7 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. Also, that cat image is huge!

      Do we not have the ability to change the size of the cat picture in HTML? Maybe it's better to adjust it in CSS???

    1. <img src="./assets/bowtie-cat.png" alt="Profile image of cat wearing a bow tie." />

      This is importing a png from our files and also adding a descriptive text

    2. <body>

      a semantic tag that contains what is visible to the user

    3. <meta charset="UTF-8" />

      Meta: meta data is being set charset="utf-8": an attribute define that charset we are using (utf-8 is the current default char set on browsers)

    4. head

      A container for meta data

    5. <html lang="en">

      This tells the browser what language we are using (en is English)

    6. <!DOCTYPE html>

      This tells the browser what type of doc this is (html in this case)