8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2021
    1. Self-direction will be increasingly important as people navigate changes in technology, work and society, and is an empowering attribute educators should actively develop in their students.

      DEL students practice growth mindset by taking responsibility for their own learning during a module. How are you planning, monitoring, and reflecting on each standard so that it benefits you as a learner and as an education leader?

    2. It includes being able to use a range of digital tools and then transfer that knowledge when exploring, using or troubleshooting new tools.

      Throughout the program we want to explore the benefits and challenges different tools bring as we practice technology transfer. Think about the strengths and gaps of tools such as Zoom, Google Meet, and MIcrosoft Teams.

    3. Constructive use of that feedback empowers students to drive their learning.

      ISTE is referencing automated forms of feedback in this list but we also want to think how we can better give and receive peer feedback during the QUEST process. How can we use technology to effectively give and reflect on feedback?

    4. Teachers can build social-emotional engagement as a part of student empowerment by fostering a school or classroom culture of collaboration, where students work together in teams—both face-to-face and asynchronously using digital tools — and experiment with different modes of leadership.

      DEL students practice social-emotional engagement during PLC time in our weekly synchronous meetings. Students take turns facilitating, participating, and note-taking. They work together to help each other address inquiry questions and project challenges.

    5. Educators can increase student motivation through various strategies, including giving students meaningful voice and choice when setting learning goals and demonstrating competency

      DEL students have voice and choice on choosing how they demonstrate competency on ISTE Standards. They use the QUEST model for inquiry-based learning to ask and answer questions about a standard that lead them to a deeper understanding of the standard and its performance indicators.

  2. Feb 2019
    1. The country has made significant progress in reaching this goal, with the percentage of school districts with high-speed broadband increasing from 30% in 2013 to 88% in 2016 (Education Superhighway 2017). Many states have also joined the federal efforts, taking an active role in building a technology-rich learning environment in their states (Education Superhighway 2017; Watson et al. 2014).

      Significant progress in infrastructure. What about professional learning related to educational technology?

    1. Practices to Avoid Holding class via Zoom at a time and day the class does not meet. Extending class beyond the time the class usually meets. Increasing the amount of work students are expected to do. Asking students to do the same amount and kind of work the syllabus initially expected them to do while (a) compressing the work into a shorter time period and/or (b) reducing their access to instructor, peer, or campus resources (like Odegaard Writing & Research Center (OWRC)) they’d otherwise have access to. If you have more content than time, reflect on the student learning outcomes for your course, and focus on those that are the most important. Teaching via individual consultation & tutorial (unless you were going to do that anyway). Adapting the course in a way that requires your T.A.s to work more than 20 hours a week. Increasing the weight of any graded assignment. Extending the course so that it ends after finals week. Many students have multiple finals, and many will have a time conflict during finals week. Reschedule finals. Add a class session during finals week.

      Excellent tips for faculty who may be forced into using web meeting technology or making other adjustments because of cancelled campus classes.

  3. Jan 2019