77 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. The results of the study suggest that good advertising is not always about standing out. Small brands benefit from imitating competitors, the researchers suggest, because customers are then more likely to associate them with the category and think of them in buying situations.But since people are likely to already associate larger brands with the category in which they operate, there is no need for them to conform to norms. The research also seems to suggest that large brands should not fret over keeping all their ads the same, with too much consistency depressing sales. The old adage that brands tend to tire of their own advertising before customers may not always hold true.

      copiare a volte funziona

  2. Oct 2021
    1. The extraordinary abundance of choice in modern life is often seen as an unalloyed good: over 60,000 items in a single supermarket. Who can complain about that? Yet visceral personal experience often stubbornly signals the opposite, sometimes putting you off what you came to buy altogether.

      60.000 oggetti sono una feature o un bug?

    2. This is an example of a feature that is creeping into modern life – and into the contemporary customer experience: micro-frictions. Taken one at a time, none of them are a big deal. How long does it take to make an extra unnecessary tap? But string them together through a long and distracting day and they end up like the mental version of the gunk you get around a sink plug, rendering everything vaguely disagreeable and sluggish.


    1. Elsewhere along the tech stack, CMOs and chief growth officers told us they encounter two main friction points. First, when executing digital campaigns, their data activation strategy often fails to strike the right balance between reach and personalization. One solution is to disseminate campaigns widely but use a dynamic creative optimization (DCO) ad-tech solution, which leverages machine learning to choose—in real-time for each consumer—the most relevant set of messages and visual and text components to display. Second, for the design component of the tech stack, many CPG companies say they lack an adequate digital asset management (DAM) platform. This makes it hard for marketers to easily access every version of the media and creative assets that have been created for a brand. It also inhibits streamlined content creation and management, which makes it difficult to standardize design elements across channels and to quickly and efficiently provide retailers and marketplaces with the specific content they need.

      difficoltà nel CPG

    2. building the data foundation for the marketing tech stack (martech) requires a clear and robust data strategy that defines the role of each level of data (zero, first, second, and third party). From there, companies that decide there is enough positive ROI from pursuing a direct connection with consumers should work toward building their own customer-data platform (CDP), which will house complex consumer-data sets and send out relevant messages backed by insights from the intelligence engine. For instance, brands in higher-engagement categories, such as baby and beauty, have collected personalized, zero- and first-party demographic and behavioral data through consumer-loyalty sites that feature coupons, tips, and tools for new moms, or virtual try-on features for cosmetics.

      CPG e dati

  3. Apr 2021
    1. Give it to me in one sentence.Media buying should be about more than reach and demographics, because media contexts can subtly affect how people react to an ad.Give me a little more detail.The authors conducted a meta-analysis of 78 research papers investigating the effect of different media contexts on how people respond to ads.More specifically, they wanted to know how placing an ad in different media environments – emotional stories, violent films, or mentally taxing programmes, for instance – influenced customer attitudes and purchase intent.The conclusion was that ‘media context influences consumers beyond simply locking in their attention and produces downstream outcomes, including impact on ad and brand attitudes.’Findings included:Attitudes towards an ad and purchase intent generally improved when the ad was placed against affective (ie, emotional), rather than cognitive (ie, mentally taxing) media contexts.Specialised media contexts (eg, special interest magazines) were more effective than general interest media contexts.Suspenseful media did not have any impact on customer attitudes or purchase intent, nor did violent or sexually explicit programmes show any significant effects.Media intensity (meaning a combination of involvement and arousal) produced significant effects on attitudes and purchase intent, especially in experiments using real rather than fictitious brands and for hedonic rather than functional products.Congruence between advertising and media produced stronger positive effects in experiments that used fictitious brands. This suggests that media congruence is more important for lesser known or unknown brands. But overall the effects of congruence on attitudes was weak.Intense media (ie, involving or arousing) produced stronger positive effects for hedonic products, while congruence and positive valence (ie, ‘niceness’) did more for functional products.

      targeting non è tutto.

    1. Corona global vice-president Felipe Ambra says the brand’s most important move at the beginning of the pandemic was to “do nothing” to address the coronavirus link, despite the memes and calls from some people to capitalise on the potential opportunity for brand building. “Our initial reaction was to hold patience, do nothing and not be proactive. It was a tough conversation because some people were saying you’ve got to be more proactive and we said no because this is too serious for us to say anything that is unrelated to [government orders to] stay at home,” Ambra tells Marketing Week. “If you try to say, ‘I’m not related to the virus’, you are going to boost the conversation. We knew consumers were going to figure it out [the distinction between the beer and virus]. It’s very serious. [We decided to] focus our energy on supporting our collaborators, their partners and consumers instead.”

      corona and the value of doing nothing

    1. “This is where a store can really help,” he says. “It needs to become a true shopfront of what a retailer is all about: your culture, your ethos, your brilliant people you have working for you. It needs to be far more experiential. Where consumers get to experience products, meet the experts, get unrivalled and unbiased advice, where retailers show what they are all about.”

      what's a store is for?

    1. I suoi Principi (Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda di Leonard W. Doob, pubblicati in Public opinion and propaganda; A book of readings edito da The society for the psychological study of social issues) vanno letti, stampati, meditati, raccontati. Leggeteli con calma e poi pensate se vi ricordano qualcosa. E ricordate che è un ricordo nero, nerissimo. 1. Principio della semplificazione e del nemico unico. È necessario adottare una sola idea, un unico simbolo. E, soprattutto, identificare l’avversario in un nemico, nell’unico responsabile di tutti i mali. 2. Principio del metodo del contagio. Riunire diversi avversari in una sola categoria o in un solo individuo. 3. Principio della trasposizione. Caricare sull’avversario i propri errori e difetti, rispondendo all’attacco con l’attacco. Se non puoi negare le cattive notizie, inventane di nuove per distrarre. 4. Principio dell’esagerazione e del travisamento. Trasformare qualunque aneddoto, per piccolo che sia, in minaccia grave. 5. Principio della volgarizzazione. Tutta la propaganda deve essere popolare, adattando il suo livello al meno intelligente degli individui ai quali va diretta. Quanto più è grande la massa da convincere, più piccolo deve essere lo sforzo mentale da realizzare. La capacità ricettiva delle masse è limitata e la loro comprensione media scarsa, così come la loro memoria. 6. Principio di orchestrazione. La propaganda deve limitarsi a un piccolo numero di idee e ripeterle instancabilmente, presentarle sempre sotto diverse prospettive, ma convergendo sempre sullo stesso concetto. Senza dubbi o incertezze. Da qui proviene anche la frase: «Una menzogna ripetuta all’infinito diventa la verità». 7. Principio del continuo rinnovamento. Occorre emettere costantemente informazioni e argomenti nuovi (anche non strettamente pertinenti) a un tale ritmo che, quando l’avversario risponda, il pubblico sia già interessato ad altre cose. Le risposte dell’avversario non devono mai avere la possibilità di fermare il livello crescente delle accuse. 8. Principio della verosimiglianza. Costruire argomenti fittizi a partire da fonti diverse, attraverso i cosiddetti palloni sonda, o attraverso informazioni frammentarie. 9. Principio del silenziamento. Passare sotto silenzio le domande sulle quali non ci sono argomenti e dissimulare le notizie che favoriscono l’avversario. 10. Principio della trasfusione. Come regola generale, la propaganda opera sempre a partire da un substrato precedente, si tratti di una mitologia nazionale o un complesso di odi e pregiudizi tradizionali. Si tratta di diffondere argomenti che possano mettere le radici in atteggiamenti primitivi. 11. Principio dell’unanimità. Portare la gente a credere che le opinioni espresse siano condivise da tutti, creando una falsa impressione di unanimità.

      goebbels, marketing e salvini

  4. Mar 2021
    1. Pricing for the different “gigs” will vary, with every creator charging their own rates. From the Clubmarket website, the estimation tool indicates that a tech-related Clubhouse room with 500 listeners will be able to charge up to $1,000 to $2,000 for a co-branded sponsorship. The “drop-in audio” market is still in infancy, so it’s likely prices will rise as user adoption increases.

      price for sponsorship in Clubhouse

    1. L’affaire Rogan mostra quanto Spotify faccia sul serio. E porta anche in luce i rischi che il settore corre se viene divorato dalle platform wars. Parlavamo dei feed Rss, per esempio: è quell’antica tecnologia che permette di “abbonarsi” a un certo blog/sito/podcast/pubblicazione e riceverne gli aggiornamenti. Come? In tempo reale. E in ordine. Ripetiamo: in tempo reale e in ordine. Questo tipo di feed è il dna di quello che chiamavamo web 2.0, quella fase del web che ha preceduto l’ascesa delle piattaforme e dei social network, con i loro algoritmi a divorare tutto. Aprite Facebook o Instagram o Twitter: nulla di quello che vedrete sarà “in tempo reale e in ordine”, ogni profilo avrà una selezione accurata di post e reazioni sulla base delle informazioni che il servizio ha sugli utenti. Gli Rss trattano ogni post allo stesso modo, una cosa che nella Silicon Valley di questi tempi, tutta growth hacking e monetizzazione, passa per una farneticazione maoista.

      la silicon valley detesta l'ordine cronologico

    1. While the beta test is still invite-only for creators, Ms. Smith hopes that eventually everyone — from celebrities to average people — will be able to leverage it to monetize their lives.“Sure, it’s fun to control a famous influencer or celebrity, but it’s honestly just as entertaining to control someone you go to school with, or your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, or an author planning their next sci-fi novel, or a beauty founder creating their next makeup palette,” she said. “It doesn’t matter how boring you think you are, there’s someone out there who would find your life interesting to the point that they’re willing to pay.”

      monetize your life

    2. For example, a creator can use NewNew to post a poll asking which sweater they should wear today, or who they should hang out with and where they should go. Fans purchase voting power on NewNew’s platform to participate in the polls, and with enough voting power, they get to watch their favorite influencer live out their wishes, like a real life choose-your-own-adventure game.Thanks for reading The Times.Subscribe to The Times“Creators are burning out, but their fans want more and more,” said Jen Lee, 25, the founder of a popular creator economy community on Discord. “By monetizing each aspect of their life, they can extract value from everyday interactions.”Courtne Smith, the founder and chief executive of NewNew, said the company was “similar to the stock market” in that “you can buy shares, which are essentially votes, to be able to control a certain level of a person’s life.”

      human stock market

    1. Like many airlines, they needed more insight on where to fly, at what capacity and how often as travel started to open up last year. Over the summer, we built a product called Flight Demand Explorer, which gave real-time answers to these questions, helping them find demand and ramp up. Within 2 months, they tripled destination routes and got more than 80 planes back in the air, with many flights fully sold out within days.

      Google come ricerca di mercato real time per Lufthansa

    1. Because of its algorithm, Reels hasn’t quite matched TikTok’s power as a product discovery tool. While some brands — like Louis Vuitton, which reports that its Reels videos accrue an average of 7 million views, and fashion brand Balmain, which nets around 1.2 million views per video — have found niches on Reels, the Instagram offering has yet to spur a product to true viral success the way that TikTok has done with cranberry juice or chocolate bombs.

      tiktok non è discovery?

    2. According to the Markerly research, brands had an average impression rate — essentially, the amount of times a post is displayed in a feed — of 5.22% on TikTok versus 12.08% on Reels. By contrast, Markerly examined the accounts of celebrities to get a read on how those numbers differed for individual accounts, and found that celebrities saw 108.82% impression rates on TikTok but just 21.45% on Reels. (These rates are measured as a percentage of each user’s followers, which is why they can be over 100%.) “I have a hunch that it has to do with the way they are suggesting content to users,” said Kline.

      la reach di tiktok preferisce i singoli

    3. the continued reluctance likely has a lot more to do with the fact that executives at bigger companies are far less likely to understand the app’s culture. For example, the speed with which a single hashtag or song on TikTok can be spun out of context and turned into its own meta joke is frightening to outsiders. “Some of these larger brands, if they don’t have members higher up using TikTok, they definitely have more of an aversion to that,” she said

      why tiktok is not for afraid brands

  5. Feb 2021
    1. During the pandemic, the jewellery category has seen remarkable growth online, providing an opportunity for retailers like Pandora to be present in the consideration phase as consumers are buying jewellery. In lieu of the option to try on items in-store, Pandora has used augmented reality to create a ‘Virtual try on’ experience that lets customers visualise bracelets, rings and charms on their own hand.

      spostare l'esperienza offline, online

    2. “It is a bargain hunter’s treasure hunt,” said Corcoran of the experience of shopping with Aldi in-store. “You don’t actually know what you’re going to buy when you go in the store. I didn’t know I was going to buy some pink, fluffy welly boots for my daughter – I didn’t know I was going to buy a cordless power drill for myself. But I saw the products, saw the prices, got excited, and decided I didn’t want to miss out.” Aldi has translated this “middle aisle” experience online by cheerfully jumbling its products together in a way that promotes unexpected finds, rather than opting for a store experience that emphasises search or neat categorisation.

      perché il modello ALDI non è semplice discount.

    1. Qualche mese fa — diciamo a novembre — ho avuto come la percezione che la situa Twitch stesse esplodendo, che stesse diventando sempre più rilevante. Il giorno prima trovavi la love di Fedez e Chiara Ferragni ripresa su Striscia la Notizia, il giorno dopo beccavi Ciro Immobile giocare a Call of Duty con Homyatol.Intendiamoci subito: quando parlo di “più seguiti” o di generici trend, parlo di dirette che superano i 20/25mila contatti unici contemporanei — in Italia, di notte, dopo una certa ora. Per dire, una diretta a caso di Paoloidolo che gioca a LoL segna molti più viewer della live dei più noti giornalisti italiani su Instagram.


  6. Jan 2021
    1. Of the 1,600 B2B ads shown to a sample of 6 million people worldwide over the past four years, 75% scored one star or less on System1’s FaceTrace emotional measurement tool.


    1. Amazon si stima che detenga una quota di circa il 30% dei mercati e-commerce di Regno Unito e Germania.

      amz marketshare

    2. Nel 2020 si assiste all'aumento della popolarità dei marketplace. Rispetto agli Stati Uniti o alla Cina, l'Europa è stata più lenta a raggiungere una maturità dei marketplace, che stanno però diventando sempre più rilevanti per i brand.  Negli ultimi anni, e in particolare nel 2020, i marketplace in Europa hanno attirato un traffico significativo e hanno registrato un elevato coinvolgimento dei visitatori che si è conseguentemente tradotto in vendite. Le revenues generate da questi acquisti online hanno rappresentato il 59% dei 143 miliardi di euro spesi per l'e-commerce transfrontaliero dagli europei nel 2019.

      marketplace ed export

    1. New research from the Mobile Marketing Association and Neustar says brands should focus their advertising on a subset of consumers – called the “movable middle” – which includes consumers  with a 20-80% probability of buying a particular brand.


    1. Don’t copy the generic awareness to consideration to preference to purchase to re-purchase models. Use qualitative research to understand the specific steps in your business and create a custom funnel. Then use quantitative research to establish your conversion rates versus the competitors.

      conversion RATES

    2. Call these words whatever you like – purpose, North Star, attributes, sex stones from Mars. It really does not matter. The point is that you have found a few things that your target consumer wants. That you can deliver. Better or more distinctively than the alternatives this consumer is aware of.


    3. There are so many layers, each with so many inane words, that no-one inside the company, never mind any of the consumers that the brand hopes to ultimately target, have any clue what the brand actually stands for.

      so true

    4. But it is now readily apparent that you want to build brand and generate top-of-funnel impact on everyone in the category, irrespective of which market segment they might belong to. If they own a dog and you own a dog food brand and have the resources, they should be a target.

      dogs & target

    1. “Il meccanismo di polarizzazione delle folle" dice, "è strettamente umano e non dipendente strettamente dai social, per cui chiudere le piattaforme non rappresenta affatto una strategia efficace per impedire la criticità dei meccanismi sottostanti a rivolte o sommosse”.

      la conversazione prosegue dove non viene bloccata.

    1. “Habit formation is huge. Particularly when the world is in a state of disruption and people are questioning their former habits, asking, Have I been doing enough in sanitation or hygiene?” explains Phil Duncan, global design officer at P&G. “We do focus a lot on actual consumer behavior and habits.”

      detersivi e design thinking

    1. Marketers also wildly overstated the importance and impact of brands on consumer’s lives. We forgot that most customers really don’t give a fuck about anything in a supermarket other than the final bill and how long it takes to generate it.

      dont forget

    1. Di «buona notizia» per i consumatori ha parlato anche Mladen Alfirovic, dell’Organizzazione nazionale dei consumatori in Serbia, Paese che presto potrà contare sui «prodotti con il prezzo più basso ogni giorno», uno degli slogan di “Semaforo”, la traduzione di svetofor. Svetofor che appare sul punto di lanciare una vera offensiva in Paesi amici.

      arrivano i russi

    1. In many cases, the more “analog” things can actually be more effective. People like to dream—to think of all the visually interesting ways that products and services can be delivered, and to romanticize how things like gamification could encourage exponential interaction with their product. But customers usually prefer utility, simplicity, and consistency.

      what people want

    1. This is not just a matter of brands meeting consumers where they are; it’s about brands telling them what they want, when they want it. If brands and retailers are going to continue collecting first-party shopper data, they will need to begin actioning it in meaningful ways, predicting what their shoppers want to see next, and understanding where shoppers are in their buying cycles to predict when they’ll want to buy.”


    1. Jobs’s genius insight was that what consumers really want technology to do isn’t crunch numbers or store data but transform and transport—to take them somewhere and give them the power to change something about their world.

      sales in tech

    1. In nine of 13 major countries surveyed by McKinsey, at least two-thirds of consumers say they have tried new kinds of shopping. 15 15. Surveyed countries were Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States. The countries where fewer than two-thirds of respondents had tried new shopping behaviors were the United Kingdom (63 percent), France (56 percent), Germany (50 percent), and Japan (30 percent). And in all 13, 65 percent or more say they intend to continue to do so.


    2. US productivity in the third quarter of 2020 rose 4.6 percent, following a 10.6 percent increase in the second quarter, which is the largest six-month improvement since 1965. 13 13. “Productivity and costs: Third quarter 2020, revised,” US Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 8, 2020, bls.gov.

      smart working?

    3. Plato was right: necessity is indeed the mother of invention

      necessity and innovation

    4. During and after the pandemic, though, there is a question about business travel: Exactly when is it necessary? The answer is almost certain to be not as much as before. Video calls and collaboration tools that enable remote working, for example, could replace some onsite meetings and conferences.

      viaggi di lavoro

    1. pandori, panettoni, torroni, cotechini, zamponi, ma anche la frutta secca o gli spumanti secondo formule diverse che vanno dall'"uno per due" al "due per tre", ma possono essere offerti anche sconti rilevanti che arrivano fino al 70%.

      il prezzo è giusto

    1. Popular food delivery apps typically allow customers to tip drivers a percentage of their meal’s cost, with the default tip often ranging from 10% to 25%. Grubhub switched from that model Dec. 16 when the Chicago company rolled out new fees for customers in California to help cover the costs of driver benefits granted by voters in the state last month. The app now defaults to zero, or no, tip.A new message also appears atop the prompt, saying customers may “Leave an optional tip on top of Driver benefits.” Drivers said the change is costing them and offsetting any gains from the newly added benefits.

      power of default

  7. Dec 2020
    1. “I said this before Covid as well, the work we needed to do for the brand was about ‘acts not ads’, because words are cheap,” he states. “When you’re a company like [Uber] that has said many things in the past that perhaps we haven’t lived up to, or people haven’t trusted, just telling people we’re going to be different and we care about these things might not mean so much. Actually, we need to show people through our behaviours, actions and commitments.”

      act not ads

    1. Eventually, Facebook believes, it can control the entire exchange between a brand and its customer, starting with an ad on Facebook or Instagram and leading to an interaction or product sale on WhatsApp or Messenger. “Instagram and Facebook are the storefront,” says WhatsApp Chief Operating Officer Matt Idema. “WhatsApp is the cash register.”

      Whatsapp is the cash register

    1. Strategic Network Analysis – consider the things you want to maximise to prevent competitors from entering the market, and the things you want to minimise to prevent users from leaving. Susana describes several effects and behaviours you should consider.

      strategic network analysis

    1. He explained: “Exploration for the sake of being able to say, ‘this is not a great game to be in’ [is important]. And when you look at the rate of success in the industry, there’s I think less than 3% or 4% of innovations actually last more than three years.


    1. A majority share of consumers are now taking to marketplaces first when shopping online. According an August 2020 survey from ecommerce ad agency ChannelAdvisor conducted by Dynata, 53% of US adults said they began product searches at Amazon when planning to make a digital purchase.

      chi è il motore di ricerca?

    1. In October 2018, UK-based communications agency Battenhall ran a study among the top 100 brands on Instagram. It found that these brands collectively posted a total of 10,079 Stories versus 8,949 newsfeed posts. Ephemeral Stories had overtaken ‘classic’ posts in the feed on this platform.

      stories make history

    1. Why WAG? Because third party cookies are basically like oatmeal raisin cookies (ew) these days, the retail media offering for brands is essentially a way for Walgreens to use its first-party data. If you’ve ever entered your email or phone number into a Walgreens pin pad, that’s just a tiny glimpse into the first party data advertisers in the Walgreens network now have access to, courtesy of its 100 million+ member loyalty program.  For example: With WAG, Walgreens advertisers can cross check their own first party data with Walgreens data to better target users based on their Walgreens buying behavior.  iSpy an ad...where? WAG has a few benefits for existing and future marketers. It offers... Walgreens.com ad placements Ads in Walgreens’s 9,000 Walgreens brick and mortars And digital media ad placements on Facebook, Pinterest and Google. 

      i retailer (intelligenti) sono le prossime piattaforme di adv, grazie ai dati di prima parte

    1. Un nuovo studio (Online Tracking and Publishers’ Revenues: An Empirical Analysis) di un team di economisti, quindi, rivaluta la situazione concludendo che il “vantaggio” della pubblicità comportamentale è valutabile nell’ordine del 4%, o un aumento medio di $ 0,00008 per annuncio. Di contro per i commercianti l'acquisto di annunci mirati può essere più costoso, anche del 500%, rispetto agli annunci normali

      possibile che il targeting sia sopravvalutato? forse sì

    2. La tesi è contestata. Da un lato si sostiene che il targeting aumenta il valore del pubblico, che aumenta le offerte degli inserzionisti, che aumenta i ricavi degli editori. Ma alcuni la vedono diversamente: il targeting riduce il pool di pubblico interessato, che diminuisce la concorrenza per gli annunci, che riduce le offerte degli inserzionisti e quindi i profitti per gli editori.

      meno targeting più ricavi?

    3. Tra questi (lista delle categorie IAB): la fascia di reddito, la religione, l’inclinazione politica, compreso dati “sensibili” quali le condizioni di salute (disabilità) o i disordini alimentari, e perfino se si è stati vittime di incesto o abuso (categoria IAB7-28 Incest/Abuse Support).

      profilazione molto personale (no, non è Facebook)

    1. Amazon dispersed retail to desktop, to mobile, to voice. Netflix dispersed DVDs to our mailbox, then to every screen. The pandemic is causing dispersion in even larger industries — the greatest opportunity for wealth creation in decades. Work from home, telemedicine, and remote learning represent an impending disruption of over 25% of the U.S. economy. The largest sectors are about to leapfrog HQ, doctor’s offices, hospitals, and campuses. 

      the great dispersion

    1. On how to write good short stories, aka List #2: 1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted. 2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for. 3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water. 4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action. 5. Start as close to the end as possible. 6. Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of. 7. Write to please just one person.

      on short stories

    1. “The reality with the enterprise is that you can have the best product, but that’s not good enough,” Levie told me. “You need distribution. And what Salesforce has — they have the procurement officers, they have the finance people. They have all of the apparatus you need to interact with to sell software, and they have it for the top 100,000 corporations around the world.”

      why slack lost

    1. Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos last year pledged to make the largest U.S. e-commerce company net carbon neutral by 2040, as employees and consumers around the world protested for broader moves to address climate change.Environmental activists welcomed that move but said that cutting all emissions related to Amazon, which delivers 10 billion items a year and has a massive transportation and data center footprint, was a huge challenge.

      amazon carbon neutral?

  8. Nov 2020
    1. «Amazon è il più grande vincitore» ha detto al New York Times l’analista di mercato di Ipsos David Parma, descrivendo lo sviluppo recente della società in Italia e individuando «un cambiamento reale, profondo e destinato a durare».

      amazon post pandemia empire

    1. Because – as Les Binet and James Hankins have shown – share of search is related to share of voice and sometimes it can even predict market share.

      Share of voice - share of search - market share

    1. Atkinson is keen to position the app and wider benefits as membership, not loyalty. “The difference between loyalty and membership is pretty simple. Loyalty is carrot and stick, I give you this and you give this to me. I’ll thank you over time, but the centre of gravity is back to the business,” he explains. “Membership is very different in the sense it’s about us giving you something that you’re in control of, where you get some value but you can also create value. Deciding to go from 1% to 2% into the community is actually quite a big risk, because historically what you do with loyalty is you’d make sure that 2% comes back into the business.”

      membership vs loyalty scheme

    1. One principle that permeates Apple is “Leaders should know the details of their organization three levels down,” because that is essential for speedy and effective cross-functional decision-making at the highest levels. If managers attend a decision-making meeting without the details at their disposal, the decision must either be made without the details or postponed. Managers tell war stories about making presentations to senior leaders who drill down into cells on a spreadsheet, lines of code, or a test result on a product.

      three-levels down approach

    2. Early on, Steve Jobs came to embrace the idea that managers at Apple should be experts in their area of management. In a 1984 interview he said, “We went through that stage in Apple where we went out and thought, Oh, we’re gonna be a big company, let’s hire professional management. We went out and hired a bunch of professional management. It didn’t work at all….They knew how to manage, but they didn’t know how to do anything. If you’re a great person, why do you want to work for somebody you can’t learn anything from? And you know what’s interesting? You know who the best managers are? They are the great individual contributors who never, ever want to be a manager but decide they have to be…because no one else is going to…do as good a job.”

      Steve Jobs on management

    1. Prima sono finite le grandi narrazioni, poi è finito lo storytelling, e ora siamo in una nuova età dove il potere delle storie dura pochissimi giorni o minuti. Personaggi politici con una nova storia da raccontare salgono rapidamente nei sondaggi per poi bruciarsi pochi mesi dopo, non c’è tempo per creare narrazioni coerenti, lineari, “hollywoodiane”: con un inizio, uno sviluppo e una fine. Il pubblico, sovra-stimolato da un’offerta di “storie” e contenuti debordante, governata da algoritmi che alterano continuamente la visibilità di questa offerta secondo logiche incomprensibili, non ha più il tempo di seguire la trama di una storia, di seguire lo sviluppo narrativo di un politico outsider, afro-americano, che piano piano si presenta al mondo raccontando la sua storia e andando a vincere.

      algoritmi e storytelling

    2. Salmon ci racconta come mai, in un’epoca di big data, le storie non bastino più: “La ragione (…) è l’esplosione dei dati. There is too much information to compete with for stories to be as effective as they once were, “ci sono troppe informazioni che entrano in concorrenza con le storie perché queste ultime siano efficaci come prima”. (p. 64)

      la fine dello storytelling

    1. Pre-Covid, most consumers that took advantage of the convenience that online grocery shopping affords were millennials living in urban settings. From Q1 this year, those in the Gen Z and Boomer categories have developed more active shopping behaviours in this sector, particularly those that live outside of major population centres.

      l'ecommerce rurale

    2. UK online retail sales between November 23rd and November 30thcould grow by 35-45% on last year’s figures, according to research from IMRG. With a national lockdown underway in England, the research also indicated that consumers were more likely to take advantage of early Black Friday promotions in an attempt to avoid receiving deliveries too close to Christmas.

      boom black friday

    1. “Sii te stesso” è una lezione sventata che ha sempre generato mostri, ma continua a essere tramandata. Se tutti fossero se stessi, con il tasso di stronzi che c’è in giro, sarebbe un mondo di stronzi. Per fortuna che c’è sempre stato qualcun altro a spiegare invece che bisogna cercare di essere migliori di se stessi, avere dei modelli, moderare i propri egoismi: che ci sono le cose buone e le cose cattive, e bisogna fare quelle buone

      sii te stesso ma anche no

    1. According to Reeves this meant an ad needed to make a specific proposition to the consumer, one competitors could not or would not offer and one that would motivate people to buy in their millions. What appeared to be common sense back in the 1950s was actually total bullshit. Almost no brand could achieve the impossible and find a unique proposition and if they could it did not last long.

      USP in ads è una stronzata

    1. Here are lists of the US news publishers and the US-based Pages (based on the domain in their URL) who reached the most people in the US in the week following the last presidential debate. As you can see, the publishers and Pages with the most reach are two very different lists. These two groups are also very different from the Pages with the most engagement, as shown in the first list above. Engagement does not predict reach.

      Reach vs Engagement

    2. The vast majority of what people in the US see on Facebook is in their News Feed. Most of the content people see there, even in an election season, is not about politics. In fact, based on our analysis, political content makes up about 6% of what you see on Facebook.

      l'Impatto di Facebook sulla politica è sopravvalutato?

    1. Hundreds of food retailers now partner with e-commerce fulfillment companies like Instacart and Shipt to manage the logistics of their delivery and pickup services. But in offloading those operations to third parties, grocers have also outsourced much of the customer experience. They're also ceding control of valuable data about online shopping behavior.

      L'eterno dilemma della distribuzione

    2. "Instacart generates so much traffic and online has grown so much since the pandemic [began] that you simply have to be there to capture that customer base," said Shields. "Simply put, these grocers are willing to give up control of the customer experience and the data that they may gather just to capture those customers because it’s a necessity for them."

      "non abbiamo scelta"

    3. For some supermarket chains, the solution lies in controlling more of the operations and customer experience, but still using a third-party service where it makes sense to do so. Sprouts Farmers Markets, for example, recently began accepting online orders directly through its website even as it continues to court business through Instacart's platform. The natural foods grocer uses Instacart's order-management technology as part of its e-commerce platform, but gains insight and control over the customer experience.

      soluzioni miste di delivery

    1. Fast-forward a few years, and Discord is at the center of the gaming universe. It has more than 100 million monthly active users, in millions of communities for every game and player imaginable. Its largest servers have millions of members. Discord's slowly building a business around all that popularity, too, and is now undergoing a big pivot: It's pushing to turn the platform into a communication tool not just for gamers, but for everyone from study groups to sneakerheads to gardening enthusiasts. Five years in, Discord's just now realizing it may have stumbled into something like the future of the internet. Almost by accident.

      Discord is a new social for gamers

    1. Su un campione di 300 top retailer, oltre l’81% presidia i canali digitali tramite l’e-commerce per iniziative di vendita (dato in aumento rispetto al 79% del 2019), l’80% se si parla di mobile commerce (76% nel 2019). Inoltre, su un campione di 243 retailer con un sito di e-commerce, oltre il 34% (32% nel 2019) dichiara di offrire servizi come Click& Collect (65% contro il 62 nel 2019) o la possibiltià di reso in negozio degli acquisti fatti online (34% contro il 32% nel 2019). Non stupisce dunque che il 70% delle aziende dichiari di voler includere l'omnicanalità nei propri piani strategici aziendali. 


    2. Il significativo saldo netto positivo degli investitori segnala che saranno più le aziende che hanno intenzione di incrementare gli investimenti media nell’online rispetto a quelle che ridurranno l’allocazione di risorse su questi canali. In particolare, online video ads (65%), social media stories (55%) & feeds sponsoring (54%), come anche il podcast (41%) e gli ads nella televisione in streaming (36%) sembrano catalizzare l’interesse dei marketer.

      previsioni mkt digital

    3. «In Italia televisione e digitale si dividono ormai quasi la stessa share di raccolta pubblicitaria», ha poi sottolineato Noseda. Nel 2020 l’internet advertising rappresenterà infatti, secondo le stime dell’Osservatorio Internet Media del Politecnico di Milano, il 41%-42% della raccolta pubblicitaria complessiva (contro il 38% del 2019), discostandosi per la prima volta in assoluto di un solo punto dalla tv che dovrebbe detenere tra il 42%- 43% del mercato (42% nel 2019). 

      pubblicità in Italia

    1. he aforementioned strategy is evident when we break down the numbers. Last year Ryanair carried 142.1 million passengers, with an average passenger fare of 37.03 Euro. Whereas, the cost per booked passenger was almost ten Euro higher, as it stood as 47.02 Euro. If tickets were to be the sole revenue driver for the airline, Ryanair would have lost 1.4 billion Euros in 2019. However, as mentioned earlier, tickets are not the only revenue source. If we add the ancillary revenue per passenger of 17.15 Euro, we get to a profit of roughly a billion Euros, which is what we saw with Ryanair. Ancillary revenues account for almost a third of Ryanair’s total revenues. Thanks to statistics and predictive analytics, Ryanair knows how low it can sell its tickets for but still make a profit.

      Ryanair profits by ancillary revenues

    2. Other interesting conclusions can be made about Ryanair’s strategy based on this phenomenon. The Irish carrier expands its operations, simultaneously lowering its fares, which attracts more passengers. Ryanair is not aiming to make money on its cheap tickets; instead, it attracts passengers and sells them ancillary services, such as extra luggage, food, or insurance.

      Ryanair business model explained