30 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. bankLogoPlaceholder

      @Kshetra: Name not matching with doc shared by developer. Name is "bankPlaceholderUrl". Pls recheck.

    2. pinLength

      @Kshetra: Check if this needs to be exposed. As of now, this is not exposed to merchants.

    3. Outstanding balance amount in paise.

      @Kshetra: Outstanding balance for Credit accounts in paise.

    4. Account number.

      @Kshetra Change to Masked account number.

    1. @Kshetra: Same as iOS docs. This bank list is not yet configurable. It is static for all merchants. Please remove this stement.

    2. The list of prefetch banks can be configured from the Merchant admin dashboard

      @Kshetra: This bank list is not yet configurable. It is static for all merchants. Please remove this stement.

  2. Dec 2023
    1. PaymentsPayment GatewayCordova IntegrationTurbo Upi

      @Kshetra: Pls add "Standard" to the navigation similar to Flutter on Standard Checkout

    1. case SELECT_BANK: if (action.getError() != null) { return; } if (action.getData() != null && action.getData() instanceof AllBanks) { AllBanks allBanks = (AllBanks) action.getData(); List<Bank> popularBanks = allBanks.getPopularBanks(); List<Bank> allBanksList = allBanks.getBanks(); // Show dialog with bank list action.selectedBank(popularBanks.get(0)); } break; case SELECT_BANK_ACCOUNT: if (action.getError() != null) { return; } if (action.getData() != null && action.getData() instanceof List) { List<?> bankAccountList = (List<?>) action.getData(); if (bankAccountList.get(0) instanceof BankAccount) { // Show dialog with bank account list action.selectedBankAccount((BankAccount) bankAccountList.get(0)); } } break;

      Kshetra: Please remove these 2 actions: SELECT_BANK and SELECT_BANK_ACCOUNT

  3. Nov 2023
    1. Use the code samples given below to fetch the UPI account.

      Kshetra: Which sample code?

    2. Step 3: Create an Order

      Kshetra: Pls mark this step as mandatory

    3. Step 2: Whitelist Bank Account for Onboarding flow

      Kshetra: This step is optional.

    4. cust_DAtUWmvpktokrT

      Kshetra: This is not a valid input. Either OrderId or CustomerId should be passed else customerId will be ignored.

  4. Oct 2023
    1. @Kshetra: Lets add sub headings under right panel index for easy navigation.

      Eg: Integration Steps can have sub-sections: Initialize SDK Link New UPI Account Event Listeners Fetch Linked UPI Accounts Accept Payments

      For Non-transactional, have sub-sections indexed.

    1. Bank/

      @Kshetra Since this page is only for Mock SDK, lets remove Bank/Mock and make it only Mock SDK

    2. Axis

      @Kshetra - Lets not mention Axis bank. We can just call it as partner bank

    1. mobile number

      @Kshetra: Mobile number whitelisting is not needed for Prod. Please connect with Prasad to review this statement.

  5. razorpay.com razorpay.com
    1. in the backend

      Change this to: "automatically" instead of "in the backend"

    2. Nudge the users to complete onboarding and communicate the value they get. It may be a one-step payment, any offers you run on, or something else

      @Kshetra This statement is very vague. Pls rephrase

    3. mentioned above

      Mentioned above where??

  6. Jan 2023
    1. Raise Complaint

      function call might change based on whether we expose "Transaction History" feature or not.

    2. Transaction History

      Transaction History and Check Transaction Status - recheck if these will be supported in initial launch

    1. The SDK returns the transaction status to your app.

      Add this section after the PIN entering UI/image

    2. registerSim()

      function name does not match with snippet. Pls confirm if it is registerSim() or register()

    3. customer has more than one SIM

      Below UI screen needs to be updated. We will also be taking mobile number as input from customer.

    4. Init()

      Should ne init() and not Init()

    5. Add UPI Account

      "Add UPI Account" does not match with the actual text in image - "Set up one-step UPI payments" or "Add bank account"

    1. 1.2 Implementation Transaction Flow

      Section title is not correct: 1.2 Implement Transaction Flow

    2. 1.1.2 Registered

      Section title is not correct: 1.1.2 Customer has completed Device Binding

    3. 1.1.1 Initial

      Section title is not correct: 1.1.1 Customer has not completed Device Binding