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  1. Apr 2021
    1. GitHub Actions is GitHub’s platform for automation workflows. A workflow is a sequence of jobs that can run either in series or in parallel. A job usually contains more than one step, where each step is a self-contained function. To learn more about GitHub Actions, go through the tutorial on Continuous Integration for Android.

      Brief description on what GitHub Actions is.

    1. Preferences DataStore and Proto DataStore DataStore provides two different implementations: Preferences DataStore and Proto DataStore. Preferences DataStore stores and accesses data using keys. This implementation does not require a predefined schema, and it does not provide type safety. Proto DataStore stores data as instances of a custom data type. This implementation requires you to define a schema using protocol buffers, but it provides type safety.

      Currently, I am using SharedPreference which is still alright to use. However, there is a better option called DataStore. This allows data to be stored asynchronously.