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  1. Jan 2019
    1. You cry together at enoughfunerals, you figure you can bleed together on a football field,too.

      This is a very powerful statement that demonstrates the strong bonds between teammates (at work and on the field). No one should ever underestimate the strength of these connections and eternal friendships which are based on trust and loyalty.

    2. Some holes are easier to patch than others

      Losing someone can leave a gash that may be difficult to fix for a while. I love how the firefighters continued their football despite the loss of many beloved teammates whose personalities couldn't be replaced. However, that doesn't mean that new teammates can't fill those spots. Maybe this interaction and teamwork is what could fill those holes.

    3. They found Johnston again three weeks into the digging.Heffernan was there, and he helped carry his teammate out.

      After the conversation in class today about values in work and in sports being connected, I could definitely see that connection clearly here. As the article kept bouncing back and forth between the tragic events of 9/11 and the firefighters' football team, I could tell that some values including persistence, relying on teammates, and determination were equally important on both sides.