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  1. May 2020
    1. In this textbook, we’ll cover theconventions of writing, and we’ll alsocover some of the resources available toyou as a CNM student

      The purpose of the textbook is inform college students attending CNM, the resources available to them and to educate the conventions of writing.

    2. In Part One of this textbook, we covered collegewriting at CNM, and reading strategies that will helpyou succeed in different disciplines. As reading andwriting go hand-in-hand, we will now turn to the stepsyou can take toward effective writing, also known asdeveloping a writing process.

      This is the conclusion to Part one of the textbook, and it includes the purpose for all the Chapters. This also brings us to what we will see next in Part 2 of the textbook.

    3. Problem-Solution PaperPresents a problem, explains its causes, and proposesand explains a solution

      I don't believe I've written anything like this in high school, so I have no experience with this type of assignment.

    4. Common Types of College Writing Assignments

      In this section of Chapter 3, you can see a difference in the way the text is delivered. The design changed and has different graphics and layout.

    5. ollege composition courses will focus on writing for its own sake, helpingyou make the transition to college-level writing assignments.

      Composition courses will help transition from that high school foundation to college writing assignments.

    6. in high school, teachers generally focus on teaching you to write in avariety of modes and formats, including personal writing, expository writing,research papers, creative writing, and writing short answers and essays for exams.Over time, these assignments help you build a foundation of writing skills. Incollege, many instructors will expect you to already have that foundation

      The purpose of this chapter is to inform the reader that the way you used to write in high school is going to just be the foundation and assignments are going to be different going forward.

    7. your primarycomprehension goal is to identify the or main point: the most important idea thatthe writer wants to communicate and often states early on. Finding the main pointgives you a framework to organize the details presented in the reading and relatethe reading to concepts you learned in class or through other reading assignments.After identifying the main point, you will find the supporting points, the details,facts, and explanations that develop and clarify the main point

      This step helps you deeply understand what you've read, do you see the main purpose for the text and it's support? Can you summarize what the author's purpose for writing is?

    8. The other key component of planning is setting a purpose. Knowing what you wantto achieve from a reading assignment not only helps you determine how toapproach that task, but it also helps you stay focused

      An important step to better reading strategies. What are you looking for specifically when reading? Keep a goal in mind to keep focused on finding that in the text.

    9. Now comes the challenge: making sure you actually understand all theinformation you are expected to process.

      Author changed the topic, this is the next step to better reading strategies. Comprehension, do I understand the information?

    10. When you are eager to begin the coursework in your major that will prepare youfor your career, getting excited about an introductory college writing course can bedifficult.

      This could be a stance, the attitude that the writer has towards the subject is that it's a hard subject to be excited about. It's also an expectation the author has towards what the reader may be thinking about an introductory writing course.

    11. Some students might haveearned a GED, some might be returning to school after a decades-long break, andstill other students might either be graduating high school, or be freshly graduated.If the latter is the case, you might enter college with a wealth of experience writingfive-paragraph essays, book reports, and lab reports.

      This is the beginning of a new idea, that all students are coming from different backgrounds, and have different experiences when it comes to writing essays and reports.

    12. College instructors are familiar with the ups and downs ofwriting, and most universities have support systems in place to help students learnhow to write for an academic audience. The following sections discuss common on-campus writing services, what to expect from them, and how they can help you.

      One of the goals for this chapter was to inform students that if they needed help there are resources available for them at CNM

    13. Mostof your writing assignments—from brief response papers to in-depth researchprojects—will depend on your understanding of course reading assignments orrelated readings you do on your own. And it is difficult, if not impossible, to writeeffectively about a text that you do not understand

      The attitude that the author has towards developing better reading skills, is that it is difficult to write about a topic you can't understand fully. This is also the goal that the author has for the students.

    14. we will discuss another important strategy:college reading. Two important steps of reading at the college level includeconsidering your writing situation and developing strong reading strategies.

      The purpose of this chapter is to educate students on how to develop strong reading strategies that will help with other classes and writing.