22 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. Honor Kobe Bryant's legacy through the charities he supported

      These are examples of the positives that Kobe has done in the community and not just on the court. This is where he really made a difference in people lives and will be remembered helping the community

    1. Twitter reactions to Kobe Bryant's death

      The sum of this article really defines the perspective that i am taking about the passing of Kobe Bryant. I am focusing on the love he got after his death and how everybody truly was emotional after his passing but were also glad to know him in the time that they actually did.

  2. Apr 2020
    1. But Americans are more skeptical of the coronavirus information they’re getting from the media and from family and friends, with 32% saying they have a lot of trust in information provided by each.

      I feel that this is an issue for the new generation including myself. We believe what we see on the media.

    2. “It caused a huge rift in the family because the science wasn’t behind it,”

      This should put any questions to rest, there is no scientific evidence to back this claim up.

    3. hen John Manley tested positive for COVID-19, his sister urged him to get on the malaria drug that she’d heard Fox News hosts plugging and that President Donald Trump was heralding as a potential “game changer” for fighting the coronavirus.

      I have discusses this a month ago, and people should still be very skeptical to take this drug because the effects are still not quite known.

    1. But if any person involved in the league — player, coach, clubhouse attendant, etc. — contracts the coronavirus, there will be automatic suspension of play for at least three

      This does not seem like fair punishment.

    2. BO also announced that it would play the entirety of its 144-game schedule with the postseason pushed to Nov. 4-27, all to be contested at one ballpark, the Gocheok Skydome, home of the Kiwoom Heroes.

      They seemingly are planning to play entire seasons while other countries don't even know if their teams can play at all.

    3. The Korean Baseball Organization on Tuesday both began playing spring training games and announced when it would start its regular season — wit

      Seems kind of controversial that Korea can open up a league even though there is restrictions, but other countries cant.

    1. to be different

      Metaphor meaning change

    2. flatten the curve

      This is a metaphor meaning that we need to still use proper hygiene so that everything still goes well and the rates decrease.

    1. We are operating in an environment unlike anything we have experienced before, one that requires flexibility, patience, and cooperation

      They are trying to make the best of this in throughout this global crisis

    2. In some locations, these orders extend as far as June, and we should expect that this trend will continue.

      The date of when we will be able to leave our houses and conduct our lives normally keeps on changing.

    3. In March, the league prohibited teams from conducting pre-draft visits with prospects at club facilities, forcing teams to rely on virtual methods to meet with prospective players.

      Nobody has an advantage because in person meetings have been shut down for more than a month

    4. League and club facilities are set to remain closed indefinitely, to ensure the NFL is in compliance with current regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and therefore clubs were advised to prepare to conduct the draft outside of their facilities. Team personnel were furthermore advised to be in separat

      Nobody will be allowed to set up in person meetings as everything is going to be closed.

    1. "Baseball will continue to be here for you as we face these challenges together as a community, and we look forward to when we can safely get back on the field and hear the words, 'play ball.'"

      As a baseball fan I appreciate the optimism, but I want to see this made into a reality to be satisfied.

    2. "unflinching determination required to navigate an entire baseball season to help us through the challenging situation currently facing us all."

      This is going to be very difficult to do an entire season because of how much time has been missed already.

    3. Most notably, the league would need to create a testing system to ensure no mangers, coaches, players, television workers or other employees were sick when they arrived to the site.

      They need to have a lot of test kits available before this so that everybody, not just people involved in sports have the right to test.

    4. Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic reported Friday the chances of playing games at home parks this summer with a crowd are becoming "increasingly remote," leading the league to consider alternatives. However, trying to station all 30 clubs in one area would be "extremely complex and potentially controversial" amid COVID-19.

      This seems to be a pattern with a lot of major events having to make adjustments due to the corona virus. It is better than no season at all.

  3. Mar 2020
    1. Dale, who's been calling multiple pharmacies in her local area, said, "I have learned that all area pharmacies are completely out of hydroxychloroquine."

      People really do believe this is the COVID-19 antidote.

    2. An Arizona man died on Monday after self-medicating with a related drug, chloroquine phosphate, where chloroquine was also touted at White House news conferences

      I read about this particular case, and the medicine he actually consumed was a fish tank cleaner. The names sound the same but work differently

    3. "Extensive experience and research show that hydroxychloroquine builds up in the body and continues to work for an average of 40 days even after the last dose is taken. By then, we expect the drug manufacturers to have ramped up production to meet the increased demand. Until then, we are no longer refilling routine prescriptions to ensure we have adequate supply to care for our sickest patients," Gin said.{"adPos":"promo-inline3","adType":"ex","isInfinite":true,"platform":"autodetect","position":3,"renderLookahead":"x0.25","size":[[5,5],[728,90],[300,250],"fluid",[320,50]],"targeting":{"badges":["viral","coronavirus"],"bid":"5376488","brain_tags":["adult-0","crime-30","safe-70","non_profane"],"nbs":0,"nsfw":0,"pos":["promo-inline3"],"sensitive":0,"tag":[],"trending":0,"user":"tanyachen","wid":"212-1","infinite_index":1},"viewability":"high","wid":"212-1","zone1":"bfnews"} Advertisement [tl-ut] { content: ""; } div#BuzzfeedNews_Desktop_inarticle_MPU_Flex_container { position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px auto; display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: initial; max-width: 100%; max-height: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); width: 100%; height: auto; padding: 0px; font-size: 16px; 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-webkit-box-orient: vertical; overflow: hidden;} a#BuzzfeedNews_Desktop_inarticle_MPU_Flex_cta { border: 0px solid rgb(255, 100, 24); width: 100%; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; padding: 5px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 1; display: none; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgb(245, 166, 35); max-width: 200px; } a#BuzzfeedNews_Desktop_inarticle_MPU_Flex_cta:hover { text-decoration: none; } a#BuzzfeedNews_Desktop_inarticle_MPU_Flex_media_link, a#BuzzfeedNews_Desktop_inarticle_MPU_Flex_heading_link, a#BuzzfeedNews_Desktop_inarticle_MPU_Flex_caption_link { font-size: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; font-style: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } Quinlan School of Business Our top-ranked, flexible MBA program can help you take your career to the next level at whatever pace works for you. Learn more! Sponsored by Loyola University Chicago See More "Kaiser Permanente physicians and pharmacists are also working together on an evidence-based approach to identify alternative therapies for patients with lupus," Gin added in a follow-up statement.Dale said she immediately called her doctor and has been scheduled for a phone call next week. { "id": "1241213117872234496", "params": { "conversation": "none" } } { "id": 124409135 } Despite thin evidence for the drug’s effectiveness against coronavirus infections, shortages of chloroquine have erupted since Trump called it a “game changer” at a White House news conference late last week. The drug, a derivative of an antimalarial drug, has been added to the regimen for treating COVID-19 infections in China and South Korea and is being tested in clinical trials in the US.However, experts on drug testing have been skeptical of the evidence for its benefits. A frequently cited French study of 20 patients saw several drop out of the trial to instead go into intensive care.{"adPos":"promo-inline4","adType":"ex","isInfinite":true,"platform":"autodetect","position":4,"renderLookahead":"x0.25","size":[[5,5],[728,90],[300,250],"fluid",[320,50]],"targeting":{"badges":["viral","coronavirus"],"bid":"5376488","brain_tags":["adult-0","crime-30","safe-70","non_profane"],"nbs":0,"nsfw":0,"pos":["promo-inline4"],"sensitive":0,"tag":[],"trending":0,"user":"tanyachen","wid":"213-1","infinite_index":1},"viewability":"high","wid":"213-1","zone1":"bfnews"} Advertisement An Arizona man died on Monday after self-medicating with a related drug, chloroquine phosphate, where chloroquine was also touted at White House news conferences.“For many people with lupus there are no alternatives to these medications,” the Lupus Foundation of America said in a statement on Monday, warning of shortages. “Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine are the only methods of preventing inflammation and disease activity that can lead to pain, disability, organ damage, and other serious illness.”Dale, who's been calling multiple pharmacies in her local area, said, "I have learned that all area pharmacies are completely out of hydroxychloroquine." { "id": 124409399 } <img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-03/25/15/asset/705a16f1d755/sub-buzz-3668-1585151028-3.jpg" alt="" class="xs-block"/> healthy.kaiserpermanente.org { "id": 124409135 } "In their mission statement, Kaiser says that they aim 'to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve,'" Dale said. "How is denying medication for a chronically ill, immunocompromised patient during a pandemic improving my health?""I want Kaiser to follow their own mission statement and reverse the decision to withhold my medication." UPDATE March 25, 2020, at 12:48 p.m. This story has been updated to include a follow-up statement from Kaiser Permanente. More on this Chloroquine Is Being Touted As A Miracle Drug For Coronavirus, But There Are Reasons To Be Wary Dan Vergano · March 23, 2020 A Man Died After Self-Medicating With A Form Of A Drug That Trump Promoted As A Potential Treatment For The Coronavirus Brianna Sacks · March 23, 2020 Trump Said He Wants To Give Coronavirus Patients An Experimental Drug Called Chloroquine Dan Vergano · March 19, 2020 Tanya Chen is a social news reporter for BuzzFeed and is based in Chicago. Contact Tanya Chen at tanya.chen@buzzfeed.com. Got a confidential tip? Submit it here. Dan Vergano is a science reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Washington, DC. Contact Dan Vergano at dan.vergano@buzzfeed.com. { "ads": {"density": 1, "placements": [], "skin": "news", "units": [{"companions": [], "is_enabled": true, "programmatic_wireframes": true, "slot": {"adPos": "sidebar1-bp", "adType": "post", "isInfinite": true, "platform": "desktop", "position": null, "renderLookahead": "x0.25", "size": [[300, 250], "fluid", [5, 5], [300, 600]], "targeting": {"badges": ["viral", "coronavirus"], "bid": "5376488", "brain_tags": ["adult-0", "crime-30", "safe-70", "non_profane"], "nbs": 0, "nsfw": 0, "pos": ["sidebar1-bp"], "sensitive": 0, "tag": [], "trending": 0, "user": "tanyachen", "wid": 1301}, "viewability": "high", "wid": 1301, "zone1": "bfnews"}, "template_path": "/adlib/skins/news/sidebar.html", "wireframe_height": 600, "wireframe_width": 300, "with_companions": false}, {"companions": [], "is_enabled": true, "programmatic_wireframes": true, "slot": {"adPos": "sidebar2-bp", "adType": "post", "isInfinite": true, "platform": "desktop", "position": 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      This may be true but I am still confused about how people know this helps fight COVID-19

    4. News she "started crying" upon receiving the message from her doctor's office on Tuesday. She had previously called Kaiser Permanente, a major health care network based in Oakland, about why her prescription was being denied. { "id": 124409144 } <img src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-03/25/15/asset/516925c82d8e/sub-buzz-3633-1585149330-1.jpg" alt="" class="xs-block"/>

      I understand the emotion as it is unfair that the prescription was taken without her consent.