6 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. In his view, to know nothing about an important subject is to invite problems. Both Munger and Buffett set aside plenty of time each day to just think. Anyone reading the news is provided with constant reminders of the consequences of not thinking. Thinking is a surprisingly underrated activity.

      Es verdad que tiene bastante mala prensa pensar. Por ejemplo: falta de acción, pasivo. poco práctico. aislado de los verdaderos problemas, etc..

    2. You’ve got a complex system and it spews out a lot of wonderful numbers that enable you to measure some factors. But there are other factors that are terribly important, [yet] there’s no precise numbering you can put to these factors. You know they’re important, but you don’t have the numbers. Well, practically (1) everybody overweighs the stuff that can be numbered, because it yields to the statistical techniques they’re taught in academia, and (2) doesn’t mix in the hard-to-measure stuff that may be more important. That is a mistake I’ve tried all my life to avoid, and I have no regrets for having done that.

      -- Charles Munger

      El drama de los ingenieros.

    3. A large part of the difference between the experienced decision maker and the novice in these situations is not any particular intangible like “judgment” or “intuition.” If one could open the lid, so to speak, and see what was in the head of the experienced decision maker, one would find that he had at his disposal repertoires of possible actions; that he had checklists of things to think about before he acted; and that he had mechanisms in his mind to evoke these, and bring these to his conscious attention when the situations for decisions arose.

      -- Herbert Simon, Models of My Life

    1. Think aloud. While mind wandering can contribute to creativity, it can also be unproductive when not paired with a phase of focused thinking. Thinking out loud may feel a bit strange, but it will help you stay on track when practicing metacognition

      Dentro de los procesos para implementar metacognition, Pensar en Voz alta es una buena tecnica pues obliga a divagar menos e intentar mantener una linea de razonamiento coherente. Complementar esto con escribir lo que se va planeando, ejecutando y evaluando pienso sería necesario también.

    2. Metacognition has many components, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be complicated to apply. According to scientists, there are only three skills you need to master in order to improve your metacognition.

      Estos son básicamente los mismos que cualquier proceso operativo que se supervisa: Planificar, Monitorear y Evaluar. En este caso esta supervisión se aplica al aprendizaje, más abstracto que un proceso operativo, igual da resultados.

    3. Even if you don’t remember all those details, just know that metacognition is understanding your thought processes and emotions and the patterns behind them. It’s the highest level of mentalisation — an ability that is part of what makes us human.

      Antes de lanzarse a lo "kamikaze" a estudiar algo, armar un plan que, considerando todos los aspectos (internos y externos a ti), te guíe en la mejor forma de hacer el aprendizaje.