8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. has been done and it was shown that multitasking is not an effective learning method

      cite source

    2. However, on the other hand,

      would you use both these phrases?

    3. s an easy learning tool, instead

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    4. Also, it is very easy for addictions to occur which allows depression to arise when devices aren’t in reach.

      cite source

    5. facetime which affects

      Facetime, which affects

    6. he great tools technology can be for learning for granted by over using it to cheat or take the easy way out. F

      cite source

    7. Studies show that the rise in technology affects students’ social skill when they have to put down the phone and talk to people.

      cite source

    8. It has been concluded that electronic usage has contributed to problems in teens and adults such as problems functioning as needed, problems with concentration, and insomnia

      okay--important points--but cite source, please

    9. multi-task, however their attention spans become shorter because of this.

      edit for comma splice

    10. https://www.theedadvocate.org/dark-side-educational-technology/ https://kidslox.com/blog/top-5-negative-effects-of-technology-you-even-dont-suspect/ https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/August-2017/Attention-Spans-in-the-Age-of-Technology

      not in MLA format You don't seem to have three peer reviewed source or a personal interview

    11. worth trying because of how much it could help in the classroom.

      I don't see a post write.

    1. Rather than just saying ‘I am right brained, I am only capable of creating.’ Meditation allows you to instead say, ‘I have full control of my mind, I am capable of anything.” 

      powerful. edit punctuation?

    2. Let me explain, this is in

      edit for comma splice

    3. mediation practitioners.

      cite source in text

    4. last time you

      do you wish to address the reader directly throughout this draft?

    5. 2 Web Sources

      Please combine into one list, alphabetically arranged by author's last name or major word of title

      I see that you are pulling quotations but not integrating them within your draft--I'd be glad to help

    6. While drafting im struggling to really pull this piece together. I have a completed introduction and all of the quotes I intend on using from all of my sources, I just dont know where to begin with placement and really composing this piece. Having to tie together so many sources is intimidating to me. A poor second draft in my opinion, although the final draft will come together.

      I'd be glad to help.

    1. (Tv)


    2. We, as people, still wonder why some people react in some ways and that’s why were have psychology to further understand ourselves. Understanding ourselves and the way we think will help us better

      I wonder whether you will need to sharpen this topic sentence to make it more accurately reflect the message of the paragraph

    3. but were the first brain originated billions of years ago

      please rephrase

    4. how often the sounds that birds make suggest the emotions that we might feel in similar circumstances: soft notes like lullabies while calmly warming their eggs or nestlings; mournful cries while helplessly watching an intruder at their nests; harsh or grating sounds while threatening or attacking an enemy…Birds so frequently respond to events in tones such as we might use that we suspect their emotions are similar to our own.”(Bekoff).

      interesting Please set off long quotations?

    5. in “It is remarkable

      edit for punctuation (fused sentence)

    6. when chimpanzees are aggressive towards another member of the group, it may cause that individual to leave the group after repeated attacks. This shows us that the chimpanzee can remember what happened to it in the past, and make a decision to do something about its experiences” (

      try to set off long quotations or integrate the quotations more smoothly within your own writing?

    7. In the same article published by the Victoria State Government, there was an example of an animal with a higher level of consciousness:

      should you start a new paragraph?

    8. call this materialism

      please explain

    9. into objects, for people we would

      edit for comma splice and phrasing?

    10. Department)


    11. to humans, “hermit

      edit for punctuation? lead into quotation?

    12. consciousness is a hermit crab.

      in-text citation?

    13. It is believed that some animals have a higher level of consciousness than others.

      please cite source again, I would suggest avoiding the passive construction and begin with something like this, "Some researchers believe that . . . . "

    14. has been formed.

      again, oddly passive construction

    15. It is believed

      oddly passive phrasing: why not sate, Animals do have consciousness?

    16. guess off

      guess based on the way. . . .

    17. Works Cited

      please follow MLA format I don't believe I see three peer reviewed sources or a personal interview

    18. do have consciousness

      I see no post write

    1. Talk about ecosystem destruction (examples such as deforestation for direct human interaction and a more passive climate change example, like ice melting on mountains)

      I see that this draft is not yet ready for full evaluation. I strongly recommend that you finish the draft and submit it for some kind of review--I'd be glad ti pie you a verbal review.

    2. he plant and animal life is losing balance,

      are losing


    3. occuring,


    4. Climate Change

      why capitalize?

    5. Batir, Joseph F., et al. “Ten Years of Measurements and Modeling of Soil Temperature Changes and Their Effects on Permafrost in Northwestern Alaska.” Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier, 23 Nov. 2016, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818116303034?via=ihub.

      date of access?

    6. Blanchfield, Deirdre S, editor. 14 June 2017. Blanchfield , Deirdre S, editor. 17 Nov. 2017. Cobb, Allan B, editor. 1 Jan. 2010. Freedman, Bill, editor. 30 Aug. 2017

      not in MLA format

      I don't see a personal interview, nor three peer reviewed sources obtained via. databases

    1. Sullivan remembers and will never forget the dead man’s mother rocking back and forth in the chair at the hearing, knowing and saying, “I know my baby didn’t do this.” Sullivan states that he will never forget that moment.

      powerful testimony but I'd like you to integrate your interview findings more smoothly throughout this draft: they seem an add on

    2. from his vacation, he gets arrested, tried,

      rephrase for parallelism (redudant subject)

    3. he gets

      note shift in tense

    4. who then


    5. here is a TED talk called “How I help free innocent people” with a speaker by the name of Ronald Sullivan.

      please revise this transition and topic sentence to make it more meaningful and informative

    6. Within the false confessions, there is always the fault of bad lawyers especially when it comes to confessions. T

      If this is your topic sentence, you may have to work on focusing the message in this paragraph

    7. puts a toll o

      takes a toll

    8. Then, there is always false confessions.

      I would rephrase to make this statement more informative and grammatically sound

    9. Witness memory needs to be preserved carefully; it is hard to keep track of every order of events.

      a very important observation: good

    10. Another reason

      see my earlier comment about transitions: keep working to build meaningful connections.

    11. what happened are confirmed

      is confirmed

    12. Next,

      I appreciate that you are trying to set up transitions here but I wonder if you could devise more meaningful connections?

    13. often described as “tunnel vision,”

      this phrase or clause doesn't seem to follow what comes before it: I sense the need for a transition?

    14. ase may be high-profile and the police want to act quickly and not take all evidence into account (Campbell and Denov, 143)

      good use of source: I'm assuming that you are paraphrasing

    15. Such a simple question, but a complex answer

      edit for fragment

    16. Works Cited

      personal interview?

    17. aasa, Suzanne O., et al. “False Accusations in an Investigative Context: Differences between Suggestible and Non-Suggestible Witnesses.” Behavioral Sciences & the Law, vol. 31, no. 5, Sept. 2013, pp. 574–592. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/bsl.2075.

      I believe I see two peer reviewed sources?

    18. “Causes of Wrongful Convictions.” The University of Michigan Law School, www.law.umich.edu/clinical/innocenceclinic/Pages/wrongfulconvictions.aspx.

      this listing seems incomplete to me Please supply last name and first name of author, together with relevant dates of publication and access

    19. Denov, Myriam, and Kathryn Campbell. “Introduction.” Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, vol. 46, no. 2, Jan. 2004, p. 101. EBSCOhost, doi:10.3138/cjccj.46.2.101.

      will need to reformat but this looks close to MLA form

    20. I annotated all my sources to understand them more

      glad to hear it: how did that work? what did you learn in the process?

    1. Many opponents to stricter gun control claim guns aren’t the problem, rather mental health needs to be solely addressed without changing gun availability.

      see my earlier comment about loss of purpose in this essay

    2. Many people support and advocate for what they call “common-sense gun control”, but what people call common sense varies between people

      I'm sensing a loss of purpose. You seem to be in advocacy mode whereas the essay should be exploratory and in inquiry mode

    3. Eastern Europe, the study still does disprove the theory that more guns equal more death.

      You might acknowledge the differences in political and governmental structures across these nations

    4. Conversely, Norway had the 2nd lowest murder rate at .81 murders per 100,000 people but had the 2nd highest rate of gun ownership at 36,000 guns per 100,000 people

      cite source again

    5. Don B. Kates).

      okay: good use of source--last name of author enough for in-text citation per MLA

    6. aws, however, is

      edit for comma use (comma splice), here and elsewhere

    7. What guns can be owned as well as things like ammunition

      rephrase? What guns and ammunition can be owned?

    8. more controversial topic, with a rise in mass shootings, people and politicians have been proposing solutions stricter gun control

      please edit for comma splices

    9. Kates, Don B., and Gary A. Mauser. “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International Evidence.” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2006, doi:10.2139/ssrn.998893.   Sen, Bisakha, and Anantachai Panjamapirom. “State Background Checks for Gun Purchase and Firearm Deaths: An Exploratory Study.” Preventive Medicine, Academic Press, 29 July 2012, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091743512003295#!   Swanson, Jeffrey W., et al. “Mental Illness and Reduction of Gun Violence and Suicide: Bringing Epidemiologic Research to Policy.” Annals of Epidemiology, Elsevier, 29 Apr. 2014, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S104727971400147

      I can't be sure but these three sources could be peer reviewed: please include the name of the database used.

      Also, you are missing two popular but credible sources and a personal interview.

    10. prevent people who are at a high risk of future violence from obtaining firearms.

      I don't see a postwrite.

    1. There are so many twist and turns in our lives , some just have different paths and struggles

      edit for comma splice

    2. Bullying has become a worldwide occurrence especially between young adults


    3. (Journal of Public Health Nov. 2011 Vol.32 pg.434

      not in MLA format

    4. The association between obesity and psychological problems were e

      association . . . was

    5. Obesity can be associated with mental health, especially in adolescence years

      I sense the need for a transition, don't you?

    6. most funniest guy

      funniest guy

    7. personally though


    8. Congress created the Intragency Working Group (IWG) in order to improve the nutritional profile of children diets, especially in schools.

      note another long paragraph: it seems to me that you should break this paragraph up and start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence

    9. for food on TV, computer ads, also how accessible it is for young adults to get this bad food in their hands.

      note problem with parallelism here and elsewhere

    10. were homozygous

      think of your reader: please explain

    11. You might ask yourself why do they do this, well the reason is the body is fighting like you have an infection, the change in your body is out of the norm and your body wants to be back in that normality of excess weight.

      please edit for comma splices

    12. As your

      why the shift to "your"?

    13. ”Leptin is one of the most important derived hormone and its role is to regulate the bodies weight through the inhibitors of food intake and stimulates energy.” ( International Journal Vol.30 pg.513)

      I sense the need for a transition to this quotation. I also appreciate the in-text citation but it is not in MLA format

    14. metabolic,

      this is an adjective, no? Do you have a noun?

    15. and how it has affected his life and our families

      and will be discussing how

      I notice a challenge with parallel structure

    16. ave and still struggle

      have struggled and still struggle with

    17. obesity and overweigh

      how are these different?

    18. Article Pediatryia named after A.N Speransky Sept/Oct 2014 Vol.93 Issue Pg.19-23 5pg. International Journal of Obesity Dec.2006 Supplement 4  Vol.30 Pg.511-517 Journal of Public Health Policy Nov.2011 Vol.32 Issue 4 Pg.430-444 Interview with Mario DeAlmeida on October 6 2019 Article Obesity Among Young Adults in Developing Countries: A Systematic Overview, Amudha Poobalan and Lorna Aucott  P.1-3 HBO Documentary “ Weight of The Nation” Episodes1 & 3

      These are not in MLA format yet>. It's hard for me to tell whether you have three peer reviewed sources, two popular sources and a personal interview. I'd be glad to help.

    19. When I started writing this paper I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about obesity. The information I researched helped me achieve the questions that I had and furthermore made me realize how many people do really suffer with obesity. Sometimes I wondered about things that I had experienced and wondered if others had the same happenings in their lives and of course the answer is yes. The HBO documentary ended up having important information, without it I dont think the paper would have much about food and the manufacturers problems with marketing and etc. I really enjoyed writing this paper and hope that it was informative as it was informative to me . Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy. 

      I appreciate this note but remember to follow the questions given to you on our course page (under "post write")

    1. during an interview also held a similar thought as mine, she s

      who? cite source?

    2. You don’t

      why shift to "you"?

    3. The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”

      I recommend that you begin your paragraphs with your own words rather than some one else's.

    4. According to writer Anmar Frangoul

      One writer states that

    5. It’s said to believe almost half of the worlds businesses uses some form of artificial intelligence

      cite source

    6. etc

      be precise

    7. As this is true,


    8. You can see

      why shift to"you"?

    9. he stated “Ya, it could be negative if people rely on it too much…Harmful? Maybe in the future

      cite source

    10. Funnily enough,


    11. self-driving component which is

      edit for comma use

    12. today’s society  is for increased safety and relianc

      rephrase for clarity?

    13. is raising

      is rising

    14. that play

      that plays

    15. is ‘recommender systems’

      there are "recommender systems"

    16. are listening into our conversations.

      and are using algorithms to replicate our buying habits

    17. Have you

      why address the reader directly? to whom exactly are you addressing yourself?

    18. Sources:

      Works Cited

      really hard to read--please reformat this list. Hard for me to tell what kinds of sources you have here

    1. It has been scientifically proven that men are biologically stronger than women

      cite source

    2. drew in about 2 billion views in while the women’s only brought in about 120 Million

      cite source

    3. world cup


    4. What they don’t know is that sometimes the women are getting more than the men. 2010 in South Africa the Men’s World Cup made 4 Billion dollars, the Women’s World Cup made 73 Million dollars. That is 54 more times than the women. 

      I don't follow: you claim that women make more than men yet you follow with evidence to the contrary: I'm confused

    5. e NBA

      cap source?

    6. How ever


    7. The NBA made a profit of 1.7 Billion dollars in 2018 while the WNBA only made 41 Million dollars.

      cite source

    8. why are men’s sports and women’s sports looked at so differently by society

      I wonder if you might be a bit more precise when you write "differently"?

    9. I have plenty more research to do and I have to also figure out a eay to put in the interview section

      I don't see a list of Works Cited, nor a post write I am flying blind without the WC list

    1. emotions, however, the emotions t

      edit for comma splice

    2. etc.

      try to be precise

    3. Color psychology

      not MLA format

    4. where you

      why the shift to "you"?

    5. from certain colors, is it innate

      edit for comma splice

    6. This leads into another question, are humans born with certain emotions already associated to certain colors, or are these relationships gained through personal life experiences

      you will need to lead into this question--it seems quite a jump to get there

    7. In this article, the question of is blue more trustworthy than red, in this quote, the importance of color in the brand logo is discussed, as it is said to significantly influence purchasing decisions of consumers, of course, the color of the brand logo is not the only factor in consumer purchasing decisions.

      please break up this long paragraph and double check your topic sentences for paragraph focus/logic

    8. 2006; Henderson & Cote, 1998) and their attitudes toward the brand (Jun, Cho, & Kwon, 2008)

      APA not MLA format

    9. In an article by, Lixun Su, Annie Peng Cui, and Michael F. Walsh, “A brand logo

      you will need to work on your signal phrasing when leading into quotations In their article . . . . Pen Cut and Michael . . . find that

    10. voke higher cortical arousal

      remember your reader: please elaborate and explain in your own words

    11. valence of the participants,

      remember your reader--please explain

    12. how are these colors affecting their mood or emotions.

      rephrase: how these colors affect our mood

    13. relating to color, although this is just an idiom, it shows that humans relate the color blue to the emotion of sadnes

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    14. you are

      why the shift to "you"?

    15. in Humans


    16. affect emotion, if so how, and is our emotional response to colors innate or learned?

      edit for punctuation?

    17. Works Cited

      include personal interview

    18. ult, Alicia. “Ask Smithsonian: How Do Colors Affect Our Moods?” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 15 Dec. 2015, 

      if we source, please give URL and date of access

    19. Su, Lixun, et al. “TRUSTWORTHY BLUE OR UNTRUSTWORTHY RED: THE INFLUENCE OF COLORS ON TRUST.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18 July 2019. Wilms, Lisa, and Daniel Oberfeld. “Color and Emotion: Effects of Hue, Saturation, and Brightness.” Psychological Research, vol. 82, no. 5, 2017, pp. 896–914., doi:10.1007/s00426-017-0880-8.

      please name database

    20. pps, Helen H., Naz, Kaya. “Relationship Between Color and Emotion: A Study of College Students” College Student Journal, Sept 2004. 

      from database? if so, please name database?

    21. In all of those assignments we were required to use a database to find reliable sources.

      good to know

    1. The life of a veteran can be a very stressful situation. Between understanding their benefits, acclimating back into society, and finding a good career path, there is always something that is going to need to be informed. All these topics are meant to inform so that veterans have an easier time with coming back to the civilian life. Benefits include GI bill, VA and pension. Social life includes the struggles of PTSD and the impact of a veteran on society. Lastly, finding a career path is stressful but they are out there and people are trying to help veterans by using their skills

      end paragraph and paper hear? This paragraph to this point is done well.

    2. military veterans, some have it easier than others but there are

      edit for comma splice

    3. “Effectively harness military medics’ skills and experiences to meet identified health delivery needs” (

      fragment: try to integrate source better?

    4. Another topic about career paths opposes struggles to find jobs, instead this article discusses turning combat nurses into the medical field employees.

      edit for comma splice

    5. “Lobs that


    6. civilian life is not easy, the process is long and stressful but sometimes it is worth it in the end.

      edit for comma splice

    7. In a peer reviewed article, another topic on social life after serving appeared.

      again, a very awkward, passive construction and one a sentence that seems abrupt, needing transition

    8. when you

      why the shift to "you"?

    9. Marines,com

      not MLA form

    10. Social life is hard to accumulate

      not sure what this means

    11. GoArmy.com)

      not MLA form

    12. is powerfu

      is a

    13. payed


    14. than he

      then he

    15. I asked him what types of benefits h

      in your next draft, might you leave your questions out and seamlessly integrate his answers into your well-focused paragraphs?

    16. was gathered

      seems an odd, passive way to state this

    17. ould homelessness in military be caused by the lack of knowledge about post service opportunities

      a very important question

    18. help the community, this is very

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere?

    19. and benefits, one issue returning to civilian life is PTS

      edit for comma splice

    20. Another topic about a veteran’s experience is their social life/personal life.

      I sense that you are trying to do too much in this first paragraph: can you break it up, include topic sentences to begin each new paragraph?

    21. a veteran can have from GI Bill to pension; a

      not sure I follow--please rephrase?

    22. In an interview with a veteran E-4 Corporal Dupre, it was discussed that a veteran has numerous benefits obtained from their service.

      Do you want this to be your first, body paragraph? Where does your introduction end? I'm hard pressed to see this.

    23. but in this essay,

      but, in this essay,

    24. Returning to the civilian life is very stressful, the overwhelming obligations

      rephrase? you seem to have two incomplete sentences here?

    25. Works Cited

      I count two peer reviewed sources. Am I right?

    26. Hoge, W Charles. “Combat Duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mental Health Problems to Care.” U,S. Army Medical Department Journal, 2008, http://www.bristolcc.edu:2068/ehost/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=0a9edaf6-65aa-4398-85a0-ba19c67ad7c6%40pdc-v-sessmgr04&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=35600233&db=mth

      okay but include date of access at end?

    1. peoples


    2. through social media, however boys

      edit for comma splice

    3. Ones wel


    4. Which means the extreme fear of not being included or missing a social event.


    5. oneself

      note the shift from you to one to . . . .

    6. your constantly

      you are

    7. With the intensity of the online world, seeking acceptance and staying connected with peers is an important element of their social life. (Amedie)

      good use of source This paragraph, by the way, has a good, clear focus

    8. While others, that see these pictures may feel jealous, depressed or even suicidal due to the fact that their own life isn’t as “perfect” as those that they see on, Facebook and Instagram.


    9. can make you

      why the shift to "you"?

    10. Affecting negative mental health, and low self esteem by comparing of materialistic things and lifestyles, that these sites promote (Searing).


    11. Linda Searing states, the time spent on social media, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and  how it can affect young people’s mental health


    12. can make someone feel better about themselves.

      you need a subject for this sentence

    13. your getting attention

      you are

    14. your not r

      you are

    15. Talking about yourself, showing off your life and accomplishments


    16. causes you to feel pleasure

      you need. a subject for this sentence

    17. When individua

      Wehn an individual

    18. ead to sleep problems, and increased risk for cyber bullying, which has been tied to symptoms of depression, and result in unrealistic comparisons of yourself and your life to those of others seen on social media.

      cite source

    19.  Researcher’s suspect

      Researchers suspect

    20. filtered photo’s


    21. While your

      why the shift to "you"?

    22. This leads me to my question,  ” how does social media affect the way we think?”.

      I sense that you are missing a step or link before you get to this question, no?

    23. means of communication, they are

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    24. Work Cited :

      Please follow MLA format I can't tell who kinds of sources and how many you have. Do you have an interview?

    1. states, that the

      states that the

    2. Thriving malls have found ways to host events that increased foot traffic therefore individuals are more likely to enter these retail spaces.

      edit for fused sentence

    3. Ashley English states

      English states

    4. Ashley English states

      English states

    5. is crime and lack of security.

      is security

    6. In the article “Shopping Online for Freedom, Control and Fun” states that customers who shop online have a better experience because they have more independence and control (Gilly and Wolfinbarger

      In a study, Gilly and Wllinbarger find that . . .

    7. Walmart acts as more than a department store with grocery, pharmacy, appliance, pet supply, toys, home & garden

      good point

    8. In the article “Business Churn and the Retail Giant Establishment Birth and Death from Walmart’s entry” states

      One expert states. . . .

    9. many of the big box retailers are still thriving and can impact stores in a shopping mall.

      I see that you are creating a transition to the next section? good

    10. The article “Analyzing Retail Store Closures” c

      you don't need to name the title of the article in text but could supply the author's last name

    11. Bankruptcy is when

      Bankruptcy occurs when

    12. Bankruptcy can have a huge impact on malls.

      do you need aa transition here?