60 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. “coherence,”

      Exactly! And cohere to what? It's object-driven.

    2. as a scholar.”[8]

      I think there is also an important critique of racial capitalism here. These requests are, at heart, a request for continued funding. It makes me think of "welfare" lines that po folx are often subjected to where they have to prove they are worthy of financial help or extended payment time, prove they need the help and time, and are made to feel like poverty is their individual fault. It's the lunatic ball all over again and why some of us feel the violence of it so starkly. We done been here befo with these kind of gatekeepers!!

    3. to which I ask where, when, how, and to what extent have we, precisely, taking ourselves to task?

      Yup! Classic liberalist orthodoxy--- convinced of its radicality while not doing/saying much of shit different.

    4. To put it otherwise, this project’s methodological impulse is not a reaction to anything but a queer, disabled, and autistic way of life.


    5. become uncomposed?

      Nice! Makes think of Gumbs's 2014 essay on June Jordan. It would be a great connection here--- it's called: "Nobody mean more: Black feminist pedagogy and solidarity." (IN The Imperial University: Academic Repression and Scholarly Dissent, edited by Piya Chatterjee and Sunaina Maira. University of Minnesota Press, pp. 237-259.)

    1. omposing.

      It would be great to have more multimodality featured on this page to coincide with the argument you are making--- even if just the logo of these organizations and weblinks to them.

      This also makes me think of the Abolition section. How is the Western notion of the stable white, bourgeois self something that is "authorized"to consume all others? As much as you can, reference back to your other sections/pages.

    1. This project will, in the words of Stacey Waite, “commit rhetorical disobedience.”[5]

      Love it!

      I would love to hear a connection between the diss and academic life in general--- or adjuncting. The diss is like the gateway to anxiety, but it never stops there: the semester, the timed exam--- it's all one big mess. That said, this might not be the place to discuss that. The diss is the study here in many ways.

    1. In “Disability Justice/Stonewall’s Legacy,” Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha importantly cites Dorian Taylor’s Disabled Black History blog, in which Taylor explains that “the NYPD refused to investigate Johnson’s death because they wrote her off as a ‘crazy woman,’ refusing to change her death’s labeling from suicide to murder[8].”

      Deeeeep! This is the first (anti-)chapter that I read. I remember wanting more but not being able to say the "more" that I wanted. Now I am re-reading (since I know how to use the comments function) at the very end and "the more" that I could not articulate is all here. It's a fascinating process! You changed me as a reader.

      I am also thinking that now is the time to weblink back to your own pages in this project. Make the loops, so to speak.

    1. I do not wish to conclude this section of the project, only to reemphasize that by understanding these two interlocking rhetorical strategies – those of the white, individuated self as well as linearity and continuity – as strategies through which reformist arguments are maintained, “we” may more fully understand and come-to-know how conversations about abolishing the psych ward and carceral institutions more broadly end before they begin. To put this into one sentence: white liberal understandings of development and progress cannot continue to frame discussions around abolition and its possibilities.

      Great connective tissues in this closing.

    2. liberalism’s very notion of the self.


    3. Reason and Understanding, one on side, and mental disorder on the other.


    4. the urgency with which white liberal attempts to recuperate the police state


    5. In a May 30, 2021

      In your final editings, go back and keep looping this work: more weblinked sentences, more weblinked images (or an embedded slideshow), more links to soundcloud, etc. De-linearize whenever and wherever you can. Your narrative/prose style is already nonlinear. Make the look of the page also nonlinear.

    1. activist movements for liberation

      And communities--- and all time before the Civil Rights Movement (cuz then it would have to talk about slavery and settler colonization)! Wow!

    2. Museum

      If there is a way, this might be a great place to connect to the DECOLONIZE THE MUSUEM movement (an offshoot of BLM-- maybe mostly rooted in NYC since I see no residue in DFW). It is completely colonized by these DEI initiatives.

    3. timeline

      I downloaded it. It's horrifying!

    4. I also want to question whether the version(s) of “DEI” being dismantled are worth keeping in their current form(s).


    5. Copernican

      Not Copernicus!!!! Eyes bugged out!!

    6. Smith is still protesting as of Friday, July 19, 2024.


    1. What might it look like for a dissertation to reject the discourses and traditions that came before it? What might it feel like to read a dissertation that rejects linearity and continuity? This dissertation is an experiment, a mosaic of pieces that are pieced together as thoughts and fragments toward something altogether otherwise.


    2. In other words, Black feminist thought and praxis precedes any supposedly “radical” or “new” assertion on the part of white feminist theories as it relates to anything remotely close to a reading of “the human” – including readings of disability and models of disability.


    3. the here and now


    4. ground(ing).


    5. This image

      This is horrifying. These images!

    6. I am autistic, rather than I have autism, rejects the impossibility of autistic being.


    7. What if we take autism seriously as a practice, or praxis, of the self? Autism as praxis. Autism as a political, cultural, and embodied practice of everyday and everynight life.


    8. love, intimacy, concern, and emotion.

      It's always stunning when white supremacy projects this everywhere except onto itself.

    9. probiotics

      This whole section is blowing my mind? Like whaaaaat TF?

    10. regions of the brain

      I'm wondering if you can show images of these things--- to show how much these folx deploy visuals/visual rhetorics to help conjure up ableism.

    11. robots

      This damn fascination with robots!!

    12. [4].”

      This is so TIED up with the bourgeois ethno-middle class that Wynter alway locates as the expression of Man. Unruly sociality and its ways of (un)knowing, (un)being, (un)communicating are the real lens into the systems that everyone else is automated to replicate.

    13. question

      These could also be the "symptoms" of European critical theory. Wow! Just WOW!!



    15. Autism as Culturally Elaborated, Not Medically or Scientifically Determined Genre as Embodied Praxis / Categorization of the Living/Dying: Knowledge/Unknowledge Wynter as Compositionist: Writing and/as/for World-(Un)Making

      These are just EVERYTHING!!!

    16. “war against ‘consciousness’”


    17. settler-colonial, ableist, white supremacist, cis-heteropatriarchal frameworks.

      I am so DEEPLY humbled and honored by this. The academy is raggedy is hell, but so much more livable with you here!

    18. This section is written for, with, and alongside Wynter's teachings that are at the core of this entire project.

      I love this sentence. It is a politics of citationality that goes far beyond what we usually talk about!

    1. In other words, rhetoric scholar-teachers should ask foundational questions that actively push us to identify the ways that disabled people and disabled bodyminds are actively excluded from rhetoric and composition as a disciplinary space, from rhetoric as civic and public life, and from rhetorical possibility more broadly.

      Selfishly here: I want to hear more. I want to hear you talk about the ways setter colonial-ableism has framed your PhD study. As just one of endless examples, I just recently learned about current grad students' conversations about accessibility in TCC. Students in there called it a hoax--- students trying to get over. These are people not even able to respect the accommodations LEGALLY REQUIRED and yet they will make it through this PhD program. I think you can call out the field a bit more here. It needs to happen.

    2. And, it is not enough that they be led by “caring” able-bodied allies. Critical self-reflexivity alone is not enough. It’s time for disabled people to completely dismantle able-bodied academic discourses and spaces that simultaneously benefit from our Otherness while maintaining it as such from a distance.

      That part!!!

    3. entry

      I love calling these ENTRIES vs. (dissertation) chapters. Stay with that language more. Play with it. Be explicit.

    1. this part of the essay will be organized by letter

      It would be dope if you could put a cloud of these letters at the side that is clickable so we cold read and be even MORE "out of order."

    2. There’s something about the color violet, despite my being color blind to the point where one color can become another. Or, perhaps, it’s because of it. Either way, becoming violet. What might becoming violet mean? How might it feel to be in constant transition? To be in between colors and palettes and textures? Disability justice is right t/here…in the transitory space. Becoming violet. Between blue and ultra-violet. Between. Moving between. Always moving. Bodies in (co)motion.

      So beautiful!

    3. As in, I have zero patience left for some of y’all.

      LMAO! ASE!

    4. Justice and whiteness will never be a couple. I see you rolling your eyes

      Louder for the people in the back at TCU... and in the damn front too.

    5. Toast-adjacent, we’ll say.


    6. conference 20 years after her death

      And have named one of the campus streets after her! While never acknowledging how they marginalized and disregarded her needs! Muthafuckas!

    1. On Saturday, April 16, 1955,

      Somewhere around here, I need a guidepost. This was hard and beautiful and everything. Perhaps a clickable mini-TOC or a note about the sections to help folx like me prepare for the violences described here--- it's a selfish request since certainly these folx did not get eased into anything.

      I'm also wondering if these people's names-- Ben Riley, Don Wallace, Opal Petty, Brandy Bell-- can be visibly highlighted someway on the page as central to the archive you have built. I don't know how, but something.

    2. I leave this section with you as a means to (not) conclude that which must remain open: an inquiry into the foundational juridical and political systemic articulations of in/voluntarity fuel the violence of the psych ward. The very fabric of the penal system, the insane asylum system, and the psych ward network (now largely privatized) is held together by the liberal, humanistic notions of self that maintain the notions of Reason, Continuity, and Logic which undergird in/voluntarity's violent deployment.


    3. undergird the institution's

      The print cuts off for me here.

    4. a nineteen-year-old

      Wow! So young! A teenager! And this is one year after Brown v. Bd of Ed--- also set in Topeka, KS. He would have had access to that activism.

    5. While Deutsch's essay is significant, he claims that the "main reason [for the significant rate of Negro insanity after the Civil War] lay not in emancipation, but in the expansion of institutional resources," citing that the insanity rate of white people "increased proportionately during this period...for the same reason" (480).

      It ain't funny, I know, but I LOL here. I swear this shit never changes. As soon as you start knucking and bucking, thinking you should be free and entitled to resources you built, then sumthin wrong with you psychologically.

    6. I find it very interesting, yet unsurprising, that the very first mention of the phrase "insane asylum" in a Texas newspaper is directly preceded by explicit notes about unruly Blackness and Black protest or rebellion. The discursive connection between the emergence of the insane asylum and 1866 riots in the wake of the Civil War is not coincidental.

      yes!! And carceral logics--- since Memphis Riots were also triggered by the new deputization of Irish immigrant as police... so it's the birth of policing. There's room to explore this even more and you have the lens that can do it!

    7. I wish to extend Jackson’s work on the 1955 Rebellion by putting forth three concrete contributions to the record (so to speak). I will...   • Trace the archival contours of the transformation of the institution from the East Texas Penitentiary to East Texas Hospital for the “Negro Insane” to Rusk State Hospital with particular attention to the ways through which the insane asylum and psych ward ran/run parallel to the emergence of the prison and jail [2].   • Analyze the material, discursive, and rhetorical violence and resistance in the 1955 rebellion – both during the “event” itself and through media coverage.   • Articulate the current-day relevance of an analytical framework that understands the insane asylum and psych ward as an ongoing mode of white supremacist, ableist, colonial, and corporate violence.

      Brilliant! That's all I have to say. One word. BRILLIANT.

    8. Want to read the first draft of this section?

      I'd love to see this incorporated as more than just a suggested place to visit.

    1. primary political, ethical, and critical objective of this dissertation

      I know this is the introduction/prospectus, but can it be accessible from the keywords in the bar at the top? It's buried right now and is too damn good to be buried. I'm not sure what the keyword would be--- so many possibilities though. Maybe it's just called "keywords" since that part here is dope too.

    2. I must admit the guiding force of this project is anxiety – anxiety about not finishing the project in time, anxiety about not finishing my doctoral program, anxiety about exceeding the temporal limits set forth by my University. The Texas Christian University (TCU) 2023-24 Graduate Catalog describes it as follows:   "The work for the Ph.D. degree must be completed within six years after the student has been admitted to candidacy. Extension of time must be applied for in writing through the chair of the major department who will then make a recommendation to the appropriate dean. The letter should explain why the degree was not completed within the time limit and should present a schedule for completing the program."[1]   On time. Time limit. Within six years. Schedule. The temporal bounds of academic life, and the pace of capital – which is the motivating force of such temporal bounds – are fundamentally unsustainable. In “The Ethics of Pace,” Moya Bailey importantly explains that “Efficiency and productivity drive the pace of life, and the ethics of that pace – the demand it makes on the human body – is rarely if ever questioned.”[2] Not only will this project question this pace and the effects on my/our bodyminds, but it will ignore the rulebooks, written or unwritten, governing the production of dissertations – whether in the context of the discipline[3] or the University[4]. This project will, in the words of Stacey Waite, “commit rhetorical disobedience.”[5]

      And you know I love it. And of course I am greedy and want to hear more. I think this is a keyword--- either pace, anxiety, or dissertation. It needs to breathe a bit more and not move so fast into the proposal prose.

    3. Volume 48, Issue 3 of Rhetoric Society Quarterly,

      Let's talk-think about weblinks in your diss. How do you theorize them? What do you want people to do when a link is broken? The urge always seems to be "fix" these broken links-- maybe problematize that. What should readers/visitors do when they hit a paywall? Problematize that as well.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. As can be implied by the (non)structure of this website, the project will have no conclusion, only gestures toward a world - or new worlds - in which the psych ward could and must be abolished as part of the ongoing struggle for abolitionist revolution.
