104 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
      • How does the inverse of aging impact the storytelling? What is its purpose?
      • Discuss the symbolism of the mythology and historical allusions. (ie, what does Ceres represent?)
  2. Apr 2018
    1. malangas

      n. Abacea plant, with large heart-shaped leaves, very short stem and edible tubers, grown in low and humid lands

    2. difuminada

      adj. blurred

    3. anticuario

      n. antique seller

    4. proseguir

      v. pursue

    5. semilla de carey

      n. Hawksbill seed

    6. zambas

      adj. having really close knees but with legs that spread out at an angle.

    7. Casa de Beneficencia

      n. poverty house

    8. lanudo

      adj. shaggy

    9. galgo

      n. greyhound

    10. podenco

      n. hound (dog)

    11. atigrado

      adj. tiger patterened

    12. desabrochada

      adj. unbuttoned

    13. Pascuas

      n. Easter

    14. entorchados

      n. Embroidery in gold or silver, which was worn as a badge by the soldiers, ministers and other high officials in the uniform sleeves.

    15. condecoraciones

      n. A state decoration such as a medal or the insignia of an order, that is awarded by a sovereign state to honor the recipient.

    16. rutilante

      adj. sparkling

    17. Bomberos del Comercio

      n. firefighters as they are known in Cuba.

    18. Melchor

      n. Saint Melchior, or Melichior, was purportedly one of the Biblical Magi along with Caspar and Balthazar who visited the infant Jesus after he was born. Melchior was often referred to as the oldest member of the Magi. He was traditionally called the King of Persia and brought the gift of gold to Jesus.

    19. suculento

      adj. juicy

    20. el Buey

      n. castrated male cow; one usually found on Christmas nativity scenes

    21. pocillos

      n. wells

    22. San Dionisio

      n. Denis of Paris;Saint Denis was a legendary 3rd-century Christian martyr and saint. According to his hagiographies, he was bishop of Paris in the third century and, together with his companions Rusticus and Eleutherius, was martyred for his faith by decapitation.

    23. el Asno

      n. donkey; one usually found on Christmas nativity scenes

    24. Reyes Magos

      n. the (Three) Wise Men or (Three) Kings, were, in the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition, a group of distinguished foreigners who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

    25. Vírgenes de manto azul celeste

      n. The typical virgin on a manger is usually one with a sky blue mantel. In Cuba, the Virgin most commonly associated with the Virgin of Charity.

    26. corderos pascuales

      n. Lamb that the Israelites were commanded to eat with peculiar rites as part of the Passover celebration. It has always been the constant belief in the Christian tradition that the Paschal Lamb prefigured symbolically Christ, "the Lamb of God," who redeemed the world through the shedding of his Blood, and particularly at the feast of the Eucharist, or new Easter.

    27. hollar

      v. to tread

    28. acera rajada

      n. cracked sidewalk

    29. cólera

      n. cholera; an infection of the small intestine by some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Symptoms may range from none, to mild, to severe. The classic symptom is large amounts of watery diarrhea that lasts a few days. Vomiting and muscle cramps may also occur

    30. albahaca

      n. basil

    31. cuchicheaban

      v. to whisper

    32. púas en el lomo

      n. spines on the back

    33. bicho acorazado

      n. armored bug

    34. espectro

      n. ghost

    35. gnomon

      n. Astronomical instrument, composed of a vertical rod and a plane or horizontal circle, which was used to determine the azimuth and height of the Sun.

    36. daguerrotipos

      n. a type of early photography.

    37. Descartes

      n. a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. Dubbed the father of modern western philosophy, much of subsequent Western philosophy. In his natural philosophy, he differed from the schools on two major points: first, he rejected the splitting of corporeal substance into matter and form; second, he rejected any appeal to final ends, divine or natural, in explaining natural phenomena. In his theology, he insists on the absolute freedom of God's act of creation.

    38. Bacon

      n. an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. His works argued for the possibility of scientific knowledge based only upon inductive reasoning and careful observation of events in nature. Most importantly, he argued this could be achieved by use of a sceptical and methodical approach whereby scientists aim to avoid misleading themselves.

    39. Santo Tomás

      n. an Italian Dominican friar, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church. He was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism, within which he is also known as the Doctor Angelicus and the Doctor Communis.

    40. Aristóteles

      n. an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist born in the city of Stagira, Chalkidiki, in the north of Classical Greece. Along with Plato, Aristotle is considered the "Father of Western Philosophy"

    41. Historia Natural

      n. an encyclopaedic collection of 36 large (quarto) volumes written between 1749–1804 by the Comte de Buffon, and continued in eight more volumes after his death by his colleagues, led by Bernard Germain de Lacépède. The books cover what was known of the "natural sciences" at the time, including what would now be called material science, physics, chemistry and technology as well as the natural history of animals.

    42. Avestruz

      n. Ostrich

    43. ecuménica asamblea de peplos

      n. ecumenical assembly of peplos

    44. os dómines

      n. the domines

    45. Real Seminario de San Carlos

      n. one of the oldest educational institutions of Zaragoza, Spain

    46. poner coto

      v. to bring to a stop

    47. caspa

      n. dandruff

    48. levita

      n. a frock-coat

    49. albacea

      n. the one who grants the last wishes of the one who is passing away, guarding their assets and giving them the corresponding destination according to the inheritance.

    50. notario

      n. notary

    51. Venus

      n. Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory.

    52. orfebre

      n. goldsmith

    53. alardes de jaeces

      n. Adornment of ribbons with which the mane of the horse is trained.

    54. diapasón

      n. in music; an interval of five tones, three majors, two minors,

    55. guarapo

      n. sugar cane juice

    56. vaho

      n. mist

    57. benjuí

      n. strong odor used for perfumes

    58. lores de Pascua

      n. a flower; poinsettia

    59. grupas alazanas

      n. reddish rumps (from the leather attached to the horse and carriage)

    60. calesas

      n. carriages

    61. biombos

      n. screen

    62. rubores

      n. redness as from embarrassment

    63. legajos

      n. bundles

    64. maraña

      n. tangle

    65. corpiños

      n. bodice

    66. seda estrujada

      n. crushed silk

    67. enaguas

      n. petticoat

    68. las sienes

      n. temples of the head

    69. aposento

      n. chamber

    70. cirios

      n. long, thick wax candles

    71. escondrijos

      n. a good place to hide oneself or hide something.

    72. daguerrotipos,

      n. a type of early photography

    73. Padre Anastasio

      n. served as Pope from 27 November 399 to his death in 401.

    74. borlas de damasco

      n. damask tassels

    75. pomos de medicina

      n. knob of medicine

    76. pabilo

      n. the flame in the middle of a fire, candle, or lit object

    77. voluta jónica

      n. lonic scroll

    78. apetencias

      n. hunger

    79. La Ceres
    80. balaustrada

      adj. with the likeness of a baluster.

    81. pringosos

      adj. sticky

    82. palmadas

      n. palms

    83. alcuzas

      n. Container made of tinplate or other materials, usually conical in shape, in which the oil is stored for various uses.

    84. poleas

      n. pulleys

    85. sordina

      n. mute

    86. cayado

      n. a Bishop's pastoral staff

    87. ojo redondo

      adj. wide eyed

    88. musgosa

      adj. mossy

    89. mieses

      n. grain from which bread is made

    90. peplo desvaído

      n. faded peplo

    91. Ceres

      n. Roman Mythology. Goddess of agriculture, grain, crops, fertility and motherly relationships.

    92. testeros

      n. heads

    93. astrágalos

      n. tarsal bone

    94. dentículos

      n. denticle

    95. guirnaldas

      n. garlands

    96. cornisas

      n. Set consisting of moldings that serves as the finishing touch of a construction.

    97. almenas

      n. Each one of the prisms that crown the walls of the old fortresses to shelter in them the defenders.

    98. cales y de yesos

      n. limes and plasters

    99. mampostería

      n. masonry

    100. barro cocido

      n. cooked clay

    101. tejas,

      n. roof tiles

    102. fisgoneando

      n. snooping

    103. andamios

      n. scaffolding