- May 2017
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In a world that really has been turned on its head, truth is a moment of falsehood.
Curious as to what this means. Juxtaposition?
Apprehended in a partial way, reality unfolds in a new generality as a pseudo-world apart, solely as an object of contemplation.
Is he saying that images are a "separate world" that are analyzed and contemplated?
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How is a virtual reality different from the one which for so long we have simply and complacently called 'the Real'?
The brain could be projecting its own reality from behind our eyes.
'these new spaces instantiate the collapse of the boundaries between the social and technological, biology and machine, natural and artificial that are part of the postmodern imaginary.'
This reminds of an annotation I made about paintings/art changing through the invention of cameras and other visual technology. Will VR change perspectives on visual representation such as paintings?
- Apr 2017
This claim of white suffering is difficult to assert when it is suffering accompanied by privilege: a suffering that appears trivial compared to the material suffering of Indigenous Australians. Yet the two are intertwined: a failure to acknowledge the negative consequences of racism on whites encourages further denial of white racial identity and maintains the pretence of invisibility that feeds into Indigenous disadvantage.
Topic of journal.
These laws can sometimes have the unintended effect of making subordinated bodies hypervisible, making them wear the consequences of embodiment, so that black bodies are more situated, biased, affected by materiality, while white bodies remain neutral and unaffected by their embodiment.
Laws making the subordinates hypervisible.
a self-willed blindness
I like this phrase.
Both whiteness and blacknessare, at different times, invisible in law.
Potential use of example/topic about white/black invisibility in law.
hiteness’ like ‘blackness’, is at once socially constructed and accepted as biological ‘fact’.
Races are socially constructed and have little to do with biological traits.
If I wrote about Indigenous people, I felt that I reinforced the privilege of white invisibility.
Even the author didn't realize that she unknowingly reinforced white privilege in a previous writing.
One of the most distinctive qualities of ‘whiteness’ as it manifests in contemporary life is its ability to elude examination
Invisibility of whites to their own race.
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As long as the black man is among his own, he will have no occasion, except in minor internal conflicts, to experience his being through others.
Does this statement relate to double-consciousness or the invisibility of the black man?
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That sky was bluest when I could beat my mates at examination-time, or beat them at a foot-race, or even beat their stringy heads. Alas, with the years all this fine contempt began to fade; for the worlds I longed for, and all their dazzling opportunities, were theirs, not mine.
The division of African American society and the limitations because of their race.
It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others
Double-consciousness fits with my topic of the hypervisiblity/invisibility of whiteness. Dubois says an American Negro has two souls/thoughts because of how they are seen. An American Caucasian does not have double-consciousness about race such as an American Negro does.
- Mar 2017
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myself, after existing some twenty years, did not become alive until I discovered my invisibility.
This leads me to question what are the effects of recognizing your own visibility? What differs in the effects of recognizing hypervisibility vs. invisibility?
My indefinite status was therefore a subject of speculation and a source of unease, especially among those whose attitudes and modes of conduct were at odds with the dictates of law and order. This made for a nodding relationship in which my neighbors kept their distance and I kept mine.
He is made invisible by his neighbors due to his job status. Job, race, status, many components of life is used to alienate people making them invisible.
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It is an important mechanism, for it automatizes and disindividualizes power
The mechanism is ideal at isolating prisoners to prevent them from coming together to form power. The mechanism is automated in that it doesn't require a guard to always be watching, the prisoner never knows if someone is watching.
asses that were to
The panopticon shows the weaknesses of the ability to see. Visibility can be manipulated to create a trap. In this case it keeping the prisoners isolated from each other.
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Inphotography,exhibitionvalue beginstodisplace cultvalue allalongthe line.
An example of the views of art changing over time. The information behind art is being valued instead of being seen as a ceremonial object.
Thistraditionitself isthoroughlyalive andextremelychangeable
The perspective on art is always changing over time.
Photography and film are being questioned if they are considered an art form. Quotes are given supporting that film is an art.
Art has always been able to be reproduced in some way. With lithography and eventually photography, the rate of reproducing art has accelerated extremely and has become common.
- Feb 2017
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y refu · . . . . smg to Gs enter a conspiracy, one remams mnocent f h 0 t at conspiracy. But to remain innocent may also be . . Th . . to remam ignorant.
Is Berger claiming that the approach to art should be viewed in different ways based off of experience rather than its original intention?
The bogus religiosity which now surrounds original 4s works of art, and which is ultimately dependent upon their market value, has become the substitute for what paintings lost when the camera made them reproducible
Interesting how perspectives change on art throughout time periods and inventions. I'm curious on what will change perspectives on art in the future?
er than what he was being shown?' 'Yes,' he agreed. 'And imagine him being dragged forcibly away from t
Pretty much stating what others have said. It's important to accept new truths as they are and not to run back to what was once familiar.
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There are no images that must resemble in every respect the objects they represent-for otherwise there would be no distinction between the object and its image-but that it is sufficient for them to resemble the objects in but a few ways."
Here, Jay is quoting a claim that Descartes makes saying that we should consider there are many other things that can stimulate our thought. I agree with Descartes' claim of our souls have sensory awareness instead of the mind. I strongly believe that words stimulate feelings and thought because our sensory awareness comes from the mind.
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We know for certain that it is the soul which has sensory awareness, and not the body.
I have never thought about sensory awareness like this. An example I think of is day-dreaming. We become so deep in thought that our hearing and vision "turn off" temporarily. Then we snap back into reality and that has nothing to do with our bodies but our minds.
You have only to consider that the differences a blind man notices between trees, rocks, water and similar things by means of his stick do not seem any less to him than the differences between red, yellow, green and all the other colours seem to us.
I really like this comparison between touch and vision. The senses are each unique but with the absence of one sense another sense picks up the role. Vision does not only have to come from the eyes but there are other ways such as the blind mans stick.
- Jan 2017
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Therefore by our order you were cited before this Holy office,
It surprises me a little seeing the level of action that was taken against his claims. Present day, for the most part, we can choose any belief we choose to follow without persecution or resistance.
in the event of your refusal, that an injunction should be imposed upon you by theCommissary of the Holy Office to give up the said doctrine and not to teach it to others, not to defend it, nor even to discuss it; andyour failing your acquiescence in this injunction, that you should be imprisoned
This shows that what was taught was considered the truth with no questions asked. Threatening to imprison someone for simply teaching another view shows the inability or the refusal to acknowledge another viewpoint.
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With this being said, vision is being questioned. Plato expressed "we see through our eyes, not with them." Plato distrusted sense perception. This claim that vision could not be trusted caused heavy questioning of the history of Greek culture and their beliefs.