5 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2018
indiauncut.com indiauncut.com
Remember, remember, the sixth of September. In many ways, this date in 2018 is as momentous as August 15, 1947 was.
No it isn't. Enough with the hyperbole. Getting rid of a toothless law that never stopped LGBT relationships isn't changing anything. Let's see what happens when Article 19's terms and conditions to free speech are removed, now that would be momentous.
But they are actually validated by the most illiberal part of our Constitution, Article 19(2), which allows caveats to free speech on grounds like ‘public order’ and ‘decency and morality.’ Those are open to interpretation, and anything goes.
This is the root cause of legalized sanction of censorship, but none of the dimwits who routinely protest against movies or books being shut down ever focus on it.
In this great democracy of ours, where the voice of the people is supposed to find expression in its politics, not one political party in the last 71 years tried to repeal 377. Parties don’t have principles, only incentives, and all of them behaved this way because they feared that voters would not approve. That tells you what every gay person in this country already knows from lived experience: our society is homophobic. Not just that, our society and the state do not give a damn about Consent.
No shit, Sherlock.
www.dissentmagazine.org www.dissentmagazine.org
jump-start a sputtering capitalism
Because socialist regimes never had pollution or any other problems.
- Aug 2018
indiauncut.com indiauncut.com