33 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. Exit Ticket

      adalah pertanyaan singkat yang diberikan guru kepada siswa di akhor pembelajaran untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pemahaman dan keberhasilan pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan

  2. Jul 2023
  3. Aug 2022
    1. 20 most relevant concepts and themes over the last ten years

      tren riset

    2. VOSviewer software

      software yg digunakan

    3. 3.3. Short-Term Bibliometric Analysis: 2020–2021

      analisis periode jangka pendek

    4. 3.2. Medium-Term Bibliometric Analysis: 2017–2021

      analisis periode jangka menengah

    5. 3.1. Long-Term Bibliometric Analysis: 2012–2021

      analisis periode jangka panjang

    6. growth in publications, main subject areas, leading journals, leading authors, documents by country/territory, institutional affiliation, most-cited documents, main research topics addressed, and concept co-occurrence

      teknik analisis

    7. the growth of publications, study areas, leading journals, leading authors, documents by country/territory, leading institutions, the most cited documents, and leading research topics around this subject.

      tujuan penelitian

    8. three periods: 2012–2021 (long term), 2017–2021 (medium term), and 2020–2021 (short term)

      periodesasi yang digunakan

    9. Scopus database, to which the search equation TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“Open innovation” AND Sustainab*) OR (Sustainab* AND (e-marketplace* OR e-commerce OR “digital market*”)) OR (“Open innovation” AND (e-marketplace* OR e-commerce OR “digital market*”)) OR (“Open innovation” AND Sustainab* AND (e-marketplace* or e-commerce or “digital market*”)))

      database dan query pencarian yang digunakan

    10. Longitudinal studies applied to scientific literature analysis may require the review of the changes presented in a research field in the last ten (long term), five (medium term), and two (short term) years

      alasan pentingnya penelitian ini

    11. A Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review on E-Marketplaces, Open Innovation, and Sustainability

      judul paper

    1. future Waqf research

      rekomendasi riset berikutnya

    2. three most occurring keywords are Waqf, cash Waqf, and Islamic Finance.

      kata kunci utama (dominan)

    3. Co-authorship

      jejaring kolaborasi

    4. Citation analysis

      penulis, paper, dan jurnal berpengaruh

    5. the scientific community of authors, sources, and affiliations

      komunitas ilmiah yang menggeluti waqf

    6. general overview

      informasi singkat tentang data yang digunakan

    7. three bibliometric analysis tools: RStudio, VOSviewer, and Excel

      alasan pemilihan software

    8. clear manuscripts from selection if those are not matching with the study's objectives

      pentingnya wawasan luas tentang topik pada saat data cleaning

    9. the keywords used in the investigation

      query pencarian yang digunakan

    10. might be criticized for its quality and coverage

      mengapa Google Scholar tidak digunakan?

    11. Study design

      alur kerja biibliometrik

    12. Research interest in Waqf is growing (see Table 2), which motivates this study to conduct a bibliometric review of past waqf literature with a specific objective to classify past waqf literature into study themes, highlight gaps and propose future research directions.

      alasan melakukan bibliometrik

    13. four research themes for waqf studies which include (1) Cash Waqf endowment, (2) Islamic accountability and Waqf, (3) Waqf and Islamic social finance, and (4) Governance for Waqf endowment


    14. RStudio, VOSviewer, and Microsoft Excel

      software yang digunakan

    15. A bibliometric review of the Waqf literature

      judul paper

    16. We collect 319 articles, and reviews on Waqf extracted from the Scopus database, covering a period exceeding 100 years from 1914 until June 2020.

      bgmn data didapatkan

  4. Nov 2020
    1. responden murid akan dipilih secara acak dengan jumlah maksimal 30 orang murid SD/MI, 45 murid SMP/MTs, serta 45 murid SMA/SMK/MA di satuan pendidikan.

      Akan lebih baik jika pemilihan dilakukan by system

  5. Aug 2019
    1. Anda dapat menambahkan anotasi melalui cara ini. Anotasi dapat berupa masukan serta komentar konstruktif untuk penulis.

  6. Jul 2019
    1. salam kenal, saya Eric Kunto Aribowo. Apakah ini tugas kuliah? Saya lihat ada beberapa artikel dengan judul yang sama dari institusi STAIN Sorong