4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. We have proposed no formal provision for the gymnastics of the school, altho a proper object of attention for every institution of youth

      This passage struck me as odd because I never imagined gymnastics to be a subject at a university. The mention that this was a principle part of the education of youth in ancient nations did not aid in my understanding. I feel that teaching gymnastics would be more important and effective in young children than in university students. Comparing two different age groups in different time periods and parts of the world does not seem to make sense in this situation. The explicit mention of there being "no formal provision for the gymnastics of the school" would better be omitted, especially in this time and day.

    2. Spanish is highly interesting to us

      I find it surprising how the reason that one language of so few chosen to be taught to students was determined based on sheer interest. The rest of this sentence further explains why Spanish is an important language and should be taught. This shows that there are already plenty of legitimate reasons for it to be chosen; why the need to mention seemingly personal fascination?

  2. Sep 2017
    1. They will be more advanced than we are, in science and in useful arts, and will know best what will suit the circumstances of their day.

      I think this phrase really reflects Jefferson as an inventor. Being adept in the sciences for his time, he probably knew better than many others how much science and practical skills build on themselves over time, and how past discoveries directly lead to new advancements. His confidence and anticipation for the future is evident, which I think is one thing that pushed the university and its students forward.

    2. Mineralogy, in addition to its peculiar subjects is here understood to embrace what is real in Geology.

      Before reading this document, I had never heard of Mineralogy as an independent discipline. According to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, it is a branch study which concerns "the physical, optical and chemical properties of natural crystalline structures". Back in the time when chemical structures were not known, crystalline structures certainly must have seemed "peculiar", despite being a crucial part of geology. Further, I found it interesting how in the document, it says mineralogy is to "embrace what is real in Geology", suggesting that the elements of geology outside of mineralogy are somehow not real. Today, geological development, dating, plate tectonics etc. would most likely be considered more important and practical than minerals. Thus, I take this phrasing as a signal of how little they knew about how the earth works back then, nor did they have quite the desire. https://www.cmnh.org/mineralogy