8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. question what are the reasons they are shutting down?

      you seem to confuse direct with indirect questioning This could read: "question, "What are the reasons. . " or question that reasons why. . . ."

    2. o question why are malls

      to question, Why are malls dying?

    3. are Malls

      why capitalize "Malls"?

    4. Work Cited

      good MLA form Do you list an interview here?

    5. Questions when drafting my paper: How is my work Cited page? How are my transitions, are they flowing from one paragraph to the next? Did I stay on topic or did I go off topic a little bit? Did I introduce my paper with some good hypothesis? Did I introduce my sources? Did I paraphrase my quotes well?

      good questions

    6. On my 2nd draft I decided to delete the paragraphs for redevelopment because I believe that did not relate to my question on why malls are closing

      good move

    1. peoples perception


    2. Ashley Graham a model, and activist who was first identified by a “plus-size model.” A


    3. Maybe your flaws are your best asset. Appreciate your body for what it can do and respect what it can’t. Instead of concentrating on weight loss, set healthy positive goals. Recognize what is realistic, and  attainable achievements. Admire the beauty of others and avoid comparing yourself.

      you may be losing sight of your purpose and advocating rather than inquiring or exploring

    4. Rejection from how they perceive themselves


    5. dissatisfied People

      edit for typo

    6. others point


    7. 2-3 years old , through pretend

      edit for comma splice

    8. Your body image

      Do you want to stay in the second-person throughout? It seems awkward to me to address the reader directly throughout the essay. What do you think? Whom exactly are you addressing?

    9. body, affective is how you feel about your body, cognitive is how you think about your body, behavioral is the way you behave as a result of these aspects. (McShirley)

      these categories are useful

    10. perceptual is how

      rephrase? "perceptual describes. . .

    11. You can’t, everyone’s physiology is their own unique body image.

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere?

    12. Burmeister, Kristin.“What Influences Body Image?” Melainie Rogers January 17, 2019

      web source? If so please include web address, date of access

      Many of the sources listed here seem to be in APA format rather than MLA

      Is there an interview somewhere here?

    13. Graham, Ashley. “Plus-size? More like my size”. Ashley Graham·TEDxBerkleeValencia April 2015

      not MLA format

    14. Field, A. E., Sonneville, K. R., Micali, N., Crosby, R. D., Swanson, S. A., Laird, N. M., … Horton, N. J. (2012). Prospective association of common eating disorders and adverse outcomes. Pediatrics, 130 (2), e289 – e295. https://www.bristolcc.edu:2242/10.1542/peds.2011-3663

      not MLA format

    15. positives and struggles

      rephrase; not sure what this means

    16. lot of my sites

      sources? citations?

    17. research essays before but not in a rhetorical question.

      not sure what this means

    1. there is positive side effects

      if there are

    2. might, or might not be greatly noticed.

      not sure what this means

    3. Robert Shmerling a MD from Harvard says

      transition? topic sentence?

    4. On the TED media website, Suchitra Krishnan gives a speech/lecture,

      transition? topic sentence?

    5. the number of vaping related illnesses has increased to 1300 cases in 49 states, 70% being male, 80% being younger than 35 years old, and that half were younger than 25.

      cite source

    6. makes me


    7. Vaping also known as e-cigarettes is

      edit for punctuation

    8. ora Jones from BBC News says, the number of people vaping has been increasing very quickly, and the number of people vaping in 2011 was only seven million, the numbers have jumped quickly though, to 41 million in 2018

      please edit for punctuation: you've got a few sentences here, no? And I am confused by your meaning

    9. “Common e-cigarette components include an aerosol generator, a flow sensor, a battery and a nicotine containing solution storage area. e-cigarettes currently include many interchangeable parts, enabling users to modify the character of the delivered aerosol and, therefore, the product’s ‘effectiveness’ as a nicotine delivery product,” (Brown, Cheng).

      I beginning to sense a trend of finishing paragraphs with a quotation: try to lead in to a quotation and lead out with your own commentary.

    10. e-liquid juice known as propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin oil, which is all assembled in the tank.

      cite source?

    11. works is by heating the coil, it then va

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    12. most of all the cases were because of the black market THC e-juice, because they are putting vitamin e, pesticides and other harmful ingredients in the e-juice, which is causing these deaths and lung disease” (Vidinha).

      I hope your research will consider whether this is true or not

    13. their not knowledgeable

      they are not

    14. and a half


    15. I conducted interview with my uncle Flavio Vidinh

      transition? topic sentence?

    16. gests that e-cigarettes might be less harmful than cigarettes when people who regularly smoke switch to them as a complete replacement (Brazier).”

      good use of source

    17. to NIDA,

      which is? think of your reader

    18. that you

      why the shift to "you"?

    19. are body’s,

      edit: our bodies

    20. Electronic cigarettes known as e-cigs that produce vapor which allows smokers to avoid all the damage that tobacco does, but is this really a safer alternative to smoking.

      not quite a sentence: please edit

    21. But wait no more as technology has progressed there is now a better alternative, electronic cigarettes.

      your tone is unexpected: I suspect you are being ironic but this early in the paper you might be taken as seriously promoting e-cigs, no? That, of course, is not your purpose here.

    22. What Are The Consequences Of Vaping?

      good, clear question Note that some of these words would usually not be capitalized: are . . . the . . of

    23. Works Cited

      please put these sources into MLA format: begin with author's last name, first name, title of the source, date of publication, web address, date of access. Alphabetize by author's last name I can't be sure if you have three peer reviewed sources in this draft.

    24. which might be better or no

      no post write?

    1. This answers my own question of, yes I do think CBD oil roll on’s help to reduce physical and mental pain.

      remember your purpose in this essay, okay?

    2. has studies that prove, that

      edit for punctuation

    3. few cons

      drawbacks? detrimental effects?

    4. There still needs to be more research done on this product, to see  long term data

      I'd like to see peer reviewed sources that are currently available

    5. Spondylitis, this is a type

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    6. I interviewed my cousin Kate

      I'd like you to work on creating transitions and topic sentences, okay? I'm sensing the need to create a tighter organization and focus in this draft

    7. which is,

      which are

    8. , etc.

      try to avoid this vague expression, okay?

    9. and the article was called, “Does CBD oil work for chronic pain management?” Johnson published this on July 29th, 2018.

      please put this information in your Works Cited list rather than here

    10. I found two peer reviewed sources and two academic sources, I also put them in MLA format on my citation page

      Do you really want to begin your paragraph this way? I suggest an actual topic sentence?

    11. etc

      what do you mean--are there other kinds not mentioned?

    12. roll on’s


    13. does roll on CBD oil products, really help decrease physical pain or is it just in your head?

      rephrase: Do roll on . . really decrease pain

    14. in your head

      why this shift to "your"?

    15. Sources:

      Works Cited

      I do not see three peer reviewed sources, nor a personal interview

    1. the State

      the state

    2. kyphosis scoliosis

      which is? remember your audience

    3. The boys parents

      boy's parents

    4. first hand


    5. f these children, they developed

      edit for comma splice, here and elsewhere

    6. Wollin shared her personal experience, she recalls

      edit for comma splice

    7. attachment disorders were discussed

      why the passive voice (which as you can see make for unclear phrasing): Dr. . . . discusses. . . .

    8. states that it is caused by a connection between a child and a parent is broken whether it be that they were neglected or abused

      rephrase--seems a fragment

    9. the topic of foster care and adoption is said to be linked to attachment disorders.

      in what way?

    10. staring


    11. hand in hand


    12. that children in unfit environmental conditions then they are more likely to end up with an attachment disorder.

      rephrase for clarity

    13. the research also revealed that it was most common in boys

      you may need to explain the seeming discrepancy

    14. They discovered that “each genetic factor influencing human behavior is presumed to contribute only a small amount” (Minnis).

      good use and integration of quotation

    15. Helen Minnis conducted research to investigate the causes of attachment disorders in children.

      You might work on the transition here

    16. resulting in attachment disorder. 

      I wonder if you might need to more precisely define this term (aside from what you offer at the start of its symptoms).

    17. There are children

      I wonder if you might begin this sentence and paragraph with a clear subject ("There" is not a subject)

    18. There are many aspects to the deveopement of an attachment disorder, there are different theories to the main cause of attachment disorders from experienced and educated individuals. 

      edit for comma splice

    19. deveopement


    20. describes


    21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsRsmEDuqy8   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ZIUtJr8nE (TedTalk)   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R4RJojKHQn2PqfBZc1XSYrd0WisqQ_-6g9V1O3sb6Tc/edit (Interview With A Previous Foster Parent) 

      not in MLA format I'd be glad to help

      I don't see a personal interview

    22. It was difficult to be unbiased and censor the opinion making aspect 

      I'm glad you are aware of this challenge

    23. because of the searching of sources in databases and across social media. 

      glad you had that experience

    1. “The question why do we stress?” may never be able to be answered because it varies depending on the person.

      this sentence seems to undermine a good deal of what is said earlier, no?

    2. stressed, it’s very important

      edit for punctuation, here and elsewhere

    3. Every person has different ways of dealing with it, but some ways are exercise, meditating, trying to say positive, going out with friends, and many more ways. Eating healthy and working out often also helps create a more positive lifestyle and keep some of the stress away. Also, one of the most important things is to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Without enough sleep your body must exert itself to pay attention which in turn causes more stress.

      this seems like a new thread and perhaps strays from your purpose?

    4. 3 different kinds of stress,

      are you finished with the causes? shouldn't this section be put earlier?

    5. as ranged


    6. The cause and effects

      okay--so you will be discussing both the causes and effects? I wouldn't bury this idea in your paragraph but rather bring it forward

    7. Also known as fight or flight reaction.


    8. bodies was

      edit for typos/punctuation

    9. is your

      why the shift to "your"?

    10. that is the definition of stress.

      rephrase with proper punctuation and signal phrase: According to [name of dictionary] defines "stress" this way". "A state of. . . .

    11. (Google

      is this a dictionary definition? Please cite dictionary

    12. Works cited

      Works Cited

      I see no interview

    13. Buzz, Lifestyle. “4 Self-Care Tips ForFirst-Year Students.” BuzzFeed Community, BuzzFeed, 13 Oct. 2019, www.buzzfeed.com/arielleduke/4-self-care-tips-for-first-year-students-2iizc

      date of access?

    14. Andersen-Parrado, Patricia. “An understanding of stress and its causes + homeopathy can spell relief.” Better Nutrition, Oct. 1997, p. 18. Health & Wellness Resource Center, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A19846973/HWRC?u=mlin_s_bristcc&sid=HWRC&xid=3818d0cf. Accessed 15 October 2019.

      This seems to be your only peer reviewed source.

    15. through a certain criterion

      how do you mean?

    1. According to studies, “…trait mindfulness may benefit job satisfaction, performance, and interpersonal relations, while also reducing burnout and work withdrawal. Meta-analytic regressions also suggest trait mindfulness adds incremental predictive variance over more traditional predictors of employee burnout and work performance (Mesmer-Magnus, Jessica, Human Performance. Apr-Aug2017).”

      I suggest beginning paragraphs with your own topic sentence rather than with a quotation from a source

    2. In Nicholas Carr’s Is Google Making Us Stupid? He

      edit for capitalization and phrasing In his essay, . . . Nicholas Carr

    3. that as educators, you’re

      edit for punctuation and for shift in perspective ("you")

    4. classmates, they called

      edit for punctuation

    5. in the 2014 vol. Of New Directions for Youth Development,

      put in Works Cited list at the end, rather than here

    6. The way we as educators, teach

      edit for punctuation

    7. school age


    8. Mindfulness: How does it affect others? 

      edit for consistency in regard to capitalization

    9. “> Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire FFMQ – observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging, and non-reactivity  > Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills KIMS – observe, describe, act with awareness, and non-reactive stance, based on FFMQ  >Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale CAM-S – based on four facets (attention, present focus, awareness, and acceptance), each represented by three items (12 in total). The items are rated on a 4-point Likert scale from 1 (Rarely/Not at all) to 4 (Almost Always)  >The Big Five Inventory – selected as a measure of the FFM. Forty-four brief descriptive items are responded to on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (disagree strongly) to 5 (agree strongly). Internal reliabilities were 0.85 for Neuroticism, 0.85 for Extraversion, 0.81 for Openness, 0.71 for Agreeableness, and 0.79 for Conscientiousness.  > Mindful attention awareness scale MAAS – focuses exclusively on attentional aspects of mindfulness, whereas other scales also incorporate emotional aspects. Fifteen items are responded to on a 6-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Almost Always) to 6 (Almost Never). (Vago, David R., Measures of Mindfulness)” 

      normally, we should indent a long quotation like this, to make it clear that the entire passage is taken word for word If you are going to quote at length, please linger and comment on the significant of the quotation

    10. Measuring Mindfulness 

      good use of subheadings, by the way--quite helpful

    11. whereas modern scientists’ research revolves around trait mindfulness, which refers to a person’s baseline or average mindfulness

      not sure I see the difference

    12. Buddhist teachings have always been specific to the present in the sense that they focus on letting go, focusing on now, and bettering yourself.


    13. (Andres Fossas, The Basics Of Mindfulness.)’

      author's last name only in-text

    14. term mindful

      term "mindful"

    15. oots bac

      goes back or derives from

    16. You can’t quite

      why shift to "you"? Do you really want to address the reader directly?

    17. as the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.

      if quoting, please use quotation marks

    18. mindful


    19. you could

      why the shift to "you"?

    20. within psychologists.

      among pychologists

    21. What is it? 

      Rephrase for clarity: What is mindfulness?

    22.  SOURCES  Fossas, Andres – The Basics of Mindfulness: Where Did it Come From?  https://welldoing.org/article/basics-of-mindfulness-come-from   

      Works Cited

      You will need to put this list into MLA format. Use database citation tool, okay?

    23. pathos, ethos, and logos

      how so? please explain

    24. the more I learned, the more questions I had and that hasn’t happened before with any papers I’ve done in school. 

      I like this

    1. I have managed to interview a list of scientists

      have you cited and listed them?

    2. Leaving it outside of an empty shore of ocean water, and waiting to see it fade away.


    3. Outcomes that could be harmful to the global climate, spark a fallout, or crumble our planet apart.


    4. Taking the idea of preventing hurricanes to the next level

      this needs a subject: who is taking the idea of preventing. . . .

    5. it could reveal us the solution of launching missiles at hurricanes.

      I don't understand

    6. that the weather can elude us in our endless human quest to control everything.

      I don't follow and I'm sensing a bias and editorial comment.

    7. I went with bombing the storm as the first top tier solution according to public opinion.

      I'm confused: why are you in this? why not draw from your expert sources?

    8. working around towards

      please rephrase for clarity

    9. (Barnett 2017).

      Thanks for the citation: can you use a signal phrase and please use MLA format for in-text. This is APA

    10. An article poster for National Geographic (2017) named merely as “Cynthia Barnett” is requested to putting their own scientific research and skills in geoengineering to the ultimate test

      I don't understand

    11. have for my interview

      with whom?

    12. Since we have everything about the formation of a hurricane,

      are you sure?

    13. Nordahl)

      are you quoting yourself? what source? I don't see it in your WC

    14. For my hypothesis, an idea I have for preventing hurricanes is by decreasing the temperature inside of warm ocean waters.

      so you will be focusing on prevention? Your opening wasn't clear about that.

    15. If I want to get a close up at the hidden logic of hurricanes, we

      why the shift from "I' to 'we"?

    16. his affection

      diction? typo?

    17. For people who are living near the event of a storm are barricading their house or moving somewhere safe.

      note fragment

    18. o start off my essay, I will be asking the question about hurricanes and how to prevent them from ever forming.

      rephrase, perhaps? Start with your questions directly: What causes hurricane? Can they be prevented?

    19. Hollingsæter. (2017). [Interview with Aidan Nordahl, author of Hurricane Prevention]. Personal interview.

      not in MLA format

    20. Georgiou, Aristos, et al. “Scientists Are Devising a Radical Plan to Stop Hurricanes by Blowing Bubbles into the Sea.” Tech & Science, Newsweek, 21 Mar. 2018, https://www.newsweek.com/scientists-are-planning-stop-hurricanes-their-tracks-blowing-air-bubbles-sea-855623.

      pretty good MLA form--try to avoid "et. al" and name the other authors, okay? and provide date of access

    21. Works Cited:

      I don't see three peer reviewed sources

    22. Another question that I feel inquisitive about is any thoughts about placing a border wall across beaches in the U.S., Cuba, and in the Bahamas. Would it be possible if the wall is resistant to future hurricanes, even the ones that fall under a Category 5 storm? If the wall was placed on the beach, would it be fine to have steel doors built into the wall so that people can enter and exit any beach with no trouble?

      not sure I see the relevance: I want you to focus on your writing process and product

    23. Another point is that my audience mostly consists of scientific engineers and weather enthusiasts since their interest relates to my order of business with preventing hurricanes.

      good to see you identify a clear audience

  2. Oct 2019
    1. nerve give up


    2. did not remembered

      edit for verb form?

    3. when a litter son


    4. but to eight white religious leaders who were on opposite side of him

      good Can you show that King is mindful of this group?

    5. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail.

      topic sentence?

    6. Welcome to our second stop

      I appreciate the effort a creating transitions but I'd like you to devise more meaningful transitions, if possible

    7. Just like her say:

      note how you've used the object form of the pronoun instead of the subject, here and elsewhere

    8. her pass experience

      past experience

    9. is Gloria Anzaldúa’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”.

      Please insert a topic sentence to help focus this paragraph's main idea.

    10. Such as, the people were living between Mexico and Texas of the United State; the people were raising by  two or more type of cultures; the people were discriminated by accents, culture, language or gender

      I don't believe that this is a sentence.

    11. helped her

      note the shift from present to past tense

    12. Because her knows

      Because she knows

    13. Our first stop

      see my earlier comment about using the first person.

    14. First key-genre i

      you've forgotten a verb, no?

    15. I want to show you

      any particular reason why you choose the first person "I" here and elsewhere? It makes you part of this essay, rather than the authors whose works you are analyzing, no?

    16. How to Tame a Wild Tongue, Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail,

      how do we punctuate titles of works?

    17. your three


    18. it must has

      it must have

    19. give you

      Do you want to address the reader directly? It seems abrupt to me.

    20. Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2017. pp.2-3. Anzaldúa Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza, by Anzaldúa Gloria, Aunt Lute Books, 1987.pp. 53-64. King, Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Aug. 1963. Web. 21 Sept. 2019. Collins Bill. Commencement Speech. Colorado College. 19 May 2008. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm Accessed 2 October 2013

      pretty good form, although note that the Anzaldua piece that we used is a web source Also in the new MLA format, URL's are given

    1. Anzaldua’s memoir’s purpose is that language unites people and should not be changed

      again, purpose is not message, right?

    2. purpose is that peaceful protest is the most effective way of achieving a goal

      I think you confuse purpose with message

    3. Whether it is to speak up for injustice, inspire others or challenge an idea that one language is better than another.


    4. She even addresses her fellow hispanic population

      please be precise: Chicanos?

    5. he also uses religious rhetoric.

      good analysis

    6. white clergy men


    7. or whom the composition is meant for. I

      for whom the audience is meant.

    8. genre of her piece is a memoir


    9. she is addressing any English speaker who shamed her for speaking her language

      focus? belongs in audience section?

    10. He is telling his students to live one day at a time, instead of reflecting on the past or looking t

      try to focus on genre here, okay?

    11. Collin’s speech is a piece of writing


    12. The genre of a piece When focusing on genre, it is important to know what the genre is as it contributes to the message greatly

      edit for punctuation? difficult to follow

    13. In his eloquent speech, Collin’s used humor to engage

      why not wait to analyze the talk later, rather than in your intro paragraph?

    14. whitney’s

      I don't follow

    15. When focusing on a specific example of a piece of writing in which I will examine in order to give an example to these three key terms.

      not quite a sentence: I don't follow

    16. When looking at a piece of writing or literature, there is always a genre that can summarize the work.

      I don't think I understand

    17. Works Cited King, Martin Luther. Letter from the Birmingham Jail. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1994. https://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf.

      please alphabetize by author's last name and give dates of publication and access

    18. one day at a time.

      no postwrite?

    1. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote on business note pads while in jail;

      please identify his purpose

    2. ight white men

      yes--please show evidence from the letter that King is thinking of his intended audience

    3. Impact… not much in modern history has had similar impact as the words of Martin Luther King Jr., his Letter from Birmingham Jail being a noteworthy example

      wouldn't it help your focus to include the word "audience" in this topic sentence?

    4. addresses educators directly,


    5. ide audience of similarly-raised people – those born in-between. Between cultures, between languages, between geographies, and between generations

      yes but can you be more precise: Chicanos?

    6. Finally, in respect to written genre choice, Martin Luther King Jr. had none. Being imprisoned unjustly for non-violent demonstration,

      Can you identify genre more quickly and clearly? I sense a loss of focus in this paragraph, to be honest

    7. By writing from the first person perspective, and doing so in an informative yet persuasive manner, Anzaldúa’s personal essay

      I'm a little confused by the structure here: you've discussed Livingston and Anzaldua in the previous paragraph, and here you discuss Anzaldua (a bridge?) and King. I am not getting the organizational principle here.

    8. I would like to take a moment to discuss Genre,

      I wonder if you can work on developing a smoother, less intrusive transition

    9. Each of these are from different periods, have different genres, different purposes, different audiences, and all are powerful and effective in accomplishing the goals of the creator.

      I appreciate the parallel structure in this sentence (and elsewhere): showing some control over your sentence

    10. the purpose is what prompted the author to do the writing.

      more precisely: what the writing is doing

    11. Sources: Anzaldúa Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Borderlands / La Frontera: the New Mestiza, by Anzaldúa Gloria, Aunt Lute Books, 2012, pp. 33–45. Blau, Susan, and Kathryn Burak. Writing in the Works. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2017. King, Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Aug. 1963. Web. 21 Sept. 2019. Livingston, D. (2016). Lift Off. Available at: https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/16/05/lift [Accessed 21 September 2019]. “What Is the Dream Act and Who Are the Dreamers?” Anti-Defamation League, 2019, https://www.adl.org/education/educator-resources/lesson-plans/what-is-the-dream-act-and-who- are-the-dreamers

      Works Cited

      Pretty good format but not consistent (I see traces of APA formatting here). Remember to consider all of our sources for study as web sources.

    1. The audience that she was trying to reach was anyon

      please be more precise: Chicano? Anglo?

    2. Anzaldua’s genre is the genre that deals with political and cultural differences

      please be more precise: autobiography? memoir? personal essay?

    3. This explains his purpose of showing that the students should take every advantage they can.

      try not to confuse purpose with message, okay?

    4. He uses wit and self-deprecating humor to keep his audience engaged

      good--please provide an example or evidence