631 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. The world's best book summaries

      Shortform has the world’s best summaries of 1000+ nonfiction books. Learn the key points of a book in 30 minutes or less. Discover the world’s best ideas and apply them to your life.

    1. Bringing a great IDE experience to the Rust programming language.

    1. Base issuance33.6B CKB in total will be issued. Annual base issuance halves every 4 years

      33.6 / 2 / 4 = 4.2 per annum in the first 4 years.

    1. The policeman can't find them either, and asks if he lost them under the streetlight. The drunk replies: "No, but this is where the light is best."

      streetlight effect

      1. Streetlight effect; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetlight_effect.
    1. In America, the number of searches at the time of the lockdown in 2020 for boredom rose by 57 percent, loneliness by 16 percent and worry by 12 percent.


    2. in Europe at the time of the lockdown in 2020 for boredom rose by 93 percent, loneliness 40 percent and worry 27 percent


    1. researchers have built an online tool, Exposing.AI, that lets people search many of these image collections for their old photos.
    1. Today, we’re excited to release Diffy, an open-source tool that automatically catches bugs in Apache Thrift and HTTP-based services.
    1. Cubism.js is a D3 plugin for visualizing time series. Use Cubism to construct better realtime dashboards, pulling data from Graphite, Cube and other sources. Cubism is available under the Apache License on GitHub.

    1. The HHVM team recommends that you warm up your HHVM process before having it serve production traffic
    2. It can do this thanks to curl_multi. Matt Graham’s talk “Concurrent PHP in the Etsy API” from phpDay 2014 goes into more detail on how we use curl_multi.
    1. To address this, we built our top-level dashboards using Cubism
    2. Each client keeps track of the number of outstanding outbound requests on a per-service basis. When new requests are sent, if the number of outstanding requests to that service exceeds a configurable number, the request is immediately marked as an error.

      Client end throttle

    3. Facebook's open source Wangle library5 provides an implementation of this algorithm which is used by our Thrift4 framework.
    4. We experimented with a variant of the CoDel1 (controlled delay) algorithm:

      CoDel (controlled delay) algorithm; http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2209336.

      onNewRequest(req, queue):
        if (queue.lastEmptyTime() < (now - N seconds)) {
           timeout = M ms
        } else {
           timeout = N seconds;
        queue.enqueue(req, timeout)
    1. I was surprised to see that it has built-in message queue implementation. It’s only about 300 LOC and one file
    2. I stumbled upon a Redis library for Clojure which is called carmine.
    1. Goroutines: 11.157259715s total, 11.157259ms avg per iterationTokio Tasks: 19.853376396s total, 19.853376ms avg per iterationRust Threads: 25.489677864s total, 25.489677ms avg per iteration

      Golang rocks

    1. Netflix’s NDBench is another open source tool for load testing data stores

      Tools recommendation

    2. mzbench really is the best in class for generating load, and supports a wide variety of protocols

      Tools recommendation

    3. There’s no dearth of open source load testing tools and frameworks, the most popular ones being Apache Bench, Gatling, wrk2, Erlang based Tsung, Siege, Scala based Twitter’s Iago

      Tools recommendation

    1. 德勒兹曾说:「世上只有一种反对是有效的,那就是,说明对方提出的问题不是好问题,应该换个方式来提」。
