconstan

      reward function 에 대한 내용 조사

    5. how to act while still maintaining the balancing

      밸런스를 유지하면서의 의미..

    1. UX 관점에서 본 VR 콘텐츠의 사용성 평가 요소에 관한 연구www.ngcists.org › journal › file_downwww.ngcists.org › journal › file_down저장된 페이지
    1. We define two different reward structures: ternary1(win) /0(tie) /−1(loss) received at the endof a game (with all-zero rewards during the game), and Blizzard score. The ternary win/tie/lossscore is the real reward that we care about. The Blizzard score is the score seen by players on thevictory screen at the end of the game. While players can only see this score at the end of the game, weprovide access to the running Blizzard score at every step during the game so that the change in scorecan be used as a reward for reinforcement learning. It is computed as the sum of current resourcesand upgrades researched, as well as units and buildings currently alive and being built. This meansthat the player’s cumulative reward increases with more mined resources, decreases when losingunits/buildings, and all other actions (training units, building buildings, and researching) do notaffect it. The Blizzard score is not zero-sum since it is player-centric, it is far less sparse than theternary reward signal, and it correlates to some extent with winning or losing.

      dynalist 정리

    2. To win a game, a player must: 1. Accumulateresources (minerals and vespene gas), 2. Construct production buildings, 3. Amass an army, and4. Eliminate all of the opponent’s buildings. A game typically lasts from a few minutes to onehour, and early actions taken in the game (e.g., which buildings and units are built) have long termconsequences. Players have imperfect information since they can typically only see the portion ofthe map where they have units. If they want to understand and react to their opponent’s strategy theymust send units to scout. As we describe later in this section, the action space is also quite uniqueand challenging.
    3. with other researchers; 5. In some cases a pool of avid human players exists, making it possible tobenchmark against highly skilled individuals. 6. Since games are simulations, they can be controlledprecisely, and run at scale.

      dynalist 정리

    4. These games offer multiple advantages: 1. They have clearobjective measures of success; 2. Computer games typically output rich streams of observationaldata, which are ideal inputs for deep networks; 3. They are externally defined to be difficult andinteresting for a human to play. This ensures that the challenge itself is not tuned by the researcherto make the problem easier for the algorithms being developed; 4. Games are designed to be runanywhere with the same interface and game dynamics, making it easy to share a challenge precisely

      dynalist 정리

  4. Oct 2020
  5. Aug 2020
  6. Jul 2020
    1. Graphic design and visual thinking
    2. the focus of education must continue to evolve from passing along information to students to helping students be better thinkers and learners
    3. Questioning strategies
    4. Knowledge of the distance learning field
    5. Many teacher competencies apply to both face-to-face and online teaching.  However, for those teaching online, a professional development plan should incorporate needed online learning skills.
    1. The way an online learning environment is designed is largely affected by the teacher’s philosophy of learning and understanding of educational learning theories.
    1. Generally, the traditional classroom allowed, even conditioned the learner to be passive. In contrast, the online learner will need to take an active role in the learning process. They must take control of his/her learning to be successful.
    1. The ability to learn online has altered this dynamic enabling an environment that is controlled or negotiated by the learner. A learner-centered online classroom that has the ability to enhance the interactivity and collaboration.
    2. teachers as well as learners must take on new roles in the teaching-learning relationship, and faculty must be willing to release control of learning to the students
    3. individualized, self-paced learning activities. 
    1. if your course gets much larger than 28 students, consider breaking it into two separate sections that run simultaneously, or one following the other.
    2. Due dates and times for assignments, activities, and assessments should be included.
    3. Consider setting the schedule for a “Tuesday to Monday” or “Wednesday to Tuesday” week. A Monday to Sunday schedule often requires you to work over the weekend answering student questions and posting announcements and activities for the following week.
    1. consider your face-to-face course will require modifications to be effective and successful online
    1. Create questions in which there is no right or wrong answer.
    2. Consider making participation in discussion forums 10-20% of the overall grade.
    1. As issues arise during the course of the semester, the announcement and discussion forum sections in Blackboard or email can be used to notify students of any changes or modifications.
    1. Assessment
    2. how should students engage with the material (a) before the class (asynchronously); (b) during class (synchronously); and (c) after class (asynchronously)?
    3. Put simply, long lectures do not work as well in online teaching, either in synchronous sessions or asynchronous materials.
    4. Moving your course online may require changing the mix of synchronous and asynchronous materials from the residential offering.
    5. Teaching effectively online requires keeping these differences in mind and making certain adjustments, mostly to pedagogy and assessment
    6. Videos by themselves don’t make for effective learning experiences.
    7. you can convert (and chunk up) a fair amount of this material to asynchronous content and, accordingly, adjust the nature of your interaction with students during the live sessions.
    8. Asynchronous ≠ Video
    9. Asynchronous activities can, and should, be interactive too.
    10. Asynchronous activities can, and should, be interactive too.
    11. Asynchronous ≠ Video